Support group - Miscarriages

sunny, Ur AF is late.. hope there be gd news for u soon in the next few days..

must keep us update hor.. (praying hard for U)

Hello n gd morning gals

Sunny - hope to hear gd news from you.

Qwer - Yeah! i think tis way is better. No stress for u n hubby liao n soon u'll have gd news soon. Oso dont set timing cos can be very stressful.

Gals - my AF is still not here yet n dont know y tis time got soar breast until now. But i got sign leh. btw, pregnant spotting is it the same as AF. (a bit of AF o juz brown discharge)?
Hello Gals,

Aiyoh, I was soooo tired the past few days that I did not log in. Still got that floatish feeling, but slightly better. Today I took Bazhen Essence, hopefully it helps. Thanks for the advice Qwer!

confused, u which CD r u in already? Pregnant spotting kindof like AF. Will not be blood just brownish discharge. How? do we have good news? Hope to hear good news from u n Sunny n Yasmin! Sorry if I miss out other "preggies suspectS" hee hee...too many posts to catch up.

Tonight, me cooking prawns coz if "zhun", then next week I will helping the little potential "candidates" in my hubby to swim faster. Ha ha.
Hope everyone had a great time yesterday and today..
Hello gals...
Very very good morning!

I just came home and had a shower... I just log in to say hello to you gals... cos tomolo morning, sure cannot wake up early. I was busy attending a motivational course
It's very useful in life. Really good feeling after the course, cos I finally set my goals in life!

These few days is ovulation, but did not take proper temperature for the pass two days... Too busy with course.
But I am still happy... Dun really care about TTC already... I got a positive OPK on Sat, but just take it as a pinch of salt.. too tired to think about TTC

Ok, I am super tired already...
<font color="ff6000">Gd morning ladies,</font>

How's everybody today? Hmmm....looks like not much postings over the weekends.

<font color="0000ff">Wah Lyn,</font>
Really so early!! U reached home SO EARLY AH!? Hee....heee....

<font color="119911">Yasmin,</font>
Any good news? I'm excited for u!!

<font color="0077aa">Pochacco,</font>
You've got mail!
Good morning qwer,
I was on MC on cld not update you gals.
Yes. I tested +ve.
Went to see gynae on Friday and am on hormone pills now. Also did blood test and doing 1 more today. If it doubles then pregnancy is healthy if not its not good news liao. Very worried.
Goin off for blood test at abt 9.30 am.
Also did vscan and found that whole thing is very small. So gynae told me to pray hard.
<font color="119911">Yasmin,</font>
Dun worry, I'll pray for you. All the best.
Btw, I thot early pregnancy sure foetus look very small during v-scan right? Anything wrong with that? Why u need to take blood test &amp; hormone pills?
Hello n morning gals

Droopy eyes - i'm CD36 on sat. I was very worried cos my AF spotting on n off these 2 days. tis morning AF come again. (myabe inside choke) i'm relief to see AF come. Mission failed but nevermind leh, i take it easy liao

yamine - Congrats
Wish u all the best. Dont worry, be positive thinking n we'll pray for u.
it's my 3rd AF and it's still like that.
let's take it positively then.. at least we have early 'warning' b4 the big AF comes along.
bluebell - maybe take sometimes to tune back our system. My mum bought a chinese supplement. (it says that it helps to regulate the menses n its oso gd for those who want to get pregnant.) Dont know effective boh. i'll take it once i finished my AF. I'll let u gals know the outcome.

Pochacco - how's your checkup last sat? Can see n hear bb heartbeat?
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Bluebells,</font>
Thanks for your senario on the 'boss gives deadline for project'...hee...hee...very true leh....
<font color="119911">Sunny,</font>
Hv u tested? I wonder when u shld test for HCG. Usually how many DPO then can test hah? Cos I read that if test too early, hormones still not high so can't detect. Maybe u can wait for a few days more? Good luck!!
hello gals...
Good afternoon!


Hope you will have a smooth nine months!

Take care ya?
Wish you a smooth nine months.

Good luck!

I think this cycle fail mission already. I think I got a positive OPK on Thursday. But Thursday, Friday, and Sat, no time and too tired to BD... So now wait for AF liao... I just found a detox program and vegetable supplements. I will give it a try after I find out more about it. There are people who actually conceived after taking the products
here.. here..
just now lunch hours mah...

oh, i'm quite happy wif myself.
Over the wkend, i got myself enrolled for aerobics classes. I think it's time i get in the right shape again. After the class, i feel so energised!
<font color="119911">wah Bluebells,</font>
Aerobics class! Ya....sweat it all out. For my case, I can't do aerobics cos I've knee young already knee pain.

<font color="ff6000">Sunny,</font>
Yes, I encourage &amp; strongly suggest u go see gynae asap if you really strike. For my case, I've PCOS, so I must go straight to the gynae.
like that ah. ok. if i really tested +ve, then i will go see gynae liao. :p

congrats!!! which gynae you are seeing?
Dear All,
Frankly speaking, I'm happy to hear 2 ladies here annoucing their good news! Really gives me hope! Time really flies, I've to see the JE physician again next wk...cos my medicine for 1 mth going to finish already!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Confused,</font>
Hope the chinese supplement works well on you! Jia you!!

Everyone, let's Jia You together! I'm sure our common goal will come true!!
<font color="119911">Sunny,</font>
When do u think is a right time to test hah? Must be past how many days then can test?
qwer - ya! so happy for yasmine n pochacco. yeah! it oso give me hope. Wow! time really flies hor, hope to hear gd news from you too

Bluebell- wow! seems that u enjoy your aerobic class. i used to join Amore aerobic but gave up liao cos once i stop finish my course, i put on weight. (now dare not go aerobic liao)
<font color="ff6000">Confused,</font>
Ok, thank you....but hor...I dare not hope too high cos I scared later disappointed. Maybe can ask the <font color="0000ff">Pochacco &amp; Yasmin</font> to sprinkle some babydust for us, hee....hee.... Babydust sprinkle by them more power! Haha....

As for the aerobics, frens ever told me that once they stopped, they start to gain weight, hee...hee... But hor, I can't lah...already very skinny liao...

<font color="aa00aa">Bluebells,</font>
I suddenly thot of this...if u are TTC, u think aerobics is good? Cos u hv to jump &amp; jump leh....u think think.....
hello gals, hope everyone had a great weekend..

Hi yasmin, keep us update of ur test results.. Pray hard for U that everything is well for u and baby..
yah. me joining amore fitness now.
i used to go aerobics last time 2. but stopped after wedding and weight gained very fast. now try to curb the extra pounds.

i did think abt this... all the jumping is it good 4 ttc?
there's a clause that says if preggie, can push back expiry date of pkg.
another thing is i only bought 12 lessons pkg.. and i intend to complete the 12 lessons b4 HB comes back from UK. hopefully by then i would be strong physically to ttc.
hi qwer, hehehehhe me went out for lunch just now.. Only came back a short while..

Pochacco, how are U.. Wish U a smooth pregnancy and delivery..
hi gals, good afternoon.
boss went out for appt... sneak in to read some postings.
yasmine: my heartiest congratulations to u. dont worry, m sure ur bb will be healthy &amp; fine. will pray for u. update us okie.
<font color="0000ff">Bluebells,</font>
Oh I think it shld be fine, since u will finish the 12 lessons when your HB returns....good, exercise can also circulate blood. Hope u hv good news for us soon after ur HB returns....
Qwer - ya! dont pin hope hope so that we got gd news soon
okie, i try the supplement n if it's gd i'll recommend to u gals. Scared liao ,now i stop going to aerobic. i only go swimming n gym once a week. wow! really envy u, skinny type. i'm the opposite.

Bluebell - ya! if u ttc now, better check whether can go aerobic boh (cos some exercise really xiong leh)

bluebell -
Hi ladies, its been a while since i came in here. Remembered i told u gals that i was going to kk for my follow up, my u/s actually showed a 7cm collection of paraovarian fluid &amp; i was admitted last thur for laproscopy to drain out the fluid &amp; at the same time checked my fallopian tubes. my operation was on fri, turned out my left tube was completely blocked &amp; my right tube was out of position. that explains why i couldn't conceived for such a long time. my gyane cut 3 holes in my tummy area. but luckily, my gynae gave me some good news after my op, my tubes are now patent &amp; my ovaries are healthy &amp; good &amp; she said i shouldn't have any problem in conceiving now. what a relief! this was my major concern. so here i am, resting at home now, got 2 weeks mc, gotta go see my gynae again in 2 weeks time. also, i just got back from kk A&amp;E, was worried cos my bleeding from below is not stopping, so went in to consult the doctor &amp; also change my dressing. the doctor told me not to move around too much as this will increase the bleeding, so i think i better 'guai guai' rest in bed. my gynae told me to take a break from ttc in the meantime, wait for 2 to 3 cycles 1st. coz if i do conceive now, there's a risk of ectopic pregnancy. think i better rest for a while before i start my mission again.

i was briefly reading the posts, glad to see some good news spreading around. Congrats to Yasmin &amp; Pochacco! Have a happy &amp; healthy pregnacies!
qwer, me dun think will work hard in Taiwan.. very tired leh.. cos have to wake up early and will only be back t the hotel rm at late nite.. The only thing I wanna is to go to bed and sleep.. (hehehehhe)
hi missy, Glad to hear that ur doc have assured U that everything is well for U and ur tubes are fine and u should be able to conceive soon since ur ovaries are strong and healthy..

take care of urself and rest well now... Have a speedy recovery..

hi missy,
pls take care of urself.

Complete bed rest.. since u just had an op. And dun walk or take heavy things. Do rest well dear.

ha ha. i'll try. but we not ready yet.
anyway, hb coming back the same time when AF will be coming. so next mth also no chance.
