Support group - Miscarriages

hi findingmiki

my problem is...if after taking med and af still doesnt show up, it could be a confirmed case of uterus walls sticking together - asherman's sydrome and i would need another D&C to insert a balloon between the two walls to allow AF flow to come out. so that's why i am so worried cos I really cant bear to go thru another D&C.

Hi findingmiki,

I found out about Norethisterone in the net. It is a Contraceptive Tablets. Why do yr gynea want u to take it?

here's the article:

How does it work?

This contraceptive medicine is commonly known as 'the mini pill' or progesterone-only pill. It contains norethisterone, which is a synthetic form of the naturally occurring female sex hormone, progesterone. The progesterone-only pill acts by affecting the natural mucus at the neck of the womb. Norethisterone increases the thickness of this mucus making it more difficult for sperm to cross from the vagina into the womb. By preventing sperm entering the womb, successful fertilisation of an egg, leading to pregnancy, is less likely. Norethisterone also acts to change the quality of the womb lining (endometrium). This prevents the successful implantation of a fertilised egg onto the wall of the womb, thereby preventing pregnancy. Norethisterone may also prevent the release of an egg from the ovary, however, this may not occur in all women who take the mini-pill.
What is it used for?
Hi Applemuffin,

Like findingmiki-I had just completed 7-days of norethisterone as well and AF reported 4 days after I stopped. This is the 2nd time that I had taken it, once after the m/c to clear all the blood as I kept getting spotting and the other just. Doc was saying that since my scan shown the wall very thin and AF not likely to happen so better induce.

Think u dont worry so much lah - worrying will affect AF one leh

understand ur worries...since u have oledy waited so long, why not just try to take medication to try and induce it first. Personally, I feel a 2nd D&C should be the last option...dun like the idea of going thru another surgery tat may further stress our womb.

D&C is not a 100% safe u really have to think twice before going for it again for the 2nd time and within such short gap....Dr wong ask u to do it? Though he ask u to take med to try first?
thanks for yr concern. am still considering and will discuss w/hubby tonite. part of me want to wait for two more weeks to take med and wait. part of me want to get it over n done with. i am also worried abt af backflow or it is case of asherman's sydrome, delay is bad for me. to understand more abt asherman's sydrome..

for record, i have already waited 60++ days since D&C in nov. this whole time, the whole situation has been a nagging pain.
Hi applemuffin,

Sayang.. just to help clarify matters a little.
For me, I do have a previous history where AF does not come on its own due to PCOS - my androgens level is too high. I usually have too high the estrogen and not enough of progestrone.
Thus this pill helps to regulate.. or rather make the hormone level balance. Plus I cannot take the chance for lining to be accumulated in my womb due to my past history of hyperplasia. Thus this is chosen. However,gynae did say that if by a certain date, AF is not here then take the medication.

Sayang for the nagging pain..
I do encourage a third option actually. Sometimes when each doc gave a different option, I would go for a third one.

Lets relook at the options again
1) take medication for 7 days, see if AF is induced succesfully. Thus we are talking about 9 days.
2) Do the surgery. Well we do not know if it is really AF backflow or asherman's sydrome or just AF not here till this surgery as Doc have a chance to examine the inside. At the end of the surgery, AF will also probably take 1 month to come as this is considered another D&C (i guess). A question that you need to ask yourself though if you can still trust this gynae to perform the operation for u. (i assume this is the gynae who did the 1st D&C for u) 1 day to conclude the problem and 1 month for the AF to come.
3) seek Third option asap while taking the medication first. Talking about a few days difference from the 1st option. You may be back to square 1 i.e. option 2 with 1-2 days delay.

Do go thru your options with your hubby. SOmehow men are usually more cool headed. They can analyse the whole situation better. Remember you know your own body best. Thus you are in a good position to judge. Not easy.. but try to stay calm when going thru the option with your hubby.
hi nanz & findingmiki,
thank you for the concern & analysis of the situation for me...appreciate alot alot
i had a talk w/my hubby last nite. and we have decided to go for option 1 - take med for 7 days and wait for af to come. i guess like what nanz said, i have already waited for 2 weeks, another 2 weeks is worth waiting. if it still doesnt come after 14 days, i will then request Dr Wong to do a hystersopy(spelling) to check if it is asherman's sydrome. by then it should be end of this month. i just hope i can cheer up during this cny period carrying this burden. frankly, i do not really trust this 1st gynea to do the op because i believe that this mistake happened becoz of him in the 1st place. So if i need to pay for 2nd gynea to do the op (1st gynea no charge), i will spend the money to do so. meanwhile, alot of thots running in my head, stuff like" maybe if i do this, should i go ahead, what if backflow, 2 more weeks will get infection etc etc" I kept asking my hubby for assurance for the decision made...i think he also cannot tahan me liao....

crystal, i am seeing dr du. kinda disappointed with the way she handles the situation. i called her on Monday (she returns to Spore last Fri) and told her abt my situation. she said she knew abt it cos dr fong did faxed her my report but she wants to call dr fong again to confirm my condition and would call me on tues. tues late afternoon, no call from her, so i called her. she said she is busy recording (i assume it is for tv show or something) and she will call me once she contacted dr fong. so i waited till wed afternoon and couldnt wait anymore cos of i was worried. my fren encourages me to call her & so i did. dr du told me she hasnt contact dr fong, so i asked her what she thinks of my situation. she said if she is me, she would go for the op in case of backflow and injection, and she said the medicine (usually hormone pills) will probably make things worse. she also said 2nd op will have scarring but can use chinese med to tiao. she said if uterus walls are sticking tog, no amt of chinese med can help it "open". thats why i got scared again and decided to review option 2 again. all in all, i am kinda disappointed with gyneas and doctors...they give me a feeling that they dont really care abt yr health, to them i am just another patient.

i know the next 14 days will be tough for me...the agony of not knowing if it is indeed asherman's syndrome or just body not ready to AF will keep running in my head. so i just pray for peace and calmness for the decision i have made to wait. pls keep me in yr prayers. thanks.

I know nothing can comfort u now, if I am in ur shoes i will also go hay-wire liao. Since now u have opted for Option 1, just have to look at it postively...AF will be here soon. During this 2 weeks period perhaps u can try to do some execise to improve blood circulation and it may just 'activate' your body system together with the help of medication.
Exercise also helps to release stress, cos whenever I jog i feel so 'light' and relax. Hope it will work for u too. Good luck!

took yr advice...started jogging last week...will carry thru...even if cannot trigger af, good to keep in shape. hope this 14 days will breeze thru. and all prayers of af coming will come true.
Hi apple, Jogging does help to kick start the engine... thus keep up with the routine..

btw.. if you do have PCOS, do try to avoid SOY product as much as you can .. 'cause these would increase the estrogen level.
Hi Apple,
Understand that feeling.. of losing faith with the docs... Went thru that stage too. The feeling sucks as we are not sure if we entrusted the right people... u have made your choice. Will just walk this way.. till we know the answer. Will pray for u.. Meanwhile.. exercise is good ..
findingmiki, the fong i seen is different, this fong is located at gleneagles.

what are the soy products to avoid? beancurd, soyabean milk? i never had PCOS, but recently the Fong diagnoise me with PCOS after AF failing to show...i feel it is too rush a diagnoise..

thanks for prayers....appreciate alot
Hi apple, usually thru the scan, if they are able to detect cyst in the ovaries, they would conclude that it is PCOS. I have seen Fong from gleneages before. I remembered that his machine is pretty sophisticated and there are coloured scans as well. He did diagnose that I am PCOS the moment he sees the scan.

Soy products - beancurd, soyabean milk are the common ones to avoid. Or rather eat in little quantity. "cause SOY gives estrogen. which is what a PCOS patient usually has too much. We need the other one which is progestrone.

On extreme cases people actually avoid soy sauce as well. Then again, different gynae would say different things about this. Some say not necessary but some say necessary to have good results especially in the case of IVF.

What's puzzled me is if fong detected u with PCOS, it should be in line with the AF not coming on its own and will induce with medication. What I don't understand is why he suspected Backflow or the sticking of the lining. Then again, i am not a gynae. He is quite reputable in this field.

Meanwhile keep your diet simple. i.e. lots of fish, less oily food, drink warm water. All these helps as well as exercise.
i am not sure why he diagnoise me with PCSO and suspected backflow or sticking of the lining. But he did mentioned it could be due to over-scrapping of uterus during the D&C. hence the 2nd op will be free accordingly to him! there is a term for sticking of the uterus walls and it is call asherman's syndrome. he didnt even mention it to me and said it is just a stupid op to rectify the problem i have! thats when i lost my confidence in him and seek dr wong at NUH. and i am v worried when he suggests 2nd op without going thru induction medicine first. of cos if it is a true case of asherman's syndrome, no amt of med will help AF come. but he didnt suggest a hysteropy (spelling) to 2nd check.
he is no doubt an expert in his field...but in this case, i have lost my confidence in him.
don't mention applemuffin... that's what a support group is for.. helping each other in the journey. .. sometimes one comfort the other, sometimes the other console .. HUGS..
We need to encourage and support each other..
Sorry had been busy these few days and didnt log on...applemuffin, hope u have stared on the medication and induced the AF..

Was reading through yr postings and thot that it is a bit strange that u are diagnose with PCOS just like that...usually u need to go through either a blood test or scan on CD2 to see if there are many cysts b4 doc can conclude it...

Anyway, dont get too stressed up as it will really affected AF as well. Take the medicine and wait for a few more days to see if AF shown up or not for now...

Remember mine was late for 70 over days before I take the med top induce.

dear ladies,

can i too join in this thread. I had a miscarriage when I was 2 months pregant, but my was complicated becos the gyna cld not find the fetus, i was sure the fetus didn't come out and the gyna cldn't find it inside too, so had to do a immediate laporscopy.

during the laporscopy, i was found to have a mild endrometrsis (spelling don't correct or not) but the gyna managed to find the fetus in the womb itself covered with blood.

I was shocked that I had endrometrsis as I never had any signs in my whole life, my menses were regular and i managed to conceive the first time I tried.

but now i having problems again, i don't get my menese regularly and I've super painful cramps whenever it is time for menses irregardless of whether I'm getting it or not. the pain travels from the sides to the pelvis to my leg, sex can be painful too.

My gyn says i'm alright but now suddenly diagnois me with PCOS, I'm so lost and down. I've seen a urologist and gastro to see when the pain is due to urinary tract infection or some colon problem but the results says no problems with anything. I even went to 2nd gyna for clarification, he said he can't do anything as the virginal scan shows I'm alright and to my shock, he revealed that a D&C was also done during my laproscopy procedure which my 1st gyna never told me, he kept talking about the laproscopy procedure only. Likely i bought all my reports to the 2nd gyna but he said unless another laproscopy is done, he can't say anything

I'm so lost and in fear of what my health has come to. before this whole procedure i was a healthy lady but now after whole this so called clearing of my endomentrisis, i'm suffering in constant pain.

sorry for my long posting, did any of you suffering in my pain after your d&c.

I don't mind meeting up with your gals if there no objection
hi chrysanne12, my thots and prayers are with you. i do hope you get support here and at the end of the day, can resolve your difficulties.
Hi chrysanne12, hey .. fear not.. many of us are in the same have us in the same boat.. fear not..

I would encourage to seek u to take TCM to help in the endrometrsis and PCOS. Yours seems to be mild .. so .. don't fear pls..

Just to share statistics with u.. 1 in 5 women has PCOS .. so it is that common. I myself have gone thru 5 D&C for now.. each time to clear the thick lining that is accumulating in my body. After I took TCM, there is no need to do that anymore.. The last time I had a D&C is due to my miscarriage.

Fear Not... We are here .. okay..

Regarding the pain, I have read from other threads that endometresis .. may lead to pain. Maybe check with the 1st gynae? Reason: He had seen the inside. He should know well enough.
ah kat, precisely my thots when my 1st gynea told me i have PCOS! He concluded so just by scanning and saw alot of eggs in the ovaries. He concluded them as cryst. i have started AF induce medicine already...into my 6th days now..hope to see red soon. But already prepared my mind to take another op to rectify the problem if med doesnt help. Feeling alot calmer than last week...

chrysanne, why dont u let the 2nd gynea do another laproscopy to determine if there is any problem? A D&C is often needed to remove remains of a miscarriage..hence your 1st gynea could have done a lap + D&C to remove the bleeding fetus.
do not be fearful....i fully understand yr situation cos i was there too..confused with my 1st gynea consultation and recommended i went for 2nd opinion. at the end of the day, we have to take charge of our own health...doctors can only give u advice...from their analysis, u can discuss w/ yr hubby to see which option u wish to seek. sometimes, things are not as bad as dont despair... take care...god bless.
btw chrysanne, cramps are quite normal and common after a D& the uterus are slowly going back to their original size.. taking TCm might help to ease the pain.
tks so much for your comforting advices, i'm still scare of this whole thing! tomorrow i'm going to my gyna for normal checkup, i'm going to request for either the photos or CD that was used to record my procedures, i didn't know abt this until my 2nd gyna said surely will have since the 1st gyna comes from the same 'parent' hospital as him. the 2nd gyna said that it will help alot if we change gyna

funny leh! your gyna after seeing the scan then said that you gals are having PCOS,mine just becos my menese is irregularly after the miscarriage, without scanning my gyna diagnoised me with PCOS

applemuffin, it been 4 months since my lapro & D&C, you mean it takes so long for the uterus to go back to original size ah?

btw what is AF = ?

anyway after reading all your postings, i must say you gals are very strong to go through all these, hands off to all of you!

will inform you gals what my gyna says tomorrow
Hi Applemuffin,
My experience is that the AF do not appear immediately after I finish delay for further 3-4 days before finally decided to show, dont rush into op immediately after u finish med hah...
chrysanne, 4 mths seems like a long time...think uterus should have go back to size by then. my cramps lasted only 2-3 weeks after D&C. So probably your case is not cause by shrinking uterus. I guess becoz PCOS is so common, every slight syndrome, they diagnoise as PCOS?? sigh...

chrysanne, if given a choice, i want to be able to grieve for a long long time....but there is life after a mc for me, had to go on..i just wish to have a healthy body back is just a fantasy and bonus now...even if i am not blessed with a bb...i will accept it. sometimes feel v "bruised" over the whole kana beaten up many times...& still want to go back for more beatings..

ah kat, i was told by dr wong to wait for 7 days for af to come. actually already mentally prepared myself to go for op after the 7 point evading the problem..further delay might worsens what's building inside...
Hi Ladies
I am writing this post on behalf of my wife.

My wife was 6 weeks pregnant, and unfortunately last week she had a Miscarriage. We visited a leading Singapore hospital and the doc had advised us to 'evacuate the uterus' for any remaining tissues out of pregnancy. They've quoted us a total of $2000 for a 'day surgery' to clean off the tissue from uterus.

Since we've never gone through this treatment before, we don't know how much it costs. Appreciate if any of you can share your experiences and give an approximate cost which would've been involved. Also possibly suggest any good hospitals which more affordable/cheaper.

Thanks in advance.

Kabeer Khan
Hi khan, my D&C is done at a day surgery centre by my gynae at paragon. it costs $1000+ in total (doc fees + use of facilities fee at $300-400). This is considered a little high as I used to get it done at $500-700 a year ago at my ex-gynae clinic.. maybe the rest can share too.
Hi Kabeer,
I had a missed m/c and went thru a D&C to evacuate the uterus. I did it in my gynae's clinic at Mt E. Total costs about $600.
If u r kin on my gynae, I can PM u the contact.
Just called Mount Elizabeth hospital and enquired. They told it costs $850 + doctor's consultation fees (anywhere between $100 to $800)

are you singaporeans? if so, the fee of about 600-1000 is reasonable, i think.

I think anasthetician's fees of about 100-200 is not included in the usual costing, so be prepared to pay for that. This cannot be deducted from medisave.
dear applemuffin,

apologises for the very late reply as I was oveseas & not checking the forum often.
No, I am not sure why the doctor did not recommend medicine. But she showed me the scans on the blockage and I had cramps (but no AF for 0.5 year). I suggest that you get advice from some other gynae if necessary as I am still having Astherman (thin lining) and on mediication, thus not sure if this is the best decision.

I hope your AF will come true. I used to hate AF because it means no pregnancy but I appreciated AF when it was missing at the right time.
hi gals,

all of you must be sleeping and i'm like an owl typing away


it is not that you want to have more beatings by trying to conceive, it is just that your have a big heart of love that you want to share with another person in your are a brave woman.."HUGS"


tks for your "HUGS"..give you a bear hug too

anyway, i went back to see my 1st gyna today, now he is saying that I'm suffering from irritable bowl syndrome..that is why i keep having cramps and it will likely get worst during ovaluation or menese as the hormones makes my intestines to go into spasm..i really didn't know i had sooo much of problem inside me till the miscarriage

btw, i was discussing with my husband, since i have so much of problems and should i conceive, it might just be a complicated thinking should i change gyna who can deliver in KK or NUH instead of Mount E or Gleneagles..afraid that my bills will be very high if i face complications during pregnacy

do you gals think it is advisable?
Thanks for your reply. We are still under 'Foreigner' status, through I've been working in Singapore from past 10 months.

If anybody knows the D&C costs for non-singaporeans then pls advise.

Kind Regards,
Hi gals

I had a miscarriage at 19 weeks..previously was seeing this gynae from TMC.
Experienced intermittent cramps initially.. so went to see him. was given some antibiotics and told to rest at home. As the cramps did not subside ( followed by some spotting), I called him again and was told if spotting gets worse, to go to KKH as it will be cheaper..
Somehow till today me and my hubby still feel he's kinda irresponsible.. even the docs and nurses at KKH asked how come I didnt go back to TMC as he was my gynae
Anway.. my posting today was to reply chrysanne tat it might be better, though not necessary cheaper significantly, to go KKH imo

For now, I'm seeing KKH senior consultant for my fibroids issue.. was tinking if I am pregnant in future, I will still go back KKH, as I believe they have a bigger pool of experts on hand to help if complications during delivery or anything.
During my stay there, the nurses said they hv this code thing, if announcements like code 1 / 2 or something are heard, some personnel will hv to go op theatres something like tat
I paid about $600 for a D&C done as well. Perhaps there is a price difference between Foreigner status and Citizen, hence the high price. U could check with various hospitals before committing. But suggest you get a D&C done a mc might cause infection in the womb n uterus area...take good care of your wife..

Rabbit, so you had an op to open the walls of the uterus? did yr gynea insert a balloon-like object to aid coming AF? Appreciate if u could share as much as u are comfortable with cos I think i might be going thru the same situation. I have no AF for almost 2 and half months now...but no cramps. All quiet....that worries me.

chyrsanne, i suggest u seek 2nd opinion. u might not have as much "issues" as what ur present gynea is suggesting...of coz he may be rite too. Go with yr heart...get a gynea u are comfortable with. Best to discuss with yr hubby

If you do have finanical concerns, it is better for u to switch to KKH since it is known that KKH offer cheaper medical rate as compare to those private. I oso heard before major complications cases during pregnancy, even private will refer the patient back to KKH.

hi nanz and eno,

hmm..i heard that KKH is cheaper if it is natural birth but if it is C-section than it is comparable to private leh! somemore i heard lots of stories that KKH's nurses are not very nice ...they behave as though you owe them!i'm still thinking lah

anyway wish me luck, waiting to see whether i got strick jackpot this month, if i don't get my menses next week, will be testing for pregancy liao by end of this month..cannot be too kiasu also test very early
