Support group - Miscarriages

hahahaha... bluebells... Then say dun wan la... hehe.. then baby will come by surprise! cos it's mostly that case... That's why I find life is such an irony!

Morning Gals...

Finally is Friday and 13... today seem a nice weather to laze on the bed...
hi gals good morning

i hv not been seeing EWCM since my last cycle. this is one of the major change tat i encountered after my D&C. last time i used to hv plenty of EWCM wen approaching my fertile period. now totally dry & dont hv at all.... so sad. i think i m not ovulating ever since after the D&C.
yah.. my eyes r practically closing. if not for the fact tat my desk faces my boss, i will probably be zzZZzz...

ha ha.. it works this way? ha ha.. the irony of life.. but quite true, we always hear how pple got bb by 'accident'.. and not once pple say 'yah, i plan for it to happen'.

hi. u at home? cos i tot u mentioned office hrs u can't chat wif us

hmm.. dun worri, i'm sure our body is making all the necessary arrangements 2 prepare for its good.

ask: is it possible dun ovulate and yet have menses? sorri hor, my biological knowledge is damn lousy.
bluebells: can chat today coz my boss outstation. if he is around, keep assigning task for me to do & i definitely cant chat wif u gals. really hope tat i can see some EWCM next cycle.... this cycle no chance coz i use OPK also didnt see +ve. yes it is possible tat we r having menses but nt ovulating.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi all,</font>
...I dunno what to say, dun dare to pin high hopes. Agree with Lyn, bb will come when we least expect it. Today is my CD26....few days more &amp; my AF will be due. I've already got ready the rubber water bag. Hope I won't hv bad cramps like last mth. Or best still AF dun come,
hee...hee... But this time dare not hope for much, if not like last disappointed.
Hello gals

Today i not feeling well. (maybe last few days didnt really sleep well - having backach n dizzy) Dont know y my hormone change so very seriously. (feel very fustrated)

Cafe - oh! Dont worry too much n dont stress your self too much.
qwer - ya! dont pin high hope. When AF come can be very disappointed. me too, although AF still not here yet, i dare not think of bb. juz like Lyn saying bb will come by surprise.
qwer - no leh, juz feeling the whole body aching, feeling fustrated easily n moody. I reaslise after my m/c, b4 my 1st AF coming i oso feeling hormone change. u gals any changes?
<font color="119911">Confused,</font>
No far I dun hv much changes b4 &amp; after m/c. Only after m/c, 1st two cycles of AF very heavy. And like to cry a lot, easily cry lor....
Bluebell, my boss outstation these 2 days so i am veri free and can log in any time... but i dun have the habit of sleeping outside even though i am tired...

Confused, no lei, i dun seem to notice any hormones changes... perhaps i am not sensitive.

Cafe - ya, me heard before that there are some people who menses come with ovulating but how true is it i dun know. Ovulating must have EWCM???

Qwer - CD26??? kekeke... i help u to keep track...
mine also a bit wierd wierd.

i realised my AF, before the full flow, for few days, will be like spotting. then stop. then when i think i have mistaken it, then suddenly few days later, the full AF will come.
i also dunno why like this. For 2 cycles liao.

both ur bosses outstation. ha ha.. scarly both of u r colleagues. :p

cheer up! if this cycle dun hv, we try next cycle. dun give up. we try and try until got!
hi Lyn, wow, those successful people really make an impact in U..

Best to stop thinking it at nite, and have a good nite sleep..

Qwer, Mine Thermometer does have a record of the temp I took that morning si if I forgot what is the temp, i just take a look at my thermometer and I will know the answer.. Urs have or not..
You are not alone! My hormones haywire already... I am in my 6th cycle and still haywire... I dun have EWCM. People say drink green tea will help, so now I drink green tea lor.. haha... just drink and hope...

I think the most important is to relax ok? It's difficult but gotta try...

I used OPK just now... hmm... the line getting darker... haha... k, I will try not to bother too much about the OPK results... just BD as and when we like. I find myself having less desire for baby already. haha.. maybe because I have found something to keep myself very busy and think about other things and not just baby... Now dreaming of earning money and give my parents a better life... haha.. I will be teaching 3 times a week from next week
Yeah... kids kids kids.. sometimes they just make my day!

K, I gotta tidy and clean the house now... later going for training again... then Sat and Sun, full day of training
wow lyn,
u have made yourself very bz nowadays.

so now is HB wait for you come home instead of the other way liao. ;)

i think no good to drink too much green tea also leh. think it's too liang. moderate okie.
when take temp, do u take the 1st moment u wake up?
wat happened let's say we go toilet at 5am, but u supposed only to wake up at 7am. then do u take the temp at 5am or later at 7am? which would be more accurate?
<font color="ff6000">Bluebells,</font>
Ya, thanks....I'll keep trying until got. I'll tell myself to relax &amp; dun be disappointed if AF comes. Xie Xie....
Btw, u very cute leh...ya who knows <font color="0000ff">Pochacco &amp; Cafe</font> are colleagues! HAHA!!

As for the BBT, take at 7am if u always take it at 7am. Take it when you're still in bed.

<font color="119911">Hamasaki,</font>
My thermometer doesn't hv. Once I keep it in the tube-like holder, the temp is reset.
Lyn, what training/course are u attending now.. Izzit the business training..

The course required U to attend more than 3 days each week for a duration of how long..
<font color="aa00aa">Lyn,</font>
I learnt from another thread that those TTC ladies actually drink grapefruit juice to increase EWCM. 1 of them actually tried &amp; was pregnant.
k gals.. i logging out now... tata... Have a great weekend!

yes biz training... it's more of personal training than the biz... It's not required, but I want to attend cos I think I can learn something valuable from there.

i read about that about the grapefruit juice...

temp is very first thing in the morning...

tata gals... Enjoy your weekends!
I see qwer... Have u consider getting those kind of thermometer like mine..

Oh yes, do u still have the one that the Gov gave it to every household during the SARS period.. That thermometer does keep the record U taken on that morning..
<font color="0077aa">Hamasaki,</font>
Oh that one can record temp ah? Ok, I go home &amp; find. Hope still in my drawer....hee...thanks.
yup qwer, if u can find it, can use it tmr liao.. it only record the temp u taken on that morning and not others days hor..

good luck in ur search..
wah.. take temp must b so discipline one.
i doubt i can ever do tat.
ha ha.. when HB comes back from UK and see the temp by the bedside, he would have thot that i have been quite sickly when he's away. cos we only use it when we run a temperature. ha ha..
<font color="119911">Haha...Bluebells,</font>
I like the way u talk...

Ya, take BBT must be discipline leh. When I dun wake up so early on weekends, I still set alarm in my hp to wake me up to take temp. Then continue to <font color="0000ff">play chess</font> with 'Zhou Gong'...
bluebell &amp; qwer: me &amp; pochacco cfm nt colleague coz my whole office, i m the only gal who is married
.... the rest are all Xiao Mei2

hamasaki: ya lor, still waiting patiently for more EWCM. today is CD14 for me........ mayb i need to wait for another few more dayz....
hama: nope i hv nt seen my gynae yet. my first appt will b june. will check wif him in june. i remember clearly b4 D&amp;C, i will hv EWCM without fail every mth &amp; the mucus is so much till i need to put on pad else it will make my panty wet..... now i miss "it"
some people bodies will turn haywire after m/c or birth.. so sad leh..

Wow, urs EWCM that much.. I have it but not as that much as urs..
<font color="0000ff">Cafe,</font>
I dun think everyone will ovulate on CD14. Some maybe few days later. Be patient, maybe urs is coming leh.... As for me, this mth notice double line twice. 1st on CD16, 2nd on CD21 or CD22...forgot liao, but go fertility fren &amp; check. Very weird right? But hor...I'm not analysing it anymore. Juz take it easy...everyday I'll juz take temp only.
qwer: indeed i really hope to c EWCM perhaps next few days else i know i will hv no chance this cycle liao
wow u fertile lei, ovulate twice this mth.... higher chance to conceive lei...
cafe, dun worry too much now.. Let's wait for a couple of days later.. hope there be some signs and indication to let U know that its ur fertile time..
<font color="119911">Cafe,</font>
Me not fertile lah....if fertile, will strike in my 1st try liao. Maybe my OPK spoilt that's why detect twice this mth. This mth I think very low chance to strike cos my HB wasn't well on those days when I think I'm ovulating.

2 days ago, I was asking my HB if we shld set a dateline to TTC. I told him eg. if by this Dec still can't strike, then will stop at 1 child. He didn't reply me leh....he juz told me dun think so much. So I also dunno how now.
why must set a deadline for yourself to ttc?
keep it open, unless of course.. u r going to be in ur 40s or 50s... u r still young, dun give urself the unnecessary stress of that deadline okie.
qwer, why u wanna set a deadline.. any reasons for that..

me never once thought of it... Cos I believe that God will bless us and make our dreams and wishes come true..
QWer - Ya, dun set a deadline for yourself... i dun think u will keep to it also cos if after tat u will still be thinking about it.
if set a deadline, veri stressful...

Cafe - i think u will definately see EWCM these few days... dun worry...

Yasmin - keep us update on Monday...

Gals- my spotting really stop alreadi from yesterday so dun know why... Jus got my Hormones result, they are progessing well and tomorrow going to see gynae again too see bb heartbeat, so anxious but 9am seem veri early to wake up during sat...
<font color="0000ff">Pochacco, Bluebells, Hamasaki,</font>
Oh set deadline will create stress hah? Oh I dunno leh...juz thot of it &amp; propose this idea to my HB but he didn't reply. Cos I thot if try &amp; try still can't strike by Dec, then might as well dun try anymore. Then can juz concentrate on my gal gal, give her the best lor. I dun wan later my gal very big already then I conceive. So big age gap &amp; furthermore I've to start looking after baby all over again. sad hor? Anyway my HB didn't reply me.

<font color="119911">Pochacco,</font>
Spotting stop liao is a good dun ask why or say funny lah.... So happy to hear that your hormone level is increasing well. I'm sure you can see/hear ur baby's heart beating tomolo. Go there earlier better, I believe Sat sure a lot of pple there to checkup.
qwer, i guess ur hubby dun wanna say anything to upset u or make u angry.. Sure it will cause some stress leh.. Some couples argue too becos of such thing..
<font color="aa00aa">Hamasaki,</font>
Ya lor...but who knows maybe I lucky lucky strike this mth leh? keke.....juz joking.
I must psycho myself to take things lightly. Ok, inhale...exhale....inhale...exhale...haha!!
hahahhaha, sure relax and be happy.. baby dust to U.. do whatever things u wanna do and enjoy them now cos once baby arrives, freedom lost liao..
<font color="ff6000">Hurray, TGIF!!</font>

Time to packup &amp; knock off liao...<font color="0000ff">Home Sweet Home....</font>

Chat again on Monday! Tata!!
Going to go hm alreadi finally...

Qwer - dun think too much, before i got pregnant, i told my HB tat next cycle, we must BD every alternate days ffrom CD10 onwards, he was like HAR??? hehehe... so dun worried, urs is on the way...
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks Pochacco,</font>
Ya, I also told my HB last mth that must BD every alternate days during the fertile period. But hor, both of us no stamina lah...we very tired &amp; sleepy after playing with our gal.... I told HB last nite that next mth dun stres liao, juz BD whenever we like. Dun test OPK liao. Hee...hee...
pochacco: tks. great to know that ur spotting has stopped. wow u muz b excited to hear ur bb heartbeat tom, happy for u
yah qwer,
that's the spirit! BD whenever u like.
setting deadline of course stress. imagine ur boss sets a deadline for u to complete ur project, but nearer the time, u realised that it is not due for completion yet.. how? panic.. stress...
same logic.

nvm. go c doc early, can leave early u noe.
best is b the 1st one there, then no need to q when the doc comes, just see him first.
Really happy to hear ur spotting stopped and hormones level is healthy. Take care gal.

hi gals
today is my CD 31, already late for 3 days..... hope that either AF fast fast come or let me test +ve.
