Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

furlover - means right side - 15mins, then rite side - 15mins again then left side?

will monitor and see how... sigh... :p

linsaw, violet,
ya, a bit MIA, cos bz at work. 50% turnover in my branch! actually only 4 of us then 2 leaving mah... linsaw, ur eyes better?

hooray for u! bb aden is home!!! ur milk supply is good! try to go on TBF... jia you!

JP, welcome! if ur boy has big appetite, just keep him latched on. mayb BF more frequently at shorter intervals?if he overdrinks also not good, i feel.

me still losing loads of hair. everytime bathe will see loads of hair, and also whenever i comb my hair. so sad.... thought it will stop after confinement then waited till 4 mths, but now still dropping like nobody's business!!!!! argh... normal???

are there bubbles in the poo? then most likely it's wat foreverfriends honey said, too much foremilk. foremilk high in lactose, causing gas and greenish poo. need to feed fully on 1 side then offer the other side. if he doesnt take the other side, and it's uncomfy, pump out.
i also had this problem, then i started checking my milk after he feeds. i squeeze out a bit of the BM at the areola and am satisfied when the BM is thick and not so translucent. usually foremilk at the start is more translucent.

me brought my boy swimming yest! wore the huggies disposable swimpants. ya, as wendy (cpj) said, it's not cheap wor. i made him wear a pair of swimming trunks on the outside also. went during noon so weather was warm, for about 25 mins nia. he loved it so much! kept screaming and screaming (in joy of course, haha!).
Can go punggol marina but see my earlier post to wendy :
"To enter Punggol Marina is foc but charge for use of the pool. I know they charge but can't remember exactly how much? Not sure if it's $2.50 or $3 each. I wanted to bring my gal go swimming oso but find the charges too ex 'cos the pool is bery small nia. "

When my boy is on Nan HA he everyday poo green colour and the I scare and bring him to PD and she say is normal. She say bb drink Nan will more prompt to green poo if on HA is more green. But for BM i not very sure
u so poor thing, swamped with work now.
btw, the hair loss is normal.... so scary hor? But dun worry la, will grow back one, esle u will see a lot of balding women rite?

Try not to go swimming in the noon sun, too strong for bbies. Go late afternoon or b/w noon is better and remember the sun block.
today super unproductive at work. very tired to work..wish am on holiday or rest

hi beluga
i also brought my boy for his swim yesterday. used up the last disposable swimpants...
where else can we buy besides cold storage? cant seem to find it anywhere. i bought it in the marketplace.

hi violet
oh ya punggol marina. hmm..pool very small. not sure worth it or not hee..
was thinking public pool but too crowded
VB & Jen - Thanks!

beluga - Thanks!
I wish I could. However, when my DS finally sleeps, he will sleep for a min. of 3 hours. So, I will just monitor and change accordingly lor. Hopefully things will get better. So sorry to hear about your hair loss. Heard from lots of new mommies that its normal and expected.


I am so worried coz my BB don't know how to stop eating when he is full. He will suckle and suckle. After 15-20 mins on each breast, I will normally burp him. However, he doesn't want to burp at all. He will struggle like no tomorrow. If all else fail, I will try to sit him up for at least 20 mins and he will still struggle. Hence, he will turn into a merlion and vomit at least 1/2 of the content out. I am so worried...what should I do?

You can go there take a look la. If dun like dun enter the pool lor, anyway free entry to the club mah.

Welcome, but hor I prefer if you address me as violet la. can? tks ar.

BB vomit?
Dun worry oso.... my gal oso difficult to burp last time, then will regurgitate after that. 1 day dunno hv to change her clothes how many times. I so worry esp at nite scared she choke on the vomits.
Put yr palm at his back and rub in circular motion. Not sure if you get wat i mean, this can burp bb too.
Actually my gal's 1st PD told us it is better that bb regurgitate but I forgot the reason liao, 'cos my boy now has no problem burping.
Violet - Sori, can address you as violet lah. Yup, that's what I am afraid off lor...choke. Ah, I know, I know...circular motion...seen the TMC nurse do it before. Thanks!
Joleena, usually we will bring our son to safra club to swim.. can try there but i cannot remember how much to pay for the usage.....
not all supermarkets sell the disposable swim diapers.. think only certain cold storage outlets and carrefour sells them....

JP, my younger son also like that... though he is already coming to 5 months, he still dun know when he is full.. once i latch him he will keep on drinking.. but usually i will only latch him 1 side for maybe 30 minutes or so.... he also will regurgitate when we burp him at about 1.5 months old...
was quite worried cos he will puke out quite a lot of milk.. unlike his elder brother.. so when i asked the PD, she says its a passing phrase.. and now he is better liao....
Hi Everyone.. wau so many posts after 1 day liao...
I rem when my son was 5mths old, he also puke a lot and don like me to burp him. But as Wendy (cpi) mention, its only a passing phase la... Now he knows how to sit, after i feed him his milk, i put him on sitting position and he can burp on his own after a while.

BTW, I'm going Hong Kong with my husband in mid Aug. So excited! Have not go out for a tour for such a long time.

Wkend is still so long ahead.
Hope its here soon.
It's not a matter of timing. My son latched on 1hr+ he had green poo wif bubble like wat beluga said.
How old is your bb?
envy u can go holiday. Think I will only go holiday next yr liao, when my boy is 1yo first. At least can eat 'adult' food not so ma fan.
Last yr I went HK with hb & gal for 4days but I find not enough time to walk around lor.
Ther eis fireworks display at the convention center(ask the hotel ppl to cfm) every nite at 8pm, I did know until the last nite there so missed that.

Need your feedback on the gathering leh?
Can we have a show to see how many interested :

2nd gathering
POT LUCK @ FurLover's place(Rivervale Drive) on 27-Aug, Time TBD(probably lunch since it is pot luck?) :

-FurLover & family(of course!)
-violet + bb + gal + hb

Pls add on the list. If you prefer another location, pls suggest.
Wow.. we got 2 wendy but i dun know who's who liao. de friday gathering is which one ha?

2nd gathering
can't decide now liao because my HB will go resevist on period..

and nice to meeting Suunyling last saturday
MTDT, ya, i also agree w Honey. It's not the time, it's how much your breast is emptied. My boy was not efficient in emptying so i had to keep massaging. i even resorted to hand expressing some BM out then latching him on. but as he grew, he became better at emptying.

sigh, tks for the consolation. i just hope it stops cos the amt of hair lost is scary.

i saw toys r us selling the disposable swimpants.

i brought him during noon cos he wore only trunks leh. not whole body suit. so i KS, scared he catch a cold. i dun have sun screen. which brand is good?

i love HK food! yum yum! but a bit more ex than s'pore food though. aug is humid and warm leh. i went last aug when preggie in 2nd trimester. wah piang, the heat was unbearable, prob cos i was preggie. be careful of the air-con water dripping from above when u walk in the streets. enjoy your trip!!!!
Violet said:
Need your feedback on the gathering leh?
Can we have a show to see how many interested :

2nd gathering
POT LUCK @ FurLover's place(Rivervale Drive) on 27-Aug, Time TBD(probably lunch since it is pot luck?) :

-FurLover & family(of course!)
-violet + bb + gal + hb
-beluga + bb + hb (will decide wat food to bring later)

Pls add on the list. If you prefer another location, pls suggest.
I dunno which is good la but a lot of my other mummy frens say california bb product is good. But I did not buy their sun screen during the last BP as I alrdy hv 1(other brand) at home.

Thanks for supporting the gathering!

let's work out the list of ppl going then we can work out who bring wat.... ok?
I agree its not the timing too. My girl had green watery stools too. Then i realised that i was producing more foremilk than hindmilk. I latched her on for 2 feeds on the same breast to make sure she empties it.

You're so lucky! I haven't been on a holiday since 3yrs ago. Recently i wanted to bring the kids to HK but my hubby says waste of money cos they are still too young to enjoy disneyland.
Enjoy your trip!

I cant decide now also that period my hubby was also in reservist.


Nice meeting you too and seem like both our hubby have the same reservist date
hi wendy (cpj)
i thought of going safra as well. it is not free usage unless we are members there.
so am considering whether to sign up as members haha

hi violet
i will need to check if we are ok with 27th.
i am fine to go furlover's house ar rivervale drive.

hi furlover
thanks for offering your place
hi gals... thanks for the input.

he seems to be back on "yellow' poo. but will continue to monitor.

any idea how to produce more hindmilk? anything tat we can eat to help to produce more hindmilk?
joleena, wendy(cpj),
my hb m'sian, cannot sign up as member leh....
I took my gal for swimming class in Yishun safra last time so entry is free that time.
But hor quite crowded oso leh Maybe it's the timing lor...
hello afternoon
no mood for work today haha...bad right?

hi violet
ya i always see crowds on sat at safra yishun..
datz why still thinking hard hee....
hello wendy (wen2gal)... so nice... can go on holiday.. i have not been on a vacation for sometime liao... i have been "bugging" my hb to go somewhere but he say cannot bear to leave his 2 sons at home.. sigh!!! you enjoy your trip!!!

hello joleena, violet.. my hb a safra member long time liao... we only been to the one at mount faber cos its new.. and the pool is big... but have to pay... not sure how much...usually we will go during weekdays.. think weekend can be crowded....

2nd gathering
POT LUCK @ FurLover's place(Rivervale Drive) on 27-Aug, Time TBD(probably lunch since it is pot luck?) :

-FurLover & family(of course!)
-violet + bb + gal + hb
-beluga + bb + hb (will decide wat food to bring later)
-wendy(cpj) + son + hb (will decide food to bring later)
yes, yes that one is big and nice, the newest safra rite? I only been there bowling once.

Glad that you can make it to the gathering, bring your younger one oso la. I'm gonna bring my bb oso leh.
Hi Violet.... yes, thats the one... I have not been there during weekends. usually we will bring my elder son for a dip on weekdays when we are on leave..
.. weekdays pretty empty and the pool is big.... nice.. but have to pay lor.. cannot remember how much though.... Also the distance, far from sengkang so not very convenient.

Bring younger son ar... i very scared lei.. last sat i brought my 2 sons to a friend's place for bbq..i nearly fainted...
cos have to take care of the hyperactive elder son and then also the the younger maid, hb and myself have to take turns to eat....:p

Ok la.. maybe can try again.. since you bringing your bb, then i shall bring mine too...


2nd gathering
POT LUCK @ FurLover's place(Rivervale Drive) on 27-Aug, Time TBD(probably lunch since it is pot luck?) :

-FurLover & family(of course!)
-violet + bb + gal + hb
-beluga + bb + hb (will decide wat food to bring later)
-wendy(cpj) + son + bb + hb + helper (will decide food to bring later)
ok la, yr elder one 2 yo liao rite? Let him be lor, they are 'suppose' to be hyperactive at this age la. We can all help to look out la....

If no other suggesstions by end of the week, then we shall fix at FurLover's place.
Seems like no suitable place to bring bb for a dip in SK/PG area. My hubby also M'sian, so can't sign up as member with Safra.
hi there
wow safra at mount is quite far for us hee....

i cant confirm on the gathering. can i let you know nearer to the date? so sorry....

hi mikel
like wat violet mention, can go punggol marina for a swim.
otherwise, will be the public pool
Hi everyone! Thanks for ur greetings!! Ya, I know HK in Aug will be not and humid... But no choice leh because my husband will be very busy after Aug so he says to go for a short trip first.

BTW, what does POTLUCK stand for? Do I have to bring any food? I should be be to make it with hubby and Titus if happen crops up..

Another thing, do you know if we need to sign up as member with Punggol Marina if we want to use the pool? Or just pay like entrance fee to the pool?

Potluck means we each bring a dish to the gathering. We will work out who brings what as we get closer to the date. Simple dishes will do la.

No need to sign as member to Punggol Marina, just pay entrance to pool.

2nd gathering
POT LUCK @ FurLover's place(Rivervale Drive) on 27-Aug, Time TBD(probably lunch since it is pot luck?) :

-FurLover & family(of course!)
-violet + bb + gal + hb
-beluga + bb + hb
-wendy(cpj) + son + bb + hb + helper
-Wendy(wen2gal) + Titus + hb(all tentative)

* Decide on food later.
Leng Leng,

U too bz till blur blur liao.
Give u all advance notice so u all can plan and book the date for the gathering mah.
Try to make it ok?
Good Morning Mummies

Hi, I am staying in Seng Kang (Rivervale Drive). I am a full time working mother and have a son (who is coming 4 years old in November). Currently I am expecting a 2nd child and will be due in Oct. Can I join in the group?

welcome Jackiejon!

Are you expecting a gal or boy this time?

Pls send your details to JEN, not to me, as JEN is helping to update the details of all mummies.

I oso hv a 4yo but is gal and a 5.5mth boy so same same as you in terms of kid's yr of birth.
We r hving a gathering on 27-Aug, do join us if you can.

3 months to give cereal is too early the earliest PD recommend is 4th month but is encourage to start solid from 6th month. I thk is better not to start solid too early.
Hi Violet Blaze

I am expecting a gal this time
actually boy for gal doesnt matter as long as the baby is healthy.

How do I forward my details to Jen?

Where is the gathering? I am staying around Rivervale Drive Blk 18plus. I hope it will not be too far. Actually its nice to get to know other mummies staying near me but so far I dont know anyone yet.

Where is your daughter studying? My son is presently in nursery in St Ann Church.

Hi Koalarie,

Dun panic dun panic, I reply you liao in the other thread. If need to talk you can call me. I PM u my no. alrdy.

Relax ah.....
Leng leng,
Is not MY house, it's FruLovers!!! And my gal will help too.....Whahaha!!! We all so bad hor...

hope u dun back out ya?

You can find Jen's posts above, just PM her.
Gathering is at Riverval Dr oso leh, so is bery near to you. Copy and paste from the posts above and add on your attendance.

My gal is at Shekinah Montessori House near to st Anne's church oso.
Ya, actually gal or boy is ok, so long as healthy and happy. But hor gals can dress up lor.
Dear all, sorry for MIA for sometime because I am trying to settle down after Aden's back. For him to get use to his home.

Welcome Jackiejon!

2nd gathering
POT LUCK @ FurLover's place(Rivervale Drive) on 27-Aug, Time TBD(probably lunch since it is pot luck?) :

-FurLover & family(of course!)
-violet + bb + gal + hb
-beluga + bb + hb
-wendy(cpj) + son + bb + hb + helper
-Wendy(wen2gal) + Titus + hb(all tentative)
-Xeno + hb (TBC)

My HB does not like to join gathering, I will try to talk to him. I will make myself (at least) available to meet you gals and family. Food to be decided later..

Can't bath, can't wash hair, the weather is really hot! Tak boleh tahan!! Worse still, lunar 7th month, even neighbourhood has GE TAI, noisy till 11pm! Errgghh...
bb on TBM should be producing mustard-colour poo. it's watery and my boy was pooing like after every feed. and it tends to leak out from the waistband and the leg area.

we all produce foremilk and hindmilk. i feel that if you have let-down, bb gets more hindmilk. so must relax when feeding. i used to not experience let-down but now i feel it's a tickling sensation at the nipple and bb will draw in long sucks when there's a let-down.

also, if u feed more frequently with shorter intervals, ur BM will be richer in fat.

tks for offering your place. will help to clean up...

i am using california bb calendula cream. i find it good cos my boy used to have scaly, dry skin but after using, it's much better. mayb i'll try their sunscreen. i ordered other products in one of the BPs but it seems the essential oils are flammable so kena stuck at US customs.

welcome Jackiejon!

then where did u bring Javier for swim on sun?

i also agree w violet. should not feed bb cereal b4 4 mths. i read from a mag that it's not good to mix cereal in FM or BM and give to bb in a bottle as it MAY present a choking hazard. dunno how true. i think give cereal only when XT is ready. if at 4 mths she still not rejecting FM, then continue giving FM. milk is the main food for bb till 1yo.
me bo chup. bathe everyday during confinement. hee... but of course use hot water then finish off with the herbal bath. too dirty also not nice to hold bb mah.... keke
Hi Violet Blaze

Thanks I just pm her.

Shekinah Montessori House is a childcare centre or school? How much do you pay per month?


How is Aden? I hope you are coping well.
Can undetstand yr frustration, I would too if cannot bathe.

I started bathing on the day I discharge at the hospital.... After that I bathe everyday with the 'herb water'. Cannot tahan leh, so hot and dirty. I dun wan to use the herbs la but no choice leh, to stop my mum fm nagging...
Then after that use hot water daily. Wash hair every other day I think.

I know some hb dun like to join in la, mine oso wat. But I will convince him to go unless he has some other arrangements.

No choice about the ge tai la, got to tolerate lor. I hate it when all the ashes starts flying around and into my house oso
