Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

koalarie, try on mine lah lolz... i pm u my YM ID.
btw, dun think need to bother abt icq, cos no one here uses it rite...

hi sunny, I retrieve yr full email addy frm my 'email box history' and sent u my request liao.
Add me in!

hahaha koalarie...k, u try tonite ya, I've pm-ed u my YM id liao.

hi sengkang mummies,
i'm looking for a part-time nanny to look after my 8 months baby as my 68 yrs old mum can't cope with the little active one..

any good one to recommmand? got one thru leaflet but many friends advise better not to leave the baby with a "real" stranger"..

if you know someone who is a expereienced nanny, not hard up for money, likes kid, please let me know OK?
hi xeno,
Congratulations! Enjoy your confinement!

dun worry, baby already found! read the news earlier...
hi jen, thanks for list.

i dun mind giving my contact no. As for MSN or others, cannot lei cos my company blocks all site not related to work... thats why I cannot even access to this forum during lunch time.. hiaz....
added u..

Can see me??

By the way, live msn is good.. at least I can rename the msn nick to something i noe of for my contacts. Just like icq. The MSN 7.5 and below cannot do this.
Thank u for the list.

Congrats on the arrival of Aden. Take good care n enjoy ur confinement.

Do added me in ur msn.

U stay very near to me. Mine at block 196.

I never receive any request leh? I going for lunch now will login again this afternoon. Maybe i using the e-buddy (cos company block, this is the only web i can log into YM)
i can get all ur addresses fm d list jen emailed to us rite??
added some of d mummies....
pls do add me in....thks!
Right, Cindy. = p


looks like either i go get a hp /w wi-fi n surf in macdonalds else i got to wait till home then can msn lo. =p
sunny, u din rcv ar? ok, i'll pm-ed u. hmmm, anyway, i saw u online juz now and msg-ed u but u din reply, then I log out liao

issit never receive any msg, maybe the web msg got pro.


I never receive abt the add-on leh. Anyway i added you in the contact

This MSN like got pro this 2 days.
Hi Gals,

I've a fren who is bringing in this new brand of shoes for children. Anyone of you or your frens interested in buying can piggybag order. She is not bringing in all the sizes but if we can catch the bulk delivery, she can bring any size listed on the US Website. Website is Apparently, Angelina Jolie's adopted son is spotted wearing the X10-TRex. Anyone interested can PM me.
I dun hv spare room so my maid sleeps with my 2 kids in their room.

I have added u into yahoo but have not seen you on line yet leh.
Hi All, thank you for support. Baby Aden is still in hospital. Past 1 week he was put under UV light. I am still travelling daily to visit and BF him. I couldn't take any ginger, alcohol, sesame oil, etc that can cause jaundise since I am BF him.

It was to my big shock today when I visited him in the morning. My womb blood gushed out like water tap in the baby ward. No pain but so embarrasing... Is it normal for after birth? I am going to consult my gynae tomorrow.. Hopefully it's ok, not because I do not eat "BU" now..

Sorry that I can't log in frequently now, will try so after baby Aden is home..
MTDT, my baby was borned on 13 July. Today the PD has just advised to remove UV and need to observe him for coming 2 days under normal condition. If jaundise is gone, he may be able to come home on Sat. Else, will have to stay few days longer..
Don't worry too much ... you must 'bu' a little also ... if you don't take tonic, you tend to be weaker generally. Can you take chicken essence?

To all
Did you gals see the BP for mini cupcakes in the BP thread?????? Looks sooooo yummy! Think I will organise that when I come back to Singapore. This is the link:
Ya, dun worry and try to relax and rest more. Must take good care of yourself so that when bb is home you have the energy to take care of him.

All looks so nice! Where r u going?
violet, which ID did u add in? dun use e email add which u hv on yr list ya... cos i'm using another for YM hehehe. I'll pm u on it...

oh mikel, e cupcakes look sooooooooo delicious!!! aiyoh making me drool again U! hahaha. Cham lah, carry on like tat, I'm sure to put on more wgt to the already gained wgt I hv now!!!
But quite ex hor, these cupcakes, eat liao cannot let them come out hahaha
oh ya, where r u gg to? envy envy leh, me havnt been gg to holiday for couple of yrs liao plus wif my girl now, lagi cant go...

xeno, ya dun worry too much. Is yr bm enuf? If not, for the time being, let the nurses supplement wif FM(dun be overly-stressed over b/feeding ya), as the more e bb drinks, e faster e level of jaundice will go down. Jaundice is very common in newborns as their liver isnt functioning that well yet. Do eat yr tonics n ginger - there's no scientific proof to say that they are the 'culprits' of causing jaundice. Plus we dun eat these stuffs dur pregnancy also n babies r diagnosed wif jaundice when they're born(usual case is frm 3rd day onwards). Caucasians dun eat them but their bbs also get jaundice ar. U need to protect yrself esp u've juz delivered n u're gg to n fro e hospital when this is e time U need yr rest e most.
nice chatting wif u violet...
wah, so loving ar u & yr hubby - still go to slp at e same time, very nice... my hubby is already aslp now n i'm still here hahaha.
nice chatting w u too.
I hv to 'monitor' wat time he sleep 'cos he will always play x-box until the wee hours then next day so tired.
His work alrdy so bz n stress then not enough sleep will trigger his migrain easily so got to 'nag' him to sleep one.
Tell u ar, on some days when i damn tired n sleep first, he can play until almost 2am one ok.

I understand he needs to de-stress but oso must see mah, I need him to be around to help with the kids. He kena migrain how to help? End up I got to take care of 1 more.
After I talk to him, he ok la, I will always ask him go sleep around 12:30am latest then he ill stop playing lor.
Hi Mummies,

Can anybody share how to employ a good maid?
I want a maid to cook and look after my 2yrs old son. Dun know he want to be the maid as he is v sticky to me.
Hi Mommies

any one of u has any idea on buying flats? I've several queries as such, hope any of u can advice. =p

1. Is it true tat once owner n co-owner purchase a 5-room flat cannot downgrade to a 4-room flat or purchase a 5-room flat? My colleagues told me must purchase an executive flat or EC?

2. Currently we re enjoying the 2.6% concessionary rate but if we want to buy a new flat/resale flat/old EC/new EC, would we still enjoy? Or must get from bank?

any idea??
Hi Koalarie,

1) If im not wrong, u can purchase 5rm or downgrade to 4rm, but MUST THRU OPEN-MARKET..
If u buy directly fm HDB, then only option is EC or exe flat..

2) U can still enjoy 2.6% provided u buy directly fm HDB, if its resale, u wont be able to enjoy.

this is d info i got fm HDB wen i bought exe flat fm HDB last yr..but to be confirm, tink u hv to call HDB to check again.
Hi Everyone, wau didnt come in for 1 wk and so many topics already!

Hey xeno, congrats, congrats!

Hey, Jen, thanks for adding me into the list.

Today is a Friday, so happy I am able to go and fetch my son tonite, haven seen him since last Sunday!

BTW, can I just ask, when can I start bringing my boy for swimming? He going 9mths now, can sit but still cant crawl... And do you know if the swimming pool at Punggol Marina is free?


That's what my colleagues told me too. Open market means those on newspapers one, can buy.. but not from HDB website ones.. rite?

The 2.6% concessionary rate oso applicable for new flats from Selective En-bloc?

tried already... Haiz.. think the website got something not updated.. Tot purchase of EC no limit on the couple's gross income? But website put got.

Then no mentioned on HDB concessionary loan anymore.. except for the policy of the review of the rate at every 1st of the month.

Then like what Cindy mentioned, my colleagues told me tat once we purchased a, say, 5room flat, we can only purchase a EC or Exec mansion flat... I was like huh??? Dun remember seeing from the HDB website..

So looking for help lo.

Am planning to see if should move out before Xuanting goes to pri1 in 6~7 years down the road.. but need to noe the policy now.

At the rate of travelling to and fro my mom's place, think I'd rather stay nearer to her. She's staying in West Coast area... Quite far from Sengkang huh..
hi koalarie,
U shld check w HDB cos seem like they always change their policy..
As for 2.6% interest, as long u r still qualify, u shld b able to enjoy (provided must buy fm HDB)..
Thr is limit on gross income of couples regardless which type of flats u r buying lor..for wat i no if family's gross income exceed $8000 per mth, can only buy EC & above lor...
Dear all mums, thank you so much for care and concern.,

Baby Aden is still in hospital. He is G6DP, that's why doctor wants him to stay min. 10 days to observe for jaundise. I know jaundise is common for baby, especially boys but due to G6DP which may get serious effect if jaundise level get high within first 2 weeks after birth. Since doctor (my PD) advised not to take ginger, sesame, and alcohol if I am BF, I better listen to her at the moment. Hospital is feeding with FM & EBM / BF alternately because fully BF will slow down jaundise recovery..

Mikel, yes I am taking chicken essence everyday..

Mum05, my BM is enough.. Every 3-5 hours can pump out 90-100ml per side. But Aden can't be TBF, I am storing at freezer while sending bit to hospital.

I really miss him very much, that's why I am visiting him every morning and evening to BF him.. Doctor mentioned if tomorrow blood test has no big concern, baby Aden can be discharged.. I really wish so...

dun worry too much baby aden will be able to discharge from the hospital soon . sure baby aden miss mummy and daddy too.
u have to take a lot of tonic if sweat alot remeber to dry up yourself .

what happen to you recently . you seem to MIA. bust lately?

wendy ,
i went to ponggol marina once, i think is open to the public why not you go there to take a look.

you want to organise the BP for the cupcakes? it seem that recently alot of BP for food haha

i still cannot add you in my msn ? someting is wrong

i am actually on mc for 2 days at home cos i having sore eye... accordingly to the doc it due to my contact lens.....
