hi hopeful.. like blood clots, AF cramp quite bad depend on certain months, bloated stomach & heavy breasts, bad headache before AF, overweight.


for this month, i have a strand of blood during mid-cycle, a few days before my O. According to my TCM sinseh, its because the egg are trying to release out during ovulation, follow by that i had ovulation pain. Next day morning when i take my BBT, my temp raised, i know that i have actually Oed.
Hi Elaine,
I am having the exact signs like u...for nothing, I am getting this thick muscus with strand of blood in it since Tue...tested -ve on OPK since then as well...
Can you elaborate more on what yr TCM said as I just started TCM as well (less then a month).

Think I am going to see gynae tomorrow and do a scan.

By the way, I have bloated breast & stomach each time before menses n clomid had also make me put on 5kg
hi ah_kat

same here! I have thick mucus with strand of blood since tue too! The next day, temp dropped and I thot I am about to ovulate. However, when tested on OPK, it showed -ve. Today still -ve...
no rise of temp yet. I wonder what happened? Is this another sign of PCOS?
hi ah_kat
Thanks. That is very informative.

My ovulation is still missing in action. today day 17 for me. BTT 36.13 (yesterday 36.23). However when use OPK, still -ve.

Spotting seems to cease. Weird.. my body is being very weird now.

Do you think I have PCOS on one ovary and not the other? Is it possible? Cos I look back at my temp chart, Nov - good (ovulated), Dec - no good ( no ovulation), Jan - good (ovulated), Feb- no good again, Mar- good, Apr - no good...

see the pattern? Is it possible?
Hi Hopeful gal,

i think its better to get treatment fast to solve your ovulation problem, according to my sinseh, when your menses starts to delay.. its a sigh that body is not healthy. For me, i seem to ovulate every month but my temp cant seem to remain high til DPO15, usually DPO10 my BBT will drop. I think its better to see a gynea or you consult TCM. I think it will be good.

i would recommened TCM, they will find the root of the problem but its slower compare to western medicine.
hi all
this is soo weird. I tested OPK today and it's +ve (day 19)!can I still ovulate after confirmed by doc as PCOS patient????

I am really confused...
Hi hopeful gal - PCOS may not mean no ovaluation. It just mean not ovaluating regularly...go find a doc & do some testes and advise..from what I can see, u are still ovaluating but not regularly.

I went to see gynae last Fri and from the scan, does not show that I am abt to O..As my eggs are not sad..the bleeding is just some hormones haywire and no explaination - it also cease.

Doc asked me to continue to take OPK for the remaining of this cycle and asked me to take max dosage of clomid next cycle to see if I can O...may I asked where u get yr OPK?? Just want to make sure that the cheap ones that I am using are working. Also, do u test each day at the same timing?

hopeful gal,

not everyone with pcos do not ovulate. since u r tested +ve, try to BD as much as possible but do remember to BD alternate days.
hi ah_kat
I am using clearblue this month. But find them to expensive as my O is getting harder and harder to find, so am trying to find cheaper versions. Why not you use a reliable brand together with the cheaper version for one month (not sure if I sounded stupid)just to confirm that it is working. I also hate to have to double guess each month as I am already very stressed up with O MIA.
sigh...clearblue is so ex...

Babydust: the one that u are using is a strip ones and must be dipped in a cup which hold the urine?

Am so depressed now as doc was saying that I might not be O all these while since I am not responding to metaformin and asked me to take clomid for one more time the next cycle at the max dosage to test this out...sigh

Am tinking of ovarian drilling now..anyone have experience to share?

theres a co. selling OPKs and HCG in this forum, Help-U-TCC, you can find thier thread under the business thread.
gal.. i think you need to relax.. dun feel so stressed.

im now with EYS specialist clinic at camdem medical centre for TCM, if you are interested, im willing to share with you my experience with the sinseh..She is a very patient sinseh, she will explain step by step.. what she will be giving me and monitor my temp. Last week i forget to bring my BBT chart, kanna scolded by her.. haha.. she wants to monitor closely.
ah kat,
usually i do tested +ve for OPK but sometimes +ve OPK does not means you are ovulating, this is according to my sinseh. Most impt is the BBT temp, once your temp rise first thing you wake up means you have ovulated.
Elaine - i checked my mucus also during O just to make sure i do O. I tik i din last mth, AF came at CD22.
hi babydust.. yap.. i alo checked mucus during O, looks like O every month but still din strike.. sigh.. every month waiting for the day to come...
My AF came 33 days after D&C. In the past, I used to have 28 days cycle. Today is CD 15 and yet negative for O. Can anyone advise if their menses gone haywire after D&C after first AF?
Elaine - same here, thats why sort of immune when i saw muscus or AF hahaaa.

Angelbee - maybe u have later O this cycle, try testing from CD15 onwards and notice if any transparent sticky muscus.
Hi ladies, do u all test at specific time each day?? Right now I have thick mucus but the scan does last Fri does not look like I am going to O soon...sigh...
Hi ladies,
I am losing faith here...wonder if I will ever be a mother..cannot even determine if I ever O, other then that fateful time when the m/c hit.

Doc was also saying that looks like I am not O-ing...Really hate to eat clomid again as the side effect bad on me - bloatness & fat.

Was thinking of going for ovarian drilling but scared as it is afterall an op...

Really disheartened here...
dear ah kat, ovarian drilling is not scary. its a day op. I have done it previously. however, my regret is that i didnt continue with fertility treatment after the drilling. i decided to do it the natural way and wasnt successful at all. now still TTC. has been many years. SIGH.
ah_kat, dun be so disheartened... i am sure u can make it be positive my dear.......
hmmm i heard my thyroid doc say that can go for injection HSG (dunno correct anot) to help ovulation.

sorry i am a bit blur on the term like D&C, MS .... err can let me know?

oh and I have finish my 1st cycle on clomiphene......
hi ah_kat
do not get despair. Hang on. You are not alone. You have us.

I also have thick mucus when I went for ultrascan on day 15. Doc said the mucus may be due to surge of estrogen. Not necessarily a sign of ovulation. Ovulation may be delay. For me, after 2 days of OPK +ve (day 19& 20), BBT finally rise. Will wait for tomorrow to see if BBT still remains high.

I also regretted for delaying fertility treatment. I conceived after 2nd round of clomid but ended up MC. Doc advised to go immediately for IUI but I wanted to conceive naturally and decided to switch doc.

Went to next doc to have some more clomid (less invasion approach)- no news. Went to 2 TCM physicians - no news. Now 2yrs+ gone and still no baby. really regret for not listening to the first doc....

Btw, what is ovarian drilling?
Hi hopeful gal, thanks for the concern.
Emotional better now...will have to continue w the med for now until the next cycle....then might do ovarian drilling...
By the way, ovarian drilling is a day surgery that punctured a hole in the ovaries to help releasing eggs.

Karie: what fertility treatment is required after the drilling? Can u share more?
Hi hopeful gal, thanks for the concern.
Emotional better now...will have to continue w the med for now until the next cycle....then might do ovarian drilling...
By the way, ovarian drilling is a day surgery that punctured a hole in the ovaries to help releasing eggs.

Karie: what fertility treatment is required after the drilling? Can u share more?
Why you want to try ovary drilling? Can share with us more.

GALs - Sigh, my menses came on tues. But the flow is light....onli flow 2 days then 3rd day disappear already. till today abs still feel very bloated
wonder what is wrong. anyone encounter same problem like me? today i can feel very little cramp on the lower left of my abs lor.
sorry, been a busy week at work.
my take is that after the ovarian drilling, the ovary should be able to ovulate normally. Hence, if coupled with fertility treatment (clomid or the hormones jab), it could have higher success rates.

my 2 cents worth.
so depressing, i can feel my menses coming. there goes my chance for a 2007 baby.
can feel slight cramping... lethargic... have to travel next month somemore, tough.
Hi, aim for mousy (so cute nick!)

As I have been on metaformin for some time since my m/c and dont tink I can ovaluate on that...and I am left w my last "chance" for clomid..the next course of treatment wld be ovarian drilling...
For my case, I have extremely long cylce (avg 55 days) and hence was diagnose w PCOS.

Karie, so u are saying that you can ovaluate after the drilling but have not yet conceive naturally?? May I ask why you went to the drilling at first?? Pardon me, but am looking for some advise here..Dont want to repeat history as I started on the clomid w/o learning a lot and was not working hard on left w last dosage of clomid and hence like to know more.


no worries just aim for next month...

Me too... change my nick from piggy to mousy. wat to do... babyluck is not at my side yet

Don't be so dishearten. Hmmm, Could it be wrong diagnostic, even if you have long cycle doesn't mean you have PCOS. Unless your gynae saw many small bubble in your ovaries. Those are egg that cannot be matured.

my friend who is also iregular cycle but manage to conceive. the gynae never say she has PCOS.

Do you mean your body not reacting to clomid? Well I was on that medication before and it cause me to put on a lot as well. it is so hard to reduce the weight gain. You might want to consider TCM.

Another way to know if you have PCOS is by taking BBT.Through your BBT it can tell whether you ovulating or not. Me tried and it is quite accurate. now i am lazy lor.... didn't take BBT everyday already.

Base on my own expereince, my gynae also said I dind't O well. Egg not able to grow big enough to release out. after taking the TCM, I am able to Ovulate naturally.

For O test, usually you test around the mid cycle. For your case of 55 day, you should start testing on 27 - 29 days.

btw, what does ovary drilling involve?
Hi Aim,

No lah, I am confirmed a PCOS. Had gone for blood test and a few scan liao.

Same case as you, I didnt O well or might not O each cycle. Was not taking BBT as I find it super not accurate for me..and only started on proper opk this month.
Was on 2 cycle of clomid and it also caused me to put on 5kg and not able to lose it too...

Yeah, just started on TCM. How long did u took TCM to become better? I supposed now yr cycle are regular?

Ovarian Drilling is a day surgery that several pin hole will be poke at the ovary to puncture it and help to release the eggs. As I am in office now and cannot send u the link that contain the info but u can do a search on google. It is supposed to consider once I have proven that clomid & metaformin is not working for me...

hi ah_kat
are you going to have your 3rd round of clomid? Why is it last cycle of clomid?

I understand that for clomid, we can take at most up to 8 rounds. Is that not true?

have been having spotting for the past 3 days. today temp dropped from 36.76 yesterday to 36.64 today. Not sure what is happening to my body...
hi hopeful,

spotting is due to your body is too stressed or the hormone level in your body is low, hormone imbalance, thats what both my gynea and TCM sinseh says. Its best to have full swing of AF on the first day.. just relax do some excercise to relax the tension.
hi hopeful gal,

There are several school of thots on clomid, my understanding is not more then SIX cycle per life. And usually doc will stop clomid if after 3 cycles and still no response..

I will probably start my last cycle after this cycle ended at max dosage to confirm if clomid is working or it seems that metaformin is not working for me...
Now I am feeling the stress... not only I have difficulty conceiving.. now I also fear that there is something wrong with my body i.e hormone imbalance.

Recently I come to know of a friend who has got thyroid issue. Wondering if I am suffering from that as well.......

why MANKIND has soooo many worries?
body continues to react weirdly.. spotting continues and today is already 11 dpo. Now I am seriously waiting for my AF to come cos I would like to go for another round of scan after my AF. Expected my AF to report any time tomorrow.
Hey, dont worry too much...if AF did not report then go for scan...since I started on the med and after the m/c...body had been showing strange sign now and then as bian one lah...
now I am having a hard time determining if my period has started...

Today my temp is 36.66, but my spotting has become heavier. Do I consider today as CD1 for me?

Any one care to share their experience with me?
i am new to this thread/forum.
i have been trying to conceive naturally for 3years but failed. very disappoined & depress.
went to see gynae Dr FongY. anyone knows about this gynae...good anot ? Have tried 1st cycle of clomid & gynae gave me a jab to induce ovaluation on 27Apr. Gynae say need to do it over this i have to keep fingers cross & wait for results till Mid next month. If menses dun come then good news otherwise have to try for another cycle of clomid. Anyone care to share their experience with me pls ?
Hi noor,
I have done lap 3yrs ago at KKH to remove ovarian cyst. the surgery fees (incl hospitalisation) was abt 3.5K (3days stay). to check tubes not included. KKH did a X-ray to check tubes for another separate fee. Hope this helps.
Hi ladies,
how do i check if there are any new messages for me ? i tried to send messages to some of you but i can' do i go about it ? anyone help pls...

steph77 - don't be so anxious...usually sat is very quiet...

anyway.... i need to understand why you are given clomid and induce ovulation? does your gynae tell you why?

i don't understand wat you want us to share... is it about clomid? hmmm... i tried clomid before for few cycle but it never helps....

if you have ovulation problem... you should try to tiao your body find out what cause the problem. Personally i found that taking comid is not a good solution....

Dr Fong Yang i haven't seens before so no comment

if you have OPK you can test this 2 days to know whether the ovulation jab help... you should be getting 2 dark line if O-ing... and try to track your body temp.... do it first thing in the morning before you wake up. well... if you see a surge it would mean you have O... and usually it is the day after the O testing positive.
