Support group - Miscarriages

Hi beautiful,

best to call your gynae and check as we all have different cycle lengths and patterns. In my case, i did not do scan on follicle size when i was on clomid. i monitored my own BBT and got a perfectly classic biphasic chart with clearly defined ovulation day. And in my case, clomid made me ovulated on Day 11, much earlier than my usual D17. (btw, i got preg on 1st cycle of clomid but lost it at 11 weeks)

Hi girls,

I miscarried and had a D&C last Dec. I am now in my 2nd cycle after the D&C and noticed from BBT that I am still not ovulating. Anyone knows if it is normal or when one's cycle is expected to return to the norm again after miscarriage?

hi beautiful.. i didnt take BBT @ all

as for the clomid, yup.. its best to ask ur gynae as everyone got diff cycle
hi ladies,
I went to see gynae for my spottings which already lasted like 1 week.

Doc say becos i ovulating and the lining not strong enough after the procedures so it result in spotting.
I had to eat 14 days of hormo pills to regulate the cycle.. and plot chart and let her review in 3-4 mths time.. sad to say I think hormo pills making me very bloated.

Gynae also advise that it is better for me to rest few more mths before i try TTC again.. well at least the good news is i am ovulating.
Halo gals,

I went to see my gynae last Sat,
She was very encouraging n we had a long chat...
hee think this is the longest consultation I ever had wif her
I told my fear of she tellme a few successful stories of her patients n tell me to move on
And assure me diff pregnancy hv diff set of placenta n unbilical cord
But, anyway I did a blood test for anti immunity system, test for lupus/thyroid etc....
did a pap smear n hope it will be alright lining form so dunno when menses will come...

then hor on sat nite , I had my 1st intercourse wif hubby, wah so painful though apply alot of lubricant, vagina very very dry...
then after BD, vagina so sore n feel like want to drop out :p
dunno isit too dry or wat, or abrasion/frition,
had some pink discharge after BD, but stop liao

Coral, Destitonia,
mind share ur 1st intercourse?
isit like me?
Valerie, mine was fine. Guess you're too tense. Relax and don't rush into it, only when you're ready will you enjoy it.

Ladies, a few of you mention knowing if you're ovulating. How do we know if we're ovulating or not?

icy, at lest you know the reason now so you can do soemthing about it. Jia you!

thks , ya think I am too tense
that's wat my hubby say :p

to know if we are ovulating,
can observe the mucus discharge, take BBT and use ovulation kit
when ovulation, we will have egg white cervix mucus..the stretchy kind...

hmm...did u try to take BBT or use a ovulation kit to detect ur ovulating?
Val., I have not tried those. Cos the last time I strike on the first try. Well, let's see how lucky I am this time. If after a few months still no news then I'll try to buy the kits to help me.

Hama., you excited about CNY? I actually don't look forward to it. I want the rest, but I don't wish to go visit relatives...I've not pass that hurdle yet.
thks Carole

wah u so bless to strike on 1st try
u will be again gal

hiaz...same here...I am not excited for this yr CNY
so sian need to face those relatives but no choice gt to go at least on 1st day
my hubby & parents are very understanding, so they tell me dun need to go all the relatives
Funny thing is my MIL is also dreading the CNY, not sure if it's due to me and she don't wish to face the relatives. She's been telling us she wish to escape CNY too, but never say why.
hi val,
my first bd was a bit painful then next day got some pinkish discharge..but after the first it's ok liao..

i also not very excited abt cny this cousin just gave birth, one going to give birth anytime now..

coral, you very lucky leh..i do by counting ..
hey Dest,
u also gt pinkish discharge ah?
heard frm u, I am more relieve liao...

oh maybe tell ur HB to ask his mum the reason y she want to avoid lor..
gal, relax ok? dun be too stress, ur HB is with you
hi val, i went to see dr eunice today
she is indeed a very assuring and nice lady. i am glad i switched to her cos i can feel her enthusiam in helping couples to conceive
however, i broke down in the midst of the consultation cos the environment simply reminds me of my 2 painful experiences (i was with dr phyllis). i just could not help it. thought i have gotten over it but then again...
oh Beautiful,
oh u actually wif TLC clinic?
then y u say nurses nt friendly leh?
so wat did Eunice say/react when u break down?
maybe u can pm me and we chat more?
well, I am cosy wif the clinic environment though of my incident
to let u know, I did not break down at all in the clinic or even in Eunice room....
ladies, i guess more or less many of us arent exactly looking forward to cny..but still let us take this chance to have a good break from work..
hi ladies,

it's been 1mth++ after my D&C and i am very concerned about my menses.
When will my menses come? it will be kidding if i say i m not interested to TTC
spotting stop and then come back after lm. I start to wonder does it also means i cant lm so 'soon'.

mine came 6 weeks later. maybe urs coming soon.

yeap, i dun look forward too, some people dun know my case and they will sure to ask when we are going to have bb. *sigh* to make things worse, i met some friends last week, and one of them wanna touch my tummy becos she thought i was pregnant!!
beautiful, sayang sayang. Guess yo're over it, but will still feel sad when reminded. It's been 6mths but I still cry when I think abt my bb.
Val., I was lucky the first time, this time not so sure. Shall try my luck. My AF suppose to come on 2nd day of CNY, so if it's not late, I should be able to ttc during Valentines' day period...And I know that this time I'll be in Spore hopefully, hb don hv to travel.
hello everybody

Happy New Year!

actually not looking forward to it cos hubby flying to Thailand on 4th day of CNY morning to Thailand for a mth... will be so sian and lonely...
<font size="+1"><center><font color="ff6000"><blink>May all that your heart desires come true this new year!!</blink></font></center></font>

<font size="+1"><center><font color="ff0000"><blink>Happy Lunar New Year to All!!</blink></font></center></font>
Military Wife,
ur HB gng to Thailand?
mine also, isit for Ateh??

wish you all the best for ttcing in FEb!

Wishing all of you a very fruitful and blessed CNY!!
Wow! Val &amp; M wife, souch a coincidence!

Thank you Val!

Today my boss declare half day, but since I'm going for dinner with Hb to celebrate 1st Anniversary so I decide to stay back and work.

The rest of you on half day? This thread has been so quiet...

me quite sure they will know each other cos this time round oni tt camp gg up.

Happy Anniversary!

i got no 1/2 day and coming back to work tmr! also to collect ang bao fr boss... hee hee
me nt on half day, but in off already no mood to work liao
hehe..look fwd to loong weekend

M Wife,
wah so qiao leh.. me and we chat abt our hubby job

Hey Mashy!
thks gal, seeya online
Thanks M wife. Our anniversary actually on 29, but that 1st day of CNY so celebrate earlier.

Val &amp; M wife, tt's quite exciting isn't it? Maybe you gals already saw each other b4 during some of the gatherings. That's cool.

Decide to log off and go do some window shopping while I wait for Hb.



did u go to the airport this morning? maybe we alreadi met there...
this morning?
ur HB left liao?
no, my hubby will leave tonite midnite flight...and I wont be gng to airport to work tomr
BTW, I am on leave today to keep him company

is ur hubby taking the flight fr the budget terminal? is he returning on 1st march?

i heard tdy will hv lots of big shot cos this is the 1st time the budget terminal is being use even thou is not offically open. they r using the very 1st flight there.
