Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Carol,

I also concieve thru can totally understand the pain and stress u been thru....Right now me waiting for AF to come so tat can TTC again!

Whatever is it, dun give up. U still have any frozen embies left from first cycle?

Hi gals,

Usually how come it takes for AF to come after a D&C? Anyone can share the shortest and longest waiting period?

My 1st D&C-after period came v quickly..about 1 week AF nowhere in sight... and when is it safe to BD again?
Hi Carol,

So sorry to hear that. Don't be disheartened. As Applemuffin said, age is not really a barrier to child-bearing. My friend turned 40 last year, and just had a baby this year, even tho she had a few miscarriages. I know of a few others who are in their mid-30s who just had babies. All these stories are quite heartening for me coz I'm also over 30 myself. And though sometimes I wonder why I waited so long to have a kid, I do get encouraged by these stories that it's not too late.

Happygirl, I just started seeing a chinese sinseh but not sure if she's good coz only just started taking her meds. She's Dr Xia Rong from Eu Yan Sang. Let me know if you'd like to see her.

How long do you ladies continue bleeding after D&C? It's been more than a week now and I'm still spotting, not heavy. I guess that means my next period will come even later.
Hello Twiggy,
Can you share your experience with Dr Xia Rong. Her charges, is it very long queue to see her? And how often you need to see her? Thanks.

I'm been trying for a few months but no results.
thanks, Nanz,applemuffin and twiggy for the encouragement.
Nanz, i don't have anymore frozen embies left cos i only managed to have 3 eggs and only 2 were good enough to be used. so all used up.when do you plan to go for your next IVF. I did mine in mount E. i am not sure if i should go back there again.
Ladies,have u heard of the the chinese herbal "ba zhen"?understand that its good for building up strong womb. anyone know when is the best time to take it? straight after menses or before?
Not really sure what it means by TTC,AF and PM used in the messages. Pls enlighten.
Hi Twiggy,

I bled for about a week after D&C.

Hi Carol,
TTC - Trying to Conceive
AF- Auntie Flow (Mensus)
PM - Private message

You can also try "bai feng wan" from Eu Yan Sang. Said to build womb...think should be taken after mensus.

Can you share about IVF process? How is it done? Any pain? What are the costs?

btw, my MSN messenger is [email protected]
do add me into your chat if you wish to..
hi Carol

Understand how you feel about yr bio clock ticking away and still no baby to care and to hold. A no. of us are in our 30s too, and can totally emphathise. Don't give up ya? Join us in our TTC efforts! Hopefully He hears us and blesses us soon.

Applemuffin - ya I also took the Bai Feng Wan from Eu Yan Sang. It is quite gd. Can just pop the 'ball' into your soups when double boiling them. Of cos, do not take this when pregnant or if you think you are preggie. I usually do not add this Bai Feng Wan into my soups during the week I TTC. Only the week after period.
Another item I've been taking is Brands Essence of Chicken. I took 1 bot every morn during my confinement mth, and then reduced it to 1 bot alternate days. Still taking it as I found myself 'stronger'. It seems to strengthen my body, and keep my body warm.
Hi Carol,

I did my IVF in KKIVF....For me, is due to undetermine fertility as both my hubby and me dun have any problem as we been trying for 2 years b4 i seek for fertility help. Right now, my plan is to try for natural conceive till March/April since alot of advices that after m/c we will be more fertile and so call our womb oledy 'open' so maybe there are chances of getting it hit naturally afterall IVF is not cheap.

Awy, if 'miracle' doesn't happen for me by march or April, i will proceed to do FET (Frozen Embyros Transfer) as I still have 11 embies left from 1st IVF.

However, plan is still plan, my problem is now AF have not reported and I am in my 6 weeks after D&C (44 days)....I am one of the unlucky one to have such long delay...
So watever plans I had can be in line only when AF come.

On whether to switch hospital, is all depend on urself. For me choosing KKIVF is mainly due to cost factor as it is much cheaper compare to others private hospital. Of cos, i do have confident with my dr too as ultimately she did help to get me conceive. Oh, i also know a few gals succeed thur KKIVF. Anyway, to be frank i think all this are just chances and luck be it which hospital u choose...So if u feel comfortable, confident and also finanially able to cope with the current dr, perhaps u shld stay put for the next IVF cycle since the dr magic hand can get u preggie....I think ur m/c shld also due to choromosome factors rite and shld have nothing to do with the IVF process

I have PM you my number, call me if you wanna chat.

MSN: [email protected]

FYI, I bleed for a total of 11 days after D&C. First 2 days was considered heavy and then subsequently it became lighter then spotting....Think after D&C one's can bleed up to 2 weeks all depending on individual as per my dr advice. So dun worry as long as u dun feel any pain or having foul smell discharges.

U have not activate ur PM so i can't PM u my number. Perhaps u can PM me ur number or MSN me if u wish. Just click on our nick and u can send the PM from there.

I also took bai feng huan from EYS, but i just pop it directly with plain water. U mean we can boil it? How u do tat? Boil with wat ingrediences? I only take one per week after the D&C for 3 weeks and has since awaiting for my next AF come then i start to take it again.
Hi Nanz,

The Eu Yang Sang lady told me that after you boiled your soup and when it is piping hot, you can pour one tub of the bai feng wan into the soup to drink together. My TCM told me to stay off bai feng wan for a while cos it has dang gui which will contract the uterus after D&C..causing bleeding and pain. Right now, I am taking TCM herb for next 10 days.

if you gals are keen, we can chat in MSN and form a support group among us till AF comes and everything goes back to normal..
Hi Volf,
I just came in to KPO and saw you are here too

May Lord watch over Zachary
May God bless you and your hubby to move on, and answer to your prayers soon... Jia you oo... Merry Christmas to you
Do take good care of your health...
hi Nanz

The Bai feng wan comes in a 'ball'. You can pop the ball into yr crock pot with yr black chic, wolf berries/lean meat with herbs etc. Will be very tasty and yummy. No nd extra salt or seasoning.

Lyn - Thanks! Do take care too.
Hi Carol...

Do take care n if you wan to chat cal msn me too... [email protected]

After MC, i bleeded for 1week... like Nanz, first 2days was heavy then becoming lighter. My AF came 3weeks later after my MC. But is not alot oso...

Hi volf20,

Yu Ren Sen have another kind of Ba Feng pill tat is in small pills form.. jus pop and swallow type. Personal is very good. I heard from people tat after AF, eat 1 bottle for cont' 3days and will help u get preggie.. i tried tat in july and i got preggie in August.. i dunno how true but did happened to me. No doubt is lost my Myron, but i am not giving up.
hi all, i'm glad there's this webby to share. i just lost my first bb at 19 wks due to fetus abnormality and went through a long process to induce birth and subsequently D&C. it's been physically and mentally draining and the feelings just overflow when i get home.

din opt to see the bb as i din wan to remember so much of this experience, but did see his little hand and fingers after he was birthed. guess that's all i have of him in my memory.

really sad that we have to make such a choice.. but like what someone mentioned here, at least we gave him peace.

For those of u who opted to go through the series of tests to find out the cause of the failed pregnancy, could you share what are some of these tests? SOmehow cos the whole process had so many decisions to made, we coudln't bear to choose to take more tests but yet we are quite curious to know the cause. of cos, this is impossible now since the amniotic fluid, placenta sample, etc, wasnt taken. But would like to know how you went through those tests and the costs. Of cos, i really hope history won't repeat itself..but since the precedent is set, we would have to prepare ourselves more for the second pregnancy when it comes.

We were informed that those would cost additional bucks and that was one reason i backed out. this whole experience set us back few thousands cos we opted for private hospital. My work requires me to deal with medical line quite a bit and i couldnt take the pace at which restructured hospitals worked since i'm an impatient person.. so opted for pte.

in the mean time, still feeling weak and light headed from all the overdose of drugs. no immediate plans to conceive but shall leave it to nature to take its course when my AF cycles have returned and stabilised. This experience has taught the impatient me a very valuable lesson!
hi xbliss,

I am sorry to hear your news. Hope you are recovering well now..time heals...and hope this thread and some of our postings will help you

After I lost my 2nd baby during week 12, my gynea suggested a series of tests. 3 hours blood tests and urine test. It will find out if you are diabetic, suffering from thyroid, lupus condition (blood clot), and many others - this test cost $500. The fetus was also brought to test for chromosome defect - test cost $600. After which me and my hubby went thru chromosome test of ourselves - test cost $670.

The above tests were suggested by my gynea for couple who had suffered 2 or more miscarriages - they call them - repeated miscarriages.

Hope info helps you in your decision-making and road of thing i learnt about ttc is that patience is the key word...nothing we can do or do better....leave it to fate to decide.
Hi xbliss

Really very sorry to hear what you have went through. May I know what abnormality was present to make you induce the baby? Shouldnt that abnormality be found out at week 12, first trimester testing?

I also lost my baby at 23 weeks, mine was my problem as I had an incompetent cervix.

I had a colleague who had the same encounter as you. In the end, she also decided not to opt for any tests. She went on to conceive 2 healthy children. Sometimes, it may be a matter of 'chance'. What did your doctor advise?
thank you to all the darling angels who are here for almost everyone including me.

apple muffin.. thanks for the info and well wishes. i also tot know or not know, we would still have to try for a bb as i like kids a lot. so we will just have to take the risk for the second time and pray hard.

nanz, thanks so much too. sometimes a simple well wish like urs really makes a difference for those of us who are hurting.

curl, the bb had excess fluid in his brain and if the pregnancy was allowed to continue, it might become non-viable, or bb will be born abnormal.

the first tri testing wise, we had our blood drawn and bb's neck area measured for suspected DS. the results were all fine as in low risk for DS. But at that stage, i dun think the bb's brain could have been seen that clearly via ultrasound, that's why this was only found out later.

curl, u also induced? it was such a painful decision for me. the labor part was worst cos i think bb hung on so many days for his dear life and i had to be put on so many diff kinds of medication to induce labor.

gynae agreed that we could take this as a "miscarriage" since age wise, there isn't much risk. Also, after looking at the bb that was born, she felt there isn't much of a chromosomal problem. I suppose the only thing we have now is time for us to recover and make a new bb, that's y we decided not to opt for tests.

However, there is this lingering fear of a second failure and i think i would really become hypervigilant if i ever get pregnant again. sounds really paranoid and terrible right?

are you still trying for kids too, curl?

watever is it let's all move on together, there no point dwelling on the past, we just have to move forward and get ourselves both mentally and physically prepared for the next BB....we will not be so unlucky the next time...

Good luck in TTC to all the ladies here.
Hi Xbliss

Really sorry to hear that. Just to share, for my colleague's case, her baby was detected to have an abnormal nose and brain not growing at week 20.

As for me, there was no induction. For me, I have incompetent cervix which means the cervix dilates prematurely and I went into labour. They attempted a stitch but could only hold on fo 3 more weeks to week 23, then the stitch tore and I just had to deliver. I think the saddest part for me is that the baby is absolutely normal and yet I have to let him go.

I love kids, just like you. In fact, I have 2 bad encounters this year. I had an ectopic pregancy in Feb 06 and had to be operated. I conceived again in April and diagnosed with incompetent cervix in Sep. On top of this, I have polycystic ovaries and need drugs to conceive. Yet I tell myself not to give up, so you shldnt as well.

Yes, I will be ttc again 'aggressively' this mth. For me if I conceive again, I need to stitch up my cervix at week 12 to prevent premature dilation.

FOr me, I chose to see my baby and 'sustain' his life in NICU for 2 days. I totally understand the harshness one felt when your own flesh and blood leaves you. For that moment, I also hope that I can leave together with baby so that I can take care of him.

The recovery road after this can be also traumatic, so you just have to tell yourself to keep looking forward. I went thru ups and downs too. Everytime when I tot I felt better, the next morning, I will sink into 'depression' again. While I have supportive hubby, family and friends, you still have to depend on yourself to recover. Of course, this thread has been an amazing healing place. You learn abt other's experiences and feelings and it helps in one's recovery.

Keep us posted okie.
hi xbliss

sorry for your lost. i ost mine at week 17 and oso went thru induce labour. Is very painful cos we reali feel the bb coming out but...Do have picture of the bb but till now hubby still tink i am not ready to see them. Being a month plus but honestly deep inside is still very painful. But i will not give up trying again. I had 2 MC this year oso.. My hubby did wan to do whatever test to know why izzit happening but gynae explained is reali not necessary as untimately is reali have to tell why as for mine waterbag just bursted suddenly. I going back to hada blood test on the 4jan to check on antibody againts MC tats all.

Cheer up ok.. as i am sure out bb will know we love them and come back to us when they are more healthy and ready.
curl and angela lee, looks like we have similar experiences. I was wondering all along if i was the odd one and if i'm really that unlucky. don't read it wrongly ok? i think at the point of crisis, many of us would question "why us?" and worry about others' impression of us. There's always some pressure when you think about your hubby, your in laws, etc.

I would not give up trying too. I would be returning to gynae in jan for blood test too to make sure everythign's ok, no infections, etc. I do hope the cycle can stabilise in about 3 months as we still hope to have a little piggy since we couldnt make it for this little piggy.

There's so much afterthoughts.. i've told myself not to do so many things for the next pregnancy when it comes. It looks like we may have some luck with conceiving, but the sustaining is something we would have to put in more effort. Thank you gals for the support here. Hope we can hear good news from all the TTC-ers here in due time :D bb dust to all who are trying again.
Hi Xbliss

You are right, I had exactly the same thoughts, why so unlucky and why is life so cruel to us?
But there is really no pt thinking of this anymore. I even wanted to consult 'fortune reading', but my hubby stopped me. He says I shld depend on myself lor.

Yes, I agree there is some stress and pressure with this TTC thing, esp if one has gone thru miscarriages.

Did you have an infection that causes the waterbag to burst? How abt your first miscarriage, was it the same problem?
Hi gals,

I suddenly feel v sad reading all the above is especially hard for me during this festive season...whereever i go, i see preggie send me wondering why i am not one of them? But as much i wish things were different, i cant change anything now...there are alot of "what if" running in my head from time to time...alot of reprimanding and questioning..there is also fear of future preggies...i could dwell on them...i could choose to move on...for me, i chose to move on..v v difficult to do...but i always tell myself i still have a good hubby, a job, a roof over my head...and there is still hope for babies...

This Xmas, I like to thank all the support and well wishes from this thread...have a happy holiday! Keep TTC off...till next year
hai, applemuffin
we share the same sadness and heartaches. we are all scarred in this year but in the new year of 2007, let us all begin with strength and hope that our dream will come true.
I would add your hotmail address today so we could chat.

Thanks for the encouragment.

Dear Nanz,
My AF is also not here yet. hope it will come soon. but we should not be too stress if not it will affect our hormone. This might even delay AF or even if it comes, it would not be a smooth or normal one.

To all the gals,
New Year would bring new hope. May we all be blessed with the most precious gift of god this year.
Hi Xbliss,

Is not the question why us... Put it that why, if is ours is ours. God has his plan and maybe the timing is just not right yet. Take each day as it comes and I beleive we will have one utimately. Cheer up as when we are happy, good news will come soon.

Hi Curl

As per my gynae, sometime all this is reali unexplainable. There might be some infection going on in our body that cause the lining to be weak and eventually the waterbag just bursted. I do went thru contraction b4 the waterbag bursted. This is actually a sign of miscarriage. My brother is a doctor too and he did say the same thing but explaine dosen means it will happen again. So should stay positive. My first miscarriage is at week 5, my AF was late and tested positive. i waited for a few days b4 seeing my gynae cos my appointment is then actually. So did a blood test, confirmed positive in the afternoon, the next day when i am going back to take medication, my AF jus came. Is reali heavy, but they called this chemical miscarriage. First want happened in April and second want happened in November. I am reali not giving up, and i oredi start TTC

Hi applumuffin,

I do agreed with you.. sighz.. everywhere i go, i do see so many preggie mommies.. looking at ther tummy, my should be that big if Myron did left me. But as you say, Move on.. Our babies will know we all miss them and will come back when they are ready and healthy.

Hi Carol,

Thanks for the wishes and lets us look forward. Year 2007 will be better for all of us out there.

It's really ok to feel sad, i tell myself. We are afterall flesh and blood. sometimes, crying it out in the bathroom makes me feel so much better.

Somehow, there are a lot of pregnant women out there this season, as if there's gonna be baby boom next year! i still have to face my sister in law who is also pregnant at home..
Hi everyone,

Is that normal to continue to have cramps (just like pregnant symptoms) after a m/c?

I started to have cramps from 3dpo on last cycle and got a m/c on 2/12 and I still feeling cramps until now. Anything wrong with me?
hi, Alien
My gynae gave me some pill after my m/c to ease any pain or cramps which i may feel. he said i might feel some cramp due to the contraction of the uterus (if i remembered correctly) since the foetus is no more there. but it is expected that the cramp would only be a few days. I do not encounter what you are feeling. Have you check with your gynae? You should check since you have been feeling the cramps for almost a month. Sound serious to me.
hi Carol,
I will monitor for another cycle before go to my gynea. AF should be reporting within this week. I have mixed feeling though, still hoping the cramps is pg symptoms... but in the other hand, hope can start fresh.. sigh
Hi Gals,

My AF is finally here after 7 longs waiting weeks since D&C....Yes, I am ready for TTC again.


Is better for u to seek medicial attention ASAP for the cramps since u just m/c oni...Cramps should only last a few days after D&C and not like urs so long now. Better dun take any chances ya!
Hi alien, i just had d/c last week and only have slight cramping occasionally. I remember gynae telling me if there's any heavy sudden flow of blood of bad cramping, have to go back to her.

I've been having a bad bout of gas in my tummy. It feels almost like being pregnant that i keep imagining if there is a twin that wasn't removed in the process. sigh.. me and my wild imagination.

nanz, 7 wks is pretty long. is that the norm? i also hope to ttc by feb or mar.

Yeah, during the 5th week i start to worry liao as AF not reported. So i called up my dr asking to be induce for AF to come. But was told it is normal for AF to delay and she wan me to wait for AF to come ntaurlly. Usually it will take 4 to 6 weeks..but for some it will just drag abit longer like my case. I have heard from a friends her AF come only after 60 over is really depend on individual,i guess.
I had a natural m/c. AF came 1-2 days after m/c. My cramps is not those intense ones. Only very very mild. Thinking AF reporting soon so am having some intense cramps now.
alien, i see. Yea, i often have cramps when AF reports too.

Nanz, so sad that AF will take rather long and may actually be irregular in the initial period.. I will let mine come naturally too.. dun wanna induce cos i hate medications. Just hope and pray it won't take too long.

yes, i hate the waiting period oso..really very dragful and sickening...especially for ppl like us who wan to TTC again. Good luck and hope you dun ve to wait so long like me.

Do u have MSN too?

I oso heard it will take up to 3 to 6 mths for our cycle to be regular again. Jus hope that my cycle will be back to regular 30 days after this...or dun come better then tat means I TTC suscessful lor....keke...
hi ladies,

Sorry have not been into the forum as i sent my laptop for repair.

Hope all of you are doing fine

Take care xbliss..

Hey Nanz! Glad to here that! hehe jia you o!
hai, nanz.
happy for you that your AF finally arrived. My AF just came too, one day before christmas. 6 weeks after m/c. so we could start TTC again....
Yes Gals, let's add petrol for each's a merry merry xmas for us
and hope 2007 will bring all of us baby dusts to all!

wah, good news for carol! add petrol!

i got some sticky brownish discharge about a week after the D&C.. like some mucus mixed with old blood. so worried! anybody can advise? i'm only seeing gynae next week.

Nanz, no msn.. my office very poor in IT and still sharing pc so i dun bother installing it!

I think shld be ok lah cos usually i will have very dark brown discharge b4 and after menses...think they are just blood clots that shedded away from our body. Awy, it can take up to 2 weeks for all the tissues to be passed away from our body after D&C, so u shld be fine. Remember as long as u have no pain and no foul smell discharge then everything shld be ok.
hmm.. nanz,
think it quite truth that cycle will be normal after 3-6 mths. my 3rd cycles after my m/c now.
1st AF arrived 28days after m/c.
2nd AF reported 34days later
3rd AF reported 26days later.
i have had regular cycles of 29days b4 my m/c, but now its never the same again

hope will be back to normal after this 3rd cycle. sigh~
nanz, thanks. i hope so it is ok! no foul smell though and the mucus seems as if i'm ovulating!

redtea, my normal cycle is already 31-33 days! so long! thanks for posting your records.. agak agak give me an idea and tell me not to idealise too much! Nowadays i have so much thoughts to TTC that i become very irritated. have to keep telling myself to be patient and to let the body recuperate well.

I'm just like u very impatient and at times really frustrated by this TTC thing....but somehow still managed to push myself on...

Awy, u gals any advice on using ovulation kit? I have nvr use b4 and would like to try it. Now dunno which day shld i try first as my cycle used to be from day 30 to day cycle even long rite!
