Support group - Miscarriages

hi cafe, huh... me have not test yet.. was waiting for my AF to come.. Its due today leh..

Hi qwer, I have been having this tummy pain for a few days liao.. was wondering izzit my AF is coming soon.. Its due today..
But my naughty hubby said that maybe my baby is kicking me.. (He SIao Man)...

I had cold drinks last few days only.. Had taken heaty food more than cooling stuff.. (kekeke)

erowen - aiyo! paiseh for the late reply. (juz now having discussion with boss). thanks. i'm fine. Hee! juz came back from business trip

How abt u? how's your preparation liao?

cafe - Wow! your D&C very cheap leh (does it include hosiptal charges)? mine is included n i did it at Mt E.

Hamasaki - Oh! so happy for u. yeah! maybe u strike liao. Waiting for your good news yeah.
qwer, i still got to go to Taiwan.. everything has been booked and set..

alamak, me still dunno.. Does pregnant women have tender breasts, or tender and sore breasts or or sore breasts only..

Do U gals have those signs also when AF is coming soon.. (pai seh so many questions)..
<font color="0000ff">Hamasaki,</font>
Hv u ever had this kind of tummy pain b4? Try to recall.... Go n test HPT few days later to see the results.

Ok, why I ask u the question is bcos, on my 1st pregnancy, I had lower abdomen pain everyday. During that time my AF was few days late liao. I had not experienced such abdomen pain b4, so I fin it very strange. Then later use HPT &amp; realised pregnant. I was too excited then &amp; HB &amp; I hard to believe it. So we went to a GP downstairs to confirm it. Later when I saw my gynae, she told me that the lower abdomen pain was caused by the stretching of the uterus.

Juz play safe lor...these few days do things slowly &amp; dun anyhow take medicine. I'm so excited for u....wah...looks like our thread is lively again!!!

Pregnant early symptoms a bit similar to symptoms when ur AF coming. So cannot tell by symptoms. Go &amp; test is the best answer. Go buy Clearblue &amp; test. It's very accurate though more expensive. Those cheap cheap ones, to me not good.
hi qwer, i had such pains almost every mth when my AF is abt to come or was here.. So its not strange to me..

the only problem I find it strange was that my breasts is tender and not sore unlike last time when AF is here or coming soon.. so that makes me worried and i find it strange..
hamasaki - aiyo! AF should be dont come for 9 mths leh. must be positive thinking. very gan cheong for u

during my 1st pregnancy i have sore breast. 9breast feel painful all the time until .... my breast no feeling n i ask gynae y n he told me my pregnancy fail liao. he say will have the symptom throughout the pregnancy. (dunno true or not leh)

Now ah, my 1st AF, hormone change, breast no feeling leh.
<font color="119911">Hamasaki,</font>
Wah like that very difficult to tell. Dun guess or think lah...go &amp; use Clearblue you'll know. :p
thanks confused and qwer.. I will wait for a day or 2 to see if my AF is here... If its not here by this weekend, maybe will see a doc..

was wondering izzit I'm too stressed up, so AF delays..
Hi hamasaki,
I hope its good news for you leh!

how to diff between tender and sore breasts? Can explain. Thanks.
For my case, i feel soft when i touch it.. not that firm to the touch..

I feel that for Sore breasts, u will feel a bit of pain and it seems and look bigger and a bit hard or firm when u touch it.. looks fuller.. I always tends to get an uncomfortable feeling..
Qwer - me only one day MC cos i cannot take too many days... i am now still waiting for the report from the doctor. i did not tell the doc i was recommended by the JE... i think the same. the conusltation is $45, blood test is blood sucking $75...

Lyn - when is ur app???
u starting what bus??? HB is also thinking of starting bus with friend.

Hamasaki - good luck to u... hopefully AF go go away...
<font color="ff6000">Pochacco,</font>
Wah...blood test is really 'suck blood' expensive ah! Aiyoh....then pple like us hv to take abt 2-3 blood tests per wk. So plus consultation etc, every wk gotta spend abt $300 ah!! Hope ur hormone level keep increasing &amp; stabilise soon. Then no need to do blood test anymore.
<font color="aa00aa">Hamasaki,</font>
From my experience, tender breast is 1 of the early pregnant symptom. It's that kind of feeling, very soft right? It's not painful, juz soft to the touch + not firm. Right?? WAHHHH!! Very high chance hor.....
<font color="119911">Pochacco,</font>
Wah...ur work so busy. You hv a good rest today till Sunday. Remember dun go shopping &amp; jalan jalan unnecessarily. You'll be fine. Take care!
pochacco and qwer, i agree that blood test is really expensive at some clinics.. My worst 2 experience of blood tests is terrible.. the doc have to inject me abt 3 or 4 times to withdraw blood..

Poke in and out for 3 or 4 times then can leh.. wah lau, so painful and got a blue-black the next day.. So scarie..
huh qwer, dun scared me leh.. its true huh.. will there be sore feeling or not..
me only feel tender leh..

I read from one website that said the pregnant women will feel and have sore tender breasts..
i'm no doctor, but why don't u do a complete bed rest. tat means no sitting up and typing. Not sure where i hv read b4, but sitting and read/typing...etc is against gravity. So best is lie down. Be a queen this wkend. Leave all the tasks and running around 2 HB.

do i hear the bells of BB ringing?
yah, like qwer says, go get ur clear blue soon.
Dun wait for the AF lah, it dun wan 2 come liao lah. :p
sad hubby,
ur gynae shd be able to advise you if need b for a complete checkup or an after-analysis from the D&amp;C.
my gynae advice was not necessary, try again.

dun b 2 hard on both urself &amp; wife. no one would expect this, regardless if this is the first, or 2nd preggie... comfort each other and take ur time to move on... It's really refreshing to see u so caring 4 ur wife that u r joining us in this thread. All the best to you.
<font color="0000ff">Ya lor Hamasaki,</font>
Your AF won't come liao need to wait, hee hee...

<font color="ff0000">Dear all,</font>'s so exciting...cos TGIF!!! Weekend again! going to knock off soon!! Tata!!
Hi gals,

Me very busy today but thought of just dropping by to say hi....

Maybe will login tonight to update myself on the posting if i have time.

See ya all.
wow so many postings..... cant really catch up.

confused: yes i only pay $399.00. i did not stay in hospital &amp; the operation was done in the gynae clinic @TMC.

hamasaki: quick test &amp; best of luck. since ur AF overdue liao, u really stand a high chance!!
thanks cafe, confused and qwer.. My AF is due today, but till now its not here yet.. I will wait for 1 or 2 more days be4 i test..

Actually I tested abt 1 wk ago, but turns out negative.. so want to wait and see 1st..
Thanks for the advice! Becos i've read the posting and saw that the unfortunate incident which Java faced could have been avoided if blood test had been done. Ok, will consult gynae?

Now I am thinking that smoking and other 'vices' such as coffee, alcohol may not be that bad afterall people who indulged in such activites seldom have mc. it seems its those who take good care of diet, lifestyle end up with mc. quite disheartening.

Cafe: 399.90 is the total you paid? no other hospital charges? I saw from Gleneagles it cost $1500 (without doctor fee) and no stay involved.
hi sad hubby
mine cost around $1k (incl doc charge, day ward, anesthetic)

hi hama
test again!! and let us know asap,ok? so excited for you.
Hi Sad Hubby,

I had my D&amp;C done at Gleneagles last Dec04. I paid bout $800+ is cash &amp; medisave bout $600 total sum bout $1400+(incl doc charge, dayward, anesthetic etc).

Hope this help.

sad hubby,
I went to a clinic at Mt E before where the doctor has his own facilities for minor surgery. I am not 100% sure, but I think if the gynae has his own facilities, the hospital charges will not be needed. Cos D&amp;C is a day surgery. Last time I went to this gynae at Mt E, and he told me D&amp;C is $500. I will only have to rest at his clinic for a few hours after the D&amp;C and go home.
sad hubby: yes i only paid $399 for my D&amp;C done in Jan this year. my gyane is Dr AL Lim @TMC. His contact no. 62553333. Perhaps you may want to consider this gynae? at times trying to conceive this thing is really beyond our control..... some ppl smoke &amp; drink &amp; yet can conceive but we hv been trying our best to conceive yet end up miscarriage...sigh!!! u take good care of your mrs &amp; i m sure wif your support, she will recover soon.

hamasaki, me too very excited for u. share wif us ur good bb news once u hv tested positive.
sad hubby: jus to add on: what Lyn describe in her posting as @ 11.47am, after my D&amp;C i was told to rest in my gynae clinic for a few hours before I can go bk. it is a day surgery. dont worry, everything is going to b fast &amp; fine for your wife.
Hi cafe - oic. Wow! yours really cheap leh. ya! i agree lor, some dont want bb or drink/smoke n still able to conceive easily. btw, u start ttc liao mah?

Hamasaki - Where are u? we are so gan cheong leh. hope to hear gd news from you.
hi sunny, lyn, cafe and confused

I'm still here.. My AF is not here yet.. Saw some brown stains and was wondering if my AF is coming soon..
ai yoh, headache..
hi hama
brown stain..... hmmm... it's either spotting or AF is coming. btw, take good care of yourself since AF not here and still don't know if you are preggie. keep us update
hamasaki: the 2WW really killing us hor... anyway if u dont see "red" still hv chance. will pray for u &amp; hope u will b the next 1 to strike! i think this thread too long didnt hv good news already.... hope u r the first one to announce good news in May

confused: yes i started my ttc since April. i hv rest for 2 cycles b4 trying as advised by my gynae. i noticed after my D&amp;C, my AF quite heavy lei + my symptons changed too.... last time i used to hv sore breast whenever my AF approaching but ever since after D&amp;C, i dont hv this sympton anymore. wat abt u gals??? any1 same like me???

confused: wat abt u??? r u trying now???
cafe, after my m/c, i still have sore breasts as be4.. symptoms more or less still remain the same.. i also dunno why..
hi gals, today its Mother's Day.. Wishing all Mums and Mums-to-be a very Happy Mother's Day..

To all TTC gals, Baby dust to all.. Hope next yr, we will be proud MUMMYS to our little kiddos..
Good morning gals,
It's monday again!

hope all mummies had a good Mothers' Day! And would_be mummies had a great time celebrating with their mummies!

how's everything?
Morning gals

hi cafe - Hey! me too leh, my symptom oso bcome haywire liao. Juz like u, b4 D&amp;C having sore breast (b4 AF coming) n now ah now no feeling liao. i'm oso trying (at the same time try not to stress too much abt bb)

hamasaki - will pray for u that AF dont come for 9mths.

<font color="0077aa">Good day ladies,</font>

It's Blue Monday again.....

Last nite went to MIL hse wif HB. Juz visit her only...din give her any presents...cos some of u may remember that I mentioned b4 that MIL &amp; I are not in good terms. Last nite b4 I left the hse, MIL told me "Hey your hair so long already hor? Why u dun wan2 cut? I doesn't suit u, in fact u look ugly with long hair." Sigh...I juz smile n told her jokingly that I wan2 save money lah. Actually this is my 1st time to keep long hair after 7 yrs of short hair. Now juz slightly longer than shoulder hair, she said I look ugly. I know I shouldn't bother abt her stupid remarks...she always like to say nasty things that make me unhappy.

U ladies may think that I'm nasty too, but last nite I purposely din buy her any gift for Mother's Day. Cos some of you may know, that I mentioned b4, everytime CNY or her birthday, I bought gifts etc for her she always got excuse said she didn't like it blah blah. So last nite, I told myself, no more gifts for her.
Cos when a person dislike me, no matter what I do or buy for her, she'll not like it one. I rather I spend the money to buy something for my gal or my parents.

Sat nite I sprained my back cos bent down to carry my gal. Backache very bad, couldn't stand straight while I walked. Yesterday morning saw a physician to do acupunture &amp; was better. Last nite kpo HB told MIL that I backache. MIL said I'm so weak, here &amp; there pain. Better dun get pregnant again!
I find it very weird...cos everytime she was the one who will keep nagging at me to hv no.2 but last nite, she said I better dun hv no. 2. I really hate her leh...cos wan2 hv no.2 or not is my HB &amp; mine wish. Not anytime MIL said she want then I must bear her a no. 2. And if she said dun wan, then I cannot get pregnant?? Very weird old lady!

I really dun understand, I'm trying hard to control my emotions &amp; temper when I meet MIL. But she always talk nasty things &amp; seems like wan2 start an argument.
