Support group - Miscarriages

hi zhuzhu

i heard jogging and skipping not good for the womb, will cause the womb to "sink".

hi woof
i din shower and wash hair for 10 days. My hair like spider web, very scary. I just use a cloth to wipe my body and only shower on the pelvis area (scared infection)
somemore cannot go out and "chui feng", i stubborn head, went out and the wind was quite the fact, i got constant backache and stiff body now.
i think will cost a bomb if we go for checkup at pte gynae(over 1k++)?
How about consulting ur gynae tmr? ask for his opinion?

Im not sure about badminton but think should be ok? as not as "siong" as jogging?

hello bestwishes,
wa 10daes long...i had mc in my 5th to 6th wk so actually my mum said itz ok to shower but when i said i wan to wash hair...she starred at me........
i tink i beta avoid thses things lah if not later regret...muz dahan den....

Mmm...wat r the qns i shld ask my gynae......

well i tink i beta rest for a few mths before i start those SIL said tat itz best to avoid heavy duty stuff rite now for 2wks....
Wow, too many posts can't catch up. d woof & bestwishes, take good care during this time.

Zhuzhu, maybe you shouldn't jog for now, heard it's not good for anyone who intend to ttc soon.

My menses late for a week but tested myself on CD34 was -ve. Think I must have been too stressed at work and by mil recently so menses went haywire. Hope my Af will come soon so I can ttc.

Hama, how was your CNY? I had to face 5 new born babies by my cousins so it was not any easy one, cos Kaden suppose to be one of the bbs too. But anyhow, now can only look forward and hope to graduate like you and lyn.
Hi ladies,

To those who had a miscarriage and are feeling the blues, I just wanna asure you that it's normal. You may be sitting on the couch doing nothing and suddenly the tears start to flow..i went through it last Dec too..

I talked to a friend who also went thru a MC and we concluded it's the hormonal levels readjusting..although of course hormones aside, the pain of loss is real too.

Well, I went on a trip to Turkey soon after my MC and when I returned the pain was much less. If you have trouble moving on, take a holiday with your hubby and forget everything for a while.

I'm trying again this month. Wish me success
hey marble,
tahnx for ur assurance....i guess most of us r trying to look fwd...juz tat at times when u r idling, tears start to flow lor....

so did u do a D&C when u haf mc? n how many mths later u start trying? izzit 2 mths if i were to take it as it happened in dec...
Hi Woof
i forgotten that i never wash hair and went to buy something in my "sleeping clothes" suddenly i became so conscious. Ppl might thought that im a "liu liang zhe" (wanderer):p
Tink you better dun wash ur hair, later get headache. Endure for a few days rather than regret later.

Maybe u should ask ur gynae (after the ultrasound), when will u be able to TTC?
What are the things not to do/eat? Get him to advise nutrition.
If u r planning for a pre pregnancy checkup, what type of tests will he suggest u to do? When is the best time to go for the test? Before/after 1st menses etc?

Hi coral
tks for ur concern
We can't help feeling the sharp pain whenever something trigger our sad memories, we just tell ourselves, "nevermind, our turn will come soon, jiayou jiayou"

Next year, u will join their league too.
For this New year, wish you "Cao Sheng Gui Zi" and "Wan Shi Ru Yi"

Hi Marble
I also went through it last Dec.
Even now, i still face the sharp pain but getting better as each day passes. Time will gradually reduce the pain.
How is Turkey? Is it beautiful?
Wish u "Cao Sheng Gui Zi" and success in TTC soon
Hi d woof,

Yes i had a D&C. There is no concensus even among doctors when is best to TTC after MC. One group says 3 cycles later, another group says immediately after MC. I did my BBT and realised i did not ovulate in the 1st cycle.This mth is my 2nd cycle and i'm trying lor..

Turkey is beautiful. it snowed and we had a truely white Christmas, albeit a little strange in a muslim country where Christmas is like any other day. U shud see it if u've got a chance..
Thanks! hope to report good news here soon....
Hi Marble
Sounds really fun
I shall go if i got the chance

Jiayou Jiayou, hope to hear ur good news.

Im abit suaku..if din ovulate, will still have menses?
Hi Coral
I just signed up for the Hatha Yoga classes at the CC..think this one should be milder than joggin..
Actually I dun like yoga..find that its too slow and boring..but now no choice lor..must build up my body
hello bestwishes,
thanx for answering my questions....indeed u r a great helper....
will ENDURE the smelly head of mine for a few more daes....hehe
how long were u on medical leave after mc? my gynae very sui bian one...he gave me 2wks which is tink itz pretty long n i dun tink i can rest at home for 2wks....

all the best to u....hope tat this time will be smooth sailing for u........i hope we'll haf beta luck since we haf one unlucky incident liao

hey gals,
really glad to haf this support grp...wouldnt know wat i would be if w/o ur advices and encouragement...hb not really understanding....feels tat i din take real good care of myself...if not things wun be tat bad
hi coral.... my cny was good exp for some minor hippups and a few busybodies...

coral, have faith and believe in urself that u can make it and graduate to be a mummy...
it took me quite some time be4 i finally stand up and decided to try again for a bb...

luckily, God is good to me and answered my prayers... I believe ur baby dream will come soon too...

Baby dust to you...
hi zhuzhu
i thought yoga is slow and boring, after doing it, turned out that i like it very much.
I just finished 2 lessons and looked forward to my 3rd lesson

very relax and soothing. Have you get the mat yet?

Hi woof
u r most welcome, we are here to support each other mah

Don't think about it, i just took a headband and cover it..hahaha...
I rest for 10days. Must treasure ur 2 weeks and really take good good good rest, ok so that your body will be ready to TTC soon.
ur gynae ok? if good, can intro to us too.

im glad to find this grp too. I think nobody could truely understand except those who been through the same situation.
I feel exactly the same as u too. Feel that i din take good care of myself..haiz..
hence we should do our best and prepare ourselves for the next TTC.
Everyone of us shall JiaYou Jiayou

muz 10daes har....wakao..guess my work will be backlog liao....worst of all, i cant really afford leh......even if i rtn to work will try nt to stress myself......
i find my gynae ok lor.....Dr Adrian woodworth..heard of him..but den my hb dun like him leh...coz he doesnt really advise u one lah but he will ans all ur queries...quite quiet type but den some gals told me he's not really...
my hb haf the intention of asking me not to go back to him again....quite sad.....
i find tat i did take care but mayb not extra care lor..but my hb find i DIN....haiz..
I carry 4 babies during this CNY,
from 2 mths old to 8 mths old, 2 boys and 2 gals
I really njoy playing n carry them, maternal instinct is very strong!
just hoping my menss will come soon...

bestwishes n woof,
ya dun jog n skip, I also hv this mentality that it will affect the womb, cos inside it will 'shake up n down' ?....:p
to me pilate is best for toning, and roller blade is the best to burn off calories

I am not interested in yoga...well if u like it continue lor

well swimming wise , I think goes once a week is ok la
wont get any infection lor...

hey Droppy,
glad to see you back

how are you copin wif ur pregnancy?
how many mths nw, gal or boy??

who is your gynae?
are you changing to another one?
hi woof
health come first(very important)
our body is very weak after mc (heard that 1mc = 3 delivery)
maybe you could get ur colleagues to help u ? Leave instruction to clear urgent matters first, i think they will understand.
I also heard about Dr Adrian, he's my ex colleague's gynae or the lady gynaes from TMC? There's good comments about Dr Eunice Chua, Yvonne Chan and Jocelyn Wong.
Im considering Dr Jocelyn Wong as I read from 1 of the thread that she's very attentive, friendly and made her patient feel at ease.
I think it's better to change to another doc.who's more attentive and friendly? , heard of Dr Henry Cheng? I think he specialise in high risk pregnancy, can consider him?
my hb actuali think the same as ur hb initially (all men are the same), i ask him not to add more stress to me (once, i carried a heavy mj and cramp for the whole night), he's very angry and start blaming me :p
hi val
When do you wish to TTC again? After hw many cycles?
I used to dislike yoga too but after the session , suprisingly i feel refreshing.
One of my frd insist that yoga help her to TTC successfully. After taking up shortly, she bingo.
The yoga instructor told us it's easy to lose weight too. heehee.
I did not see a fixed gynae during that time but i was planning to see Dr Jocelyn Wong after seeing the positive comments about her in this thread.
Hw about u? Whose's ur gynae?
Hi Bestwishes
I got the mat when we had some yoga lessons in our office last time..

Hi Val
I also keen on learning to blade..but somehow never get my butt off the couch to learn that..
Bestwishes, gynae is Dr Eunice Chua frm TMC

She is great!
my pillar of strength when I visited her 6 weeks after my delivery, she gave me alot of hope

oh I can ttc slowly after my 1st AF...

she advised u to tcc after 1st AF?

cos i know most gynaes oni advise to tcc after 2nd or 3rd AF...

anyway if ur gynae advise then u jus follow la...
good luck and tt shd be jus nice when ur hubby returns fr Kanchanaburi. heard they r now spending 5 days at the atec base...

my hubby said at least they get to sleep in air con rm now hahahhahaha
oh gt aircon room ah?
he never tell me leh...ask him tonite...

u want to PM me?
we talk abt our hubby in email la
here's is miscarriage thread leh,hehe...
when to TTC depends on ur condition. at least my gynae say can TTC after first mense, but end but i got spottings after my first menses and I am back to hormone pills again.. and gynae now advise wait another 3-6 mths.. then mil asked me if it is going to affect my chance of getting preggy.. *sigh* this is very stressful..
hi coral,
i am quite lucky, relatives quite ok, didn't bring up the issue, but i myself feel like very out of place cos three of us suppose to deliever, my Ansel was one of them ,two of them have delivered smoothly, me nothin..sigh..

hama : must take care and rest rest well ar.. me also ttc again..hope have success soon..
Hi bestwishes,

I did a test to find out why the pregnancy fail, thus I get to know the sex of the baby. But as usual, they are unable to find out the cause.

Hi Woof,

Well..I start to bath and wash hair straight after the D&C but with boiled water (Da Feng Chao). I can't stand going to bed without bathing
hi dest, i wish u all the best.. Baby dust to you..

do relax and keep ur mind off from any stress and pressure during ur TTC.. hope u succeed soon..
hey bestwishes,
itz so sad tat when ur hb is not understanding......Dr Yvonne Chan was also recommended by my GP but den the forum does not provide much comments recently....

Dr Henry Cheng? ya read thur the forum abt him oso but den seems quite ex to c him leh....anyway the nx time round to c a gynae will be sourced by my hb liao.....
went back to my gynae todae to review after D&C...everything was ok....den todae my gynae finally explained the details to mc to me liao n share some experiences wif me...will c him in 2wks time....

i started showering too...wif extra warm water.....but no hair wash yet......where can i get Da Feng Chao n oso do i juz mixed wif hot water den shower wif it can liao? pls advise... much work to do. My AF very funny, today CD37, but only 1 spot and that's it. Still feeling very weak from my stomach flu, can't catch up with the posting here.
Hi to all, this is my first time writing here. Have been reading this thread for the past few days. I had a miscarriage last week, feeling sad cos this is already the second time.
hi gals

i took a big big pot of herbal soup last nite.
Made me so sleepy and i zzz until 3pm. When i woke up, i felt so energetic.heehee..

hi zhuzhu
so good, ur office provide yoga lessons, very good office environment

hi military wife
tks for reading.
i just copy and paste from the internet

hi val
im also considering Dr Eunice but do you have to wait very long for her?
I heard have to wait very long for her? since u say she's good, i shall go for her next time.

hi icy
i think you are very accurate. u say menses will come after 4-6 weeks, mine came after 5 weeks ++
Did gynae mention about the spotting? How come have spotting?
Have you been doing strenuous exercise? Ever consider TCM?
I heard that taking TCM will strengthen our womb.
Im tempted to try next time

hi dest
I have frds who will give birth ard my EDD. We got pregnant ard the same time and only mine failed, both of them have smooth sailing pregnancy.
Feeling sad is inevitable but I hope that I have the courage to see them after they give birth.
I think we could just constantly remind ourselves that "our turn will come soon"

hi coral
Jiayou, u will finish your work soon. Have a good good rest after work and leave all the chores to hb.

hi EA,
No cause mean that it's nobody's fault. It's just unfortunate for the first time.
You have very high chances of successful pregnancy in the future.
Are u planning to TTC soon?

hi woof
Whenever my hb is not understanding, we will have a long talk. After that, things will be fine. Marriage is about compromise.
I heard good reviews about Dr Yvonne Chan too, there are many good gynaes around. We can source around slowly.
Ur hb is so nice, he's so concerned about u

Great to know that your health is getting well
, tat's very good news.
Care to share with us the details and the experiences?
we can share from there too.
ya Dr Eunice queue is long :p
she is wif other 2 gynaes, name TLC at level 3
well, I usually bk the earliest time I dun hv wait for too long
hmm...Jocelyn Wong nt bad oso..the clinic is ACJ, oso level 3
but dunno abt the queueing time...

u decide lor...
Hi bestwishes and hama, was diagnosed with 3cm endo at right ovary in jun 2004, doc advised TTC for 6 months, preganant after 2nd month, but no hearbeat at week 7. 2nd time was not very right from the start, sac size didn't match date and thus restricting bb growth, finally no heartbeat at week 9. It took me months to recover from the 1st mc and now i have to go through the emotion again!
very sori to hear tat....i haf mc last wk too.....if u feel tat by sharing wif us u feel beta den itz beta to share wif us....
hi tiggywife : hugZ..pls take care, rest well, we are all here for you..

bestwishes : thank you for your if i preg, i think i will be very worried most of the time..pray and hope i will soon be blessed with a bb and deliever smoothly.. think so far liao hehe..

hmm..have not seen lyn for sometime ,, wonder how she is..
hi tiggywife
*hug* *hug* to u. im very sorry to hear that. Did the doc explain y there's no heartbeat? Done any test on the curettage to find out the cause?
wa so late huh....
oh ya..juz explain how mc happened lor....bad sperm meet bad egg n cant mentioned there's no specific reason y it happen...oso he advise after 2cycles den TTC....oso shared some of his patients' experiences like after 5mths no heartbeat or 7mths later no heartbeat detected (still born)...his wife oso went thur mc for the 1st n 2nd time 3rd one is successful (a boy) n 4th n 5th mc again n 6th is a successful (a girl)...he said juz hit hard n try n try lor....
so the nx time when u suspect u r pregnant, get a CB kit n test, +ve, den quickly go gynae n take hormone pills n stuff like tat to stabilise it....ask gynae for advise...

i asked him abt the pre-pregnancy tests...Blood tests...usually the tests are hep b, rubella, chicken pox etc,he said all these tests cant really guarantee u a 100% successful onli to ensure tat everything abt the mummy is ok...n even the tests are ok doesnt mean 100% guarantee lor....nobody can guarantee 100% successful...
hi bestwishes, the doc at kkh did not explain, just said that 30% of pregnancies ended up miscarriage and i was one of them. i then went back to tmc for 2nd pregnancy, during the few check ups, doc already told me it was a 50/50 chance as the sac size not being right and there was blood clot inside - blood vessel detached from the sac, i was given hormone jab and hormone pills to stop contraction (i have abdominal pain - those like menses cramp), doc said bb is struggling to go on. after the d&c my doc told me the bb would not have survived. doc believe that my failed pregnancy is because something went wrong at the cell division stage, i am now waiting for the chromosone result.

hi woof

"ke qi, ke qi" u r most welcome for the link

im a late night owl so seldom sleep early..heehee..
u mean Dr Adrian's wife also experience mc herself before giving birth successfully?
Did he recommend u where to take the test? so u planning to test the test?

thank you for sharing with us the info.
