Support group - Miscarriages

hi tubby, pregnate ladies are always feeling tired.. its good to nap as U said, its a good sign..
Take care gal..

I will slowly try to relax myself and hopefully within a few days, i will get the hang of it without forgetting..

Hi Tubby, the name called BeBeSounds.
Hi Joyce, you managed to hear baby's heartbeat using BeBeSounds? I gave up on mine and I think Java also cannot hear anything from it

hahaha! so tubby, don't waste money lah!

so far, i hv not heard of anyone who managed to hear the heartbeat from that thing.

Hi Java,
That's the best news I ever heard!!!!
Great that the cysts are gone!!! Hooray! And wow! Pretty big boy huh? Never mind, boys taller more handsome.
Tory is fine and so am i.
Thanks for asking.

Hi Folic,
Well, enjoy it while you can. Once girl is here, you will miss it moving and monkeying around in your tummy. Sometimes I wish I can squeeze Tory back into my tummy again..

Hi Adora,
well, if you are really worried, might do you good if you just pop over to the doc to do a scan on baby?
It will ensure you more.
thks folic for helping me save some money hor!!

aiyoo... & i tot i can depend on dis device to save myself from worrying sick from week 20 onwards.... hhmmm....
hi girls, rushing off for dinner time to read all the posts. my sis is back for holiday so relatives taking turns to blanjah her...
adora, mustela is good cos i've been using it since about 8 weeks, and i don't have any stretchmarks (yet...touchwood!) Do u know i'm already on to my 3rd tube?
Happy New Year to everyone!!! May the new year be a better one for everyone.

Glad to see that the thread is very active because of Ocean. Hmmm... which also means that I am having problem catching up with all the posts.

Ocean... got in here after knowing that you have given birth on 1 Jan. You deserve a pat on the back for being so brave all these while. Take good care of yourself and I'm sure your baby will grow up to be strong like you. I'm still extremely busy with work and house (which explains why I don't even have time to check in here). Chinese New Year is round the corner and there are lots to be done for the next coming month. Good for you... now you can bring your baby out to collect ang bao on 9 Feb :p

For those who just had a miscarriage... please don't give up hope or blame yourself. Time does heal all wounds... the others here are good life examples

Baby dust to those TTC... I remember there's Millie, Tian Tian, Hamasaki.

Me currently just hit my 16th week. It is a relief to know that I am way pass my 1st trimester. Still pressing on and hoping for the best. Went for my checkup yesterday and saw baby kicking and punching inside. Gynae said it could be a boy as he thought he saw something. Going for my first detailed scan in 4 weeks time... so should be able to confirm the baby's gender.
hi Odie, Happy New Year to U..
Its been some time since i saw yr post here..

Pls take gd care of yrself.. Do rest when U got the time.. Hope yr workload will be lessen each passing days..Thanks for yr baby dust..

wow, so fast 16 wks.. that's a huge relief that u have passed yr 1st trimester.. Now me waiting to know yr baby sex..
Keep us update once U done with your scan in a mth's time..

Wish U good luck..
Good morning gals!

I rushed in to office for a con call but the other party cancelled it at the last minute.. stupid!

Tubby, after 20 weeks, it is much easier and more fun, more reassuring to feel the baby kicks than trying to locate the heartbeat with that device. Knowing how kan chiong u r, u will prob panic when u can't locate the heartbeat. So better don buy yah?

Odie, good to see you post. So most prob you getting a boy boy?
Take care!

Adora, I used the light oil mist from Avent. I like it cos it smells good and not oily. But I only use once in a while and only started a couple of weeks back. Hee!

Morning gals,

Wow, you are already in your 16 weeks!!! It seems like you only announced the good news recently. Yes, it must be a relief to see your little one kicking and punching inside you.
. So it is going to be a <font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">BOY??</font></font>

You too, must take care of yourself, K?? Don't be overly kan cheong, hor.

Haiz, my AF came this morning.
This is my 3rd failed cycle liao. Can't help feeling sad when I see <font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">red</font></font>. Not sure if I should start charting my temp. again but I really find it very stressful leh. Sorry, <font color="0000ff">hamasaki</font>, I know you are going to start taking yr temp. soon
hi ladies
can i join?

would like to get your point of view.
last week i went for my scan (supposed to be my 9 weeks). after the scan, my gynae told me that the bb is 5 weeks and bb is ok.

then after i left the room and waiting for the nurse to call me to arrange appt. i found it not very right. then, i asked the nurse that how could that be possible if 5 weeks ago, i already tested +ve and now, doc told me i am only in 5 weeks.

the nurse was also puzzled but didn't go in to ask doc. she just arrange the next appt from 4 weeks time to 3 weeks time. and she asked me to rest well and eat well and be more careful.
then, the next day, i went to see another gynae for 2nd opinion. the gynae, after noting down all the dates (test date, scan date, etc), he gave me a strange facial expression. then he did a scan for me, said the most, i am in 6 weeks.

then, he analysed the situation for me, and opted out the possibility of late ovulation. and said that the bb is either unhealthy or it's not growing..... then, he asked me to go to see him the following week which is this week.

so, would like to get your view if it's possible a bad news? or it still have chance? (recently i still have nausea feeling and giddiness, feel that body is weaker, discharge, etc. but my friend, after cfm that she was M/C, she also still have these pregnancy symptoms....)
Dun worry Tian Tian, me never blame U..
Lets us Jia You again and again.. Hope both of us have baby news soon..

hi gals, can i ask if Lavendar essectial oil is safe to use before pregnancy and during pregnancy.. I have a bottle of it which i'm using it to apply on my face every night..

Not sure if all essectial oils, i can't use it now and when I'm pregnate..
hi hamasaki
i have 2 bottles. one for facial and one for burning. the burning one, on the bottle, it stated not safe to use during pregnancy.
Hi Nyny,

do you have long cycles? It is possible that if you have long cycles, that the actual gestational weeks is smaller than what you calculated as the actual number of weeks. For eg, for me, I have a 43 days cycle during the month which I conceived. If I go by the usual method of calculating based on the last menses date, I would already be 7 or 8 weeks preg the moment I missed my period, which is not possible. I have to adjust based on when I ovulate to get a more accurate number of weeks. It seems to me that the baby is growing, since the second dr dated the baby as to be about 6 weeks. Were you able to detect the baby's heartbeat?

hi folic
my cyles usually is 28 days. normally it is quite regular. if it's irregular, its difference is only about +/- 4 days.
no heartbeat detected.
thanks nyny for yr advice.. my oil slightly have a burning effect if i apply too much on my face and pimples..

So now, me still thinking whether to stop using it or what..

Anyway, i'm not pregnate now but its TTC.. so afraid that it might have side effects to it..

What folic said, its quite true.. If U are able to detect baby heartbeat, then likely that baby is well and kicking inside U..
hi hamasaki
think, you better check with the beauty therapist or your gynae to double confirm.

those pregnant ladies usually said that they can feel the existence of the bb even in the early stage. is that true? and my friend who m/c also said that she could sense that she had lost her bb b4 she went to double cfm with gynae. can the mtb really feel the existence/lost of the bb?

for me, from the starting i.e. tested +ve, i nvr had that feeling. but only had lots of bb dreams which recently i totally didn't have....
hi nyny, will check with my doc one day..

Some MTBs are able to have a feeling so called 6 sense, while others might not..

For my case, i only have a feeling and suspect that i'm pregnate but with no baby dreams etc etc..

Maybe U think too much and that's why resulting in the baby dreams that u have..
maybe loh....
*sigh* really no mood to work.... even though i am not really thinking about this week appt with gynae.
dun think too much for the time being.. Relax and just enjoy yr day..

Hope there will be good news from yr gynae this week..
Wah today so many postings!!!

hi adora,
Yes. I think Kids Mall got a wide variety of cots and prams. Be careful when you eat Durian, it can cause sudden weight gain in both mummy and bb. Also can be quite heaty.

hi tubby,
So long never hear from you liao. I tot u MS at home, too sick to tok to us. Like wat folic said, I also cannot hear my bb's heartbeat using BeBeSounds, also it bb monitor use up battery very fast. I also just monitor my bb's kicks like Joyce. But if you are still interested, I can sell u mine pi pi at $25. hehehehe.

hi Linda,
I tot its usually the shorter guys that are more handsome, like Tom Cruise, etc.

hi Tiny,
Wah envy u leh, no stretchmarks, ur skin must be very elastic and firm. Mine no hope liao. I just hope my tummy can become flat flat again after delivery.

hi odie,
so long never hear from you too! So ur MS subsided by now orehdi? Do keep us updated with your progress and your detailed scan. Which gynae are u seeing? Have you chosen the hospital for your delivery?

hi nyny,
I think its a mental thing or how in tune you are with the bb. But I do believe that the mother and child hearts are linked, such that the mother will know if something happens to the child. I think you should follow the doc's advice, just rest well, eat well and leave the rest to God. Tok to your bb and ask "it" to eat well and grow well too! After 3 weeks, u will see the sac grow and see the heartbeat also.
Hi nyny, yah.. try not to think too much of it for now. I know this is stressful, having to wait and wait.. but that seems to be the only way for now. take care!

Super sian day. Still in the office right now and heck care liao so just came in to get back my sanity.

Tian Tian... I know its frustrating but quite a number of us here tried more than 3 cycles. So don't despair ya?

Nyny... its a bit hard to explain why the baby is still so small. But as long as the gynae hasn't given up hope... you shouldn't too. Take care of yourself. We will all pray for you.

Hi Java... I miss you people too especially when I'm going nuts thinking about how the baby is doing. Yup... glad to say that I'm starting to gain weight and has stopped throwing up (unless if its because I gag on my multi-vits :p) I'm seeing Dr Lim Teck Chye from Tow Yung Clinic and will be going to Gleneagles for the delivery.

Okie.. gotta go back to work and hopefully out of here in less than 30 mins.

Good morning everyone!!!

hi odie,
Do take care, hope you didn't stay in the office too late.

Last night attended a cousin's wedding. So slept late last night. This morning rather tired... hope to catch some sleep during lunchtime.
I am taking temperature now... Today I got a higher temperature, so suppose to be ovulation time... but cannot BD
cos hubby got symptoms of gout these few days

I remembered that you mentioned you will take temp using the thermometer tat takes temp from the ear. I just checked with some of the girls in the other forum on this and they feel that it is more accurate if you use an oral thermometer instead. You might want to consider.

hi folic, thanks for asking ard..

if this is the case, i think i will use the Oral thermometer.. Will ask hubby if he got one so that i can use it..

Thanks again folic san.. U're so kind and helpful..
hi gals, sorry got questions to ask..

My MIL gave me a bottle of Vits which are made of Chinese herbs etc.. She told me that its good for my body and ask me to take it every morning.. but then i was afraid as some chinese herbs are not advisable to take for pregnate women or those TTC..

I told her that i wun take it for fear of side effects and she is not happy. (anyway i dun care what she feels or thinks coz my body and baby is more important)..

So what herbs should I look out for and not to take.. Juz in case, she push me with more of it..

Thanks all..
Sorry just want to drop a line to hamasaki...
Next time just accept watever MIL gives, how will she know whether u really take the vits or not?

Good for u that u are taking such good care of yourself! Take care!
hi cloud.. me got spy to check on me..
so i feel better be honest and let MIL knows.. Dun want her to force me to anyhow take this and that which i guess that some herbs are not supposed to take..

I have taken what Doc prescribed for me so i better listen and heed Doc advice..

Dun mention, the info is an added knowledge for me as well. I am also not sure what herbs to avoid.
Read somewhere that Tang Gui should be avoided but I thought is it very bu.

Maybe the rest can advise.
hi gals,
its been a long time since i came in here, glad to hear everyone is doing great.

1st of all, a <font color="0000ff">BIG CONGRATS TO OCEAN</font> for delivering her baby Cherish !!! looking forward to hearing from her.

To all the mums who are due soon, <font color="ff0000">tiny, joyce, folic &amp; java,</font> have a smooth &amp; stressfree deliveries.

To the mums to be, <font color="aa00aa">odie, adora, miao &amp; tubby,</font> glad to hear that everyone has crossed a big milestone. take gd care &amp; have a happy &amp; healthy pregnancy.

Not forgetting all my buddies, the TTC-ians, <font color="ff6000">ULN, hamasaki, tiantian &amp; millie,</font> let's jia you &amp; support one another in this diffcult time. hopefully we will all graduate in no time!!

i'll be going for my KK appt next fri, hopefully everything will turn out fine. will update u gals after my check up.
hi adora, i have surf the website that U given me and found that many chinese herbs are advisable not to take..

only abt 5 types of herbs can be taken during pregnancy.. I think i will avoid all kinds of herbs to play safe.. Dun want to take risk..

Thanks once again gal.. Take care..


halow missy.. Welcome back to the thread.. How are U now..

Thanks for all yr baby dust, support and encouragement.. Certainly, we Jia you together hand in hand..

Hope we can all graduate at the same time.. If possible, (hahahaha) give birth on the same date, mth and year.. (dreaming me)..

Wish Us All Good Luck !!
hey gals,
aiyoo... me no PC to loggin during daytime AGAIN.. cos the 'borrowed' PC hv to be returned &amp; my hubby is too busy to fix our faulty PC... aarrrgghhh!!!! me suffering from 'internet withdrawal' symptons dis few days... really torturous to pass time nowadays... *pull hair* now beg hubby to use his co. laptop to loggin.. but hor... use dial-up which is super-ssssllllooowww!!!!

okie okie... dun complain too much, me jus glad to read the postings here...

hey java,
u veri kind leh... me so touched dat u wan to sell me ur BeBeSound at $25... ;p then dis thing become white-elephant in my hse huh?? hehee... since now hor, i can't depend on bebesounds, i got a crazy idea... mabbe can ask my gynae to 'rent' me her doppler... u think gynae will agree anot??

hey missy_lee,
glad to hear from u!!! dun think too much abt ur upcoming visit to KK... i'm sure u'll be given the 'all-clear' to TTC one lah...
*spread more bb dust to u*

hey Odie,
glad everything is well on ur side... me looking forward to gaining weight &amp; appetite... still got 1.5 weeks to go towards my nix appt... *neck long long liao lah*

dear nyny,
all of us understand the 'agony' of dis waiting period... i think being positive helps u in dis phase... do tok more to ur bb... i do hope u bring us good news the nix time u drop by... praying for u...

hi hamasaki,
i think hor, most essential oils is not good for pregnancy.... best to avoid when TTC as well.. to be KS abit...

okie... got to go now... aiii... it will be another long day for me tomoro...
thanks tubby. today is the day for the scan.... *cross finger*

hi hamasaki,
could i have the website, too?

hi hamasaki, adora,
You can take Dang Gui when TTCing, but not advisable for pregnant ladies. This is because Dang Gui improves blood circulation and keeps your womb warm. That's why you always eat that during confinement.

hi tubby,
hahahaha. Yah its a white elephant. The funny thing is it is stated that some ppl can hear the bb heartbeat at 20 weeks using Bebesounds. Last time Joyce, folic and I discussed the feasibility of using a home-based doppler. Such equipment is best handled by a professional, coz you dun wan to expose your bb to unnecessary ultrasound waves.

hi nyny,
Yes, do keep us updated on your checkup. Our tots and prayers are with you.
