Support group - Miscarriages

hi all,

back after a long absence from this to share my story..

had two m/cs in one year..1st one in march and last one in nov..both this devastated but come to realise life still goes on...sun still shines...the world will not wait for you even if you are griefing...sometimes i do not know how to feel or what to say anymore. My world crushed..i could only feel hurt, pain and disappointment....sometimes i wonder if i can carry on walking...but i know i must cos i still have a supportive, loving hubby with me..

first baby m/c at week6, no sac..second baby m/c at week12...guess thing improve...god gave me 6 more weeks to rejoice..only to take it away...sometimes, i wonder why...happiness is shortlived...we went thru a series of test...found out that the second baby m/c due to chromosome defect..they term it as "turner symdrome" me n hubby will go for chromosome test on our genes soon...we want to find out if we are "defective" in some ways....scare to find out the truth..but yet we know we have to...

Life is never the same again...but i know our history is what mould us into what we are today...
thanks for listening to me...


I can truly empathise with you, it's never easy to have a m/c. Even though the fetus is only 6 or 12 weeks, the bond is already there the moment you know you are pregnant.

It's been 9 days since I had a m/c, and I go through all sorts of emotions. I have never blamed, doubted, and consoled myself so much before in a week.

Life is never the same again, I have lost a child, and I will always wonder how my life would be different if the pregnancy had been smooth....

Then again, we should all have faith, and move on....look forward to what God has in store for us in the future.....

Take care, and keep us posted on your test results.....
hi CY,

dont mind me asking u a quest,
are u working in jurong island area?

cos one of my churchmate say that recently one of her colleague lost her 2nd bb at 12 weeks n had a m/c earlier b4 this yr....

if you need someone to talk, can feel free to pm me,
I lost my bb gal last yr at 26 weeks, she left me out of sudden
I am a christian but did not lost faith to God at all
Still claiming His promises

Meanwhile hv a gd mini confinement and rest well , please take mc at hm n rest
as it is very critical

God bless!

My baby has have left me for 5 weeks now...still in the greiving process but during this period whenever i felf depress and hopeless, I'll always remind myself to be stronger and build up a stronger health for my next baby. The journey to motherhood is definitely a tough and stressful route especially for people like us who have once trip and fall. Nevertheless, just tell ourselves our hubby will be there for us no matter how difficult the journey. Good luck to all who are TTC now. May we have some positive news form this thread soon.

Hiaz... my AF have not reported since D&C...guess my hormones must be very 'messy' now....I'm really desparate for it to come so that I can TTC as soon as possible.
Hi Santorini, Happyger & Nanz,

Thanks for your support..I am back at work after a week of rest. Life goes on, same routine for me..i am coping well at work & at home. I am not sure if i truly have recovered from the griefing period...sometimes i think i have, sometimes i know i havent..pain n hurt have been buried in my heart..i guess..u gals are rite, life is never the same again. It is a choice between wallowing in sorrow or to move on, in my case, we chose to move on...very be professional at work, rejoices in other's joy...especially so during this xmas season...but we are trying....taking baby's step to recovery...

Me & Hubby are Christian..our faith were strong during the 1st ordeal...but has since weakened after the 2nd ordeal...i am sure God has his plans for us...but just not sure why it happened twice in a year...we only hope to be humble beings from now be righteous in our acts and speeches...taking one day at a time. But other than that, we are not thinking.

happyger, i am not working in jurong island. i work in mid-town area

nanz, i am not in a hurry to start TTC again, not until i find out if we have a chromosome defect problem in us. after this 2nd failure, i know i must be really healthy and fit to start ttc again..really no wish to go thru another d&c...too painful...too hurtful..
My AF has not reported too...sigh...been trying to "bu" my body. any good suggestions?

How come ur DR only give u 1 week of rest? I also lost my little darling at 12 weeks and was given 3 weeks of rest. Anyway, during this 3 week of mini confinement, my mum has brewed for me tonic soup lor..think is the same kind for woman after conceiving...anyway, u may just go to the chinese medicine hall tell them ur condition and they will prescribe the herbs accordingly.Currently, I am taking folic acid, zinc and also multi-vit in order to prepare my body for the next one. Yes, I change my diet too...more healthy now with lotsa of veg, fruits and milk. I used to have very lousy diet control!
Hi gals,

My hubby and I just lost our baby too a few days ago just after week 13. At our week 12 test, my blood test showed high risk of Down's even though my scan was ok. I was at 1:209 risk of Down's syndrome and advised to go for CVS. We did the CVS on Wed and results came back on Friday night that we had a healthy normal baby boy. We were so happy. On Sat morning however, I had slight spotting and thought nothing much of it but went to see the doctor. To our horror, the baby heartbeat had stopped and in fact, developed a rare condition called hydropsy. We were so devastated. We have had an earlier ectopic pregnancy a year ago and were so happy when we got pregnanct again in September. Throughout this one, we were worried something would go wrong again and kept resisting the urge to bond with the baby, or look at baby stuff etc. But as time went by and things looked ok, we started really relishing becoming parents. Litte Peanut, our baby boy became a part of our daily conversations. It was so hard when we had to come to terms with the fact that we lost him.

I'm now recovering at home on 1 week mc. We really want to start TTC again as soon as I'm fit. I'm not sure what to eat or do to help my body recover as quickly as possible. I've heard of people who after miscarriages go religously on chinese fertility herbs and successfully conceive again soon. Anyone know of good TCM clinics?
Hi ladies, do take care of our bodies as much as possible as it will help us in our next pregnancy.

Sorry to hear about your losses applemuffin and Twiggy.. Am sure each and everyone of us will be able to overcome the obstacles and the nxt pregnancy will be a smooth one!!!

After miscarriage, is something like mini-confinement. I took chicken essance, was given chicken tonic soup, avoid seafood for about a month, avoid having sex within a month, try not to lift heavy things within a week after m/c. And like Nanz said, can start taking folic acid, calcium etc to prepare for the next baby

Heard EYS not bad, but quite expensive. Also, there is this Thong Chai Medical, think they have physicians who are expert in fertility treatment and heard many couples have approached them for help. This is one non-profit organization and they only accept donation. I think they have a website, u may like to search for it for more info.
Hi Nanz,

Thanks for reply. I just read about EYS Dr Xia Rong at Paragon branch. I may go see her tomorrow. Need to get some herbs for post-miscarriage.

Is there anything else i need to take or avoid? Sorry very helpless as my mother doesnt know anything about TCM or confinement. So I'm looking for advice online on confinement and fertility boosting.
Sad to hear abt ur loss.... Take care... hope to see u back in a later month 2007 mother....

I not too sure if u are really her... but take good care of urself as well....dun give up... take whatever test needed and ttc again... hope this round u will have a healthy baby at the end of the 9 months...

I was glad that whoever up there(sorry I do not have a religon...) did not take away my wants to be a mum of a notti 18mths boi after my harsh decision to abort my then baby many yrs back as I was still so young then.... even tho that baby was no longer with me...but baby will still be deeply miss... If bb is still around, will already be 7...

Sorry for all the loss of MTB here.. and take good care...
thanks for well wishes...we will move always..sun still doesnt stop just cos you are griefing...we need to live for the future.

twiggy, you can brew red dates, longan & ginger tea to drink daily. i was on a diet of liver, ginger (plenty of them), fish and red meat. No chicken for at least a week. my gynea said no alchohol (so i avoid DOM for a week). you should also keep yourself warm all time..wear a slipper at home..long pants and avoid bathing daily. I bathed once every two days (with herb you can buy from medical hall) now that i am better, i am taking iron, folic acid daily and bai feng pills (from Yu Ren Sheng) weekly. Also brewing Tang Gui on weekly basis. drinking DOM everynite. Hope info are helpful.

occasionally my uterus area still hurt...anyone has that experience?
twiggy, sorry abt your loss..understand how you feel completely...we too talk about our bb from time to time...i learn that time is the best dont rush to force yourself into forgetting the incident...take small about it with your close frens who had walked with you helps....

for me, we got ourselves a puppy...something we wanted (told ourselves few months back if we are not preggie by dec, we will get one)..also planned lotsa of trips...going for a short trip during xmas and already planned one for CNY..think getting away is a good way of releasing emotions...
nanz, 1st m/c the dr was really understanding..he gave me 2 weeks of MCs. 2nd m/c..dr was less understanding i guess...was made to wait hours before the D&C...lying on the operation table..waiting for it to happen..and i had to induce labour pain the nite before by myself to prepare for the D& was the worst sunday nite we ever had in our lives....imagine whole world sound asleep...we had to wake up at 3am to induce labour.
Thanks Glayz. You're from June 2007 MTB thread too arent you?

Applemuffin, thanks so much for the information. Really helpful. Exactly what I wanted to know. How long are we advised to wait before TTC again? I feel as if the only thing that can help alleviate any pain is to have a baby again soon. It won't replace Peanut, but at least we can take comfort in knowing we can be parents again soon.
Twiggy, sorry to hear about what happened. All the ladies in the June2007 MTB thread are really saddened by the news... please hang in there. Things will work out the next pregnancy, must believe that.

Applemuffin, dun know if you are the sis in Christ that I have been chatting with the past few weeks? But just wanted to tell you I'm very sorry to hear about what happened. Please take care and remember that he who trusts in the Lord will lack no good thing. Take care.
twiggy, many advise 6 months wait before trying ttc again. my gynea said i could start after 1 cycle of mensus..all different opinions..but i guess it is better to recuperate and recover fully..for me, it could be a chromosome until i sort that out, i wont try again...dont want to risk another m/c and hurt the womb again..understand your anxiety to start again...but good to recover well first...
take care...

mich, thanks for well wishes...we move on..
oh June 2007 MTB thread.. never got to post there, ended up posting my first post here :\ My baby would have been born on 14th June 2007.. Day of my first year anniversary as well...
I've been seeing a TCm physician since my m/c last week and taking medications to "shrink" the uterus. The physician mentioned with his medications, should be able to ttc again in 45 days....

Also, he is suggesting that should i conceive again, will need to continue with his meds to "an tai".....keep the baby....

Am a bit sceptical about tcm during pregnancy, have been told by my GP earlier to avoid TCM. But since my miscarriage, I have been having second thoughts about TCM during pregnancy, am willing to try anything to keep the baby the next time round.

Dont know if there might be side effects to TCm during pregnancy, heard that TCM might contain traces of mercury.....

any advice out there?
Hello All

Sorry i miss this thread for a while as was outstation. Baby left me for 1month plus oredi but still miss him equally bad. But emtionally i am getting beta and i am all ready to try again. Dun give up gals...

On top of wat applemuffin advised, i was also told to avoid bittergourd and cucumber by the elderly during the 1mth after D&C. And yes, avoid eating pineapple and contact with 'rain' too. Awy, i just heed watever advices from the elderly to be on the safe side as long as the advice are not too extreme.

Mercury is definetly a 'NO' during pregnancy! I dunno much abt TCM, but i heard from other sisters on another thread accup do helps to 'tiao' our body for fertility. Anyway, i was told by my dr to avoid chinese herbs during preggie stage as we nvr know wat is the actual content.
*hugs* to all ladies posted here...

after my 1st m/c, i turned to TCM for 3 months before falling sick. Rested 2 months w/o was during that 2 months, I conceived the 2nd bb..TCM advise to continue with herb and weekly blood tests and hormone jabs...i continue with TCM but stopped at week 6+, also stopped hormones jabs and blood test at week8..cos couldnt take it mentally and physically..eventually bb heartbeat stopped at week9..after series of test, it said bb stopped growing cos of chromosome i am not sure if i contiune to take the herb, jabs and blood test will change my fate or not...but cant turn back the clock gotta move on...kept blaming myself for a long time...confused now if i should go back to TCM to nurse my health or to a fertility specialist in NUH to find out more abt my health...any views?

twiggy, i still blow my hair dry after each hair wash...till now...and wears slipper at home..
hi applemuffin,

sorry to read about what happened to you. please don't blame yourself. i had a m/c too last year and my TCM dr blamed me for not taking her herbs when i fell pregnant..but in my heart, and as confirmed by my gynae, i know fully well if there're chromosomal defect, no amt of herbs or jabs can correct the genes. so please please don't blame yourself!

i guess we'll never understand why God allow such things to happen despite us putting our faith in him. It took me 3 mths to be able to even talk to God again after my 1st M/c. But eventually He picked me up and moved me on despite my've just got to allow yourself time for healing. I took a long trip to Turkey with my hubby after my D&C and it helped in my emotional healing process. You may want to plan a holiday with hubby..

i wish i could offer you more comfort & support but i guess it's really still up to u and hubby to learn to reconcile the loss, reconcile with God and move on.

Take care and I'll be praying for you.
Hi Mich, thanks for your support. Wish you gals all the best and you'll see your happy babies in half a year! Not long now.

Applemuffin, I went to see Dr Xia today and she siad it's normally advisable to wait 3 months or so, but in my case or others where baby is considered in quite advance stage, rest 6 months as womb has been through more trauma. I can barely wait 3 months, not to mention 6!
I guess i really just have to be patient and focus on other things.
And dont' blame yourself for the loss of baby. If it's chromosomal defect, there really is nothing you can do. Very often loss of baby is not due to what you did or did not do. I often wonder too if I had not gone for the CVS, if Peanut would have been alright, but I'll never know. Just feels too weird, like baby was fine and two days after CVS heartbeat stop. Even if doctors say it's not due to CVS, i'd never be sure. Next pregnancy, no testing of any sort!

Gina, my baby was suppose to be due on 14 June too. Because I discovered the baby quite early at only week 5, i spent about 2 months being pregnant before the loss. It made me really sad for mothers who lose their babies at a much later stage because i cant imagine how much more painful it must be for them, when they have spent so much time bonding with baby. In some ways, I'd rather have an early miscarriage than a late one. But touch wood, hope none of us will ever have to go through it again.

Santorini, I'm like you, didnt believe in TCM , but now willing to try anything to recover quickly so i can concieve again. I heard often though, that it is not advisable to take TCM during first trimester. So probably, I will take TCM for a few months to recover my womb, them stop, and wont take during pregnancy until second trimester.

Hi Nanz, thanks for the additional tips.

Today the Chinese doctor also gave me one medicine called the "Hong Hua" (red flower) to brew. This one he said, will get rid of all the bad blood from the uterus left over from this pregnancy, so that it will be detox for future pregnancies. Anyone of you got that before?
Hi Marble,

Thank you for your message & prayers. I understand what you are trying to tell me. I went thru the 1st m/c believing that the Lord will bless again. But after this 2nd m/c, my faith has shaken...i may never find out the truth why God allow such thing to happen to us twice. I just wish to stay away and recover..I too hope that one day I am able to walk with HIM again..until then...i am trying to take each day at a time. Me & Hubby are going for a short trip during xmas and CNY periods..i hope it will help.

Marble, were you seeing Dr Du too? I was consulting her before m/c. now v worried she will scold me for not taking her hesitant about going back to her...if ok, pls share if you went back to her for treatment after your m/c? Thanks.

Twiggy, had "hong hua" in my TCM herb last time...but was told that it helps to "fertilize", prepare for ovulation.
hi applemuffin,

i conceived 1st time while on her med but did not go back to her after confirmed preggie. for that she scolded me...but it was mild scolding which i did not take offence. i knew she had my interest at heart. And i think she scolded me coz when i went back to her i was emotionally healed from my M/c and didn't appeared too sad, so maybe she figured i can withstand the scolding.

i think u shud go back to her. Esp when the lab results are out on the cause of miscarriage. she may scold but i guess it'll be worth it if she can help u with the next pregnancy. she did mentioned her meds help in ensuring quality eggs are released during the cycle. Just don't take it to heart if she blames u for anything, coz u know it's really no fault of yours!

i had hong hua/saffron in my meds too after my laproscopy. according to dr du, it was to "huo xue", meaning quicken blood flow. saffron is also known to cause mild contraction of the uterus.
Hi Marble,

If ok, like to ask if you are preggie now? back on Dr Du's med? Think will heed yr advice to see Dr Du again...sigh...gotta be thick-skinned if she scolds me...
Hi applemuffin,

yes, am 13 weeks preggie now. i stopped dr du's med sometime in 6th/7th week. i did confirmed with dr fong it was alright to stop TCM.
congrats marble..
i did confirm with dr fong to stop dr du's med and jabs too..but for my case, it's an internal no choice..

thanks for your advices..
Congrats marble in moving on in your 2nd trimester! :D

Twiggy, I also discovered my baby at week 5! But lost baby a month later.. I guess no matter how long or how short bb was with us, we'll still feel the pain. the loss.

Guess i better not get pregnant within a year as told by gynae, else there may be complications of some sort for me =\ maybe i shld re-confirm the term he mentioned abt my lab results.. something like hyperplacia...
Hi Applemuffin,

The "hong hua" i was told is to get rid of the "bad blood" from previous pregnancy for easier conception next time. I was told after taking it may bleed again.

Actually, I empathise with you totally for your faith being shaken. I have not been to church for many years, but when i was pregnant, I told hubby let's go to church coz I think we should be more responsible now and think about raising our kids in church. Everytime baby seems to have problems, like when I bled, etc, I prayed to God to help me protect him. That's me who has not prayed since dunno how many donkey years ago. So when this happen despite all my prayers and friends prayers, it really made me think, "is there really a God?" Sorry if it offends Christians, but I dont mean to. Just sharing my feelings. I started wondering if everything is just coincidence. If things had gone well, we say "prasie God", if things go badly, we say "He has His own plans for you". Sometimes it all seems like excuses to me. With or without Him, life goes on and there will still be ups and downs. So what's the diff? I'm really sorry if some people think I'm blasphemous but I've really been shaken in my belief.

Gina, sorry to hear that. What's hyperplacia? Should you perhaps get a second opinion?
hi ladies,
I was once on this thread for a while now seeking advice again. I've 2 miscarriages b4, then managed to conceive naturally, dd is 21mths now. I am 8 weeks preggie now, at 6 weeks, scanning detected a blood clot. 2 days ago, have another scanning, blood clot has decreased in size but I'm experiencing backache and lower abdominal cramp (at one side). Gynae says this is worrying as this is a sign of uterus contracting. Anybody has experienced this b4? I'm really sick now. There's simply nothing i can do about it except take pills. I really feel like going crazy if I will to have another misca again.just how many little ones must I lost again?
do remember we will face a judgement day when we die,
God created us to hv a choice, to follow Him or to abandon Him.
although ur miscarriage hv shaken ur faith, but God is with you always no matter what.

Just remember how Jesus die for you

Continue to have faith gal
Hi twiggy, erm i am not in a hurry to get pregnant anyway. Just let nature take its course. Planning to get married after i graduate next year. but well, its just planning. Will ask my gynae to confirm the spelling again because there are just too many types on the net @.@ But he did mention something abt my placenta being too active. Was in a daze when i heard it, maybe it was my fault that baby is gone, since it happened to my body.

Hi liztan, maybe you would like to get a second opinion? Just to be sure. Are you staining or anything? If you are interested, I can give you the contact of my gynae stationed at KKH, he is very nice and was recommended by my good friend
Can give him a call and ask, he will probably want to see u personally as well.
Hi Twiggy,

I can truly understand your feelings. I felt the same way too. However, no matter how we feel or grieve, life goes on...the sun still shines each day...and there are people at the other end of the world who rejoices; celebrating good news etc. No one will stop because we are grieving. We just have to be stop in ourselves to pull this thru...for me, i depend on my hubby as my source of strength and support...i told myself that i live well for him...not for anyone else anymore. I am too shaken in my faith...and we chose to be by ourselves for a one can tell the future....we might go back to HIM one day...but for now, we live each day at a time...taking small steps to recovery. One thing I firmly believe is that time heals all wound. It might not take away what had happened, but it will heal all the hurt and wound in our i hope the same for you too

i am back with Dr Du for herb to nurse my womb. Will not think too far...but i know i have to consider carefully if i ever want to embark on ttc journey again...too many physical issues to overcome...

meanwhile i hope you take good care of yourself, love yourself...and get back to pink health again.
Hi Liz,

Gina is rite..maybe a second opinion might help answer your questions. I had Lupus Lining (blood clotting condition) and was told that i need to inject certain medicine into my body daily to regulate blood flow..failing, blood will unable to transport oxygen and food to fetus, causing it to m/c.

Pls take good care of yourself...i hope everything goes smoothly for you.
hi applemuffin,

I'm glad to see that you've pulled yourself together and are moving on..

so is lupus lining the diagnosis for your mc? i hope ur consultation w/ dr du went ok and she was not too harsh..

I'm losing my patience and going crazy! My AF have not reported since D&C. It been 6 weeks liao. I called up KKH and requested to induce my AF to come. But doctor say 'NO'...she want me to wait for it to come naturally with no definite date of how long shld i wait before i can induce..have also requested for scanning to check my womb and uterus to ensure all is ok, still waiting for their call to cfm cos since D&C i have not been scanned at all...I really wonder how long do i have to wait. Now i want try TTC oso cannot as was told have to wait for first natural AF...I getting devasated as day goes by and clock clicking but still no sign of AF...I am getting worry anything wrong inside???? Why is it make me suffer the loss of my baby, and yet still torture me on this AF thing....sob sucks mann!

hey girl, calm down. *hugs* It's not unusual to have a late AF. Each of our bodies are different, and they react differently to different situations. But i do agree with your gynae to wait for it to come naturally.. try not to go against nature unless really really necessary bah..

I know it's frustrating but at least wait for the checkup yar? *Hugs*
Hi Gina, it's good you're not in a hurry to TTC, but dont' blame yourself or body for your last MC. What happens happens. I find that very hard to accept sometimes but the fact remains that I cant turn back the clock. I wondered if I wasnt a smoker and drinker, and led a more healthy lifestyle, if I started TTC earlier, would things have been different. But I cant change that now.

Applemuffin, you're so right. I'm in exactly the same shoes as you. I told myself not to openly grief in from of people and I still have to work professionally etc. I'm going back to work just a week after MC, and it's so hard. Coz I don't feel like laughing or smiling with people, and my job is a lot about meeting people and talking. A few Christian colleagues tried to send me CD or Christian sermons etc but I cant bring myself to listen to them. I think I need a break and rethink my faith, and what it is based on. I dont want a faith that is blind, neither do I want to forever be without it. I feel better now and I think about those who've been in worse shoes than me and marvel at how strong they are. Like you, I draw my strength from my hubby. I havent been wanting to go out or talk to anyone but him.

Nanz, try not to worry too much. Normally after a trauma like this, the uterus does take a long time to recover its cycle. The last MC i had, it was more than 6 weeks before my next period. Perhaps the Drs are right in not wanting to further cause any more stress on your womb and just letting it take its own time to heal But if you still worry, go see another doctor? But dont' worry, what you're experiencing now is quite normal. Doesnt mean anything is wrong.
Hi Marble,

Thanks for your encouragement. Lupus lining is just one of my physical issues...too many to it will take a miracle for a baby to be born to me. Dr Du was ok..alot better than I expected..

Hi Nanz, should schedule to see your gynea soon for a is necessary to check if there is D&C "leftovers", blood clots, fibroids and cysts. As for AF, good to let it come naturally..its been 3 weeks since D&C for sign of AF...but my last scan detected new eggs in ovary..guess i am in my mid-cycle..before AF comes..

Hi Twiggy, hold on tight to your hubby for strength and close frens (who had walked the whole journey with you) for helps to talk about the whole incident...cry if necessary...i just cried last nite! my 2 cents worth of advice..put faith aside for a while..we need to recuperate our emotions...need time and for me, time alone to think tough...but still has to walk on.
let's help to spur each other on in this thread..
Hi, ladies. Had a m/c in early nov. i had previously tried IUI three times and failed. Finally, me and my hubby decided to go for IVF. So when i m/c after 8 weeks of pregnancy. I felt so devasted. think all of you know how i feel. though my hubby would console me when i tears,i still could not find peace.
It was only few days ago i accidentally found this website and read all your messages that i realised i was not the only one. it is through all your messages that made me find strength. Thank you for sharing your pain but i hope one day, we can also share joys when we get what we wanted most-adorable bbs.
My gynae said i could try the 2nd IVF after Chinese New Year next year. But i am not sure if i would be mentally ready by then. I would be mid 30s by then. Any ladies in the same situation as mine?
Hi Carol,

I am sorry to hear your news. Hope you are recovering well now...must do a mini confinement to nurse your health.

I have a colleague whose wife has gone thru 2 IVF and failed. Though i have not personally experience the long tedious and painful process of IVF..i could sense pain in his speeches whenever he talks to us about it. Think the wife is going 35 yrs TCM doctor once told me that age should not be a barrier to child-bearing, she has helped to conceive successfully at the age of 40. So dont let the age deter you in your ttc process. however my humble opinion is that you should rest and recover fully before embarking on your third IVF. I realised that our bodies need to be absolutely healthy in order to produce healthy hormones and whatever necessary to sustain the pregnancy.

Truly understand your pain...i guess all the ladies who posted here previously share your pain n goes we had to brace up and continue our walk...remembering that we still have our hubbies to love and live for. I hope you recover well soon...*hugs*
hi ladies

Not sure if you will be doing this, but will be lighting a nice scented candle for my darling Zachary for Christmas. It's been 9mths since he left me, and I still miss him, think about him lots, and remember his face and touch
Let us all pray for our lil precious ones this Christmas, and ask that the Lord watch over our precious, just as our precious babies watch over us ... Just as we love them so deeply, so do they.
