Support group - Miscarriages

qwer - no wonder, i can sleep any time. hee@ now i feel much better liao cos juz now doze off again
i know very dangerous that's y b4 going back i'm going to close my eyes for a while.

Hi all,

Wow..its been many many days since i never login to chat with you gals cos i'm busy at work.

How is everybody? Last I learnt is Pochacco is pregnant.

Is Confused pregnant too now?

Lyn: Did u go and see gynae for that one day menses experience?
<font color="aa00aa">Hi All,</font>
I'm going home soon! Enjoy your long weekend &amp; hope to hear some good news on next Tue! Tata!!
Hello gals...
Hope you gals have a great long weekend!

I have not seen gynae. Will see him on 1 Jun, my expected CD2. When I made the appointment, I wanted to see him to assist me to get pregnant, but I will change my mind now.
Recently, I met a friend who had an op on her ovary for a big cyst and her gynae told her it's not easy for her to get pregnant. But now she's pregnant naturally.
Hallo gals! Hamasaki, how's your preparation for the trip? So excited for you. I wanted to go Taiwan but changed plans to Bangkok. Envy envy...u can get to taste the "xiao chi" we see so often on TV!

Confused, do rest more during this period, do u still reach home after 10 to avoid yr in-laws? Better go home &amp; sleep early. Just ignore them loh.

Mei2, how are u doing? Taking the confinement food?

I went swimming today, soooo shiok the weather. Not too hot &amp; not raining. Lyn? Aren't you tempted by your pool or u too busy? Hee hee...

I have a question...I read somewhere, if after ovulation, we get milky discharge, that means the little sperms failed in their mission. True or not huh?
hi droopy, me still packing my bags.. not fully done yet..

yeah, me looking forward to try out their small little snacks and stuffs that we often see on TV show.. Drooling liao..

I believe U sure can go to taiwan one day.. Ask hubby to bring u there this yr..

Hmmmm, me never read such info be4.. where did u read it from.. Books or website..
Morning Mei &amp; Hamasaki,
Yee? Nowadays, Lyn seldom come in during weekends hor?

Mei, I thought can start taking confinement food already? I started taking the moment I was discharge from the hospital leh. I took those red dates drink &amp; food in sesame oil &amp; ginger, at first I like it. By the 3rd week, abit scared already. hee hee...

hamasaki, wah u dun know eh, getting my hubby to agree to go overseas is so difficult for me. He is always so busy with work. Must bargain how many days he can be away one. Hee hee... how long will u be away?

I read from the website but forgot where, but I think not true lah. Coz I tried to search more info on it but dun have.
good evenin droppy.. is it.. i dunno leh.. but i think i juz take DOM lor.. keke :p or mayb drink so chicken essence.. lolz
Hi droopy,
I am here finally!

hehe... I has been very busy over the weekends. After hubby gone to work yesterday evening, I went back "niang jia"
. Have swimming pool too, but I felt a bit cold. Think I am falling sick already. Now got running nose... and feeling very tired... gonna go to bed soon.
err... about the milky discharge after ovulation, I think it's normal.
hi droopy, i be away for a week plus.. sure will miss all the chatting and miss u gals here..

Lyn, take care.. Think its becos u're over exhausted these few wks.. Got to take care hor..
Hallo Ladies,
Oh Lyn, dun overwork ah, must rest well too! The weather is strange recently, either very very hot or rain non-stop, can fall sick easily, do take care!

Mei, orh...I get what u mean, I also take "bu" like DOM &amp; chicken essence when the bleeding reduces. But those red dates drink &amp; ginger stuff can take already. Help gets rid of "wind" &amp; improve blood circulation wor.

Just now went out to gai gai, the new place opposite Bugis Junction looks happening, reminds me of those flea markets in Bangkok. Got air-con somemore.
<font color="0000ff">Good morning gals! </font>

Hope you all have a great weekend!

I also went there to shop around a couple of weeks ago with my friend. I was surprised too. Seems quite nice to shop for some knicks and knacks...
Yesterday I went for a swim with hubby... My! I cannot swim as many laps already... Gotta build up again...
hello ladies,
oh... the long wkend is over...
stop it, stop it.. i wan it back!!!!

u see gynae today yah? let us know if everything's okie.
Hi qwer,
I am feeling great today
. I am looking forward to a busy day today
. I will be teaching the smart and cute kids this afternoon...
Now listening to soothing music and gonna iron the clothes...
hello hamasaki,
ya lor busy busy with work. Was away on course for 2 days last week. Had to catch up with everything today. Very sian....only half day gone and I want to go home already!
<font color="119911">Yasmin,</font>
If tired, take leave or MC &amp; rest at home. Now preggie, very easy to take MC one...keke....juz tell doc u very tired &amp; sure will issue u MC.
<font color="ff6000">Hamasaki,</font>
I'm like dat lor....long weekend rest too much at back to work very sian. But today Tues already! Soon it'll be Fri again!
qwer, after a long break from work, we feel a bit nua liao hor..

never mind, 3 more days to go before its Fri again.. let's countdown together..
now without my HB around, i can't wait to get back to office.

Yest, i stayed at home the whole day to get some work done. But hor, the isolation and the loneliness.. wah.. very sianz.. nearly go mad! imagine, just 1 day. Can't wait to come back to office 2day to see some "life"...
ha ha..
that guy.. initially he told me 1 mth.. when he left, i sat down and count.. the more i count, the more days he seem to be going... finally i asked him.. it's 1.5 mths lah!.. aiyoyo.. so blur.
anyway, he'll b back mid next mth. so still a few more weeks on my own.
hee hee.. absence does make the heart fonder.
sunny, u went for the walk huh..

hi blue, U can go over to ur mum's plc to stay there for a couple of days.. got people to accompany u, then u wun feel so bored alone at home.. I hate that feeling man..
hi hama,
that was actually my grand plan. i was blabbing away to my HB tat whilst he's away, i would go over to my parents' and live my singlehood again. All planned.. even my mum changed my bedsheet, all waiting 4 me 2 b back...

then...i chicken out at the last moment. ha ha...
cos i still prefer my home sweet home. With all my stuff, still much easier.
<font color="aa00aa">Bluebells,</font>
Aiyoh...u same like me leh! Last time when my HB went reservist for few wks, I also tot of returning to my parent's place to stay. Then later didn't go. My HB asked me why &amp; I told him that I dun feel comfortable there. He said aiyoh....I grew up there &amp; used to sleep there one, how can say like that, hee...hee...
yap, i went for the walk.
don't need stamina one lah. i also don't have stamina. as long as you got company to walk with you, along the way, chit chatting, you would be able to finish the line. you know what, while walking, i chit chat with my friends, i walk even faster than my hb leh. hahaha.....
u going to see Dr Fong? I thot of making appt to see him also...Went to see the JE TCM and she recommended me to see Dr Fong for scan...
hahahahha sunny, then ur hubby lagging behind u.. he should have asked his friends to join him in the walk and U two can race against each other.. (pretty fun leh.. kekekekekke)

wow blue, ur mum not disappointed when u back out at the last min.. Mine will leh..

Hi qwer and blue, me might be going back to my mum's plc for a few days cos hubby going for reservist next mth.. Me still want to go back to my mum's plc.. Kind of miss everything there..
hello gals

I went to see gynae liao. can see bb heartbeat but there's a blood clot n cycst(dunno spell correctly boh) n gynae gave me 10 days mc. i cant chat with u gals everyday liao. i'll come in whenever i can.

bye gals.
hi girls.. this is my first time writing in this thread. would like to find out.. has anyone gone for abortion at 24th week? how long is the procedure and is it performed under GA? after the operation, how long do you need to recuperate? how many days mc is normally given? and according to old folks, the recovery period should be similar to confinement ie cannot wash hair, must eat confinement food. is this true?
confused, do rest well during these 10 days, come in when u feel bored.

Hi BellyButton, would u like to share what happened? I had to go through induced labour coz I lost my bb at Wk 21. From the time I took the 1st pills to induce the contractions to the time I gave birth is about 17 hrs. My gynae is very sympathetic &amp; asked me how many days of MC I needed. I took 3 weeks MC &amp; went through a mini-confinement, yes I did not wash my hair &amp; took confinement food.
<font color="ff0000">Confused</font>,
Do rest well... Must really really really rest well. I will pray for you that your baby will be fine
Stay positive ok? The baby got heartbeat already, so it's a good sign, a milestone crossed

Hi hamasaki,
Wa... You have time to log in even in Taiwan ah... Where are you travelling now? Hope you are enjoying the sights and scenes and shopping and food there
Yeah... Absence does makes the heart fonder... So when he comes back will be your ovulation time? kekeke... can "work hard" when he comes back...

I am now waiting for AF to arrive in 5 days' time... But I dun think too much about it already

Hi BellyButton,

Could you please share what happened? Abortion at 24wk is quite risky indeed, I sincerely hope you think twice unless absolutely necessary...

For MC, I guess you can ask for Hospitalisation leave if your MC allowance is not enough.
