Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

halo mommies, how's things? woah alot of postings huh since e last time I came in, been pretty busy lately myself, in fact juz got back not too long as well from my work.

really so, mikel? aiya...was hoping to get some by next wk

wah violet, u even keep 'stock' ar! hahaha, can spare me some or not kekeke

hv a nice wkend, all!

haha... too late, I just finished the last pkt last nite for supper

it's ok for bb to throw out some milk. Shdn't be phlem if is he not coughing or not feeling well.
Call and check with the PD if you feel something is not right.
It's normal that bb has wheezing sound when they sleep at nite 'cos their wind pipe is still narrow but shdn't be crying and crying. Perhaps he is hving colic?
It is not advisable to clear their nose when they are so young 'cos may end up pushing the dirt further in. But for my boy's case it's blocked until affecting his feeding so got to clear everyday. Cry like mad when we clear his nose 'cos it's uncomfortable to hv something poking his nose rite?
I think my DS is going through a growth sprout (I think that's what its being called) coz he is waking up once in every 1-2 hours and consuming 90 - 120ml of milk. Trying t adjust to his new schedule once again...

Voilet - Same here, when we bathe our DS, he cries like mad too esp. when we clean his nose. Anyway, I think my DS hates water coz he always cry when we bathe him. I too am drinking more water to increase the BM...still trying but mornings and afternoons still not too good..haiz!

mum05 - Hi there!

xl - Same here, we sup with Enfalac also coz BM is just not enough for DS still. We are experiencing the same thing with our DS...vomit a little after feed. According to Pedi, its norm.

Mikel - eclairs? Tell me more about outdated leh.

BTW, anyone knows where to buy cheap Enfalac? Heard that Pedi will sell it cheaper than outside coz they get discount. However, my Pedi don't sell this brand.
Hi mummies,
Understand that some of your children are attending St Anne nursery/kindergarten. Do u mind sharing your feedback/comments on St Anne?
Eg how are the teachers? cirriculum? Do they teach the children bible? etc... Any other feedback/comments on St Anne are appreciated.

Does anyone has St Anne's Tel no.?

Thanks Violet & JP..

JP, my BB also wakes up once in every 1-2 hours and consuming 90 - 120ml of milk. Whe he is in hospital for 1st 10 days, I still have chance to store BM in freezer but now not enuff, dun even talk abt storage.. We are also sup with Enfalac.

Do let me know if there is any cheap buy for Enfalac too.. Thanks..
Peifu u leh.. 7mths preggy still can take exams.
I was like half-dead when preggy. Too tired to move around.

Regurgitating in babies are very common. Sometimes the milk haven't flow into the stomach when we start burping, thats why the milk come out. Some babies also have this reflux problem thats why always regurgitate milk. My girl had it when she was baby and she outgrew it one day.
Better to ask your pead and let him explain it to you.

As for the wheezing sound, maybe the nose is blocked. You need to buy a kind saline from the pead to drip into the nose. It will soften the mucus and let it come out easily.

Good business huh? :D

My son have bible study every friday. But he didn't come back with lots of "Amen", in fact none. He also didn't say prayers when he eats at home. Btw, we are buddhist.
Curriculum-Not too bad. They do bring back readers almost every friday in their folder bag. They also have 1 homework every friday, usually something simple like coloring/tracing/craft.
My son improved in his chinese alot but he didn't improve his english during the first half of the year because they changed FOUR english teachers. I'm crossing my fingers that this one would stay for good.
aiya violet

halo, jp!

furlover, hahaha ok lah, it's juz tt i'm doing quite abit of classes these days. juz got another assignment last nite at past midnite! an overseas client actually, tt's why e timing... n I've to make last min changes to my other appts for today so that i can meet up wif them n cfm things later(they're here for e wkend to tie up things)-so now am waiting for e appt time, thus came in here...
hey ladies...i'm lost! hahaha...

my company blocks this site as access during work...

hope u mummies still rememer me...heehee

Question: When is the best time for # 2? Any advise?

at least u still remembers us

I think 2 yrs is a good age gap too. Me wanted 2nd one sooner but end up is 3.5yrs gap.
Not too bad oso la, at least my gal is able to understand that she is hving a little brother and she helps out and does not bully her brother lor.

Can come to the gathering on 27-Aug?
ya violet, i was also hoping that i cld hv my no. 2 when my girl turns 2 yrs old, but now she's already 1 1/2yrs old and Im still soooo un-pregnant haiz...
Hi Gals,

Anyone has any feedback on the nursery at SengKang Methodist Church? Thinking of sending my boy there when he is 4.
Last call for <font color="ff0000">Fiona (funkychick), kiami, mikel, newss, phoebesmum, stephenniris, wwmilo</font> to PM me ur name and contact number... I will remove ur name if u do not reply me by this week...
gd morning ladies... Jen, i've replied yr email liao...

btw ladies, do u all buy supplements frm GNC? I'm a first time member of GNC n they sent me a leaflet abt getting a birthday gift but there must be a min nett purchase of S$295. So wondering if you ladies wanna get anything, then I can get them for u at e special birthday mth discount of 35%off and then I get to see wat mystery gift is that hahaha.(I juz bought 2 bottles of their time-released VitC! cos I din knw abt this birthday thingy lor).
If no one wants, then it's ok. email me if u're keen ya...
hello mum05

i want to get something from GNC.
Heard there is this multivitamins that is good for toddlers. planning to get that for my boy.

Did anyone get any Multivitamins for your toddlers or baby?
hmmm, honestly i duno leh hehhe i'm very new to taking supplements really. Cos it's after my child's birth then i see my nails keep breaking off, that i realised I need to eat my calcium! then as I'm also weak to minor illness-flu n such, due to insufficient slp/rest, Im now also taking VitC(Time-released version alot better, not acidic lor cos I've got gastritis history) that i started buying frm GNC...
oh do let me know wat u need ok. Even if dun hit e amt to get me my birthday gift, i dun mind buying for u, help out lor since we stay near each other, b/day mth discount is 35% or 40% - not exactly sure, as i'm new and usually i bo chap hahaha(dunno join for wat hor :p)

u email me wat u want then when everyone cfm(want or dun want) liao then i get for u k?
juz pm-ed u. okies i gtg for now, need to do something, u email me ya, i'll reply u in due course.

any other mommies? do email me k, u can find my email addy frm the SK/PG mommies list Jen has done up for us
Hi Furlover

I will try to come for the gathering but will only be able to confirm at a nearer date as I am present 7 months pregnant and always feel tired all the time.

Hi Wendy

The phone number for St Ann Kindergarten is as follows:

Mrs Dorothy Tan (Principal)
Tel: 63861651

Ms Anna Tan (Administrator)
Tel: 63862007

Are you a catholic? How old is your child?

As far as I know registeration for next year (2007) is already closed.

Hi Maple

The contact numbers for St Ann Kindergarten are as above mentioned.

Dear mummies, an advise needed here..

My baby boy's stool is very yellow that the stain on clothing is not removable by normal detergent... Is this normal? My MIL said it's not normal, esp when we do not leave the stain overnight..
furlover, no prob lah...i oso get to 'benefit' mah... juz that Im totally new to their membership n duno wat's their so-called gift will be like so dun intend to spend so much again esp after I've 'gong gong' went to buy wat I needed juz last wk!- i mean, sekali duno wat lousy/cheapo gift rite... hahaha
btw, e probiotics thingy u're giving your kids is good? They're for kids of which age group?

Then since u ladies can also benefit frm the birthday discount n we stay near each other, so why not?
No need to tsf to me first... juz get e list ready first

xeno, u talking abt stool stains on nappies? If so, then sorry that I cant help u as my girl has been using disposable diapers since NB
But for removing stubborn stains, what I did was to rub some of the bb detergent powder on e clothes, then leave it overnite before washing...
Thanks mum05..

This morning, my maid stained BB's botties when she changed BB's disposible diaper, this is the 1st time she stained.. When she tried to wash with detergent, the stain could not be removed. My MIL asked me to consult PD because she said it's not normal, all her other grandchildren did not have stubborn stains on clothings.. Stubborn stain is ok, I juz worry if the stool is normal for BB anot..

I will bring BB to visit PD this afternoon..

The thing i want to buy is call "BabyLife". It's probiotics for babies. Price after discount should be $29+. I need 2 bottles. Thnks!
You need to call the shop to make sure they have stock cos this item always out of stock. It's stored in the fridge. Can give to babies too.

I give probiotics because it's good for their stomach and digestion. Usually found in yakult or vitagen but it's sugar laden so i hardly give this.

breastfed babies have yellow mustard color stools, it's quite common. But still better ask the pead.
yaya furlover, now I rem reading abt this probiotic thingy frm Abbott's leaflet.

Me too, i dun like to give yakult or vitagen to kids who are still young too. infact my sis told me that it's quite 'acidic' in the sense that there was once, her kid spilled one bot of it(not sure which brand, but i guess they're of almost same ingredients)on e floor and after she wiped e spill away, the floor became one patch 'whiter'...

oh i juz got yr email, replied liao
oh furlover, i went to their website(sg's), but cant find this babylife leh? I only found this :;products_id=350&amp;osCsid=cf29b96163a9267afba5d9e15f05c3ff
"Childlife Colostrum with Probiotics"

Products Highlights

Provides Nature's ultimate formula for enhancing your child's health, vitality, immune and digestive health
ChildLife uses the finest bovine Colostrum that has been naturally harvested and especially prepared with Probiotics to enhance the health and vitality of your child's immune and digestive system
Supports healthy digestion &amp; the immune system
Colostrum is nature's first food for the immune system

same thing?

anyway, juz in case someone might be keen. im also given coupons to purchase e following at 40% off(one time use only each ):
1) Ultra Max HGH Gold
2) Ginkgo Biloba 120mg
3) Liquid Spirulina

Limited to only 1 per VIP (item 1 &amp; 2)
Valid for purchase of 2 boxes (item 3)
I think the mustard colour stool is normal. My boy has that too when he's young and the PD says the body is removing jaundice, that's why yellow. Jaundice is also a natrual antioxidant ... no need to be too worry. Soak the botties overnight with the washing detergent. Rub the stains off before washing it.
Are yr MIL's other grandchildren BFed babies?
If they are not then cannot compare the stool.
The other mummies are right, BFed bbies has yellow color stools and is perfectly normal.
Soak the stained clothings overnite then wash the next day. This is wat I do oso.
halo leng2.
furlover, noted yr item and as for your suggestion, i'll try to look into it asap n revert to your email k?
sunnyling, sharon, pris, linsaw, where are u ladies?
Thank you mummies.. My HB &amp; I are new parents, just want to ensure nothing is wrong since my MIL commented that way.. dun wan to be blamed for "BU TING LAO REN YAN".. She has 6 grandchildren from her 2 daugthers, think most of them BF for 2-3 months..

Visited PD, yellow stools with stubborn stains is normal.. She said many parents use disposible diaper nowadays that no one realise the stain is hard to be removed.. Do not use normal bleach for BB's cloth / Napkin, she recommended Napisan..
how come not looking for me huh?? = p

Ok... i oso wondering where re the ladies... mayb becoz monthend?? so busy with monthend work?? =p
furlover, i've gone to GNC y/day evening to take a look at e prdt u're gg to buy n was told that they're now left wif only 1 bottle! Geez, is this prdt really that good? I've emailed some details on what they've advised me regarding pre-paying/reserving of this prdt. U let me know ok.
Thanks Jan, i've replied u already.

I will be preparing some drinks, chilled water chestnut dessert, tuna/eggmayo/curry chicken bread bowls and muffins for the little ones.

2nd gathering
POT LUCK @ FurLover's place(Rivervale Drive) on 27-Aug, Time 11:30

-FurLover &amp; family(of course!)
-violet + bb + gal + hb
-beluga + bb + hb
-wendy(cpj) + son + bb + hb + helper
-Wendy(wen2gal) + Titus + hb(all tentative)
-Xeno + hb (TBC)

* Last day to cfm attendance is 13-Aug, we will decide food to bring after that.
xl - Someone gave me this place. Said that their stuff are much cheaper than outside. You can call and ask for the $$$ first.
Mong Lee Mini Mart
Blk 260 Bangkit Rd, #01-41
Tel: 6764 1505

As for the stools, my BB's stools is also yellowish mustard. According to my Pedi, that's norm for BF babies.

Mikel - Thanks for the links! The $29.30 Enfalac is Enfalac HA 300g? BTW, what exams are you taking? I know how tiring it was for me when I had to finish my last semester and I was like 9 months PG. Good luck!!!
hi, all
my husband just come back from operation, some problem on his intestin, may not go to reservist will join your all already..but still have to be confirm again ok, any one can email for food detail then decide wat foods to bring ok

2nd gathering
POT LUCK @ FurLover's place(Rivervale Drive) on 27-Aug, Time 11:30

-FurLover &amp; family(of course!)
-violet + bb + gal + hb
-beluga + bb + hb
-wendy(cpj) + son + bb + hb + helper
-Wendy(wen2gal) + Titus + hb(all tentative)
-Xeno + hb (TBC)
-sharon + hb + bb (TBC)

I'm here ! a bit busy nowaday
Hi ladies, just chanced upon this thread today! ha..

My boy is in ntuc cc at blk 166 at punggol. By the 2nd week, he settled down le. But cos of some cases of stomach flu, he got it last fri and resting at home. Hv to get clearance from doc to certify that he is fit to go bk to schl! V. good I must say that they adopt such.
hi sharon, oh dear, hope yr hubby is recovering well now... u take care too ya.

ok ladies, I'll be going to get the stuffs frm GNC tis wkend, so let me know by email before Sunday wat u want ok. Thanks.

Is ok ! his can just avoid de food will cause allegy. just prepare wat ever we want la..

Thanks, How is your BB ? had you celebrate 1 year already , can share the idea ?
