Support group - Miscarriages

Ya that's what my gynae said..n other medical sources also say that usually ovulation only occurs at 2nd cycle.

Better not get preggie at 1st cycle..3 cycles should be a good guide..Ya what ryes say is true..u need yr cycles to start regular enough to have a LMP. If not u stress dont know how many weeks preggie lah..stress confirm.

Hey how come so many posts now..lunch break is it??

Hi ladies,
thanks for advice. just asking in case kena before my greece trip in Sep. I really want to go. I'll be booking the airtickets from Singapore agency. Tour packages will be booked from Greece from online. If they dun require downpayment maybe still ok.

Maybe u can try not to get preggie b4 is get preggie in Greece..i mean conceive in greece baby! Greece people are called?? Enjoy yr trip lah..holidays very hard to come by.

I also told hubby we wait at least 3 cycles b4 TTC..So we took that time to go for our much awaited honeymoon to Tasmania n Sydney last month.
Hi ladies,
thanks for advice. just asking in case kena before my greece trip in Sep. I really want to go. I'll be booking the airtickets from Singapore agency. Tour packages will be booked from Greece from online. If they dun require downpayment maybe still ok.
prob use protection now till then then go there make one baby made in Greece

i no work...still on very free one lo....but fri will be back to work liao....then wont have time to come in during the day lo
Hi CHaris,
I wont deliberatly TCC in 2 1/2 mth but we BD without protection and i dun know when I ovulate, sometimes life is funny lor, when you dun plan, it happens, so I scared. I can't go in July/August because everything is much more expensive.
Hi thewife..

Ya i know wat u mean. Then maybe u can jus abstain during fertile period..provided u know when..OR considered protection? I cant comment much..cos we dont use it from the start.

Greece is nice i think..find out greece ppl are called wat? Europeans? Greecies? Haha..Is it dutch? Ya dont worry..jus relax n enjoy yr hol.
hello ladies,
wow..this thread is moving fast har....cant catch up liao....

i oso haf this problem before...last yr i booked my trip for dec and den i told myself not to get preggie bfore tat trip den i dahan lor..after the trip i got +ve result but den a few wks later got m/c..
actually i even face this when i book for a trip i try not to be preggie...scully anything happen den u will blame really depend on individual..i haf a friend who is in the 3rd trimester still travel....

good luck! yesterdae morning, when i took my temp itz i decided to use my 1st OPK...but den itz -ve result...todae temp went up to 36.3....dunno whether i o yesterdae or not...but den i m using a norm thermometer...
Hi d woof,
i think i wait for my AF to come first then book tickets (scared it run out fast cos only 9 seats left). then next 2 months, try to BD lesser.
actually been feeling weird these few days - a bit nauseous and appetite not good, boobs a little pain. could be symtoms of AF coming cos my temps did not shoot up high and its only DPO10.
hey D-woof,

u must take same time har. How come such a big lapse leh, fr yday temp and today's temp?

You need to have 3 high temp in order to confirm that u have ovulated. The fertilityfriend will auto chart a dark red line when u have recorded 3 high temp consecutively...If not not considered as ovulated...

orrr.....thewife, boobs pain leh.....nipples pain bo???
dun tempt me....i also feel like going back on mon....but think 3 weeks no go email will be flooded! desk will be overpiled with work.....prob go nothing nia ...only clear email and some stuff....then think most of my colleague will be asking lots of qns......which is what i dread going back....but still have to face it lo.....
Hey cheezel..

Ya u are right..

guess go back also u have questions to answer..or jus show the face..u know ppl wont ask so much also. They'll be polite n ask how r u..well jus say ok need to elaborate much if u not comfortable. DOnt worry..anyway we all here understand how u feel..we've been thru similar situations.
ya.....even when i not at work, my collegaues will call to see how i doing, i just told them ok la.....n nothing else....they didnt ask much too.....prob just tat i think too much...

i guess diff pple will diff symptom ba......when one of my colleague preggie, she ok symtom at all so she dun even know she preggie.....she was 8 weeks when she know cos her mens still come....
Hey Ryes,
i think different woman has different symptoms, for me my boobs became super 'hard' and pain when preggie and very hot with hi temps.
hey cheezel,

? menses still come when preggie??? or is it spotting?

yeah, I suppose each of us are different lah, cannot be all the same same...keke
Ryes - some gals dun experience all the symptoms of MS. You might get a turning sourish feeling, or may even feel nauseous. For me, I had a sourish feeling in tummy, and on days when I ate curry (bb din like curry), I OOOOrrRRRGh and threw up everything. Sometimes, you will want to throw up, but cannot throw up. You might also feel super tired, and will want to ZZZ v early ie. 7-8pm nite. Guess difft woman will hv difft experience for each pregnancy.
the wife- what's the weather like in Greece in Sep? Is it the best time to go?

Charis - you might want to try coke when you have MS. I tried a lil of that, and it helped tremendously.
Hi Volf,
Sep is in between Summer and Winter, best time to go! Greece is known as a summer place but its more ex during summer (such as accomodation). In Sep its cheaper, Oct even cheaper as its winter.
will post some nice pictures here.
Hi Volf,

nice to see u back in action.

oh like that one har, bb didnt like so mother will ooooorrrrrgh all out har. muahahahah..okay.
Ryes - Yah man. Celebrating today.

thewife - Greece & Egypt is a plc I wld like to go! I love places with history & culture ... it's like Rome where every stone has a story ?! Must share yr pics here!!!
hi sisters

thanks for all your advice. i've done my ops today and am resting at home now. so far ok.
am planning to return to work on monday though i m given MC for a longer period.
Do all of U rest for a long period after the ops?
hello ryes,
temp difference...duuno y too...but taken different timing..haha...i tink the temp taking not accurate for me lah...y'dae i took at 7+ but todae at i guess tat's the reason...
todae, haf some watery discharge so i took out my kit and test again...results: -ve. i used mycycle to calculate my o day/ is suppose to be nx wk so i guess i will wait longer..
Hey volf,

same as me. I wanted to go Egypt for my HM, and is 2 to go, but hubby was worried abt the ended up with spain and portugal.

Hi summer, think is best to take this opportunity to rest well before heading back to office u know. I took close to 10 days rest plus my wedding leave. So nearly like 2 weeks rest.

Hey D_woof, the watery discharge is like how? wet wet, white colour one? Aiyah, you har, take same timing mah...
ya lo....mens not spotting leh. but think her mens only last a day or two and quite she didnt tink otherwise....who knows the next month mens no come she go test n positive n she is already 8 weeks that time liao. she mention gynae say may be threaten abortion at that time.

me given 2 weeks. today last day liao....tomor go back work. initially i also tot no need to take so long but the gals here advise me to rest lo....n my colleagues n boss also ask me to rest i just rest lo.

hey volf
i think coke really makes wonders leh.....hehe....when u drink it, it helps alot in MS...hehe...but we cant take too much la....else i think light green tea (warm) is good too.
ya lo....prob she is healthy by nature ba....somemore she has 2 kids liao...this is her 3rd one....

oh no.....tomor work too long.....feel like when i starting work for the 1st time after grad. haha
Hi ladies..

I bought some menthol can ease MS, colds, sinus..n its a safe alternative for preggies to take if u have cold, flu, instead of other med. Bought it taka..natae brand something like that..ex though..I paid $15 for 1 bottle..I also bought the Peach tea (fruit tea)..really nice..Anyway, their teas all caffeine free..n these 2 teas are certified safe for pregnant women..I double checked at several sources to confirm these..But be warned that not all caffeine-free teas are safe for preggies..u have to checked the ingredients..some herbs are not safe.. They are fresh flown in from germany. I also read that red raspberry (can be drank as tea) is used by herbalists n hemeopathist (however to spell it) in the west to prevent m/c n to strengthen the womb..interesting.. wondering if I should find out more bout it..

i was bored and surfing around the forum and saw lo & behold that you got a BIG FAT POSITIVE!! CONGRATS!!

now please sprinkle some babydust on me
Hehe..I thought she thinking of making Greek baby..Thanks volf for the clarification..Greeks yah.

Anyway, lets wait for her to tell us lah..dont speculate..hehe.
wow ryes....
u very good har...can track down....r u a CID?

oh ya, ur turn will come very soon.....(end of mth)

hey thewife,
hey ladies,
hehehe...was thinking whether to post cos its really like de-javu. Took clomid didnt ovulate in time & decide to wait patiently for AF to come then increase dosage but strike while waiting. exactly the same lor!

actually i felt weird cos feeling nauseous and bb a bit full/pain (last time was very pain & hot), so tested last nite saw a faint line then this morning a dark one (DPO 11 - quite early and same as last cycle!) BBT also shot up to 36.76 - but this was after posting about the pregnancy and greece thing, who knows really happen, maybe my 6th sense telling me....

Anyway still very early to feel excited, keeping my fingers crossed, i pray this will be a healthy one. Hubby not much reaction tho', he said only until 3-4th month when everything ok then feel happy about it.
Hey Ryes,
I think your chance is high, AF still havent come, somemore your temps are so high. quick test tomorrow!
hey thewife,
u har, must beat beat ur buttock liao...notti har, nv shre with us....

See, so happy for u leh!!! DPO 11 is very very early u know and u strike liao. Preggie woman have very strong gut feeling one...

Now we got doggy, charis, you and well.....we will see.... *grin*
Hi Charis,

Was reading that you would like to know more about herbal teas. According to this website I visit, red raspberry tea leaf is a no-no during pregnancy. Do visit this url for more info. More detailed info on the safety of various herbs can be found here. Hope this helps.

Hi thewife,
Just saw the good news posted here. Congrats!
Hi cookies gal..

Thanks for the info..

Hi thewife..


So now u have to consider if u should go for yr trip..Hmm..Ya..we hope all turn out well for us here..
congrats!! r u still considering the trip?

today start work! many emails...see liao i also blur....dunno which mail to read first....but think it feel good to go back work lo..rather than stay at home n rot. haha
Hi Charis & Cheezel,
Thanks! i may have to change the destination to somewhere nearer. well, i've to see how it progress then decide.
hi thewife,
congrats... yeah do sprinkle some babydust on us... <p>
anyone seen puipui lately ?
I am back to life runing around.. taking whatever bu ping i can right now so that can try again end dec.

hubby suggested going for a tour.. but like now also cannot make baby so go tour also no use right.. <p>
sigh.. I wish time would pass faster so i could ttc again.. <p>
So many babies around you know.. my god... this year there's so many new borns... so jealous... sigh... <p>
babydust babydust come to us..
ya lo...go somewhere nearer better if u all really want go abt those resort type? like bali, bintan etc....can relax relax n no need walk so much one.....

my hubby n i still go holiday soon even though cannot ttc now.......we book b4 the pregnancy n then m/c......hope can relax ourselves after what had happen ......
Hi BellsBells,
sprinkle sprinkle!
Hey cheezel,
thinking of going Banyan Tree, maybe focus on holiday first cos I dun want to think too much about the pregnancy yet.
I do have fears esp when I recall the scene of seeing empty sac at week 6, waited for a dragful 1 week to confirm. In fact, Im thinking of postponing my appt to 2 weeks later since most likely can only see a sac now.
Besides, i guess your hubbies will be more encouraging after the past 'incidents'. For me, i try not to talk about it, because my hubby prefers to keep our hopes low at this moment. I can understand where is coming from, but at times I do feel that i need some encouragement.
prob u can tell him how u feel....actually i think for hubbies, they feel disheartened too when the m/c occur. my hubby also....n he keep saying if the next time rd get preggie again....dunno will the same thing happen....i think they have their fears.....n i always try to be hopeful....think i have the same case as urs.....empty sac n have to keep dragging for weeks to see if there any development........

just not to tink so much.....enjoy urself for the holiday n just be careful whenever u moving ard. those things that we cannot foresee n prevent, try not to think so much into it.

I wish u luck......a healthy baby!!


Hey thewife,

banyan tree at bintan nice leh. Think now they have a promotion going on...I want to go there next time, now too broke liao...
