Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

Adora & cxope, THANK YOU!!

cxope, puff's gal is yingxin... no time to join us back in the other thread?

That thread is too speedy-moving.
Too many posts, too little time.
If you've not emailed me on Jason, I would not have come back to this forum and found this thread accidentally

Anyone knows who would want other's EBM for their bb?

Shall we fix our first date?
Hi cxope,
my eldest gal also has eczema.
Is Tristan seeing any skin specialist? If so can i have the contact?
hi qdee,
the only main form of treamtent for eczema is steroid cream. for babies, doctors will prescribe a very mild form the drug so u dun have to worry... my daughter had a bad bout of it a few months ago and upon application of the steroid cream, it cleared up within a few days.
just need to make sure that the affected areas are kept clean and dry (not too dry else will make it itchy) and must prevent your gal froms scratching the areas. also, the baby cannot be too warm else that worsens the eczema
the affected area looks dry and scaly and red. the child will constantly scratch the area as it's very itchy. scratching makes the condition worse coz with broken skin, it will be prone to bacterial attack and the child will have to deal with both eczema and bacterial infection
usually affects the cheeks, chin, neck and elbows and knees
cxope, hehe... then u must thank me lor...
anyway, i lost track of that thread... how are they coping now huh?

Re: eczema
*I* still have up till now... so far, my gal ever kanna mild case on her belly button... hopefully she wun inherit my horrible skin...
Hi Samval,

How is your baby doing? Haven't had time to log in as my gal was unwell. She had projectile vomitting last week and I've been trying to monitor her condition.

Hi Missylan,

Nope, I'm staying at Rivervale. Must be another princess near you =)

Hi Mummies,

Wkdays are better for me now as I'm still on maternity leave. Wkends are usually busy. Let me know yah.
oh think my girl has eczema too, on her cheeks, as she super like to suck her thumb n so her saliva always there.
Cant rem wat the PD said but i think she did mention something like it's eczema also, however, she said that though she can prescribe steroid for us to apply on her however, though it's a mild prescription, it's still best to avoid unless e situation is very very serious. In the end, she recommended Physiogel cream to us and gave us a small tube(10ml) to try.
My girl's cheeks n chin were always "RED", redder than her rosy cheeks then...(now not so rosy liao lah ahahah) and the affected area were always rough and sometimes it can be scaly too when it becomes too dry from too much cleaning(we try to keep the area clean by wiping wif warm boiled water, but too much cleaning will result in the skin being too dry lor).
We hv been using Physiogel cream and it helped alot and we're still using it to moisturise her skin now
Maybe u mothers wld like to give it a try? (it is not cheap though, abt S$20+ for a tube-75ml).
This coming weekend's fine with me.
I only reach home after 7pm during weekdays, so out for me.

I did brought Tristan to National Skin Centre (NSC).
Was told to continue with what I've been doing and using, that is
- to apply moisturizer after bath (Balneum Intensiv Wash Lotion & Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream)
- apply steroid cream to infected areas (Elomet when serious & Desowen when slight)

I try not to apply steroid cream if possible as it would thin the skin.
Also right now, at home I'm trying out jojoba oil with lavender essential oil to moisturize his skin.

I purchased a book from NSC on eczema, can lend if interested.

The symptoms are as described by Chantelle.
Try to soothe the skin, and not let it worsen.

For Tristan, dirt, saliva & heat will trigger the eczema.
Not sure about food allergy but did stop drinking fresh milk to see if it is one of the cause but makes no difference so continue with fresh milk.
But I try to refrain from seafood, raw food, food with preservatives.

Tristan had diarrhoea last week, 7-8 times a day for 2 days.
Brought him to KK at night, was prescribed with probiotic.
Now his condition stabilized.

hve checked with my gynae liao, she confirmed is eczema. She prescribed me Urecare cream which can also bought fm Guardian. After applying, much better now. Last time was near my arm, now have spread to other parts of my hand + my neck, so sad

i cant make it on weekday too, weekends are better for me
welcome adora

just to check with u it necessary to bring our babies for the 9mth development assessment?
contemplating whether to bring him or not..
advise needed pls...

Sorry I've gone MIA for quite a while, felt so guilty... and I'm supposed to compile the name list of our club and get back to you and now it's done! HURRAY!! Take a look at the name list, so far we've 30 members in our Sengkang/Punggol Mummies Club, WOW...!

After reading all the messages today afternoon, I so glad that I've started this thread in May05! I see that this thread is so active though I've not been participating actively in this thread. Thanks to you mummies.

I also read that you gals are interested in meeting up. Shall we have our first meetup:

When: This Sunday, 18 September 2005
Time: 3pm
Where: Burger King Compasspoint

Let me know if you're keen to join us!

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Name List
SengkangPunggol Mommies Club.xls (25.6 k)</td></tr></table></center>

hi joleena,
the 9th mth assessment is to check weight and height and do some hearing tests
actually weight and height can monitor on your own at home but the hearing test, better to just let the nurses check for you. have a peace of mind la. i initially wanted to skip it too but later tot better to go and make sure everything ok
Hi Chantelle! GREAT!! I've something on this Sat too, got a wedding dinner to attend. My son is now 6 months old! Just turned 6 months yesterday.

Worst come to worst, if there's no other mummies it's just you and me at burger king.
is my data in the list also??? paiseh, i'm now using Apple iBook for internet surfing and it doesnt hv microsoft applications, so i cant read the file

ey, i dun mind joining leh, but saturdays are my family gathering day(EVERY week) and Sundays wld be my 'own family day' Plus this sunday I've got a job to do...
dun worry mum05 i din forget you. you are in the list
how about try downloading in your office? or i can send to your email address when i go to office tomorrow morning.

we can always arrange again for sat next time lor... in fact my weekends are also very precious to me but i'm taking a little bit of time off to meet new friends else a bit difficult ley... unless weekdays after work, but then not so popular coz by the time meet up it would be quite late liao, but lucky thing is all of us live quite near each other, so meeting up is in a way easier. that's why suggested weekends...
wah u still up ar...
me no office lah, works from home

I hv another PC which we've juz upgraded liao also...but I dun wanna use 2 lah ahhahahha

Hmmm, honestly I wld love to meet u ladies too, cos really ar, we really might hv seeing each other w/out knowing man!
But wkends are really tough for me as most of my work is on wkends

But of course I can't insist on wkdays meetup when most of u cant make it, u ladies go ahead n arrange n shld there be a time when I can make it, I'll surely join in!
yup, i'm still up but going to hit the sack soon else panda eyes tomorrow...

no worries, we can still arrange separate meetups for dinner maybe... coz sometimes hubby not around and i've to tapau dinner back home, so can meet up for dinner lor. how about that? better than nothing
morning mummies

i'm not sure whether i going back my parent's hse this weekend, if i'm not, i will join in in this Sun's mtg and bring one of my kids along
cloud9, luckily u didn't 'wait' for my reply after my last post, cos i off my computer liao keekkek...

No lah... not posting for revenge lah... just that now I more *eng* mah... and I really feel bad not logging in and communicating to you mummies. At least I won't miss out so much and it's quite *siong* to read so many messages you've missed out man... read until eyes can roll! LOL...
I might want to join my son for the contest too. How did you got to know about it?


I did post a message to Jason, but no reply.

See you gals on Sun.
Do you think we should get each other's contact no, in case of last minute changes (not going last minute, heavy downpour, etc)?
i'm all for puting down the contact numbers but i dont we shld announce it here in the forum, maybe we can emailed one anotr the conatct no
Cxope, great! Another mummy joining us!

As of now, these are the following mummies joining us this Sunday:

1) Chantelle Tay
2) Cxope
3) myself Cloud9mummy

Not confirmed:
Sweetheart - confirming this Fri.

Cxope, I've thought of that but you're faster than me
since I've all your email addresses, why don't we exchange our hp numbers via email?
sweetheart, aye... din know you've posted your message liao, so fast...! Same here exactly my same sentiments, shouldn't post here. Great minds think alike! Heh heh...
Hi gals,
Got to know from Jen abt the gathering this sun. I'm also at sengkang, compassvale street. I should be able to make it unless my little gal decides to nap.

hi deniz,
goodie n more mummy!
is ur daughter meghan? saw u in the place to show you baby's photos thread. she's on the cover of baby plus? very pretty girl!
