hi, I'm new here too. Trying for a baby for nearly 1.5 years but no success due to male factor. Tired of waiting and hoping so will be going for IUI next month.

hi ah kat, babydust and all, My problem is NO problem! except for a small fibroid that gyne says will not affect fertility. so also dunno what to do. but when i get desperate enough, think will go remove the fibroid anyway.
toy collector jia you ... I am sure u can make it .....

ladies pls dun give up ..... i know is not easy .... jia you jia you ....
hi kylene, maybe u are not doing at the right time?? Maybe u are too stress?? Why not just go ahead and remove the fibroid??maybe it will help??

Hi toy collector, june coming soon...hang in there..

This is my day 63m liao and still no menses..sianz...
Hello everyone,

I am still the same status as last baby luck yet......

Glad to hear that some of you have already graduated from this agony.....

Well, let us all have faith in ourselves and be positive and one day, we can all start a family real soon........only time can tell.....
Ah kat, I've used OPK strips so should be 'right time'. ya, maybe u 're right about the stress. not so sure about the fibroid cos gyne say will not affect fertility and I don't have any pain.
Hi Qing Qing - i went for my 1st gynae visit...results not very good. The slight cramping & i got brownish discharge are no good symptom. Gynae say embroy not stable. Took blood test & wait for results to see if HCG level is normal anot & going back tomorrow for another blood test to see if HCG double daily.
Sigh...very worried but there is nothing i can do. My nausea and vomiting seem to be getting worse during the morning. Gynae gave me 2 days MC for bed rest. I am so bore at home!!! Help...going crazy liao!
Steph77 - don worry too much! Must rest more. I have a frenz also low HCG during the early stage, she had to take jab and hormone pills to stablise the pregnancy and she's going into 3rd trimster soon. So listen to gynaeo, don worry too much.
hi koori, thanks for encouragement. My blood test results turn out ok (within normal level). tomorrow gg back to work yeh!
meanwhile, remember to jia you! (",)
Hi Hi

Can i join in? Me also have been ttc for quite some time. Only recently then seek for medical advise.

Sometime, really feel very stress when everyone around get pregeant so easily.
Steph77, glad to hear that u are fine! Yippie, enjoy ur pregnancy. Wish me lots of luck and give me bb dust.

Ms Blur - welcome! How long have u ttc?
hi kylene, I am sure u will get preg soon since there is no prob w u and u can O properly..better then myself at least as I neber get a +ve sign on the OPK ...

I am in a dilema menses for 65days liao and no other signs that would imply if I am preg...not sure if I shld go test for pregnancy???

Hi Ms Blur. So, what did doc say abt yr condition?

Hi Steph77, dont worry too much..Rest well and eat well and we are sure that u will have healthy BB
ah kat, why dont u test if you r preggie. if preggie, can start eat healthy n prepare for it
if not preggie(which i hope it is not the case), can ask gynea to give u medicine to induce AF so that you can start fresh cycle
hi apple...long time no chat...are u preggie?

the thing is we decided to stop on the inducing menses thing as we believe that it is creating more confusion to my body...previously I neber need to induce the cycle and it will still come within the 50 over days span...but after starting the inducing thingy...cycle can stretch till 70 over days!!

Very scared to test as I really have no other signs other then missing AF...tink will be disappointed and hate to face reality...
ah_kat, i would suggest you go test if u r preggie, dun hold back. At least you'll be able to act accordingly aft you know the results. Time is precious so be brave! I dun encourage induce cycle. Talk to your gynae again & see if he could regulate your cycle. According to TCM, sinseh always tiao our cycle before ttc. I spread my baby dust to u!
I've been ttc for about 2 years liao.

My gynea did an ultrasound for me, no cysts and gave me clomids for 5 days. And also did a sperm count test for my hubby. The result for hubby is that, sperm count is ok but don't know what is slightly below average so he gave some medicine for him to taken for 2 mths.

And after the clomids cycle, i went back to the gynae and did a scan to see whether i got eggs anot. And i also had injections to release my egg.

Will be gg back for review tomorrow. Hope it's a gd news for me.
Hi..went to test liao...-ve result as expected...
Dont intend to induce the menses this really need a lot of faith to hang on
ah kat, not preggie anymore..lost it at week 8. but i did get preggie shortly after the 2nd mc.

steph77 is rite, maybe u can seek TCM help to use natural herb to get AF to come soon.

just to share, when my af was missing for 3 months after 2nd mc, my gynea gave me duphason to induce af.
Hi apple - sorry to hear are u feeling now??I am seeing TCM now for abt 3mths liao...havent seen any improvement yet but AF seems to be coming for one cycle and then missing again for nxt cycle...Today went TCM again and supposed to start on one med so that hopefully AF can come next week...

Babydust, wat to do? got to try again nxt cycle...good luck!
Hi apple - sorry to hear are u feeling now??I am seeing TCM now for abt 3mths liao...havent seen any improvement yet but AF seems to be coming for one cycle and then missing again for nxt cycle...Today went TCM again and supposed to start on one med so that hopefully AF can come next week...

Babydust, wat to do? got to try again nxt cycle...good luck!
Hi, I have just started with TCM. also having ovulation problems. the doctor prescribed clomid but the first cycle is not working. so I will have to wait for the next cycle. The worst thing is that my hubby is not around in the next month. so we will prob have to delay the treatment.

Anyway, I was pretty upset when the clomid didn't work as I had friends who managed to get pregnant on the first cycle.

Just feel rather upset and disappointed. And worried if I'll ever have a baby
hi nisse,
I have not logged on for a long time.. sorry for the late reply..

Your questions:"may I know what it is like to be on injectables? And how much does it cost each month?"

At first injectables sound real scary. But once you do the first injection on your own .. you will realise that it is not as scary. .. it is also not painful.. it is just like an ant bite.

The cost. .it depends on the dosage needed.
For me.. my dosage is pretty high i.e. 175 ml per injection.. and needed about 4 boxes of medicine...thus it cost about 1500-2000 in total.
For others.. some only needed 75 ml or less than 100 ml .. thus costs is much cheaper. Thus the cost depend on how much the dosage.

Usually doc would start from a lower dosage as he would not want u to risk hypersimulation.
Then if results is not good, he would then go for a higher dosage for the next cycle.

Sometimes if you are more than 3 eggs, he might ask u to convert to IVF as the SG law only allows max 3 embryos to be fertilised at 1 time.

Thus do check with your gynae..
hope this info is not too late..
Dear all,
I attended a Enzyme Therapy training with an US Nutrionist recently. She shared how diet & digestion can affect fertility, and a protocol she uses with clients @ her clinic.

It sounded very reasonable as what we eat does affect our overall health, including our hormone. Anyone interested can PM me.
Dear all,

Can recommend a gynae to me for IUI? May I know what is the waiting time for trying IUI?
ah kat, i am feeling better...
hope yr TCm will help see results soon...relaxtion is the key i guess..most striked when they are relaxed..

Can share with us the types of diet plan to improve our overall health and promote good hormone levels......

Hope that such tips will help in our journey of fertility...

<font color="ff6000">Hi Joan and others,</font>

Lesson she gave was 5 days long, and the notes & on fertility is few pages long !! And it makes reference to her basic lesson on how digestion aids our other organs + fertility.

I'm thinking of borrowing the classroom @ the coy for a informal conversational session and short presentation, since I got a few interested parties. If I do this, anyone interested to particiapte? Likely to be wkday 8-9pm if it happens.
i'm new here. After trying for almost 2 years without success,we visited a gynae and was told my hubby had low sperm count and quality of sperms are not good so now he's on some supplements to help improve quality of sperms.

Gynae also gave me some medication which im supposed to take from day 2 - day 6 of my menses so as to have more eggs, I think and then go back on day 12.

The gynae also suggested withdrawing the sperms and clean it before inserting into me.

Anyone had done this process before? How does it works? Does it mean withdrawing the sperms on Day 12 when we visit the gynae or???

Would appreciate all help. I know it's not the time to be stressed about this but I can tell you, I am feeling super stressed over getting pregnant. Sigh...any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
hi gals,

my gynae told me to take clomid on the 3rd day of my menses for 5 days.... but i read above that you all start from day 2 onwards. will there be a difference?
Hi Lay Peng,
is the medication clomid? Not sure abt the extraction of sperm thing. but on day 12, the gynae should just be checking if the medication is working so that they can predict which day you will be ovulating. That is what my gynae did. When it's the day of ovulation, he would then insert the sperm.

please don't be stress. know that it's almost impossible to do but it will really help.

btw, the medication might not work like clockwork. mine didn't. My body was slow in reacting to the drugs so the prognosis wasn't good when I went to checkup on day 12. Took me till day 18 before I ovulated. so keeping my fingers cross for good news now.

Take care of yourself and good luck!!!

P.S: you can try reading up on books and the internet for these details so that this aspect of stress is removed.
Hi Mooniie,
don't think there's a diff. It really depends on the doc and on your body. I started mine on day 3. Anyway, the doc will need to check if the dosage is enough and adjust it accordingly.
hi liz,

thank you for your reply.
at least i can put my mind at ease that i can start taking it on day 3 onwards

was so worried coz all the gals start from day 2..
hi mooniie,
no prob. good luck to you. so when are you starting? I'm at the end of my first cycle. Hopefully, it's good news.
hi liz,

i'm mid-way thru my 2nd cycle.
now should be start of 2ww

yup hope to hear good news from you!
and myself too haha
Hi everyone
I'm new. I been thru IUI,IVF, Chinese medicine and still desperately trying. Seen Prof Christopher Chen @ Gleneagles and had laproscopy done last year. Can anyone help!
Hi Catherine,

Thanks for your advice. Think I will call TMC. Just wanna check roughly how much is the cost? Can we claim Medisave for IUI?
hi adeline, ye. u can claimed from your medisave for iui... but usually the hospital will not encourage u to claim for fear that u might need to proceed to IVF. u can only claim 3 times for such treatment. 1st time is 6K cap.

i did my So-iui with dr thong at raffles hospital. the whole procedure cost $1.7K. i claimed from medisave...
Good luck!
Hi folks,
feeling rather nervous abt next week checkup. managed to O this week after taking clomid. It happened on our wedding anniversary.
So I am really hoping for good news. Am going for a blood test and scan at the gynae next Tues. Not sure what he will be checking. Was wondering if he will be able to determine if I'm pregnant or not?

think am driving myself crazy think abt it.

hey Mooniie, how are you coping with the 2 weeks wait? Just seen the doc. Can only test 10 days later which is on the 15 June or if my menses come. sigh... stressful. the wait is agonizing. Anyway, now I seem to have all the symptoms of PMS.
wondering if this is normal.

A bit gan cheong cos my husband on reservist next month. don't know whether I can make it for the second cycle or not
