Support group - Miscarriages

off peak is better than dun have le... Maybe he also pity you have to rush here and there everyday to see your gal gal, and he dun have the time to... so get you a car to make your life easier
hee... think positive ok? Then you will soon be stress free

hahaha... I also will tease my hubby things he dun like if he make me angry... my hubby will sometimes ask me "really ah?" wahahahaha... my hubby very image conscious one le...

Lyn, i will try but i find that it dun works leh for me.. AT times, i'm not thinking of it, but still got the terrible nitemares..

Really hate that.. It spoilt my day and mood..
Dun let it spoil your day and mood. Last time I also never think of it and felt happy, but I still get night mares at nite. My doc said it's subconscious. So dun give up. It takes time. Despite not thinking about it and having nite mares, I did not give up thinking positive. The worst was every single nite, then it became a few days in a week, then it became on and off, then now seldom have nite mares already. The frequencies reduced already. Sometimes I think the power of the mind is really powerful...
Lyn, hope my mind will be that like urs one day.. Stop all the scary nitemares, esp: dreaming of my little one dead..
eih think about your Taiwan trip... Gonna be good! Did you read up on where you are going and the history? Or read up on what to do there? If you want, go to Thinking about travelling and planning for it always make me very happy
<font color="ff0000">Dear All,</font>

Today is <font size="+1">050505</font>. Remember the same 6 numbers will appear again in the next 100 yrs! Happy 555 to u!!

<font color="0000ff">p/s. hee...hee...I juz rec'd tis sms fr a fren. Thot of sharing with ladies here.</font>
Starlite - ya! try not to drink too much tea. i used to drink everday n i got discharge n leg cramp all the time. Now i stop drinking everday liao. (once or twice a week or when u eat oily food) my friend eat n drink liang2 food n her AF couldnt stop(AF abt 2mths) went to see doctor n no use in the end doctor gave her a injection n her menses become harewire.

Qwer - Wow! your hubby really loving n caring. Plsdont get angry with him. Sometime man very straight forward. My hubby sometime make me vomit blood oso.

Hamasaki - me too cry secretly when i think of my 1st pregnancy. i always console myself. i think we must be happy n stress free then able to conceive easily. Dont be sad ok.
<font color="119911">Confused,</font>
How to be <font color="ff6000">Happy</font> and <font color="ff6000">Stress free</font>? Very difficult leh.....

I juz rec'd 1 sms fr a fren. She got married same yr as me, juz 3 mths earlier than me only. Now she has a 4 yrs old &amp; a 2 yrs old child.
It's difficult but gotta try for the sake of our health...

Cannot compare sometimes... It will only put us down... You know, I got friends, my classmates, aleady planning 3rd child... some even planning for 4th child already... Better dun compare, otherwise spoil our mood
qwer: i agree wif the rest. dont b sad, u shd b able to conceive as u hv preggie once so ur chance is there
Most likely I'll be taking MC to rest at home tomolo. Hope the doctor will give me MC. So chat with u ladies on Monday. Take care &amp; bye!!
hi Lyn, me never read up on the Taiwan trip.. just Gong Gong followed the tour guide on those days..

hi confused, thanks.... me will try my best..
hi ladies,

may i know how much does D&amp;C cost at TMC and KKH?
thanks in advance!
<font color="0000ff">G</font><font color="ff0000">o</font><font color="119911">o</font><font color="aa00aa">d</font> <font color="0000ff">M</font><font color="ff0000">o</font><font color="119911">r</font><font color="aa00aa">n</font><font color="0000ff">i</font><font color="ff0000">n</font>g everybody!}

Droopy, enjoy your "destress"! kekeke...

Hi sad hubby,
It cost me $500 at Gleneagles. It would cost me $500 too at Mt E.

Hope it's a better day for you today
morning lyn,

i was thinking of wat u said abt the vit C take too much no good if dun drink enuff h2o. will cause stones in kidney ah... hmm.. mine's 600mg and i take 2 per day. wonder if it's too much.
where u get ur vit E from? and what's it usage? can u share with me? thks.

how r u? hope all's good news!
I read from somewhere not more than 1000mg! Anyway too much vit C is not toxic to the body, but in the long term it will get kidney stones. So if take Vit C, better drink more water.
I got my Vit E from Nature's Farm. Why there? Becos there's an offer there when I was looking around for Vit E. No particular reason. Vit E is an antioxidant and mainly for cell renewal. I read from the fertility book that it would be beneficial to man and woman, so I also take...

Gotta note that if you take Vit E, dun take Vit A cos Vit E blocks the absorption of Vit A.
<font color="ff6000">Hi there!</font>

Today is a better day for me!!

Aiyah...I didn't go to doc last nite. Tis afternoon got meeting leh, can't be absent.... Luckily my cough is better now. I went to Guardian Pharmacy to buy Procodin syrup last evening - cough medicine for ticklish throat. Self medicate this time...cos the other cough mixtures prescribed by GP dun work on me! I'm very sure Procodin syrup can work on me, cos when I was hospitalised at Gleneagles due to bleeing, I was having a bad cough too. And the nurse gave me this medicine. Juz 1 dose &amp; my cough stopped. So I 'smart alec'...copied down the medicine name.

<font color="0000ff">Thanks Cafe,</font>
I hope so.

<font color="119911">Pochacco,</font>
Where are u??
We're anxious to know how was ur checkup.
Morning Gals, today on MC so log in so late... doctor insist that i rest at hm... so no choice... i told my boss i am not feeling well... kekeke... must tell her the truth tomorrow cos the MC is from Gynae... 0

Sad HUbby, my previous D&amp;C cost me $1200 (500 deductable from Medisave) at TMC

Bluebell, Lyn - my checkup yest was normal... never scan cos too early. but both the HCG and Progesterone level are normal... today got to wait for their call about the blood test yest to see if the hormones are increasing well... hopefully so...

Qwer, dun be disheartened... so of us want one child already is a big problem...
<font color="aa00aa">Pochacco,</font>
Glad that ur HCG &amp; P4 are normal. Seems like this gynae is monitoring ur hormone level very closely. Ya what the ladies here said, must rest. Rest is very important for you now. How many days MC?

Btw, did u tell him that you're recommended by JE physician? Must tell or not? So how much he charged u for yesterday test &amp; consult? Pai seh...I'm so eager to know cos I'm preparing for myself lah.... I'm mentally prepared that I wld also need to take blood test &amp; monitor the hormones closely. Thks
Hi qwer,
Glad that you are feeling great today

Hi Pochacco,
You better rest well. Be positive...

I gonna see my gynae next week when he comes back. Something is very wrong with me
I am getting worried whether my fibroids or endo grow back...

Anyway, I will be going out soon. Going for some coaching session for setting up a business. It will occupy my time for a while and not think too much... I think I am deprived of my swimming sessions this week...
<font color="ff0000">Lyn,</font>
No no, dun think negative again. Your last checkup went well right?? Your gynae assured u that u are ok mah. U hv to think positive too!!
<font color="119911">Pochacco,</font>
Your 3 meals at home got problem or not? Dun go downstairs to buy food ok. Best is your HB can buy food for you. Store some food at home too, so that u can munch if hungry. The gynae juz told u to rest at home or bedrest? In my opinion, to be kiasu a bit, better stay on bed or juz sit down &amp; watch TV/read books. Even now that you're at home, dun go &amp; do housework or walk here &amp; there to take things. Try to minimise your movements as much as possible. Take care.
It's all the symptoms that I am experiencing now, plus the strange AF that I have got, plus the strange temperature chart. They are getting me worried
Thanks ladies for the info...

Do you think my wife and I should do a detailed blood test, to check if there is any potential complication? Usually how much does it cost? 1st time preg then mc

Goodluck in your quest (and mine too)
sad hubby,
Sorry to hear that. A miscarriage is very common, especially in the first trimester. Many are due to chromosome abnormality. Both of you will be the best support for each other. All the best. And wish you both a fast recovery.

Sorry, I think my price that I told you earlier might not be accurate, I just realised it's the doctor's charges only. There may be hospital charges which are separate.
Hello n morning gals

Aiyo! tis morning i very suay ah my car broke down n i'm late for work. Really spoil my mood today ah.

lyn - No wonder, everytime taking vit c n i'll feel heaty. (n i stop eating vit c liao)
<font color="0000ff">Oh Lyn,</font>
Ya, then better see ur gynae asap when he returns. Get it treated at once. Dun worry k?

<font color="aa00aa">Sad Hubby,</font>
I think it's more advisable to seek the gynae's opinion, whether further tests are necessary for you. All the best.
<font color="ff6000">Pochacco,</font>
Somebody from the PCOS Thread said that this month magazine "young parents" there is an article talking abt PCOS. It also comes with an interview with Dr. CT Yeong. Go get a copy if you wanna know more info on PCOS. Ask ur hubby to get it for u....
Qwer - So happy that you're feeling great today. Can understand your feeling. Sometimes it's really fated lor. U are better than us here cos u have 1 gal gal liao n we still have none. (my ex-colleague told me that once u have bb b4, its easy to get pregnant)try to realx n not stress so much. I really siang tong liao, no point thinking abt bb if god say that it's not ready for me. (sometimes i do feel extremely sad. But after thinking, i feel no point cos we only live once, must well cherish wat i have now n enjoy my life)

Pochacco - Yeah! u got to rest more. Hope to hear good new from u. Positive thinking yeah!

Lyn - u got see doctor boh? Dont worry too much.
Qwer - i oso dont know. I was driving happily to work n suddenly feel something wrong with the car. Luckily i'm juz near by n got my brother to help me. Heng ah! So paiseh!

Sad hubby - i agree with the gals here. Ask your gynae for opinion. When i went for my D&amp;C my gynae ask me whether i want to test wat causes the failed pregnancy n i ask him is it necessary n he told me no cos this is my 1st pregnancy.
i spent agt $1300++ for my D&amp;C.
<font color="0000ff">Confused,</font>
Thank you for comforting me leh... I know it's fated but sometimes can't help but will think &amp; think. Anyway, I'm ok now liao. Can jump already!! hee...hee...
Although I already hv a gal, I hv PCOS. So not easy to conceive. The previous time was by luck one.

Btw, car breakdown halfway no need to feel paiseh one. Everybody who drives will understand. Juz learn from experience lor... But I do agree that guys are better in handling cars.
qwer - yalor! maybe 1st time experience will feel paiseh. And after that used to it liao hor. Hee!

oic. nevermind lor, if (*touchwood*)really dont have 2nd bb then u n hubby give all the best to your gal gal. My ex-colleague married for many year n no baby (she went for different type of operation n doctor even told her that she wont get pregnant) she didnt give up hope and one day she found out that she's pregnant liao. Now her gal gal already Pr 3. After that she did try for the 2nd one but fail. so she told me that got 1 is better than 0. so must be contented. (she give all the best to her daughter) n now i can see they are really happy. Then she told me to relax n try not to think too much abt bb n will have bb very fast. (now i try her method lor)
Hello gals, me not feeling well again.. tummy is in pain, having tender but not sore breasts and I seems to have put on weight liao.. dunno why.. My AF is supposed to be here today but it have not come yet..

Hi qwer, happie to hear from U.. Is ur day brighter today than yesterday..

hi pochacco, glad to hear from U.. yes, must rest well and heed doc advices.. Have a blessed pregnancy.. All the best and always keep us update
confused, i heard some one telling me that if U have been pregnant be4 or givin birth be4, it should be pretty easy to conceive the next one.. Me till now, still thinking it its true..

Lyn, I still urge U to see a doc leh.. its getting me worried for U abt the strange signs U're having now.. I think U told us abt it last wk, and till now U're still expericing it..
<font color="aa00aa">Hallo Hamasaki,</font>
Thanks...I'm better today. What happened to u? Why tummy ache? See doc or not? My physician told me that few days b4 AF comes, dun eat cooling fruits - watermelon, pineapple or cold stuffs. If not like last mth I had terrible cramp...believed was that half tub of icecream which I gobbled down. So, did u eat cooling stuff few days ago?

oh ya hor...<font color="aa00aa">Hamasaki,</font>
If u ever BD last mth, hee...hee...then <font color="ff0000">Cafe</font> maybe right!! Oh....then u cannot go Taiwan liao, hee...
