Support group - Miscarriages

confused, do rest well and take care...

stay positive for the little one inside U.. god bless..

Dear Belly Button, i feel so sad for you when i read what u had gone through for this pregnancy!
To be asked to make a decision....
I wished and prayed that a miracle will happen for ur checkup later!

And about ur encounter in KK, i was shocked that the gynae did not monitor u closely since a referral letter was given. Unless ur detailed scan at 19th week reflected a normal Amniotic Fluid Index(AFI) of more than 6cm.
I was actually found to have low AFI at wk 23. Prior to that, i had intermittent spottings during my 1st and early part of 2nd trimester. As i had done a detailed scan, i was immediately scheduled for a growth scan to chk on my BB and was even asked to be admitted for close monitoring. So i was shocked that the gynae only asked u back in 3weeks' time....

Haiz.... looking forward, now, i only wished that u will have good news that ur BB is growing fine. Jia You & Stay positive!

TSH, i cried when i read ur story! You are a very brave mummy and u have showered ur Jie Yun with lots of love and concern..... i'm sure she can feel it cos pple always say there is a bonding b/w BB and mummy! I am not good at words but i just wish to give u a hug!

I wept as I read your story... short as your little gal's life may be but it was one filled with love from her mummy and daddy. *hugz
hi confused,

read that you had a blood clot detected in your current pregnancy.. just wanna share with you my experience that you may have faith ...

I had a miscarriage in Mar2004. Finally conceived my son thru so-iui in Aug2004. However, I bleed very heavily and suddenly .. with blood clots coming out in week5 just before my first u/s scan. I went to see my gynae immediately... he could not find the fetal heartbeat as yet during the scan but instead found a huge blood clot beside the sac. I was asked to go on bedrest with jabs and medication... and I see him again 5 days time and the clot grown bigger... but managed to detect my bb's heartbeat. The blood clot was caused by a bleed/burst of blood vessel in the subchorionic layer between the placenta implantation site and the uterine wall... its called subchorionic bleeding.

I prayed and rested for 2 weeks at home, taking weekly jabs... the clot took months before it becomes smaller... and thank God, my baby continues to grow. And I gave birth to him at 37th wk (8 weeks ago).

There is a yahoo group where a group of ladies who have smiliar condition gathered. I found a lot of encouragement and courage reading thru their stories..

hope that my experience will give u more hope and faith that things will turn out fine.... praying for u.
hope there'll b good news from ur checkup later. let us pray.

i'm sorry to hear abt ur ordeal.

we would always wonder y things happen, but be faithful, and let's look forward to tomorrow...

You ladies are all very strong.
we have all gone thru some hurting stage through our pregnancy, which people with normal pregnancy would never experience nor understand.

And i thank god that i got to know you gals through this forum, otherwise, i would never have known where to vent my fears, frustrations, and hopes.. thanks gals.
belly, keep us update of ur visit to the doc later.. god bless...

blue, i'm too grateful to all the gals here who guide me and given me their fullest support and strength.. to ovecome my m/c..
TSH: i wept as i read ur story. juz like the rest, i do feel tat u r such a brave mummy & ur Jie Yun muz be proud to hv a mummy like u. at this pt of time, no words can describe ur feelg & can ease ur pain but i sincerely pray for u tat u will b blessed wif another healthy bb soon. drop by to share or vent ur frustration if need b, i m sure all the gals here are most willing to lend our pair of ears to listen. take good care & continue to b strong & brave. **HUGS**

BellyButton: **Hugs** will pray tat miracle take place for ur case. B strong okie.

Confusedgal: happy for u & pls take good care fm now on.
Good morning gals!

Sometimes when I read so many stories, I feel like helping... but felt so helpless... This morning, I just received an email about a child having to go through bone marrow transplant, looking for donations. I think the parents must be very hurt inside having to see their child go through chemo, operations, etc...

I am so sorry to hear about what you have to go through. You are very strong. Your story did put tears in my eyes... I hope you will heal soon and get on with life again...
Hi girls..

i just saw Dr Ann Tan today. think she is the only doctor that brought us hope. she said as long as there's a fighting chance, she would stand with me.
she suggested that I go for amnio-infusion to inject fluid into the bag, and at the same time, she would draw some cells to test for chromosomal abnormaly. she suspects the kidneys are not functioning well, but she said we should inject the fluid and wait for one week. if the fluid gets reaborbed, then it means the kidneys are really not functioning as well and we can then consider the dreadful option. but if the fluid remains and the bb is floating normally, it means the bb is peeing normally. she tested the blood flow to the placenta and said it is working fine.
well, seems like this is really an 11th hour miracle that God has given us!
bellybutton: great & glad to hear this good news
really miracle has taken pl. strongly believe tat ur bb will b fine. keep up the spirit!!
Hi BellyButton,
I was holding my breath as I read your post. I hope the fluid will remain in the bag and that all is well. I'm just curious, where do they get the fluid? Will the fluid cause any infection. Strange that the doc in KKH din give you this alternative of amnio-infusion. Yes, my gynae is WK Tan.

Last time I used to think this way too, how we bore the same battle marks of pregnancy, but others have their babies, but I don't. Now I seldom think this way, because I'm thankful for simply being alive and having my wonderful hubby beside me. I hope your hubby is coping well? Sometimes he may not appear to be upset, but in fact he is worried about you. Do take care of each other. Also you may experience a roller coaster of emotions. One minute feel happy and ok, another minute feel totally lost and hopeless. Just to tell you that what you are feeling is perfectly normal and is part of the grieving process. A sister told me "You are knocked down, but you are not knocked out!" Give youselves some time to heal and when you feel that you are ready, you can try again for a second child. Be kind and gentle with yourself. Do you know how I cope with my grieving? Compulsive shopping! I enjoyed myself by shopping for clothes, or simply trying on clothes. Do things that make you happy. Go for a haircut! Like me, colour my hair until I look like Ah Lian.
Dear BellyButton, glad that Dr Ann is able to help.

Just to share, my BB water level was constantly at slightly below borderline since wk 23. One day, the level will went up and the next day, it will drop. There was once that it dropped to a low 2cm plus that the gynae said they probably had to induce labour... but on a second scan, the water level increased... and for the rest of the pregnancy, it remained that way.... up, down, up, down.... All checks,scan, blood test had been and yet the gynae just couldn't trace why the water level was always low... There was so much fear during that time.... but glad that now everything is over and that i had my Cherish in my arms though she required to do some therapy.

Bellybutton, try to have complete bedrest and do drinks more water. I know that all these really dont make much of a difference, but i guess anything that will help our BB, we will just do it. I also take more Bird Nests as heard that it helped to increase the water level! Jia You!
hi dear all...

i had jus a miscarriage on 22nd may, due to heavy bleeding...whole day...

i had tried not to think about cos i only pregnant for 5.5weeks...but seeing all the stories ur posted here...makes me tears again...

i am sorry to hear those who are worst than me...we must stay strong...let pray for a better day and to those who left us...
belly, great to hear that.. feel so relived and happy for u..

hi jess, so sorry for u.. do take care and build up ur body well.. rest more and take more healthy stuffs to strength and build up ur body..
Like many others I teared when I read about your experience and my heart really goes out to you. Believe that GOD will pour out His abundant blessings on you in His Time.

Dear all,
I am 9 weeks pregnant now with 2 previous not very serious but still heartbreaking m/c. I am glad I found this thread... for there seems to be so much love n support for one another who had similar or worst situations. Had my 1st scan 2 weeks again, cannot see much but was glad we could hear bb's heartbeat for the 1st time. Will be going for my 2nd scan tomorrow and I am hopeful and am praying everynight for my baby to stay strong and for GOD to grant me the peace and to remove any fear.

My gyne told me to go back to her immediately should i have any spotting. I thought it meant bleeding. I do experience some brown spotting some days, no blood though... is this normal?
hi clare,
i think brown spotting means dried or oxidized blood. ie there may be some bleeding, but by the time it gets discharged out of the body, it becomes is not normal to have brown spotting really.
better dun take any chance, call your doctor immediately. or if it is govt doc, admit yourself immediately. better safe than sorry.
hey girls.
check with you, Dr Ann Tan will be taking the cells out of my placenta for testing of chromosomal abnormality. how accurate is the test actually? if i also want to test for rare abnormility like the Di George Syndrome, must i call for extra test?
hi java,
i think at the time when i saw the doc at KKH, there was still fluid, so at the time, dun need amnio-infusion. it's just that they scheduled me to see them only in 3 weeks time which is very near the deadline for termination if the prognosis is hopeless. something that i felt they shouldn't have done.
Spotting does not only mean red. If you are adviced by your gynae to see her when there's any spotting, I think brown spotting also counts...
hi ladies.. do jiayou and take care ok

cheer up and dun ever give up hope..

TSH.. u're indeed a brave mummy and am very sure that ur gal is very grateful that at least u let her to see the world... *salute to u

belly.. so happy that u've got a good news... take care huh..

clare.. pls do go find ur gynae asap.. me m/c coz due to signs of brown spottin and it doesnt hurt leh.. then went to gynae and took a HPT.. the line was fainter than 3 days ago when i go to her to confirm.. gynae sense that there's sumthing wrong and ask me to take Beta HCG blood test.. in the end.. its really decrease by 1/2 from 58+ to 28+.. she ask me to wait for my menses to come naturally..
Hallo Gals, after a few days of feeling moody, I finally felt quite good this evening! & when I logged in, I feel even happier seeing hopeful results from BellyButton!

Clare, do visit yr gynae, it may not be anything serious but it is important to get some assurance so as not to worry yourself sick.

Jess, sorry to hear abt yr loss. Do take care & rest well.

U know what? I am very touched by "graduates" like Ocean, Folic, Joyce...who pop in now & then to give us the encouragement we so need. **Hugz**
hello gals

cafe - thanks

Poohy - Really thanks for the encouragement, i give me hope. ya! i hope the blood clot will disappear or getting smaller. in the meantime, i'll be positive.

Clare- i oso had m/c in Mar and now i'm 6weeks pregnant liao. i oso have brown discharge but gynae say its ok leh(for my case) so long its not fresh blood. He gave me 10 days mc to rest at home. I think u better ask your gynae abt the discharge.

Bellybutton - really happy to hear that. in the meantime rest well n be positive thinking(there's hope)
hi ladies, to share regarding of the brown spotting.. Dun ever take it lightly.. If u saw even a bit of that, better call doc up or admitted urself into the hospital..

I really regretted what happened for my case.. Cos i thought that was my menses... (sigh) dun wanna talk abt that anymore..
does anyone know when does menses resume after d n c and when can try again and when can resume exercise as i am trying to lose weight
Good morning ladies,

it's really good news u got for us.
hang in there... Bb is fighting together wif u as well.
Sorri, i can't give u any info on the qn u ask, but do hope the gals here r able to help u.

relax.. hope ur scan today is good!

do rest well now.. and once bleeding stops, to eat lotsa 'bu' stuff to build up the body again.

how r u? everything okie? start eating 'bu' stuff already?

yah.. glad ur moodiness over... it's friday. and it's GSS.. shop till u drop!

how's the 2 mummies coming along? taking care of ur health well? pls rest whenever u r tired.
confused... dun get out of bed 4 no reason! stay put!!!

Thanks gals,
My next gyne apt happens to be this afternoon so guess I'll just pray for everything to be alright.

Confused - Thanks so much for the assurance.

Armygal - Menses should resume exactly 1 month/cycle after the date of your d n c. In my previous case, I had severe menstrual cramp for 2 days around the dates which its supposed to come but it didn't. Went back to gyne who says there's some fibroid tissues blocking the menses & hence had to "unblock" it. So do make sure that your menses do come 1 month later.
hi armygal,
mine came 6 wks after d&c.
but some gals had it between 4-8 wks.
if any later, would suggest consult ur gynae.

my gynae suggested 2 wait for 2 cycles b4 trying.
however, some ladies try b4 their first mense and they are proud mothers now.

regarding exercise... if it's not too strenuous, i guess light exercise won't hurt. but personally, i think not immediately after d&c. rest well and recover the body physically first, cos pple say that m/c is very 'siong' to the body. but of course, it's still dependent on individual.
Regarding spotting, it's not uncommon but I suggest anyone who are experiencing that to get your gynae to give you 2-3 weeks bedrest MC. My wife have been on bedrest for the past couple of weeks and it has really prove very necessary. Do also ask your gynae if you need duphaston to support the pregnancy. If can, try to see your gynae every week for the first two months, though its going to burn the pocket abit. But hey, what more important than your baby?

More information could be found here:

Since the author is a medical director, I suppose his advice should be pretty alright. However, I strongly suggest any one who experiened any brown spotting or m/c before to try to get plenty of bedrest if possible. If can, quit your job and stay at home, this can limit your walking about, etc.

I read a quote from a book before, it said somthing like "it's worth it to invest 9 months of your life in exchange for a lifelong health of your baby".

Hope it helps.
thanks, all for the advice..maybe going for d n c next wk and after that, trying for ivf, so just wanna know how long to wait

thanks for advice, will take it easy if need be
Good Morning Gals!

TSH - you are a really brave mum and a role model. I agree with you that no other kids can replace anyone of our children. Be it them who have left us aft birth or before. Take care and God Bless!

Yvonne and belly button - how are both of you doing? Keep us updated.

It if FRIDAY! & GREAT SINGAPORE SALES starts today! Yippe! Shopping is a way to stress out, its retail therapy!
Good morning gals,

Lyn, yep GSS starts today. U have papers? Not sure which shopping centre on sale. Can help me check whether Metro advertised?

Hi Starlite,
My yahoo id is "appysunflower_007". heh... yahoo messenger has been sitting in my computer for ages.. just signed up for yahoo messenger
Hi Lyn,
What is FCUK??

I thot GSS applies to all shopping centres? I think Robinson sale liao. Cos yesterday my colleague went there to buy toys for her children. But I know Seiyu @ Bugis starts liao, cos I rec'd their email.

Paiseh to say, till now I haven't been to GSS! Is it very crowded with pple on weekdays? I thot of this time since it's school holiday, I'll take leave & bring my gal & mum to shop. If crowded I dun fancy. Thks
Dear TSH,

I've a similar situation w u but I wasn't as brave. We sent Kelly to heaven on 20/3/04 on 23wk+2.

Now after more than a year, I will still tear whenever I think of her. I didn't try after that, just need some time to recuperate. Should be trying again in the next few months.

May god bless those who are ttc with heathly babies!

hi army, most doc will asked u to wait till 3 mths later than resume TTC..
They wanna to let ur body heal well completely be4 u start trying..

Dear BabyM, may god bless u with a healthy child soon.. take care..
Lyn, thanks. Will add u in later to my address book.

Qwer, yep gss applies to all shopping centres participating in the event but of course i think their offer differs. I wanted to buy something from Metro so would want to check out their offer. Too bad just now lunch time went there but the item i want is not on offer.
hi blue, yes. i'm flying off super early morning.. so got to sleep early tonight.. thanks for ur wishes.. Will miss u gals leh... (sob sob)

Still wondering if I'm able to knock off that early 2nite.. (hehehehhe)...
