Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

I am staying C...btw where is Children Discovery Centre? hee hee sorry to ask again, maybe u posted b4 but I missed the info

hi cxope,
we could have music/sing along sessions? or swimming sessions? not too sure.... only can think of these now ;)
basically, not just for our babies to interact, we mummies can all share tips and ideas on motherhood ;)
^-^ Jen...

cxope n adora, we're sooooooo near to each other! Maybe we wld hv met up liao ahhahahha

chantelle, wah swimming sessions ar? u mean the actual one, or the dry type for e mummies hahahaha

missylan, how abt u? where r u residing? My girl took e 5-in-1, din hv fever on her 1st dose of the jabs but 2nd dose got abit... 3rd one also dun hv... Hep B lagi no prob

Ey, ask u all, at which mth can yr child crawl? My girl is now 7 mths, though she can sit, but she tend to lean forward always... n sometimes so lazy, lie on me so I can't let her sit by herself for too long, as she'll always wanna 'fall back' on me lor(even when i'm not behind her!)... haiz, like that, dun think she can crawl soon...

There's a free talk at Sengkang Polyclinic on 3rd Sept (Sat) 9.30-10.30am on Nutrition Demonstration for Babies.

Can call 63153500 for details.
hey, anyone did the bb's development assessment at sk polyclinic? is it FOC?

mum05, dun worry, all bbs have different speed of development... for my gal:
4.0mth - flip, favouring one direction mainly...
4.5mth - started commando crawling (tummy on floor)...
5.0mth - she flipped very quickly both ways...
5.5mth - sit and fall back around stage...
6.0mth - sit more steady...
6.5mth - pull to stand...
7.0mth - cruise along furniture...
I am residing in Rivervale Link. My son sits a bit stable in his 6th mth. Now he is 7th mth+, he can sits by himself liao. Now he is making that movement, from sit to crawl position(butt facing high up, like pumping position) and if I place anything in front of him which interest him, he will find ways and means to force himself forward to get it. Think my son's quite fast, as he is a baby I met, flip himself in 2nd mth.
BUT my son still don't know how to hold his bottle.
woah jen n missylan, both yr bbs very fast ar! could it be tat I seldom let my child sit or place her on the floor to explore that resulted in this 'slow learning'?
but my girl can hold her milk bottle when she was @ 2-3mths old... but she's simply lazy to do it now...
missylan's child flips at 2nd mth!!! my girl turned 180degrees in her cot when she was only days old(which I think may be a pretty common thing) and she can only 'flip' on one direction at ard 3mths+ and both ways @ 4mths+. I only let her try sitting when she was 5mths+ but she didn't sit very stably then yet, wobbly lor... now she's more stable but she super likes to lean fwd I dunno why and fall back after awhile, think she's very lazy :p
I also let her try standing juz holding onto the sofa, which she can hold on for a while also.
But when she's on walker, she's super active...

chantelle, too bad leh, I dunno how to play the 'dry swimming' ahhahahah... my family tried to teach me, but I always got giddy looking at the 'tong' tiles hahaahah and din even know tat I've already won n continued playing...
har, the playground ar, which one? dun tell me the one wif the 'sitting' area har, this is the playground which is near my bedroom lah, n whenever kids play there, my girl will wake up from her sleep ahhahaha
or we could all just meet up at compasspoint for lunch or dinner or somethg ;) but then with babies and prams and big baby bags.... dunno which eating place can accomodate all of us.....
shall we seriously organise one? would be fun! either go compasspoint or someone's place..... if we go compasspoint, then burger king i guess.... if someone's palce, we can do a potluck thing? and potluck baby food too?
aiyoh i think ar my girl is really very lazy, cos thinking back, she has been able to sit well on her stroller and high chair leh... but she juz like to fall back n wobble when place on the bedroom floor.....
chantelle, really ar... sounds interesting, but I dunno if I can handle anot haahhaha, esp wif the stupid heavy stroller

jen, u sound 'experienced' in meet-ups huh?
mum05, how old is your girl? mebbe she can support herself better in the stroller and high chair coz she can hold onto the bar in front of her? or perhaps, she just enjoys falling backwards from a sitting position! my girl was doing that at one stage when she was 5.5 mths.... she finds it very funny to fall backwards when seated and will laugh after each fall
Hi Jackiejon, Sorry to reply you so late. You know, busy lah....I have 2 kids agend 4 and 8 weeks. Both my kids were delivered by Dr. Vincent Lee. The first one at KK Hospital (he was based there at that time) and the 2nd one at Raffles Hospital. You considering Raffles and Dr. Vincent Lee? Tell him I recommend lor. Maybe can get discount?
Hi Mummies,

Jus saw tis thread.. wld luff to join in =)

My princess is 6 wks old and I'm staying at Rivervale Link too... (same as missylan).

It'll be great to meet up tho not too sure if I can manage on my own with my gal yet.
Hi bleuz...welcome, welcome!! Wah your princess is 2 weeks younger than mine! Ya very diff to bring the stroller out and not sure also if I can manage on my own. Somemore got another elder girl!

Anyway its worth a try....if things get a bit rocky we all can go to 4th floor where there's a nursing room and hide there til things settle down?
chantelle, she doesnt hold onto the bar when placed in stroller or high chair leh, as i paid more attention liao, then I think like wat u said lor, she had been 'ENJOYING' the fall

Now ok liao, cos I let her have a 'feel' of the hardness of the floor but letting her flip on the floor(I watched out for her head though) n from that time onwards, she sit stably liao ahhahah hope she wont start to retry that stunt again!

Welcome bleuz!

Btw, any mummies happened to be at the Kids Clinic on Saturday morning ard 9-10am? hehehhe
mum05, how come i smell something fishy in ur question leh?? hehe... *siams arrow to organise outing*...
jen hahahahaha no lah, i din mean it that way lah, u ar! - I even hv to think a few secs before getting yr 'point' hahahaha
juz tat u mentioned abt the 'good places' for gathering, thus I tot u might be already an experienced organiser ahahhah
I dare not 'appoint' u also cos I also duno if I can handle my girl alone outside for long hours ahahhaha
mum05, well... i've been to quite a few gatherings since 2000 or 2001... hmmm... :p Recently also with the "upgrade" to motherhood... hehe... if i free, sure will help to organise... but nowadays very busy wif work leh...
hi all

was away fm off so did not manage to log in till now! I'm interested to join in the activities that u all organized but me got no experience organising + no space at my hse. dont mind BK thou
woah Jen :p

Dun worry, let our 'fate' decide the time ya

For all u know, all of us may have already 'met' each other, juz tat we dunno only ahhahah
yup i agree! each time i go to compasspoint, i see many mummies with babies around my girls' age and wonder if any of them could be any of u ;)
yaya chantelle... ^-^

so, there come my repeated question : any mummies happened to be at the Kids Clinic on last Saturday morning ard 9-10am? ^-^
The Children's Discovery Centre is at 184C, facing TPE.

Tristan just had his development assessment at SK polyclinic last Sat.
It's FOC.

Nope, no longer patron The Kid's Clinic.

If you gals are interested, shall we decide on a date and venue?
hi cxope,
when u brought your son for his dev assessment at sk polyclinic, was it crowded? did uhave to queue and wait very long? it's a 9 mth development assessment?
cxope, thanks... think i will have to quickly book an appointment... keep slipping my mind... too bz at work...

weekend gatherings, i may not be able to turn up cos weekends am usually not in sk... but u gals can go ahead...
My son till now dunno how to hold his bottle and kept hitting the bottle while drinking. Now he loves to stand. I will place him on the couch and he will stand on his ownself and chest lean against the couch backrest. Sway left and right. Fell, he will smiles. Hahaha... Haven't crawl wanna stand! Hai..

Hi 5! They are the lazy ones...

Are you fr Park Green? Cos I heard a newborn crying yesterday which is facing the pool? Is it your princess?
ya, it's the 9mth development assessment.

i was given the 0820hr appointment. i was there at 0800hr to self-register. they started "calling" number at around 0815hr. i waited approximately 25min. i think there are lesser people before 0900hr.

as for the meet up, sunday's fine with me too.
my girl has been getting her checkups done at toa payoh polyclinic all along. can just switch over to sk poly or not ah? i know they belong to different clusters so fear mebbe cannot
when i switched tristan from hougang (nhgp) to sk (singhealth), i informed hougang about it, and call sk (63153500).
if i recalled correctly, cannot fix appointment for first time visit, you might wanna call to verify.
must bring along your gal's health booklet.
Garlic Chilly,
Thanx for posting the Nutrition Demonstration for Babies, haven't attend one before.
Will strive to attend the next available one.

Cloth Diaper
Anyone using cloth diaper on your bb?
hi hi - can i kaypoh in here??

I stayed in SK too near to Rivervale mall and have been meaning to find kaki's there and stumble upon this thread.

I hv 2 girls one is 6.5 mths and the other is 3 yrs old
hi cxope

i cant meet up this Sun as i'll be bringing my kids back to my parents' place. Think will have to give it a miss this time round, will join in the next time round

sweetheart, date is not confirmed yet, cxope was juz suggesting to fix a date n she's saying tat sundays are fine wif no worries abt tis sun

jen, me too, sundays cant - family day and working day ;P
cxope, think wkends are mostly family days for most of us...
how about sat afternoons?
me full time working mother... cannot meet on weekdays coz by the time i knock off and get home it's 7pm!
Hi Samval

Thanks, I am thinking of going to Dr Vincent Lee for my 2nd child.

Kindly advise me how much he charge you and how much was your hospital bill @ Raffles Hospital?

Anyway, I thought of making an appointment to see him next week :-D

as long it's weekend, i most prob can join in.

cloth diaper
so everyone using disposables?
me just purchased fuzzi bunz
wanna try on tristan

did you purchase the lovies?

Ta, rushing off
ey, the lovies are cute, but too bad my girl has got sensitve nose and skin, can't let her play wif plush toys/prdts...
Gals, very bz today cos gotta clear work... not around tmrw... so maybe can oni read at the end of the day...

Nope as the lovelies are made of polyester.
But they are so cute, thought of taking a look at the real stuff.
I try to get things which are 100% cotton for tristan as he has eczema.

Voted liao.
Jean has a very infectious smile.
She looks different from the last time I saw her.
This brings to mind "Yin Xin" (dunno spell her name correctly) who shares the same birth date as tristan.
