Support group - Miscarriages


realised the dist btw osaka and tokyo!!!!! finalised staying 2 nites over in kyoto (1 nite) and osaka (1 nite). dun wanna rush ard and go crazy on the train!

r u still suffering fr jetlag today? must be awful to go to work if u r!

Hi millie,

your new plans sounds much better! :D

I am still feeling a little jetlag. I was supposed to be on leave today (I applied for leave for all Mondays off till end of year) but got too many outstanding issues to follow up. So I am back at work now. Luckily, the jetlag feeling is gone... now just plain laziness.. the weather is SOOOO GOOOD to sleep in...

Hello there girls!
I'm back. So tired now! Going to work later...xian ah! How are u all? I'm too lazy to scroll up to read all the messages...dunno where I left off!
Folic, I guess you're back already, cos talking about jetlag and all...Millie, and u going to Japan? that's great! When?
I'm a bit disoriented this morning, not jetlag, but just a bit slow to get into the swing of things. Besides, my AF just came knocking yesterday so feel extra tired. As usual, about 40 days...sigh, I guess my hope of having shorter cycles after the mc not happening leh!
Hi Tiny,

welcome back. Must be tough to tune back to work in such a festive mood all around!

Actually, my cycle did not become shorter either. It is still about 35 days. However, I noticed that I do have lots of EWCM about day 20 or so and then 14-15 days later, sure will have AF. I take it as a sign that I am ovulating properly. Too lazy to do charting :p

Good morning everyone, this week no mood to work liao. Yesterday had a xmas party at my house. As this group of friends didn't know abt what happen to me. They keep asking when I having baby and such. During the gift exchange, gave me a photo of Jesus helping a small boy to walk. I was withholding my tears when I saw the picture, because I know it was God sent. This Christmas Eve I will be going to my uncle's place, I know I will see many of my relatives there, I just hope and pray that it will not be too awkward.

Have a great day ahead. My boss today not around. Lunch time can eat longer liao.
hi everyone,

just want to wish u an early merry christmas and happy new year!

i m leaving on christmas day but i may not hv time to come visit the thread fr now till then. got to clear quite a pile of work but like java, my mood is superly great!

till 2004 then!
Hi Java,
This week, I also no mood to work. I am on leave today and Friday.

Hope you enjoy yourself at your uncle's place. Saturday was my EDD. I was surprised at how well it went. Hubby and I decided to babysit our niece (4 years)for the weekend and it was real tiring!! Although I wished it had been my own that I carry during this festive season, I still enjoyed myself pretty much. Sometimes, i feel a little guilty when I feel so happy.. but I think, our babies will want us to be happy too. Merry Xmas!!

Millie, enjout your Japan trip! Tell me more about it when you get back!!

Hi everyone! Hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas!
Java, you feeling ok? i remember you saying you were worried about meeting all those relatives at christmas. Hope everything turned out ok for you!

Hi all!
Belated Christmas wishes! It's been a hectic week. On Christmas day, we had child baptism during church service, there were so many babies being baptised, and about 3 of them were children of my friends (all around my age)...I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of sadness and loss, and don't know why, I just couldn't stop crying! I kept tearing and sniffing...all throughout Christmas service. Felt so silly after that, cos my eyes were all red & my nose all stuffy...sigh.

I pray that God bless all of us here with healthy children in His own time!

Dear all,
How's everyone? Seems a bit quiet here recently, must be all busy with the festive season.

Just spoke to a friend today, who'd recently gone through a m/c. She was crying and I was fighting hard too keep my own tears back. I totally understand all she said, her feelings, her sense of guilt, loss of confidence, etc. Yet I have to be strong for her cos I know that that's the only way we can help each other get on with life. Shared with her about this support group and I hope she'll join us here, even if she doesn't feel comfortable writing, I hope she'll read some of the posts and feel comforted. So if she's reading, just want her to know that there are people who know exactly how you're feeling, and learning to cope with the loss and grief is an important first step towards hope for the future.

Take care.
Hi Tiny,

hope you enjoyed your Viet trip!
Everyone seems to have disappeared for a while!

Hope your fren will join us here. I am sure she will be able to seek some solace in chatting with people who have gone through similar experience.

It's New Year's eve liao. Take this opportunity to wish everyone here good health in year 2004 and hope that all our dreams come true.

Hi tiny,
Being there for your friend is good. Everyone should hv someone to confide in...but sometimes a husband is unable to do that becos of his own emotions.... Although every mention of it makes us feel sad, but I reckon strength comes from knowing we have helped another.
Hi everyone,
Me still in office....

Hope that next year 2004 will be better year for everyone here.

Yah met my relatives, generally they were all very concern for me and wish me well. Those who snub me becos I got pregnant before customary wedding, I didn't even bother to greet them. I know I was being unforgiving and bitter. But I think its very hard for me to forget how they treated me and my parents last time.

This is kinda wierd but there was this can of Anmum in one of the drawers in my office desk. I kept it until yesterday I finally took it out to throw away. I dunno why I kept it for so long.

Anyway begone with the past, welcome the new year 2004 with open arms!!!
Happy New Year everyone!!!! 2004 gotta be a better year than 2003!!!! Hope everyone will be happy and all wishes granted in this new year.

Hi Java, glad to hear that you survived the festive season. Take the throwing of anmum as a symbolic act of throwing away some of the unhappy memories lah!
I got some relatives whom I have not met for years as well, also for some unhappy incidents(they distanced themselves when my father's business failed in the mid 80s). Now, the anger is no longer there but I just don't see the point in rekindling the relationship. One day, you will probably forgive them but it would be difficult to forget ( for me I can't forget as well). Do take care in this new year!! Best wishes!!

hi everyone,

i m back. had a gd time in japan. really wish all of u will hv a gd year ahead but it's not a gd start for me. got bad news to share with u.

i took a pregnancy test before i left for hols and it's positive. of course thrilled and hopeful. made an appt to see gynae when back. i was careful not to exert myself and anyhow eat during the trip. and everything went smoothly (or so i thought) - no bleeding, nothing. had all the symptons and signs of pregnancy except for morning sickness.

i just came back fr doc. i m supposed to be 6 wks by now but fr the ultrascan, doc cld only see a sac. yup, happened again! he asked if i cld hv made a mistake in my calculation and i m only 4 wks pregnant now. i dun think so. it's impossible cos we definitely didn't baby dance during the period to coincide with me being 4 wks pregnant.

well, to be sure, the doc did a blood test. so i m waiting for results now. i don't feel hopeful at all. can't explain the mixture of feelings i hv now - sad angry fear if confirm bad news, i will need to do d&c.

wld like to ask if any of u went back to work immediately after d&c? i dun want to take another 1 wk mc when i took one less than 3 mths ago. moreover, i think i wld prefer to bury myself with work than stay at hm.

doc says he'll do tests for me and hubby after this case is confirmed bad one and after i recover fr d&c to check where the problem lies cos it's the same situations for both times. i hope the problem can be discovered and treatment can be done. but the fear of future pregnancy is haunting me.

i didn't cry at the clinic. in fact, i hv not cried so far. dun noe. maybe i m in a daze. no one knows tt i m pregnant this time except hubby. intend to gv our parents a surprise when we come bk. well now, i dun even noe how to tell my mum.

oh well, will update u when i get the results. thks for 'listening'.
Hi Millie, so sorry to hear abt your case. Sorry but what do you mean when it's only a sac again and this 4 wk and 6 wk thing?

Keep your spirits up. I know an ex-colleague who had 2 miscarriages b4 she finally got pregnant and has 2 gals now.
Dear Millie,
Welcome back. Glad you had a nice time, but hearing about your case makes me sad. However, I think there is still hope as long as he results are not comfirmed yet. YOu said that you don't think so, but are u sure you are 6 weeks? It may not be the case...perhaps it really is less than that? Maybe it is too small to detect indeed. I think trying to place the pregnancy has something to do with when u ovulate, not when u baby dance...of course theoretically they should coincide lah. I'm no expert here, but whatever it is, don't lose hope yet! Will be praying for u.
ANother friend of mine is pregnant. Recently she said she wasn't ready to have a kid so soon, etc. so I'm thinking if it was unplanned, then these people are really fortunate...So many of my friends claim that their pregnancies are 'accidents'...makes it seem so easy! Only now I realise it really isn't that easy to get pregnant. Sigh.

Millie, take care and think positive k?
HI Millie,

do take care. prepare for the worst but hope for the best ok? If it is a miscarriage again, at least the doc will be doing a series of tests to find out what went wrong.

My thoughts are with you. Do keep us posted.

Take care

hi Millie,
very sorry to hear about that.but please dun worry since nothing is confirm yet. its best not to tell anyone. you will feel better at the end of the day because you dun have to face frens and relative having to know you had another "accident" i went back straight to work after my D&C. no problem at all. as in i never even took a single day of MC. i just pretended that nothing has happened.

but i still wish that the baby is too small to be detected.
dear all,

thks so much for ur support and encouragement! got results back. fr blood test i m suppose to be in my 5th wk. and so doc arrange for me to go back for checkup next wk. tiny, like wat u said, the sperms may hv stayed inside long enuf to meet ovulation. but i try to calculate and calculate and it seems to be rather impossible considering the last time we baby dance! unless the sperms survived for a wk or more? that's why i thought it's impossible.

still, there's hope but because of the past experience, i dare not be too positive. i m not a religious person but i hv been praying hard. i really hope all of us here will get to be mums this yr!

will update next wk. thks again. it's really gd to hv a place to go to share my thoughts.
be strong yah..we will all pray for you. i am planning to be have one in 2004. but also scared coz of past experience. tough on us..

do keep us updated yah
Hi Millie,

Keep positive! Anything can happen, especially for things that we do not know.

Hope that everything goes well for you. Take care...
Hi Millie,

glad to hear that the blood test results came back positive. For your info, when I was preg, my first test at the gynae was also negative. I was so worried. Then I did the blood test and it came back to about 5 weeks as well. Sometimes, you might have ovulated later than expected as well, especially if your menses were irregular.

Take care!!

Hi Millie
Continue to stay optimistic 2004 will be a better year for all of us here
Hi Millie

Always keep a positive mind. It can conquers all. I have a very strong feeling that you will be able to carry this baby in 9 months time. We will all stand by you. In the meantime, please take good care of yourself.
Hi Millie, happen to read abt your story. Dun worry so much, okie. When I was 6 wks pregnant, the gynae can't detect the heartbeat of the foetus too! The ultrascan only shows a sac. When I went back again at 8 wks, he can detect the heartbeat and everything. So be positive.
hi all...

tis is tintin here... hv registered a new nick under SB...

good to hear abt ur news! take care yeah??
and dun wori so much... i know its hard not to think of the past psychologically... but think of happier things... and u can start talking to ur bb... it helps.... hehe...
Hi millie
Glad to hear from you.
BTW, dun think too much into the date of early pregnancy. Remember my case? When I discovered I was pregnant, I was supposed to be abt 6 weeks but all the gynae could see was an empty uterus. At 7th week, we saw a small sac, at 9th week, the heartbeat finally. And no matter how hard I calculate, I couldn't figure out how I could have gotten pregnant cos during the so-called fertilization period, I was having my first menses after d&c!!! And now, I am 8 mths liao. Think positive and optimistically.
Let us know. We will be here to support.
times really flies!!! u must be damn excited!! now you can start taking all the neccessary nourishments take care and pop by as and whats the princess's name?
hi bebechic...
how r u? how's ur job search?

hi linda...
so how's ur pregnancy so far?
bb fine? issit a ger?

i'm into my 12th week already...
hi soyabean!!!
me read the MTB thread..see that u doing job search no news leh. still looking got lobang or not..haha.

me fine usual lor.keep postponing babydancing till i found a more stable job. hate to do so.

linda is expecting a princess. any feeling whats your baby going to be? prince or princess?
Hi Linda, so long never hear from you. Glad to hear that both u and bb are doing fine. So you're in your 3rd trimester now? Have u name your princess yet?
hi bebechic,
the job market is now slowly picking up... so dun fret... continue to look for job.

hehe... so far, i dun hv reali strong feeling whether my bb ger or boi... but somehow something tells me its a boi.... hehe... will see whether accurate or not then.
Hi all,
Thanks for the concern. Excited? Not really yet cos too caught up with preparations and stuff. Girl is doing well I hope...seeing her next week. Name have not confirmed but most likely Victoria. Chinese could be Xuan1.

Hi bebechic,
After CNY, sure a lot of job movement after people get bonus and stuff. Time to look out for jobs. Good luck.
hi all,

thks for concern. shall hope for gd news next mon.

linda, gd to know tt ur baby is doing fine. i hope my situation will be like yours. cos i dun understand how i cld conceive at such a late date. was joking with my husband tt maybe his sperms hv strong will to stay alive for more than 10 days? (just like the iran guy tt survived for 13 days after the earthquake).

linda, may i ask tt when u mention u saw the bb's heartbeat at 9 wks, r u in ur 9 wks (as u thought u r) or fr the bb's growth, it's supposed to be less than 9 wks? i m hoping for gd news but i dun hv any pregnant symptons now except for heavy breasts. but i felt my breasts not so full as before!

may i ask if the results is no gd next wk, shall i postpone my d&c in case there's a possibility like ur case? cos by next wk, i shld be in my 6th wk (fr the blood test) but fr my own self calculation, i thought i m in my 8th wk liao.

soyabean, how fast! u r in ur 12th wk liao. how exciting.

hv a gd wkend everyone!
if you are horse or dragon then i think your baby is a boy! haha lets make a bet!

yup i know job mkt will only be better after new year. pray hard i land myself in a good one. looking for business development positions.

linda! XUAN is indeed a very nice chinese character. if i were to name my daughter i thought of CI(2) as well. translate mercy. CI XUAN. nice or not?? you must also pray that xuan xuan can find beckham. haha

we all keeping our fingers cross for you! let us know how things are on monday. as we all say women very fertile just after m/c or birth. so likely its fruitful!!! just wait a while more ok?
hi millie...
i think if u wan, u can postpone... cos there still might be hope like in linda's case. and u reali might hv miscalculated the gestation period cos u might hv had a longer cycle dat round.

remain positive!

me a dragon leh.... haha... but wat makes u think if a horse or dragon, bb will be boi?
Hi millie,

continue to have a positive mind!
Best wishes and do take care!

Hi Linda, glad to see you around! 8 months already!!
Soon, we will be hearing your birth storiy and your baby story! :D Take care!

Hi millie,
I went to dig out my files and appt card. Here's the story:-
27/6/03 Saw nothing on ultrasound but an empty uterus. Last menses 22/5. So supposedly to be abt 5 weeks pregnant.

4/7/03 Saw tiny sac on screen, doc pronounced me pregnant. Supposedly to be 6 weeks pregnant but ultrasound dated me to be only 4 weeks. And I read that faint positive HPT (Home Pregnancy Test) are an indication of not to stable pregnancies. Both my were faint positives.

25/7/03 3 weeks later at supposedly 9 weeks pregnant, I am dated by machine only at 8 weeks pregnant but a heart beat was seen.

So you see Millie, as you proceed along pregnancy, your timing is thrown off by your doctor's ultrasound scan. They calculate by foetal size and not your LMP. Or at least that's what happen to my case.
I didn't have pregnancy symptoms for this one (unlike my first) not even a tinge of swollen breasts. Only started abt the 3rd mth. So symptoms not very good basis to put your bet on.

I would advise to hold on for a while or seek a second opinion before you decide on a d&c. Ultrasound dates you differently from how we calculate.

Hi soyabean,
Thanks. I like old english names. Next one if girl shld be Elizabeth or Alexandra. Congrats on passing your first trimester!

Hi bebchic,
I like xuan. Co-incidently, hubby suggested that to me too... But all he says is "Xuan is nice, but I dunno how to write.." hahahaha... But I think there is only one xuan for girls. CI2 is nice... very feminine.

Hi folic
Thanks. 8 mths plus 1 week liao lor...getting a bit more tired and hubby is now doing up the room. FINALLY... I waited for him to do something abt that damn room for so long that it is getting on my nerves and I cannot do anything abt it. hahhahaha.... Hoping to hear good news from you soon. How's the weight losing coming abt?
Hi Millie,

I hope you are feeling better this week... have you gone to the docs? Do take care and I think you should seek a second opinion if you feel it is necessary.

Linda, glad to hear you are ok. I can't believe how close you are to your delivery date!!
I hope you have energy to have some fun during CNY and for once, you can eat more without worrying about weight! As for me, my weight loss is pretty good! I am now below the 70kg mark (69.5 think), losing about additional 2kg. I am so mighty pleased with myself. Some of my old clothes are starting to fit. The new ones which I bought are getting loose :D I was so happy shopping during the Xmas/NY week. Cos I did not realise that I have lost weight, I kept taking the bigger size and found that they are way too loose.
I eat oatmeal for breakfast almost everyday. Only on weekends, I give myself a treat and take chee cheong fun or chwee keuh. No more nasi lemak etc. I am also taking a lot of soup based food and even go for ma la hot pot steamboat buffet.
Also, the good news is that when I went for my full body check up, my blood pressure is a perfect 120/80. It had been on a high side ever since pregnancy. Now waiting for the rest of the report to be back and I will be more confident to TTC after that. Even my hubby is starting to talk about it :D

hi ladies,

how's the wkend? i pratically laze at hm.

went to see doc just now. well, the gd news is tt the sac has grown but the bad news is tt it remains a big ?.

fr the size of sac, i m supposed to be in my 5th wk. when i ask doc abt the blood test (where i was diagnosed to be 5 wks last wk), he said blood test not so accurate as the hcg level varies. i may hv been in my 4th wk last wk.

jus to share, my hubby and i r quite fed up with the doc liao. he's going to see me next wk to see the deveolopment. on one hand, he tells us to be positive and then on the other hand, he had to add 'but be prepared to come for wash out (d&c)...dun hv any food or drink tt day....if it is not a gd baby, might as well get rid of it that u can enjoy cny'. i was thinking to myself, how on earth wld i enjoy my cny if i hv a d&c???!!!

he sounds mean and insensitive rt? i wld say tt he's an experienced and nice doc but when it comes to sensitivity, he's too straightforward and doesn't mince his words at all.

anyway, he added tt he won't gv me any hormones as they r of no use to the development of the baby. if it's a gd baby, it will grow well by itself. *sigh* fed up again....wat does he mean by 'good baby' vs 'bad baby'. he sounds so detact fr it!

linda, thks so much for ur info. it gvs me hope
but the one thing tt holds both my hubby and i bk fr real joy after today's checkup is the fact tt we didn't hv intercourse abt 10 days before my expected menses date of 22/12. and if this baby is now only 5 wks old, it is supposed to be concieved ard my menses date!!! and i testes positive on 23/12 (very faint line)!!! unless both my hubby and i cock-eye see wrongly?

anyway gals, i don't intend to go on an empty stomach next wk for checkup. even if the outcome no gd, it seems so cruel to me to hv an immediate d&c. i think i wld seek a second opinion instead.

and linda, i really want to thank u for starting this thread.
Hi Linda
Wishing u a smooth delivery & will be hearing yr good news soon

& thanks for encouraging all the people here

Hi millie
Glad that u are well & have strong will & positive attitudes
Keep it up
I am sure things will work yr way
hi millie...
i support ur decision... dun go empty b4 ur check next week. and i think u shld seek a 2nd opinion. it can make a lot of difference.

but i dun agree wif the giving hormone pills part... i think no matter wat, ho harm giving the pills... ur gynae sure hv a strange thinking.

hey folic...
urgh... ur mention of food jus reminded me of the chee cheong fun craving i had yest!
but didnt get a chance to eat it...

and i'm glad to know dat u and hubby are open to the idea of TTC again... good for u... hope to hear good news from u soon!

hi linda...
me still not reali over 1st tri yet.... hehe... will be over once i pass my 14th week.... but cant wait...
luckily, my MS has been in control already... appetite is slowly creeping back.
so i will be expecting myself to start putting on weight! hvnt put on any for the past 2 mths due to my MS.
Hi millie,

I think you should seek 2nd opinion also. Maybe your gynae feel that your hormone level is able to substain the growth of sac, so he felt that it's not necessary to let you have the pills. In any case, I think there's no harm taking in hormone pills as even in normal pregnancy, we can only see sac in 5th & 6th week.

Dun bother too much on the conceive dates. Most importantly is to keep on with a positive mind.
dear folic, gladdy, soyabean and modi, thks so much for support.
hv been leading life as normal and try not to think of negative thoughts.

went to the bank after work today to change new notes but the queue was simply too long! think maybe tomoroow 'eat snake' go early in morning. got to spend the wkend spring cleaning and preparing ang baos *heart break*.

tiny, how r u? hv not been seeing u recently.


I am also going to eat snake today to go change new notes!!
Leaving office shortly :p Now trying to think whether to go to Holland V or UOB main branch...

Glad to know you are staying positive! Keep us posted ok?

