hi liz, still not too bad.. maybe coz i know it won't be successful bah... coz i'm having the same symptoms as last month.. so now just wait for AF to come lor

haha take it easy... pple always tell me that... but it's easier said than done

Hi mooniiie, yap. easier said then done. the taking easy part. :p
anyway, maybe it will be good news for you. did the doc tell you when should you check? btw, which gynae did you go to? I am with Thomson medical.

prob not successful for me also cos I'm having all the pms symptoms.
i'm supposed to go back when my AF reports, or doesn't report... but if it comes, maybe i'll just try naturally again... coz i read somewhere in this forum that clomid can only be taken for 6 cycles.
my gynae's at paragon =)

anyway, try keeping yourself occupied so that the wait doesn't seem so long ya!
thanks! yap. think in one's lifetime, can only take 12 cycles of clomid because it will increase the chances of ovarian cancer or something if it is more than 12 cycles

heh heh... got no prob occupying myself after work. Just that I just started a new job so I am too free for my own good now.

anyway, hope for good news for you. can understand how agonizing it is to try and wait. Good luck to both of us!
Hi mooniiie & all

Me too, was also told by my gynae to go back when my AF reports, or doesn't report. But the bad new is that my AF is here.

I'm so sad

So got to see my gynae tomorrow for furthur tests.
Hi Kook_car

Where did you attend the Enzyme Therapy training. I'm interested. Pls share your info. I've been ttc for the last 5 years and still negative. Pls help.
hi ms blur,

don't be sad okie... it'll affect your emotions for the next cycle (i tink so)
at least it's here and you can start another cycle ya
Hey Ms Blur,
take care. know it is impossible not to be sad but hang on. Keep your spirits up!
We are all going through the same thing. So must perserve together.

Good luck for the next cycle.
Started this thread for infertility due to blocked tubes:

Any one went for Fallopian Tube Recanalization for blocked fallopian tube/tubes? Seems that gynaes always suggest doing lap surgery but not Fallopian Tube Recanalization after finding out ones tube/tubes are blocked. Check from internet shows that the service is only offered in Raffles Hospital... wonder how much it cost... Anyone with the experience, pls advice.
<font color="ff6000">Lin (linbaby) </font>
Hi, I tried to PM you but couldn't, your setting dun allow pte msg. PM me lah, then I can tell you more over the phone.

<font color="ff0000">All ladies in the cycle</font>
pls make sure you tell yourself 1st thing in the morning when you open your eyes - to relax.
Tune your mood right in the morning.
Remind yourself to laugh & stay cheerful whole day.
Your mental mood is going to affect your body & your hormones ...
think of happy thoughts ... look for ways to stay happy ...
Hi Hi

I've seem my doctor on last Fri for furthur review. My Gynae suggest that i go for HSG or laparoscopic to chk if there's anything wrong. But my main worried is that, the costs is super ex and somemore it's not something tat confirm i will conceive after this test.

Can someone pls tell me what shld i do? The nurse that actually told me to try for a few more months 1st before deciding.

Hi Hopefulbaby

I think i will try for another few cycle on clomids and if there is still no gd news, then i will seek for 2nd options on whethere is it necessary for me to go ops anot.
Hey Mooniie,
Have been more than 2 weeks after ovulation. now waiting to test in a few days before going to see gynae. stressful man!

how abt you? Good news? :D

Hey Ms Blur,
All the best! take care and try to relax.
hi liz,

don't be sad okie... can try again... me not successful too. gonna try this cycle again, but not taking clomid anymore... decided to let nature take its course
Thanks Mooniiie,
Hope it will work in the next round. Still on clomid. Doc told me to try for another 3 months before seeing him again.

Anyway, glad that I can still try again before my hubby goes away. Hope for the best.

All the best to you too!
Sometimes i think trying naturally is the better as not so much stress.

Hope that both of us have good news next month.
hi liz, yup i hope i won't feel so stressed already. but then again, no matter wat, i tink i will still keep thinking about it and get very nervous during the fertile period hahaha

anyway, good luck to you too!
don't be too stressed okie
Hi Mooniiie,
ha ha... sounds so familiar. ya. feeling stress abt it also. Now trying my best not to think abt it.
Good luck!
hi dor11, VQ and Toy collector,

Not sure if you still remember me? Similar to dor11, I have secondary infertility and have been trying since 2004.

Anyway, I have finally decided on the path of IVF. It was a tough decision but I finally decided.

Hope to be able to share some good news with all on this thread soon.
Hi Mooniie or anyone else on clomid,
any of you feel extremely tired due to the medication? I have been sleepy early daily but still feels very tired the next day.

Anything that can be done to counter the sleepiness.

Btw, do any of you have very thick and little discharge while on the medication? read on the net abt hostile cervical mucus. Should I be concern?

hi liz,

i read that sleepiness is one of the side effects of clomid, but some pple may feel it, some don't... personally, i didn't really take note coz i feel sleepy everyday haha

as for discharge, i realized i had very little during the cycles that i took clomid... but not too sure if it's related though. gotta get help from someone else.
anyway, maybe you can ask your gynae if this should be the case?
don't be overly stressed over this ya
Hi Mooniie,
thanks! ha ha... For me,I never felt so tired in my life. Can't even go shopping for more than hour.

Yap. did ask my gynae. he recommended Pre-Seed as a lubricant as it is the only one that is not harmful to sperms. Will try that this cycle.
hi liz, yup i read that pre-seed is sperm-friendly

many of the forum pple buy from this website
coz they say it's cheap... maybe you can check it out... tink i read somewhere that taka basement also selling, but can't rem exact location.
hope this info helps... and jia you!
Hi all,
anyone can help..?? any good Dr (TCM or Western) to treat low sperm count problem? I preferred clinics that open on weekend or after office hours.. THANKs..
Hey Mooniie,
Bought liao. got it at the pharmacy at Isetan scotts for $33. Anyway, here is the link to all the available outlets in Singapore -->

erm... think my body a bit haywire liao. Having cramps and weird discharge after menses. But don't care liao. haven't been in a better mood and not feeling so tired today. so I'm happy.

there is a thread here that talks about tcm for low sperm count. Try searching using "TCM" under Motherhood, Pregnancies And Babies
jademom, hihi... of course rem....

u go to IVF? with dr loh?
did my so-iui in may....
all the best!!!!
toy, feeling better? DH/DS?better also?
yes my son fever dipped but sgh said too late cant be done this mth.. sigh, i doubt the child care will take care of son when he has fever 40.5 so no way i can bring him to do iui scanning cos i think no kids allowed in the room leh and he is sick.

dor i think u been thru the stage of kids falling sick so often in child care.. for 3 wks, son has fever running nose cough n i spent a bomb bringing pd n finally pd put him on nebulizier . but the worst part is son spread to me n hubby when we supposed to try for a mei mei... sigh,,

has your gal know about the new addition? how are u feeling? hey u see u bring soo much hope to all of pray that despite the fact we are all sick that i might be able to be successful in our natural attempt this wkend..i was forced to go to do xray yesterday with son cos he was crying buckets when doing chest xray.. i was so desperate the radiologist asked if i am pregnant i told him what if i am trying for a baby will x ray affect my egg..

i really wish to join u at jan2008 mtb thread... sooo sooo happy for u!
hi Dor11 and toy collector,

Dor11, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you! Your daughter can have a sibling now!!! SO happy for you! :) how many weeks pregnant are you??? Really very excited and motivated by you. After so long, that is what we are all waiting for. So inspirational and I am so excited. Really hope to join you soon. :)

Toy_collector, hi hi, it is great to chat with both of you here again. :) Hope your son recovers soon. Wish that you are successful this month and can join dor11.

yes, I am going for IVF with Dr Loh. I am now waiting for my AF to come. Once AF comes, I will be going for blood test in Day 2. Then I will start my lucrin jabs in Day 21. This should continue for abt 2-3 weeks depending on my response. After taht I will go on Lucrin + puregon jabs for another 10 days or so. After that 1 jab to mature the eggs, then followed by egg retrieval and 2 days later for embryo transplant.

It is a long journey for all of us. Finally you are seeing the light Dor11. I hope that Toy Collector and myself will join you soon. You bring us so much hopes. Really cannot express how happy I feel for you.
hello jade all the best to u... i look up to you for taking the bold step to ivf cos i am scared of needles n also the cost of ivf n dunno whether i will ever proceed to ivf.. i m giving myself to end of the yr if not maybe ivf or just let nature takes it course..

must keep us informed okie..waiting for your gd news!
hi Toy

No prob. Will keep you posted on the development. I hope you don't need to go through the IVF process but in any case, might be good information for all those who are contemplating.

I am still waiting for my AF...sigh ...duno when it is coming .
Hi Dor, congrats!
Ladies - i going to fertility specialist liao! Since the tests done by gynae din show much prob, i also dunno wat went wrong, just cannot conceive.
Is LC Foong good for treating fertility? Need some advise who to go. Hope to get ourselves treated, see wat recommnendations given by the doc.
Hi kook_car & all

I have PM you sometime ago. I'm still hoping someone out there can advice.

Been trying for many years now and no luck. My last gynae was Prof Christopher Chen @ Gleneagles.
Went thru IVF.
My last sinseh was Tan Lee Kee @ Ying Chuan Chinese Medical Hall in Jurong. Been with her for several years. Still no luck.

Can anyone advice me?
Hi Jade, all the best!

Lin, perhaps you might want to consider changing your gynae and TCM doc? Heard that SF Loh is pretty good. For me, I am seeing EYS and I find that it does help. Have you tried before?
hi Lin,

I was with Prof Chen from GlenE as well. Did 7 IUIs with him incl 1 failed SO-IUI. Now switching to Dr Loh for IVF. Waiting for my AF to come to start IVF.
good morning, everyone!!!

toy, got jia you over the weekend? heehee... maybe will strike even w/o any treatment....your boi ok now?

ya, my gal knows already... she told me she only wan a meimei... if didi, she will beat him....sigh...

toy, i joined feb mtb thread....

JAde/babydust, thanks!!!

jade, i in my week 9 now... feeling ok.... except for mild ms n also migrane. waiting for tri 2 to come...

baby, u wan to try dr loh? or dr thong from raffles? i like her but cant afford to stay with her for pregnancy as her package veri x... 2K!!!

Jade, keep us in the loop of your IVF.... i salute u for your decision cos i cant tahan even my 7 days of jab in my SO-iui....

beautiful, thanks! :)

Dor11, I don't know how i am going to take it also. I am actually someone who is terrified of jabs. But IVF seems the only option for me at this juncture. So my hb and myself just convinced ourselves that we will explore this last resort before closing factory officially. I really hope that I will be blessed with a baby through the IVF process. Anyway, keeping my fingers crossed.

The road ahead seems long at this point of time. But I guess I will get through it somehow. Just need to tell myself I can do it. :) With so many positive testimonials from the forum, it kind of gave me the courage to take the step.

Dor11, your daughter is so cute. I guess girls generally would prefer a meimei to play with her. Whatever it is, the most impt is a healthy baby. :)
Hi ladies,
Need advise here....desperate...

Just went to see gynae this PM after menses missing for 90 over days.

Bad news, gynae confirmed from the scan that menses likely not coming soon and my PCOS is getting worst (many eggs but none is growing). Also, it seems tt my body is developing dependency on the inducing mense medicine such that it cannot come on it own now (last cycle came on it own but the previous cycle was induce and this is the same for my previous cycle).

She suggested that I proceed to induce this cycle since already more then 90days and start clomid and metaformin again...otherwise I can proceed to do the ovarian drilling (punctured ovaries with small holes hoping that it will help to provide more outlets to release the eggs).

Totally lost now...dont know what shld I do...really hated the med and it seems that it is making my body more screwed up then before (previously cycle avg 60days).

Am on TCM for close to 3mths liao...

Anyone with similar experience can share?? Or can any ladies tell me what shld I do? Honestly, I am already not so concern abt BB making now but rather to get back my cycles...

sorry for the lengthy post...
<font color="0000ff">Ah Kat,</font>
Would you like to consider Enzyme Therapy? I'm concern for you. All this western medicine is screwing up your body.

<font color="0000ff">Hi Lin</font>
Oopsy ... sorry I missed your PM earlier ... overwhelming mailbox. I PM you my contact.
Hi Kook Car - can find out what is enzyme therapy?
How much does it cost?
Thanks for the concern - yeah, western med is really screwing things up now
Dear ah_kat,
We are glad to hear from you. Me & QingQing is very concern for u too.
TCM did not bring your menses back ? What did TCM sinseh say & recommend ?
I strongly dun agree for you to start clomid and metaformin. If you are on more than 4 or 5 cycles of clomid, it is no gd for the reproductive system.
Did gynae suggest surgery to treat PCOS ? I think at this stage, dun panic first...remember you told me b4 that we are putting too much pressure & doing too many things at the same time. Do you want to seek 2nd opinion fr another gynae ? maybe try mine? I am not sure what is enzyme therapy but i would suggest we always seek experienced/trusted gynae b4 we start any treatment. Otherwise, we go ard in circles. Let me know if i can help in any ways. Please stay positive!
dor my son is much better down with falsw measles these few day..i also wish to strike naturally cos i want a gal so badly..i heARD iui or ivf chances of gal is low cos they choose the strongest n fastest swimmers..

dor i thou your gal wants a di di all the time.. but i think if di di she will still love him cos gals are just so different.. i think my son will love a gal cos he always feel a mei mei will no t touch his toys cos gal play barbie dolls to him.. do take care!

jade- all the best ..u are a brave mummy!!
ah kat ya Steph and I very worried abt you cos u have not be posting here .....

take Steph suggestion to go for another gynae see how is it ......

must persevere jia ou ok!
Hi Step77,

Thanks for the concern, u still keeping in touch w QingQing?? Send my regards

I had taken 2 cycles clomid before and if I induce this time, it will be my 3rd cycle clomid.

Who is yr gynae?? I want to seek second opinion since now pritority is not to have BB but get back my cycles, the gynae that I am seeing more for child bearing...

Yeah, I feel myself going round in circles and the more I try the worst things are sianz
ah kat,
U might want to try Prof Wong PC - NUH. He was very caring and attentive when I suspected myself to be a asherman's syndrome patient. He took time to monitor my case. In the end, my AF came under his care and I didnt have to go thru another D&C (insert Balloon) option (suggested by another gynea).

U can read about Asherman's Syndrome online.
Take care.

Hi apple,

I tried him before (my last miscarriage) but find him too busy to care for me - and dont want to go back NUH as it brings back memories.

Thanks anyway...
