Support group - Miscarriages

Hey Cheezel, Congrats!! Take real good care! =D

happyger, i have pm-ed you my msn contact =D

applemuffin, I have added u on my msn too =D

My name is down on the fish & co meetup list! =D

congrats cheezel...wishing u a smooth 9 months..pour some baby dust to us!

how's weekend for everyone? Mine was good..had a well rested one. My temp pretty high these few days...wondering if i am ovulating? But my AF hasnt come since D&C in Nov....strange...anyone can shed some light?
hi gals,

Received my chromosome report today. It is normal. Hence the last m/c could be just a unlucky incident. Anyway thanks for all your prayers

This thread is pretty quiet....Nanz and Angela are organising a meetup next week..anyone interested to join in?

Anyone wanna share how's ttc journey after all the unpleasant incidents? Now that i have obtained my report...i am seeing my gynea this weekend to check why my AF is not here yet. Going to see another gynea in NUH to seek 2nd opinion too. My TCM only back in 27 Jan, then i will decide if I want to continue TCM.
applemuffin, Great for you. at least you can rule out one big and scary possibility (unlike me and hubby). Do hope this yr brings you great luck.

Like nanz, i have some questions.. how does the chromosome report cost? and what does it entail?
Hi ladies,
Super sad now...just now hand itchy went to test for pregnany as AF missing for over 50 days after 2nd cycle of clomid....but tested negative. Somemore hubby leaving for US tomorrow to work...super sad now..
Hi Ladies, good morning

Nanz & Xbliss, gynea will recommend chromosome defect test only if you have two or more mc. The couple must take a blood test and results usually will only be ready 1 month's time. It cost us $600+++ I will be seeing my gynea this weekend...will share the details when i get it

But with the test, it still doesnt guarantee that the next preggie will not be a defective is lucky/unlucky probability...guess my 2nd mc was unlucky lor...

ah_kat, dont be upset okie...good to see yr gynea to check carefully.
yr hubby working in US for a long period? can try when he comes back..
Applemuffin - hubby be away for 10 days lor, just sianz that have to visit gynae alone again next week and also so "fan" that AF after so many days still not here!
ah_kat, AF after D&C? Mine also hasnt come. D&C on 27 Nov..till now, still no sign of AF. But symptoms coming, backaches, breast swelling...but temp remains me why?? i am also seeking my gynea advice why AF delay so long...hopefully the scan can see something...
ah-kat/apple: Perhaps can call & ask ur gynae for a date in which by when AF not here then need to induce it to come. I rmbr mine came at 48days and was told if by 60days no come then call them again. But heard before, normally for 1st AF after m/c, better to let it come naturally in a way to show tat we are recovering well. Dun worry, maybe we are jus those few unlucky ones to have delay AF...AM sure urs AF will report soon.

Apple: me oso experience AF symptons and oni 2 weeks later then AF come. I was oso then crazy and frustrated and going round asking why AF delay, and any ways to make it come. So I can understand ur frustration. There's really nothing much we can do except 'wait'!
just wanna share with u gals...

after my D&C in Aug 06, my 1st AF came 36 days later. period was very light. it was a relief when it came. 2nd AF reported on CD33 n was very heavy n crampy! cycle a bit haywiring cos b4 my M/C, my cycle is 28 days. since Gynae said can TTC after 2 cycles, we tried during 3rd cycle n strike in Nov 06.

my GP told me if i'm young, should try soon after D&C cos for the next few mths, we will remain very fertile. if we r older, maybe need more time to rest. of course this depends on how comfortable u n ur hubby r.
Apex, hi and congrats! My gynae told me to try to wait at least 2 cycles to allow system to stabilise (sound so "I.T." hor?!) to allow the body to rest and recover.

What does your GP mean by young? What age is considered young?! I'm 28.. and hope i can fit into the "young" group cos i really hope to have my own child.

applemuffin.. thanks for sharing the information so generously.

I just realised that some ladies here talked about meeting up. I'm def ok with it but in the mean time work is killing me. During cny also going overseas for a break. If you do have any dates to meet up can let me know
i just scared we all cry when we meet..
No, i never went through D&C, mine was a natural m/c...and this is not my 1st cycle after m.c..1st one was induced, 2nd one came naturally, this is the 3rd cycle liao! I am sure I am not pregnant as I totally don't have any symptoms at all (breast swelling, bloatness etc).

On top of that as I am a PCOS, had been taking clomid to induce ovaluation since the last 2 really stuck!

my temp drop this morning 36.28 but i had a change of sleeping environment...slept in a aircon room last nite. wonder if it affects... the breast swelling is getting intense....still no sign of AF. I really hope it will come before gynea visit this Sat...then can save some $$ no need to scan. worries...glad to share any information that can support or help one another...cos ttc journey is long n suffering for me at i understand more info ease decision-making
at 28, you are still young lah...i am 30 over liao..still trying for 1st child...well...if only i started earlier regrets. We are meeting next wed nite for dinner at bugis...nanz is organising. you can check with her for more detail. hope you can join us cos i think support means so much..

apex is rite, my tcm also said 6 mths after d&c, the body is generally v fertile. after my 1st d&c, i strike on the 6th month. Now i am just anxiously waiting for my AF to start ttc again.

ah_kat, perhaps you want to let yr body rest? i know from ttc thread that some ladies warn about frequent usage of clomid. have u seen yr gynea abt yr current situation?
Hi Xbliss,

You may PM ur h/p# to Angela or me should you wan to meet up.
Dun worry lah u will not cry meeting us, we are all very fun ppl. As we have all been MSN or chatting tat why Angie has suggested to meet up for a get together session ...
i'm also 28. I guess the GP refers "old" as mid 30s and above. early 30s is still considered young in my own definition.

but seriously, i feel that even after 2 cycles, body n hormones still not back to the previous state. somehow my ovulation symptoms have changed. used to have twitch of pain in abdomen every mid cycle but after M/C, symptoms kinda become ovulation spotting. found streaks of blood in my EWMC minus the pain i used to experience
apex, how many months are you preggie now? congrats...have a smooth 9 mths.

i never had problem with AF, no pain, cramps...but still i have so much problem conceiving...sigh.....
thanks for your well wishes!

i'm coming to end of my 1st trimester.

Can u identify when u r ovulating? this is the most impt towards successful TTC. unless ur cycles r really very irregular to start with.

All the very best to you gals!
Would like to have some advice here...Dont know if anyone of you have the same experience...

My AF came on day 23 after my D&C, heavy and lasted 7 days.

After that I started having spotting/bleeding 10 days later, it's been the 3rd day since I started bleeding again, and doesnt seem to go away.

Dont really know if this is normal...or I should go to see my doc straight away...?

I have heard before AF can come as soon as two weeks after D&C and as late as 8 weeks or so, and the flow maybe heavy or light. Did you experience any pain, discomfort or smelly dicharge? If so, is better for you to seek medical attention ASAP. Normally if there no extreme pain or smelly discharge, it should be ok. To be certain and have assurance, I will advise you to give your gynae a call and tell her ur problem as she may just advise you over the phone.

Called my doc's office already, but she's away on a seminar on fri and sat, so my appt with her is on Mon.

If I am still bleeding over the weekend, will definitely go to see her....

Just not sure if I am actually spotting or it's really my 2nd AF, just 10 days after my first AF. Am afraid that something is wrong, and will affect my chances of TTC....

It might be your 2nd AF, as my 2nd AF came pretty soon and tat time i was worried. After Gynae told he is ok as some may come striaght abt 10days later after 1st AF as our hormone still not normal and that also means that we are ot ovulating. Thats the reason 2nd AF came mush earlier.
Hi Santorini, dont worry, I have this spotting too after my m/c..doc said its menses but as our hormones not "strong" enough to give a full swing menses - she might give u some hormones pill to induce menses so that this spotting will go away..

Hi Applemuffin,
my AF still not here yet...sianz...coming to 60 days liao..seeing gynae on mon for a scan.

hi ah_kat,

My D&C was "bad" causing some "blockage" and I did not have AF for 5 months. Pls get the gynae to have a proper scan as the cause was identified after I consulted the 3rd gynae.

All the best.
hi rabbit,

can i ask what remedy your 3rd gynea gave to you after the cause was identified?

I have the same situation...AF not here since D&C and it has been almost 50+ days. I saw my gynea last sat and he suggested another D&C to "open" up uterus - put a Balloon inside to allow mensus to flow as there is also blockage. I am afraid and do not want to go thru another D&C. I heard it could scar the i am seeking another opinion. It will help if you could share your experience with me. i suspect my gynea didnt do a good job with the D&C cos he is offering to do the 2nd op for free. i am v worried...

Wat u all meant by blockage? Is it blood clot stuck at the fallopian tube??? Anyway, it is wise for u to seek a 2nd opinion. I'm also quite against havin a 2nd D&C within such a short time gap. Yes, I also heard before D&C has a tendency for scarring uterus if it is not done properly.
Hi Nanz,

Blockage means adhesion of the uterus. If it is the more serious case, they call it "Asherman's Syndrome"

I have returned from seeing 2nd gynea. He thinks that it is too early to diagnoise it as Asherman and advise to wait for 2 more weeks before attempting to induce it with medicine. He is also against another D&C to rectify the problem. I am quite relieved after seeing him. Guess i will wait a while and take med for the problem. Meanwhile appreciate if you gals could keep me in your prayers that my AF comes soon.

I'm sure ur AF will come soon...Ur 2nd gynae is from where, same hospital as the 1st one? Think u may like to consider to switch a doctor...the 1st one sound like not so fast ask u to do D&C again....Hey rmbr still eat healhty hor, to maintain ur well-beings. take care
Nanz, thanks 4 yr concern.

1st gynea from gleneagles. 2nd gynea - head of NUH fertility dept - Dr Wong. Heard of him?

I think i will switch to Dr Wong cos i feel more comfortable with him. At least he was more patient during the consultation and took time to explain what he can do for my situation. even set the appointment to him the next time already. i feel more at ease.

Yes, follow the one u feel more comfortable in. Yes, I heard of Dr. Wong from other ladies in IVF thread before. Think he's one of the well-known DR for fertility treatment.
Hi applemuffin,

Went to see gynae yesterday and did a scan - shown only slight thickening of wall - hence not likely AF will report so soon. Doc told me to induce and try again next cycle by increase the clomid & metaformin dosage to maximum - and do charting / testing w OPK faithfully from day 12.
If still no ovaluation by then - can conclude clomid not working for me..

Am so lost and unhappy now. Hubby away and no one to discuss..what shld I do?? This will be my last round of clomid & really worried that if it does not work then my options will be limited.
Any sharing here?

Hi ah_kat,

my 2nd gynea advises me to wait naturally for another 2 weeks before taking med to induce. period should come during that 1 week of med. failing which, he will propose 2nd round of med.

I have read in the ttc thread that some gals had bad experience with clomid and ended up with only one ovary. Not to frighten you but do take clomid with extra caution and check with yr gynea the pros and cons and risks involved.

Why dont u seek 2nd opinion like i did? Dont give up or despair...there is always help...sometimes our bodies will take some time to adjust after a D&C...i am too worried...but decided to give it a chance to come naturally. certainly do not wish to go thru another D&C to rectify AF problem.

I dunno if ur case consider a fertility problem? You may like to make an appt with a fertility specialist for advice. IVF/IUI may be the last resort for ppl like us who desparately want to
have baby. Dun be despair, there always a way out. Take care.
Hi Applemuffin,
I am fine with this gynae and dont tink of changing yet. In fact, I switched to her from Prof Wong in NUH. Although Prof is very famous and popular, I tried using him before my last m/c and dont get the attention from him. He is always so busy and the consultation is always so short and brief.

Hi Nanz - yes, I am a PCOS patient and need certain medication to induce ovaluation. Not thinking abt IVF/IUF at the moment...

I think I will go ahead and induce the AF since missing so many days and scan had proven that it will not come so for the clomid..I really dont know...lost
Hi Apple

wat ah kat feels abt Dr Wong is how i felt too tats y i changed. But he is very good as my bro ask me to see him when i tell him i might hv problem TTC. so he must be reali good.

Hi Ah Kat

Did you see TCM? Honestly i tink TCM might work for you as my TCM b4 ever tells me dun take clomid. Actually i oso dunno as we all here reali wan a bb so much tat will do watever doctor says.. sighzzz
hi ah_kat,

hmm...i had different experience with Dr Wong..i felt that he gave me more time and assurance than my previous gynea at gleneagles. when i asked my previous gynea more questions, he would give me paper info and ask me to read myself!!

my previous gynea also diagnoised me as PCOS patient with 1 time missing AF...i never had irregular AF in the past 20 over years!! So now i am v skeptical about going back to him....certainly not doing 2nd D&C barely 2 months after the previous D&C. but until AF comes, i am v worried n troubled like u....sigh...
hi angela,

frankly i am drained out mentally & physically over this ttc thingy. i just wish for af to resume and all things to return to where they were before we started ttc. My hubby said he is happy with just two of us w/o bbs cos he cannot bear to see me go thru all the physical sufferings.

But again, who knows few months down the road, when all pains n sufferings are forgotten, i might be back on ttc track again....we women are v strong creatures....
agree with applemuffin that we are all very strong creatures. all these experiences, good or bad, are just our stepping blocks. i'm also happy with however things are right now as i'm learning to appreciate life's little things more. there's always some sadness along the way, but if many here press on, there's no reason for me to give up.. sorry.. in very solemn and insightful mood today.. so getting crappy.

anyway, ah kat, it's 34 days post D&C and AF isn't showing too. shall just have to wait. hopefully wont be as long as 8 wks!
Dear ah_kat and applemuffin,

Sorry for late reply.
As mine was for almost 0.5 year and the 3rd gynae detected some backflow of mens due to blockage plus some little scar uterus, so she recommended the procedure that you have described. I am still taking western medicine and TCM.

Good luck and hope that your AF come soon...can understand how you ladies feel.
Hi Rabbit,

So your gynea also recommend using med to induce AF instead of performing another op? Sorry yr msg not so clear...

How long did you take med before AF comes? Why now still taking med?

Sorry if ask too much but hope can obtain some info from you to understand situation better.
Hi ladies,
Sorry was really no mood yesterday to come in.

Applemuffin: for my case, I had 1 normal cycle of AF already and it had been 6mths after the m/c. So, also dont know why now AF become haywire again - btw, to be PCOS, a scan and a test on the 2nd CD will be able to confirm that, it is not just abt missing AF.

May i asked where can I find good TCM doc? Might consider them.

For now, think I am going ahead to induce AF as already 60 over days. Will stop clomid for this cycle and take a what applemuffin say, really mentally tired out.

I am seeing a TCM in Serangoon area right now, heard from my aunt that he's very successful with couples who had problems conceiving. 1 couple who were trying for 10 years was successful after being treated by him...there are many plaques in his clinic from couples who have been successful in conceiving..expressing their gratitude...

After my m/c in dec 06, I went to see him, he assured me that he will treat me, and after taking his meds, I can TTc again in 45 days....
my first AF came on day 22 after my m/c. My only problem is that I had a mid-cycle bleeding just 2 weeks after my first AF.

Went to see him after that, and he told me not to ttc first, cos the womb still weak....and to see him again after 2 weeks....(FYI, my gynae whom I am seeing at the same time, told me the same thing, not to ttc this month)

if you want the contact let me know, I will PM you.

Applemuffin, do consider TCM, different treatments work for different people....besides, it's no harm trying I think.....

just my 2 cents' worth
Hello all, haven been coming in for some time.. I know its frustrating to have to wait for this and that, it sux but all those will be WORTHWHILE. Think Positive girls!

Seek a second opinion if you are really uncomfortable with your current options, it helps.

Hugs to all! You all are mummies in the making! Every step counts.. Meanwhile, i can still wait and be part of your joyous moments.. before i have mine say a year later :p

Hugs and Kisses to all Mummies here! Muacks!

p/s: who's joining us tonight?
hi ah_kat,

guess patience is the key here. i am also very disturbed by a phone call this morning. The 1st gynea called asking why i didnt go for the op to insert a balloon in between the walls of uterus to allow AF flow thru. After his call, i got frightened...cos he mentioned backflow of AF, complications and if I do it later, he will charge me the op fee instead of free!

So i am now torn between going for the op with 1st gynea and sticking with the 2nd gynea to take a natural approach to wait for AF, then induce in Feb if it still doesnt come. I seek some of the gals advices here, they told me to wait which i will heed...i also like to get more opinions esp for those ladies with the same experience to share with me which option is safer.

Hi applemuffin,

Sorry I cannot give u any advise as even though we are all in the missing AF case but think for different reasons. And my case already 60 over days liao - better induce.

Have u talked to yr hubby? But I think we should go with our intution - do u tink AF will come soon? Have u done a scan? Cause for me, I decided to induce as I can see from the scan that the wall was really very thin hence not likely for AF to come so soon if I wait any longer.

hi Santorini,pls pls PM me yr contacts.
Ladies here, if u are seeing TCM - also let me know so that I can have 2nd opinion.

Sorry ladies, already got another apptm today - wont be meeting u all..have fun & dont end up crying hah
