Hi Steph77 - what do you want to ask abt? We are here to share experience, can set your profile such that when someone reply to a thread tt u had posted before, you will receive an email alert.
As for msg, as some here might not be able to receive PM...u can leave us a note here.

Steph77 - Hugz.
I ttc for 2 yrs also no good news! I guess timing and luck not with me yet! Hope u have good news after the jab.
Hi bettle bug, ah kat & babydust
I am so glad to have your response.
sorry, i am abit gan cheong...dunno where to start my infertilty problem... I had endometriosis & ovarian cyst (abt 8cm) over the right ovary and i went for laparoscopic surgery 4yrs ago at KKH. Now, the cyst (approx 3cm) had grew back. I tried TCM & see ThongChai (gynae name is Loh Kin Yee) for about a year (2006) and switch to gynae Dr. Fong Yang (clinic at Tiong Bahru) beginning 2007. He advised me to go for another lap to remove the cyst so as to increase conceiving chance but i reluctant to go thru' the procedure. So, he suggest injection (GnRHa) to stop my help reduce or shrink the cyst, clear the womb lining cos very thick. I took 2 jabs...menses stop for 3mths and now i've taken clomid (2pills for 5days) and on 27Apr, gynae gave another injection to induce ovulation (to release the egg). Dr Fong advise the best timing to do it is over Saturday morning, Sunday nite & Monday nite. Not sure whether i am over sensitive or what, i do feel a little discomfort (slight pain)over my abdominal on Sat & Sunday. Anyway, Dr Fong say i may do a urine test by 14 or 15May if i missed my menses. If menses come then go back see him & decide the next course of action. By the way, what is PCOS means ? i am not familiar with this term.
hi ladies, does clomid really makes us put on weight ? As i've mentioned...i've taken 2 x 50mg tablets for 5 days...does this consider as 1st cycle ? Do u encourage me to go for another laparoscopic to remove my current 3cm cyst ? cos when i take clomid...i always fear that my cyst will grow bigger...and gynae say the cyst could result conceiving difficult. And, my hubby sperm count is no good quality either but gynae say shld'nt be a problem since quantity is there.
Gynae did mentioned that my womb lining is very thick which makes implantation difficult...could have high chance of m/c. After listening to all these....i felt so dishearten.
hi qing qing,
doc stop my menses to control the cyst growth and hopefully to clear my womb lining. Gynae was actually hoping me to go for another lap surgery to remove my current cyst. Then he would be able to start clomid on me but i reluctant to go and so gynae ask me whether i want to go ahead & try clomid first which is a gamble for me...cos the cyst might grow big.
Qing Qing, the two (GnRHa) injections was taken in Feb & March 2007. In April, my first day of menses return on 16Apr and doc ask me to start clomid from day 2 to day 5. Hope it explains your doubts now.
Steph so did u try after your clomid ..... I have finish my clomid 1st cycle .... and weigh i did not gain any weight ..... maybe clomid dun work for me

you will not see the side effect so fast. I start to see it after 3 cycles. hmmm did you go back to your gynae to check if any follicles grow?

also did he/she advice you to do urine test when O near to detect LH surge?
Steph77 - you shouldn't be taking clomid since you have cyst...I strongly advice you to go for another opinion. If i m not wrong you should be able to conceive even if you have cycst.

By the way, did your gynae monitor your ovulation? any follicles mature when O near.
Hi Step77, I think you are getting too gan cheong and starting too many things on yrself. Clomid is basically a medicine to help ovaluation and should not be taken more then 6 cycles per lifetime and certainly not to be taken lightly...

I am not familiar to cyst but I dont think it is a main cause of infertility. Did u seek second opinion?? I supposed the jab that u had gone through is to induce menses so that u can start a new cycle. And yes, u certainly had gone through 1 cycle of clomid.

Qingqing: Aim 4 mousy is right, side effect do not show so fast and might not be 100% same to everyone.
in my opinion, you shld STOP the clomid, continue TCM as TCM will help to clear ur cyst though it takes sometime.

maybe a suggestion: start TCM asap back again, take for a few mths and at the sametime go for 2nd opinion other gynae for scan and see if you cysts is clear,
if still there then maybe go for lapro again.
Let ur TCM knws ur current condition and see what she say.

Just one action, STOP clomid now.
It will worsen ur cyst and I am sure you dun want to add more problems to ur fertility right?
aim4mousey ,...... me no go back gynae leh after i take clomid i just count the days loh heehee .... shall see got good news anot .....
hi ah kat/happyger/qqing/bettle bug,
endometriosis & ovarian cyst can cause infertility. I study from a lot of website & all the gynae i've seen from KKH, Dr. Fong & Thong Chai also say this problem could lead to infertility.
Dr. Fong was my second opinion. My 1st gynae was Dr. john tee from KKH.
I started TCM in Apr06 but the TCM is not to build my body but to regulate my menses cycle & well as control growth of my cyst but will not reduce. sinseh say my womb is liang "cold" no good condition for conceiving. Ask me to avoid eating spicy stuff, cold drinks & sleep early cos i am a late owl.
I stop TCM b'cos sinseh say since i taking jab from Dr. Fong to stop my menses so no point i take TCM...clashed. The jab (GnRHa) is not to induce menses but STOP it so no menses no ovulation and cyst stop growing cos aft the jab...u will experience pre-menopause symptom (hot flushed, dry skin, insomnia, mood swing) very scary le... anyway i'm thru with it & thank god it's over. Then again, the cyst did shrink by 4mm but not significant. So Dr. Fong advise me to go for lapro. I refused...very stubborn hor...cos the 1st lapro i went thru' 4yrs health very face very dead..lost weight. So i scare if i went another round, very damaging to my health...need longer time to recover back.
That's why i chose to take the RISK (clomid)...either cyst grow big or getting pregnant successfully. If i managed to conceive, the cyst problem will be gone eventually.

bettlebug, yes Dr. Fong did a pelvic scan for me on 26Apr (Day11) & saw a 2.5cm follicles. That is why he gave me a jab to help release the egg.

So, hopefully see got good news by 14 May anot...
ladies, i got doubts... izit necessary to try actively after clomid (from Day 12 to 15)? My hubby complaint that he's very tired after three attempt consecutively.. e qty of sperm b'cum lesser, can't get it hard liao...does your hubby face this problem?
Yes steph77, clomid supposed to help O, so need to try actively in order for hit the jackpot.

Hi ladies here, I am getting so is day 45 for me and still did not detect O. Do I have to test everyday at the same time and cannot immerse the strip for more then 5 secs..I am beginning to lose confident that metaformin is working for me and I will never help
hi ah_kat,

I am a PCOS patient.. and my doc told me that for my case.. i would not O on my own. i.e. my LH would never surge. Not all the PCOS patient would not O. For me, i confirmed that i did not O as i never did managed to perform the ovulation test and get positive results. I give in.. i.e. I accepted that I would not O. Thus in order to O, my doc would give me an injection at the buttocks. :p
hi findingmiki,
So, u managed to O after the jab?? What is the jap called and it's hormones I supposed?
And you have tried metaformin & clomid already?

Yeah, I am trying this cycle to diligently test w OPK but dont tink I will O as already sianz
Some clarification.. in case misunderstanding..

When we are using the ovulation strip, we are testing for the LH surge .. which will release the egg from the ovaries .. ready for BD.

Now to answer the questions.
I managed to O in the next 24-36 hours after the jab.. i.e. it releases the egg from the ovaries.. If i will be do a ovulation test, it will be positive.

For clomid, the purpose is just to produce eggs.
It does not have the capability to release the eggs from the ovaries.. For people like me who does not O, would need a jab to give the LH surge, release the eggs.

My doc did not ask me to try metaformin. He said that my case is such that i need medication to produce eggs, need jab to O so.. don't need to go thru metaformin..

I guess each gynae has their own style and each patients reacts to medicine differently..

For me.. in the end, clomid did not work well still, went up to as high as 3 pills but yet results is no good ( i.e. either no eggs or 1 slow growth egg).. I rely on injectibles now in place of clomid.
hi Karie
Are you still out there?

I recall you mentioned about ovary drilling. Can you tell me your experience? I am very very worried now. I am one person who is so afraid of any form of surgery.

Is it painful?
hi piggy mummy, you can't go to GPs for sperm test. Can get your gynae to refer to a lab or go to labs like care at paragon / another lab at mt e. better to get gynae to recommend cos he will then analyse the result for you. all the best!
Hi, this thread had been quiet..anyway, just read from another thread that QingQing is pregnant - hope that this will give us here some motivation...
babdydust for me i have been trying since 1 yr ago just that becos I cant get preggie that time cos my thyroid doc dun allow me to ..... after that i think ard somewhere in oct last year or early this yr he give the green light as my thyroid level is on the track and stable ....... so after he suspect i have PCOS so i went to kkh ..... which i am disappointed in lah cos the doc no explain to me anything
and prescribe me with clomid .... so i have my 1st cycle on clomid and it strike!
Hi Qingqing,

Congrates! Which doc in KKH you have consulted and how long you have to take this clomid? I am also diagnose with PCOS. I hope to conceive ASAP and am trying for a year half already still no result. May i know how does the whole process like when taking clomid?

Thank you in advance.
qingqing, it's me lah...
telling toy-collector abt your good news!!!!

please spread your baby-dust ok!!!
stressful, pls dun stress think u must relax urself. I forgot the doc i last seen think is Julia something one ... i have bad experience with her I waited for her almost 1/2 hr but i see her less than 5 mins w/o explaining my condition just tell me " hmmm i think you have pcos". thats it .. and set appt all these w/o showing me my ultra sound scanning and blood test. And he prescribe me with clomid.

so for me i dun wanna wait so i induce mensus and have my clomid on Day 2 to day 6

according to ladies here clomid cannot take more than 6 cycle .....
toy collector ya ... i calculate on web edd is 14 jan .....

dorothy?? eh ... who are sorry ..... i spread baby dust to u k ... JIA YOU!!!!
hi Qing Qing - Congratulation!!!
so u going back to KKH to see gynae ah ? my experience with KKH is bad...just like gynae (John Tee) also never explain anything clearly...ask me to take clomid. I didn't cos at that time i was still on TCM and the sinseh advise not to take clomid cos it will speed up the growth of my cyst.
Hey, i also tested on a + sign this week aft 1st cycle of clomid. Been ttc for almost 3.5yrs, this is like miracle. Will double confirm with Dr Fong on Monday.
Meanwhile, baby dust to ALL & jia you!
Steph77 congrats!!!! ..... hehe when is ur last mensus then?

I will definately not gg back to kkh .... hahahah I am seeing De Heng Tung Lan from East shore hospital

let us know ok ..... for me I went to see her yesterday scanned but cant see anything yet only 5 weeks .... so she ask me to go back on 30 May to do a scan again.
my last menses on 16Apr. How do we know how many weeks already ? How to calculate?
i worry abt this preggie cos last time gynae mentioned that since i got emendometriosis & ovarian cyst, chances of miscarriage is very high. Do you experience any preggie symptom so far? Got to relax, eat well & sleep early. Take folic acid, it helps (",)
Thanks ladies - I gave up on western med only eating TCM...and it is day 61 for me n still no sight of menses...anyway, tink I almost want to give up liao
ah_kat - i've been thru the hard times & i fully understand how you feel. Must think positively...dun push yourself so hard, give yourself some breathing space k.

QingQing - do you feel any slight cramping near lower abdominal menses cramps ? I am feeling very tired & no appetite for food. Today taking leave from work to rest.
Hi Steph77, yes i do feel cramp like mensus cramp ... my gynae say is ok one cos the womb is expanding .......
hello qing qing and steph 77..thanks for sharing your gd news with us ..prayerfully this thread will change name to be support group for mums to be... i wrote last yr that i wish for a yr 2007 baby but now i should cont to pray for a yr 2008 baby..

Helo Kylene! Welcome!! Let's hope we all graduate soon..Can we ask what is the problem that you are facing?

Hi toy collector, we must jia you jia you...
