No lah ..qing qing, normally doc will ask you to try other method if after 3 cycles of clomid and still no news...for me, since I already wasted the last 2 cycles w/o trying actively and at the right timing, so the next time I take clomid will be the last time for me....

so after clomid Day 14 to Day 16 have to do it hor .... hmmm I will start taking my temp from tml onwards
Thanks beetle bug (hope for baby). I am also on TCM now. I think like u, we have bad exp with Jurong TCM. I didnt go back there either after first visit. Hope that TCM can help to build up my body. Travellng heavily next two mths, so looks like TCC plans have to shift again.....

Ah kat, after a few day of AF, now feeling better lor. First day very upset but now accept the fact better. Just have to try harder....
hi gals,

anyone experience sligh cramp and bloated feeling during Ovulation. This 2 days suppose to O and tested positive with OPK. but hor i have bad feeling lor - bloated and light cramp around my abs. wonder if anything wrong
Hi Qingqing,
Clomid not necc make yr cycle normal (i.e 28days), it basically make u O, but yr cycle length is still the same. So, depending on yr cycle length - u may or may not O on D14-16.

Honestly, I would rather you start clomid after a real cycle..rather then an induced cycle...what did yr gynae say?

Hi Babyhope,
No choice, we are here to encourage one another...jia you!
Hi everybody,
Although that I never post before, I am here every now and then to get support from u ladies. U ladies give me hope to try it again and again. Thanks!

For ur info I tried IVF 2 times but fail and going thru lanproscopy and trying IVF for the 3rd time now.

But I been terminated by my employer when I told them I going to take a two weeks hospitalization leave(HL)for this 3rd IVF.

I am very depressed but I have to stand strong because I want the IVF to be success this time.

Is anyone have similar problem as me? As the older the woman, chances of success will be lower. We grow older everyday, so I have to keep on trying... but I don't expect it to be end up I lose my job.
there is hope,
have been trying to conceive for 2yrs, no news! So far i did not try IVF, don tik can afford the $ and the disappointment. Just taking it easy.
You try to relax and don be stress ok. Take it easy don tik abt ur job now. Hope to have good news from u soon, JIA YOU!
there is hope,

wah your employer so bad one, you should report to MOM about your case. How can they do such a thing when gov is encouraging people to give birth.

May I know what is the reason you go for IVF? no chance of trying naturaly? pardon my question.
dear all,

sometimes it may not be us (the wife) that cause the infetility. husband play a part too. If he is not keen everything will become harder. I have seen many sucess cases where their husband ( with poor SA analysis) were so corporative to take up supp or tcm medication without complain. Now they are parents.

I really wish my husband will be more ON.

why your gynae prescribe clomid to you? don't take it before you get your result of your test. Frankly clomid can be quite damaging to our body. I took for 4cycle last time and it has many side effect on me. The worst effect is i put on. I have hard time reducing the extra kg.

if you are not Ovulating, try to improve your condition natural way. inducing O is recomended.
there is hope

i was shocked to hear that...can u take unpaid leave/ own leave instead of mc so that your company will not terminate u? i understand the cost of ivf n u might want to keep your job.

i wish u all the best for the next ivf! maybe it 's a blessing in disguise...hope u will be doubled blessed with new job and a baby
there is hope,
if the co. is terminating u jus becos u going on hospital leave for 2 weeks, then this is not a good co. to be staying for long. Not pro-family at all.... I cannot believe that they did it so outright...
But like toy collector, i think this is a blessing in disguise for you. Take a good rest to do your IVF and who knows good news may be on the way....

There is hope....don't lose faith..we are waiting good news from you here.

Qing Qing, I agree w Hope for baby ...i also put on weight w Clomid and now trying hard to lose it but very really dont jump into it if can help
there is hope,
hugz... u can choose to report to MOM to complain abt ur company or jus forget abt dat co. & concentrate on ivf & hv a good rest. may u be blessed wif a bb & a good job soon

hv u done any tests or scans to confirm dat u r not O-ing? if not, pls try to arrange 1 cycle of scanning to chk if u do O. only when u dun O or dun O well, then consider taking clomid... clomid can cause ovarian cancer (some kena after 3 cycles, some 6 cycles)... so, pls think twice (thrice, etc etc) before taking clomid... take care

jia you for all gals
Thanks for all the concern and blessing!

bb_hopeful, little_hope, babyhope, toycollector, bettle_buy_x, Babydust & luck...

I tried MOM, but very disappoiting. They said the company bussiness have to go on... if I took long leave.. they need ppl to cover me.. guess whether I took HL or leave or unpaid leave doesn't make a different cos I am physically not around

Ya.. agree that since they are so not pro family, stay there also not happy. Just that is pretty stress now cos have to find a new job and having IVF now too.

I tried IVF cos my chances of getting pregnant is almost impossible tru natural way...
there is hope, do you mind sharing what you mean by impossible thru natural way? Cos doc used this term on me too and wanted us to try IVF. However, we are still hoping we can do it naturally.
I dunno about Clomid so can't help here..
But if u want to know more about IVF I can help here as I went thru 3 times liao. But guess this is the last and most expensive attempt that a couple will try
my hubby sperm count is too little and not active. So we had to use ICIS together with IVF.

From my personal knowledge, in order to get pregnant, the sperm have to travel and survive till it meet egg. So the chances of pregnancy depends a lot on sperm count and it activity. But of course there are female factor too... the egg must be there
oh no... this is the same problem as mine. My hubby sperm count is too little, not active and very low % in the normal form.
Am still hoping for a chance, now I am not sure if its practical....
there is hope and babyhope,

have you ever consider improving your hubby spermie first? Did your gynae help too, or he/she straight away as you to try ivf?

last year one of the gal in ttc group hubby also don't have good sperm. but they manage to get preggie after her husband taking up supp or tcm, his spermie improve a lot.

frankly i still prefer natural way of getting preggie.
there is hope and babyhope,

Can i assume your condition is okay and the problem only lies on your hubby.

babyhope, may i know which TCM did you visit?
hi there, i am new here and really hope i can get some assistance on my queries.i am trying for my second child here for more than 2 years. just this yr, my gynae from thomson fertility found out that i have dermoid ovarian cyst. wondering if this cyst is the reason for my difficulty to get pregnant. he recomended lapro to remove cyst and check my tubes. the fees is 4k. is it the normal fees for that operation.

thanks a lot
My first gyn tried to give hubby some medicine but after 3 mths, things did not improve. My second gy told us to go straight for IVF. Hubby has been taking supplements for more than 6 mths already and taken 2 SA, before and after. Hence it does not seem to improve the siutation as well. Now we are trying TCM. I also prefer the natural way and is hoping for miracle too. But hearing from there is hope, I am starting to believe what my gyn says may be right.... In any case, I will try TCM for a year or two first, if it still bad, IVF will be my next hope. I am not young so cannot afford to wait for more than 2 years. Ow, maybe IVF also no use already. The TCM I am currently seeing is from Thong Chai.
Ah_Kat, my mensus came today 1st day .... so tomolo i can take clomid but i hesitate now ..... dunno what should i do ..... to take or not to take ......
Hi Qing Qing,
Sorry, can you tell me your situation again?
You may wish to email me at [email protected].

I seriously don't think you shld take the clomid now as this cycle of menses is induced..

Hi Qing Qing,
I hope u have not proceed with the clomid. Sorry as I forgot what is yr situation already. PCOS patient not necc will start w clomid. Normally doc will start w metaformin before they give clomid. Also, have u try naturally?

I managed to conceive before w/o clomid or anyting even though I am also PCOS (just that BB end up in m/c), there is hope.

We dont know what clomid is doing to the body...I also had been bery gan chiong at the begining stage of TTC and after the mc that I jumped into I am left w last dosage and dare not take it at the moment..

Just my 2 cents


doc gave me clomid leh no give me metaformin. I tired w/o clomid no result cos I am not ovulating ...... my one side have follicles ..... thats why ......
Why dont u ask the doc for metaformin 1st? I also have follicles and they are not able to grow...I am trying metaformin & TCM now
Hi danysha,

I done lapro before and I think it cost up to 2K plus. Part of it can be paid by CPF. Maybe my process is different from you so pricing also different.

Hope for baby and babyhope,

I believe natural way is better. But I tried for more than 4 years. Age do affect the chances thru IVF so sometime is very hard to decide. Time don't waits. Babyhope, I heard ppl successfully increase the sperm count thru TCM, good to give it a try! Jia You!
hope u had not started wif clomid yet... i think u realli need to start wif metformin to keep ur pcos in control first... after dat, then go for at least 1 cycle of ovulation monitoring then let gynae advise whether u shld start clomid...

i dun realli like kkh doctors as i dun feel the personal touch frm them... but it's up to u... i jus feel they tend to be too relaxed or jus prescribe medicine without thinking
hi qingqing,

my advise to you is not to take the clomid. I was put on clomid for 3 months, i have alot of side effects. But my menses has been quite regular and i can detect ovulation with OPK, thats the only pros i get from it.

Im now under TCM to tiao my body, to improve the system in my body cos im overweight. With 3 session of acupunture and TCM, i lose about 3kgs.
Hi elaine77,

Can i asked you when did you test for O when on clomid? I have been on metaformin for quite a while and max dosage now but dont seems to detect O.My cycle are long (avg 55 days) and today is CD20 and still no sight of O.
hi ah kat,

i usually start testing when around CD12-CD17, by right if you have a 30days cycle, O will usually be CD14 or CD15. IN some other threads, there are some calculation but i find it too complicated. Usually i will count 14 days after CD1 of my last menses den start testing about 2-3 days before my calculated O days. Theres some online website to do the calculation for you.

this is a good one.. so far O dates quite accurate according to this website
Hi ladies, I have already started my clomid .... yesterday 1st day ......
elaine i am seeing doc from KKH that time so they prescribe me with clomid I am kinda disappointed in them cos the doc so irresponsible never show me my blood test, ultra sound etc .......and just say SHE THINK i have pcos and prescribe me with the clomid liaoz.......
hi ladies
Just went to see a gynae (the last time that I went to a gynae was in yr 2005). The last scan on the uterus and ovaries I was fine. However this time round, doc said that I have slightly tilted uterus and also PCOS! He came to this conculsion cos today is Day15 for me, yet there is no matured follicle
I am so upset now...
Hi hopeful gal...don't get so upset..many docs also anyhow dignose gals w PCOS...get yrself tested on CD1 (blood test) and who know? It might be that u are O-ing late this cycle?

As woman, any slight change to the environment can change our cycle pattern...

Hi Elaine - thanks for the doesnt work for me as my avg cycle are longer then the max ones in the site...sigh...
hi ah_kat
Thanks for your comforting words!

doc came to this conclusion as there was many small follicles arranged in pearl like patterns in my ovaries.

also I do not know why i have started to spot (with mucus) on day 12.. started with spotting and during the ultrasound scan, more flow...

I am really worried. any gals with same symptons as me?
hopeful, after what you said, i felt like going to visit another gynea for another checkup. i went for a check-up like last yr july, everything is fine, i have a few symthoms of PCOS but the gynea did not say that i have PCOS. She just say that my hormone are low den give me clomid.
