Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

hmmm, wat wat age should we send our kid to a playgroup? Is it necessary?
Any good playhouse at SengKang area?

hi jen

playgp is where the kids attend for 2-3 hrs everyday where cildcare is where most working parents left the kids in the care of teachers for half day or full day.
Hi Cloud9mumy,

Sorry not able to meet up with u last nite. I was at my mum's place as my girl is with her. Hope to see you 2nite...
hi sweetheart
pls don't to say that lah, we are here to learn from one another nothing call right or wrong.
BTW, your girl know how to call mum or dad already?

Hi mum05
acutally 18mth can send bb to playgp.
i felt my girl very bored so thinking of sending her to playgp to learn and play with other kids. whether is it necessary, is all depends do you have the time ? you may click this link to check the one at sengkang whether it is near your hse.
jen, sure no prob at all!

star, hee, my girl is going to be 3 this Dec, what do u think? :p
now, if i dont fetch her from childcare, when i reached hm, she will run to me and keeps on yelling "mummy, mummy...." and cling on to my leg
this is the moment that u know all the tireness and unhappiness with her or anything went away, just like that!
my girl actually has a younger bro too. He then dont know how to speak yet but learning. Knows bus, car, no more, these kind of simple words

mumo5, heard that appletree has gd reputation. There is one at anchorvale, not sure is near ur hse?
mum05, sweetheart
I send my boy to playgroup too. But near my mum's place in Bedok. The lesson is 1 1/2 hour, but cost $110. Got a small makan like biscuit, cornflakes. I think he quite enjoy it. Can make friends, sing songs, celebrate birthdays (his & his friends'). Just the eve of National Day, his class got a 10 mins singing concert for the parents. So proud that he can sing so well
I think basically just want him to mingle around instead of sticking to us & his grandparents. Now he will chat with me what happened in school, his classmates etc ...
star, oh so young can start sending them to classes liao ar! wow, e age of our children attending 'lessons' are getting younger n younger hor!
Hmmm, cant say got time or no time, juz whether I wanna give up on my jobs or not ahhaha, which most I have been declining since her birth. But now that she's older(6 mths+), I am planning to re-embark more full force on my assignments liao. Hmmm, guess I better worry abt sending her to 'classes' when she's older... Thanks for explaining though. ^-^
yvonne, S$110 is per mth? How many lessons of 1 1/2hr are there each mth?
There are classes everyday except the holidays. Follows about the same the normal school term. This playgroup used the venue of the void deck's RC corner. Enclosed with aircon. So morning is for playgroup, then at night is for RC activities like tuition, karoke ok singing ...
Hello there

I send my son to playgroup called Tots House @ Rivervale Drive Blk 188. It cost $330 for 1 term (3 months). Normally the class is only for 2 hours only. The price include all materials.

Hi , Tot House has 1 centre near Simon Place (Da Silva Lane) which provide free transport $200 per month.3 hr class.

You are right, the one @ De Silva Lane is their HQ.


In playgroup, your kid will get to interact with the rest of the kids around his age and they will teach him numbers, ABCs, colouring etc.

Hi ladies,

Hope I got the right thread this time. Me staying in SK area and would like to get to know other mothers or MTB in the same area.
Hi adora,

I prefer Saw Baby & Khoo Family, they are the husband & wife. Saw for babies & children, Khoo for families. Patient couple..

Saw Baby & Child Clinic
Mon - Thu: 8.45am - 12.30pm, 7pm - 9pm, Fri: 7pm-9pm, Sat: 8.45 - 12.30pm
Closed on Wed nights
Block 681
Hougang Avenue 8
Singapore 530681
Tel : 6386 5732
Samval, guess mummies posting at this thread are all staying at this area! ^-^ where exactly are u residing? Me at Rivervale Crescent
Hi Mum05,chiart
I am also staying at Rivervale Crescent leh....

Mum05, how old is your bb? My boy is 3mths now.

So which PD did you bring your bb too?

Thanks but I think HG Ave 8 is not very convi leh.

I am also staying @ Rivervale Drive (same as Samval) :-D

I used to bring my son to Kid's Link (PD) @ Rivervale Mall when he was younger but now I bring him to My Family Clinic (GP). The doctors are very good.

I am now expecting my 2nd child :-D I am so excited.
Hi adora,

I bring Anthea to The Kids' Clinic at Rivervale Mall, PD: Dr Lilian Lim, she's good & patient too. There's another PD in the same clinic, I heard also not bad.
hi purplebear
Thanks, I tot of gg there as well, it is the nearest frm my place.
Btw, have u brought Anthea for any jab yet? How much does the clinc charge for 5in1 jab?
Hi SK/Punggol mommies,

Nice to find mommies here. My son is in his 7th mth. We are living in Rivervale Link.

I used to patronise Dr Lilian Lim, once she is very busy, so tried the other available doc. In fact, she explains more specific than Lilian. I prefer her now. But both doc is good! Just own preference...

Hi adora and mum05
nice to hear so many pple in rivervale crescent..
i am staying at blk 183C..anyone near that?

i bring my baby boy to Kids Clinic at rivervale mall PD is dr. Allyson Tan..she is good and detailed..and gives detailed explanation..

hi adora
i brought my son for 6-in-1 jab and it costs us $400 ....for your info
Hi all, I've switched my girl's 'original' PD(appointed by my gynae at hospital), to Dr Allyson Tan at The Kid's Clinic. Initially, reading from one surfer(here) recommending Lilian Lim, I brought my child to see her for her 2nd dose of Hep B, but she was on MC that day (hahaha can't get used to the idea that a Doc wld be on MC too - i know i know, they're human afterall :p).
And yes, missylan, I also find that Dr Tan is very good, patient, informative and friendly(think must collect comm from her ahhahahah). I've called her a few times and she always returned my call. No wonder, this clinic always crowded with patients. I'm sure all parents wld like to hv such good PDs attending to them/their children, esp when we're paying higher fees rite(as compared to GP)...
Paid S$460 for the 5-in-1 PLUS 2nd & 3rd dose of Hep B package.
6-in-1 pkg wld be cheaper @S$400 as u bring your child to the clinic in lesser frequency, only 3 times, so lesser consultation visits, thus the cheaper price.

Samval, I hv a 7mth old girl ^-^

Chiart and Samval, I'm at 157 :p
hi missylan,
yes we paid for $400 for 6-in-1 instead..
by the way, any difference between 6-in-1 and 5-in -1? sorry for being so blur

oh mum05, blk 157? is it the newly constructed block?
Nice to see you here. I can recall my son finishes his jab in his 5th mth. Thought HepB taken in hosiptal? My son took 2 jabs in hospital.

Think I recall wrongly.
Hi missylan....wah very cute!!!

Hi Jakiejon...Me staying at Blk 123C. You? Where is My Family Clinic? Is it next to The Kids Clinic? Going to PD very expensive leh. Your 2nd child boy or girl? When are you due and which hosp? Congrats!

Mumo5 & Cxope...where is blk 157 and 158? Near the Mall? Cxope, is the Kids Discovery Ctr good? You put full day or half day?
Hello Samval

I am staying at Blk 189A :-D
My Family Clinic is next to The Kids Clinic. Both clinics are located at Rivervale Mall level 1. I know PD is very expensive that is why when my son turn 2 1/2 years old, we switch him to GP which is My Family Clinic. I find that they are also very good. They are open everyday including Public Holiday too (except Chinese New Year).

I am only about 5 weeks so still dont know whether boy or gal but I dont mind as long as the baby is normal and healthy. My son was born with the hole in the heart but he had an operation done at KKH to 'patch up' the hole so for me as long as the 2nd child is normal and healthy, boy or gal, it doesnt matter.

I will only be due in April next year. I thought of going to see Dr Vincent Lee @ Compass Point. He seems to be a nice doctor.
Hi Samval,

157 & 158 are the blocks in front the stretch of temples.

Overall, The Children's Discovery Centre is fine.
My boy is there full-day.

Hi Jackiejon,

God will bless your baby.

I switched my boy from The Kid's Clinic to My Family Clinic too.
I think the docs are good.

My boy has been frequenting doc Allyson Tan since Feb this year but he doesn't really recover during the four months, thus the switch.
But doc Allyson Tan really provides detailed explanation.
Guess the medicine doesn't suits my boy.
cxope, mum05, chiart
I am staying at 158...

Since so many good comments for Dr Allyson Tan, i shall bring my boy there next mth for his 5in1 jab.

Your blk facing the temple? Mine faces the center 'garden'.
chiart & missylan, here's what I've posted at the "5-in-1 vacinations for baby" thread which u might find useful:

Our Singapore Law requires us to bring our children for these 'preventive jabs' thus it is given free at polyclinics.

The 5-in-1 is basically a term used to describe the 'new improved drug' used for these 'preventive jabs'.
As wif the old drug, U will still have to bring your child for his/her jab on his/her 3rd, 4th and e 5th mth when u take the 5-in-1 package.

The difference btwn e 5-in-1 jabs n the old type is that it's an improved drug(but it's been used in Spore for more than 10 years already) and bbs taking this new drug jabs will less likely to develop fever(abt 25%) and if so, the fever usually will NOT be higher than 38 degrees. However, with the old type, babies have a higher percentage of 75% of getting fever and the fever will be pretty bad one.
My sis and her neighbour(a nurse assisting her GP doc husband) commented that, wif the old drug, the percentage is more like 90%+ hahahhaha and they both agreed that the fever is really alot worser.
As for the 6-in-1(which is relatively new in Spore, abt 2 yrs here but longer period in originating/other countries), they combined some jabs together, thus U'll only need to bring your child 3 times Instead of the usual 3+2(Heb B 2nd & 3rd dose), total 5 times but usually the 3rd dose of Heb B can be taken with the last dose of 5-in-1.

The jabs taken at the child's birth @ e hosp are Heb B first dose + BCG.

And no, e block I'm staying at is not one of e newly constructed ones, mine is amongst the cluster of premium flats opp the temples...(oh, juz saw cxope's post explaining hahaha).

cxope, maybe the drugs available for infants are quite limited, n as they're much milder(as per Dr A. Tan) so then to hv not much effect? I rem gg to her for my bb's phelgm problem but it always come back after i stopped medication for a while. In e end, I brought her to a renowned Chinese Physcian whom I've been consulting. Find Ch medicinal herbs are better.
missylan, if your boy stopped his jab at his 5th mth, then u must hv signed up for the 6-in-1 pkg.

cxope, wat is this The Children's Discovery Centre? Is it a childcare centre or playgroup, etc? How much isit to place your child there?
Hi jackiejon,

Dr. vincent lee is a good doc. Was formerly from KK and now at RH. Been seeing him for 5 years already.

Hi cxope..thanks for the info!

Hi jen...where are u stayin?
joleen, no prob, juz sharing info. I know how it is mah, cos when I was asking abt it the last time, I cldn't get any 'proper' ans lor till I went to consult e PD personally...

jen, cos we suddenly realised abt this thread(at least for me lah) hahahhaha
Hi Samval

Thanks for the recommendation. At least now I know someone here ever use him before. How many children do you have? Are your children delivered by him? Did you deliver your child in Raffles Hospital?

hi everyone. i'm new to this thread. would really like to join u all should u organise meetup sessions for sk mummies and babies ;) would be fun to have a playgroup session of our own!
my details
Place: Sengkang (compassvale walk)
Baby: girl, 9 months
email: [email protected]
am a full time working mother
sweetheart... hihi...

mum05, i knoe lah... but when u say the blocks 100 series... wah... like very far leh... keke...

Hi Adora,

My unit facing the "garden" too

So you at C or D, me at D.

Hi Mum05,

The Children's Discovery Centre provides infant care and child care service. I think they have kindergarten too.

The fees for infant care is $800, I'm paying $400 after government subsidy. It costs less than other infant care around this area cos it's non-aircon.

I second Chantelle's suggestion in organizing playgroup.
Wonder what activities can be organized in the playgroup for our darlings?
I can open up my home if you all don't mind.
