Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

hi mummies, i will pop over if i can make it and say hi.. can the organiser pm me her contact? at least i can call to ask where u girls are
hi mummies,

really look forward to meet all of you on 25th. I have made reservation with Swensen alrdy.
Anymore interested party pls add on, I can always call to update the reservation.

Have a good weekend everyong!!

Dinner Gathering
Date : 25-Jan
time : 6:30pm
Venue : COMPASSPOINT Swensens(fixed)

Attendance -
1)violet(may bring my gal)- swensens
2)Xeno - Swensens (may be slightly late because my company bus is leaving my work place at Changi only after 545pm)
3)sharon - swensens(will late)
4)Jen - jack's place (8pm) + baby chair
5) Jocelyn - swensens
6) Wendy(cpj) - Swensens (7pm)
7) Cecelia - Swensens (will come with son)
8) Helen - Jack Place
9) Sterah(magtay)- swensens (with Megan)
hi mikel, hv received e pkg y/day! so fast. only managed to do e trsf now, sorry for e delay cos only saw yr acc type last nite n it was past midnite so cant do's e details:
To Account POSB Savings
001-18925-5 mikel_evelyn_pg
Amount S$0.50
Transaction Reference 1012619130

Hi, Violet i need one babychair, may bring Sabrina .Thank You

Dinner Gathering
Date : 25-Jan
time : 6:30pm
Venue : COMPASSPOINT Swensens(fixed)

Attendance -
1)violet(may bring my gal)- swensens
2)Xeno - Swensens (may be slightly late because my company bus is leaving my work place at Changi only after 545pm)
3)sharon - swensens(will late)+baby chair
4)Jen - jack's place (8pm) + baby chair
5) Jocelyn - swensens
6) Wendy(cpj) - Swensens (7pm)
7) Cecelia - Swensens (will come with son)
8) Helen - Jack Place
9) Sterah(magtay)- swensens (with Megan)
Huh ... so fast? The postal service can be very cranky. Sometimes, waited days to receive stuff. Anyway, I have received your postage. Thanks.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!!
so far my experiece wif the local mail service is that they will deliver postage in 1-2 days' time dur non-seasonal period
thanks for e satchets ya!

will try to cfm wif u if I can at least try to pop by tat evening cos some friends cant make it to my girl's b/day celebration today n they're asking 2 meet us separately nxt wk...
geez, I'm so tired already! got an early appt this morng n am now taking a break frm e preparation... think i'll b zombie when e guests arrive hahaha
I know how you feel about arranging b-day parties ... mine was last week and it's buffet in a hotel and boy ... still tired like nobody's biz after the meal! Have a good rest and a good weekend!
im a May MTB and hope to join you all for dinner on 25/1/07.

Dinner Gathering
Date : 25-Jan
time : 6:30pm
Venue : COMPASSPOINT Swensens(fixed)

Attendance -
1)violet(may bring my gal)- swensens
2)Xeno - Swensens (may be slightly late because my company bus is leaving my work place at Changi only after 545pm)
3)sharon - swensens(will late)+baby chair
4)Jen - jack's place (8pm) + baby chair
5) Jocelyn - swensens
6) Wendy(cpj) - Swensens (7pm)
7) Cecelia - Swensens (will come with son)
8) Helen - Jack Place
9) Sterah(magtay)- swensens (with Megan)
10) Kris - swensens
need advise! My girl is currently attanding a playgroup in the morning. The teacher called this morning & said that there is a hand foot mouth case in the school. We were told to bring the kids back as the school is close for today & they will reopen the school tomorrow. Is it advisable to bring her back tomorrow??
I will be joining you all for dina.

Dinner Gathering
Date : 25-Jan
time : 6:30pm
Venue : COMPASSPOINT Swensens(fixed)

Attendance -
1)violet(may bring my gal)- swensens
2)Xeno - Swensens (may be slightly late because my company bus is leaving my work place at Changi only after 545pm)
3)sharon - swensens(will late)+baby chair
4)Jen - jack's place (8pm) + baby chair
5) Jocelyn - swensens
6) Wendy(cpj) - Swensens (7pm)
7) Cecelia - Swensens (will come with son)
8) Helen - Jack Place
9) Sterah(magtay)- swensens (with Megan)
10) Kris - swensens
Hi Sterah,
For my, I would rather be safe and keep her home for next couple of days.
If there is a confirm case the sch shd take action to disinfect the place and inform the parent when it is done.
As the incubation period for HFM is abouit 1wk, u nvr know which other children is already infected jus that no symptoms showing yet.
hi violet & all, dun think I cld join u ladies tis thurs cos i hv dinner appts every other evening this wk! and am aleady dead beat as lately quite busy(down wif fever since last nite too). If i can pop by that evening, I'll give one of u a buzz, sorry...
U ladies enj yourselves ya!
hello all
enjoy the gathering this thur

sorry everyone guess wont be able to drop by as well cos having something on

Dear mummies, I was planning to bring my boy to the dinner but he is down with flu now.. I will be there myself only then. C u gals!
hi ladies,
my boss jus arranged a conference call tmr at 5pm

So I guess I'll be late. Pls seat yourself first and order first if some of you arrive earlier.

Booking is made under Violet at 6:30pm. I will send out the phone list to all so you all have each other's contact.

Dinner Gathering
Date : 25-Jan
time : 6:30pm
Venue : COMPASSPOINT Swensens(fixed)

Attendance -
1)violet with gal
3)sharon with gal (baby chair)
4)Jen with gal (baby chair)
5) Jocelyn
6) Wendy(cpj)
7) Cecelia with son
8) Helen
9) Sterah with gal
10) Kris

See you all tmr...
we chatted till about 8:45pm, I had to go off as my gal's fever recurr... Then everyone sort of go off at the same time oso.
It is nice to see the mummies again and do some catching up

Hi ladies,
I hope u gals enjoyed the dinner and I'm glad to know some more new mummies and mummy to be
So nice to meet up with you gals last nite!! Nice to see some new ones like sterah, jocelyn & kris... see u again soon!
It was great meeting up with you mummies last nite! Plus point is that it's so convenient to meet up in Compass Point for a short dinner....Look forward to the next gathering!

Thanks for organizing Violet!
leng leng,
let me help u out...
the one sitting opp u is mummy-to-be : kris
the one sitting next to u is sterah
the one sitting opp sterah is jocelyn
the one sitting to jocelyn is jen
the one sitting to wendy's right is xeno
the one sitting to my left is sharon
u can remember who sits where?
hihi.. it has been nice meeting up, knowing some of the new mummies....

Thanks, violet for organising...

hope to see all of you soon!!!! Cheers
Wah ... envious *_* ... I need to get out more often to interact with pple, I'm turning into a dinosaur. Really really hope I can join in the next time!

i was there after meeting lengleng but scared to join ahhaa

so was outside painting my zhao cai mao (at the little shop outside swensen)


join u all next time when i bring bb la.. cos that day MIL brought bb home liao...
