Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

ic xeno, take care and hope u can bring Aden back soon...

oh really ar, koalarie? if realy not updated then u better call them - but then again, be careful cos each different person answering e phone will give u different ans - my sis kana e last time, she bought a re-sale flat end last yr...

1) Thk you can downgrade but you need to pay a tax to HDB (which is quite costly)

2) 2.6% - shd be apply to those buy direct from HDB or 1st time buyer.

Thk you shd check with HDB, call them will be clearer.


My Gynae also advise me not to take so much ginger if i am going to BF. Don't worry too much Jaundice is quite common on Babies and according to PD slight jaundice is actually good for bb. You must take care of yourself cos Baby Aden is coming back tomorrow and you are still in confinement.
anyone bought the essential oils frm Oliver Rich London at compass pt?
they're now promoting their oils at the basement...
cindy, sunnyling and mum05,
thanks. I've written email to them .. still waiting.. I dun want to call them as each of them seems to give a different set of answers. With email as black and white, they got to think properly first before replying... =p

Any case, thanks... a bit regretted to get a 5rm flat. Cleaning it already makes me really tired... smaller flats got more subsidies.

Do take care. Do remember to wear clothings to cover ur legs n hands as well. My mom said during confinement cannot wear too thin else back will easy pain.. n i dun listen... n so now got back pain le. =p
To enter Punggol Marina is foc but charge for use of the pool. I know they charge but can't remember exactly how much? Not sure if it's $2.50 or $3 each. I wanted to bring my gal go swimming oso but find the charges too ex 'cos the pool is bery small nia.

Parking outside is also free, to park inside there is also a charge but also cannot remember how much.

I brought my gal swimming lessons when she 7mths old, after all the basic jabs. But later kena the sars so cancel the class.
I intent to let my boy play with water after his 6-in-1 jabs too. No time to bring for lessons liao so can oni bring them play play oni.

Hv a good time with your little ones.
Linsaw, hope you get better soon. It's an 'eye sore' to hv this problem...
I kena before and I suspect is due to the solution I use over the due date liao. End up wear specs for 1 wk.

Ya... wat happened to you le?

Hv a great weekend!
Hello, how is everyone? Weekend is here......

Hope you are getting better. Rest your eyes more...

Do take care of yourself so that you will have the energy to take care of Baby Aden.

I brought my eldest son to the pool when he was abt 9 months... I got him a float so that he can sit in there. Initially he was afraid but now, he enjoys water very much and we would have a hard time getting him out of the water. But we only let him play for at most half hour....
Hi Violet and Wendy,
Thanks for the information.
I bought an aeroplane float for him and am intedning to get him swim suit. Do you know what are the price ranges? The cheapest I can find is 26.90 i guess. And if i were to bring him swimming, how to wear his diapers in his swimsuit? Isnt is messy if he poo poo??
Sorry.. inexperienced mummy here.
wendy, i also hvnt brought my girl for a swim yet hehehe. Wanted to try when she's younger, then my hubby sim tia said cannot haiz...(he kept saying, later later, wat if she catch a cold).
But I heard from a gf that she bought her son 'swimmer diapers' cos e 1st time she didnt, n he poo-ed n it was super messy n embarrassing for her. So now at least i know kekeke. maybe u can try e diapers?

violet, u're back frm yr gal's bday party @ e cc so fast?
wendy ,
thank you

overdue solution .. oh ya why i never think about that.... maybe is my soultion problem ... thanks for reminding me this....
A decent resonable priced swim suit costs around that much. I got for my gal at carrefour about $20+ oso.
For diapers, I bought the ones meant for swimming. Can't remember the brand but you shd be able to find at cold storage(I hope). I forgot where I got mine the last time.

The party is simple la, just do the birthday walk, then sing bd song, cut cake, eat cake and give out the goodies to all the kids. All in 1+ hr oni.

jus realized that there r many wendys.... u la, wendy above la, and 1 more wendyg.
Confused liao leh...
violet... i wld guess so too hehehe

oh btw, all mommies, to make it easier for u ladies to add me in(for those who wish to), I hv changed my YM to the one stated in jen's list liao!
so violet, linsaw, koalarie, sunny, can u kindly delete the old one away and update my ID wif this new one(I wont be using the old one liao lor).
and cindy, I've added u in liao cos when i signed in to this new ID, i saw yr request & violet's!

Thanks ya!
Hi S/P Mommies Club,

I was just wondering if I can join you girls? I am staying in Sgoon North and Sengkang is quite near to my home ~ just one bus to Sengkang. Furthermore, I frequent Compass Point pretty often.

Ooo..I see a familiar nick also - Hi MTDT! Hope you don't mind me joining.

I am trying TBF but not successful. Hence, I am now BF my DS first and if he still cries his lungs out after BF, I will sup with FM. DS is a huge eater. Hopefully, my milk supply will increase in the following weeks.

Hope to get to know you all soon!
Welcome JP, pls PM yr details to Jen, you can find her post in the archive threads.

If u wish to join the list, pls send ur details to me:
- Mummy Nick
- Kid's Name
- Kid's Gender
- Kid's DOB
- Blk No & Street Name (Only Street Name will be published)
- Job
- Email address
- MSN address

BTW, how old is yr son and how much is he drinking? MS will increase gradually so dun lose heart. Continue and persevere. It will be very tiring to do TBF but once the MS is increased then shd be no problem liao.
You like do 1 post/wk oni leh. Bery bzbzbz at work? And with yr bz schedule u r still keeping track of our records so really thankful to you!

I was thinking to organize another gathering.
But hor I really dun hv the capacity to organize a big one that includes all bbies/kids. I mean, it's ok to bring along yr kids but it's diffucult for me to find a place that suits all ages.

Shall we do one in Aug? Say 16th or 17th Aug so we hv more time to plan?
Any suggestion where to meet for dinner or is anyone willing to offer their place for the gathering? Since it for SK/PG mummies we try to find a place within our community so it's easier for those with bbies.
Violet... haha.. yalor.... there are really many wendys around.... not only here.. when i was in primary 2, my class had 3 wendys and now in my workplace, also have 2 liao.. 1 of my cousin also the same name... but no choice.. this is my name given to me since birth...

Oh yes, should wear a diaper when in water..just in case they poo poo.. there are 2 kinds though, disposable and washable.... huggies have the disposable ones but its not sold at all supermarkets... can be found in certain cold storage outlets and in carrefour.. but its ex lor.. washable is cheaper cos can reuse.....

Been so long since i've posted in the thread. I would love to join the gatherings in there is one. My place can take about 20+pax if you all don't mind. ;)
We could have a potluck party. Toys supply-plenty. hee

Violet Blaze
I bought washable swim diapers for my gal from iplay.
Dear all mummies, Aden is back home today! Still need to go back for check up on Monday to monitor the jaundise level.

May I ask if anyone can help to provide answer? I went for delivery with epidural. Right now having pain at end of spine (top of buttock clevage), is it normal for epidural? Or is it caused by long hour sitting while I was in hospital? Any help to reduce the pain?

I will try to join the gathering if I can go out by then (mid Aug), it has just past my 1 month confinement.
Hi Xl,
You must be very happy today and I'm happy for you too
Did the doc say it is ok to 'sun' Aden twice a day with the morning sun(7-9am) and evening sun(5-7pm) for about 20mins each time?
M gal's jaundice level was high last time too and we did that after she is discharged.

I also took epidural for both deliveries but so far I don't feel any pain there unless I walk too long, like shopping for 1hr etc and wearing heels. But now my boy almost 6mths and ok liao, no more such pain.

Hi FurLover,
Thanks for offering your place. Pot luck sounds like a good idea! I have added u into MSN and btw, where is iplay?

if you all dun mind can we fix at FurLover's place for the next gathering?
Pls give some feedback and we can proceed.
Hi FurLover,
is ur same in SengKanf/Punggol too? When will be the best time to meet at your place?

Hi Violet/Wendy(cpi),
I went Taka and bought the disposable swim diapers yesterday, 11pcs, think cost me bout 16 bucks. Now now I am thinking if I shld get a swimming top for my boy, cos I scared he get a cold la.. Do you think Kiddy Palace or other kiddy places sell only swimming top for infants?

Hi Xeno,
I did use epidural also. Initally in the 1st mth during my confinement, I cant walk too much or my spine will ache. I think these are the side effects if you take apidural la. But don worry, now, i don really have that problem. But I do heard that if you take epdiural, after the 3 or 4 mths after your pregnancy, you will start to lose some hair. That was what happen with me. But now my son is goint 9mths, I don seem to have any other side effects liao.
I got the 'wet suit' type swimming costume for my gal last time 'cos I oso scared she catch a cold. I got it at carreour for $20+ but can't remember exactly how much liao.
I bought a 2yo one so she can wear till 2yo!! Wear fm loose loose to fitting lor, ex leh if keep buying and she dun use that often oso.
BTW, only let bb stay in water for 30mins at most. Kiddy palace shd hv but not sure which type, better to go take a look yourself to check it out?

Hair Loss
Is it only for ladies who uses epidural? My galfren did not take epidural oso drop hair like mad leh. My 2nd one now 5.5 mths and i am dropping hair since 1mth ago. Really scary to see all the hair on the floor esp after washing hair. But don't worry, it will grow back.
FurLover, thanks for opening up your place. Potluck is a good idea...

Violet, sorry ar.. huggies only have disposable diapers...the washable ones i got from Isetan at a sale previously but dunno what brand... think should be able to get it at dept stores....

Wendy(wen2gal), the diapers ex hor.... at least to me la.. 1 pc cost 1 plus lei...
... As to those swim tops, like what Violet mentioned, kiddy palace should have.. there are some children's swim suit that come in 2 pcs.

Xeno, I also took epidural for my 2 deliveries... My back did not really ache.. but if i sit too long after bf during the initial period, i will feel a little sore at the back.. but now its ok. I also dun think hair loss is due to epi too. Think it's quite normal to lose hair at the fourth months onwards due to hormones change (think so)...

I started to lose hair few weeks ago.. BB now is coming to 5 months... its really scary lor.. seeing the amount of hair.. my hb also says the car has a lot of my dropped hair... hehe..
Violet, I just checked. The one I got same as FurLover, from iplay. Got it few months ago at Isetan sale...
Hi Wendy(cpi), ya lor.. expensive.. But i don dare to buy a whole pc suit in case I only bring him swimming for a few times and he outgrows the suit.. haa~ so no choice have to buy the swmming diapers..

Really? No epidura also will get a lot of hair loss? Haa.. No choice.. I think i drop for 1 mth plus.. quite scary... Like my dog shedding his hair like dat...

BTW.. I went to KidzLoft warehouse at TAgore Lane once. The things there are not as good as I thought. Their things are not really very cheap except for those on sale items. But some of them are either damanged or look very old.
Hi Wendy(wen2gal), yes, its really ex.. My son playgroup sessions at JG had water play so they requested us to let the kids wear them... so no choice, I thought disposable ones are better cos I lazy to wash.... But when i saw the washable recently, i got it for my younger son....

Think so lei.. thought its a norm to drop hair probably 4 months after delivery... i have 2 friends who gave birth in Jan and Feb also like that lei... i see my hair drop so much i also scared.. hope it will stop soon.....
VB - Thanks! Have sent you a PM. My DS is only 2 weeks old. He can drink up 90-120ml of milk per feed. So, when Garrick gets irritated after BF him,we will sup with FM.

xl - Taking about jaundice, Garrick has jaundice too. Pedi advised us to sun him either in the morning or in the evening. I also took epidural during my delivery and there's some pain at my back. However, after my ML massaged me, its much better now. Please don't bend over too much.
Jen is the one that keeps our records. I have forwarded yr details to her.
Yes, he is drinking a lot for a 2 wk old bb
Hope your supply increases soon to TBF him. Drink more water.

You've got mail.
Thank you for all the advices.. Yes, the PD did advise to sun my BB didn't mention about the timing nor frequency.. These 2 days were cloudy that he didn't get much sun bath.. Tmr will bring him to visit PD for follow up checkup..

My back is getting better although certain sitting position will cause the ache very much.. Hopefully it will go after sometime..

Jen, you have got mail from me too..
Ask the PD again tmr on the 'sun bath' 'Cos mine is 4yrs ago liao, memory may fail me alrdy.
If you r BF or expressing out, ensure that your back is well supported when sitted to reduce the back ache.

Need feedback on the gathering in Aug..
Anymore suggestion on good places to meet up?
FurLover kindly volunteer to host(either 26th or 27th Aug) if no other suitable places is proposed.
Hope to hear fm u ladies soon.
Happy 4th birthday Yi Xuan!!

Happy 18 months Hunter!!

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD>Mummies' Nick</TD><TD>Kids' Name</TD><TD>Kids' DOB</TD><TD>Kids' Age</TD><TD>Location</TD><TD>Job</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD>amanda (0505bride)</TD><TD>Lim Xin Ru</TD><TD>08/02/06</TD><TD>5m 16d</TD><TD>Fernvale Lane</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>2</TD><TD>anissa (clarences_mum)</TD><TD>Clarence</TD><TD>22/08/05</TD><TD>11m 02d</TD><TD>Edgedale Plains </TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>3</TD><TD>apricot </TD><TD>Aston </TD><TD>19/04/03</TD><TD>3y 03m 05d</TD><TD>Edgefield Plains</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>4</TD><TD>bbcindy</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>06/03/06</TD><TD>4m 18d</TD><TD>Compassvale Drive</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>5</TD><TD>beluga</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>06/12/05</TD><TD>7m 18d</TD><TD>Edgefield Plains</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>6</TD><TD>caymom</TD><TD>Caydence</TD><TD>25/05/05</TD><TD>1y 01m 29d</TD><TD>Edgefield Plains</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>7</TD><TD>Cecelia Tan (ariesan)</TD><TD>Raphael </TD><TD>23/01/05</TD><TD>1y 06m 01d</TD><TD>Rivervale Drive</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>"</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>~ 01/08/06 ~</TD><TD>counting down</TD><TD>"</TD><TD>"</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>8</TD><TD>chiart</TD><TD>Javier</TD><TD>03/12/04</TD><TD>1y 07m 21d</TD><TD>Rivervale Cres</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>9</TD><TD>deniz (deniz_ann)</TD><TD>Meghan</TD><TD>12/10/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 12d</TD><TD>Compassvale Street</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>10</TD><TD>doll (podolly_gantan)</TD><TD>Alyssa </TD><TD>23/02/05</TD><TD>1y 05m 01d</TD><TD>Edgedale Plains</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>"</TD><TD>Cheyenne</TD><TD>12/06/06</TD><TD>1m 12d</TD><TD>"</TD><TD>"</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>11</TD><TD>Fiona (funkychick)</TD><TD>Joshua</TD><TD>03/12/04</TD><TD>1y 07m 21d</TD><TD>Buangkok Link</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>12</TD><TD>flolai (mashimaro771)</TD><TD>Zavier Tan</TD><TD>21/05/05</TD><TD>1y 02m 03d</TD><TD>Punggol Field</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>13</TD><TD>furlover</TD><TD>Sean</TD><TD>18/09/02</TD><TD>3y 10m 06d</TD><TD>Rivervale Drive</TD><TD>WAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>"</TD><TD>Sarah</TD><TD>20/06/05</TD><TD>1y 01m 04d</TD><TD>"</TD><TD>"</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>14</TD><TD>glayz</TD><TD>Sky</TD><TD>16/06/05</TD><TD>1y 01m 08d</TD><TD>Compassvale Bow</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>15</TD><TD>ilim</TD><TD>Keagan</TD><TD>21/02/06</TD><TD>5m 03d</TD><TD>Punggol Field</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>16</TD><TD>jadonmum</TD><TD>Jadon</TD><TD>04/11/05</TD><TD>8m 20d</TD><TD>Rivervale Cres</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>17</TD><TD>Jan06Mum</TD><TD>Glenna</TD><TD>05/01/06</TD><TD>6m 19d</TD><TD>Punggol Field</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>18</TD><TD>Jas</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>~ 15/07/06 ~</TD><TD>counting down</TD><TD>Sengkang East Way</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>19</TD><TD>Jen</TD><TD>Jeannieve</TD><TD>11/12/04</TD><TD>1y 07m 13d</TD><TD>Anchovale Rd</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>20</TD><TD>JP (Japepearl)
</TD><TD>Garrick</TD><TD>09/07/06</TD><TD>0m 15d</TD><TD>Serangoon North Ave 4</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>21</TD><TD>kiami</TD><TD>Aeron</TD><TD>11/06/05</TD><TD>1y 01m 13d</TD><TD>Anchovale Rd</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>22</TD><TD>Koalarie (evonlimsy)</TD><TD>Xuan Ting</TD><TD>11/04/06</TD><TD>3m 13d</TD><TD>Rivervale Cres</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>23</TD><TD>lauran</TD><TD>Yu Ping</TD><TD>21/08/03</TD><TD>2y 11m 03d</TD><TD>Compassvale Drive</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>"</TD><TD>Yu An</TD><TD>21/07/05</TD><TD>1y 00m 03d</TD><TD>"</TD><TD>"</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>24</TD><TD>linda</TD><TD>Dawn</TD><TD>20/05/05</TD><TD>1y 02m 04d</TD><TD>Punggol Central</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>25</TD><TD>linsaw</TD><TD>Denzil</TD><TD>31/08/05</TD><TD>10m 23d</TD><TD>Rivervale Cres</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>26</TD><TD>mikel</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>14/01/06</TD><TD>6m 10d</TD><TD>Edgefield Plains</TD><TD>Temp SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>27</TD><TD>mooon</TD><TD>Aeden</TD><TD>26/09/05</TD><TD>9m 28d</TD><TD>Punggol Drive</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>28</TD><TD>MTDT </TD><TD>Zavier </TD><TD>~ 07/07/06 ~</TD><TD>counting down</TD><TD>Edgefield Plains</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>29</TD><TD>mum05</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>01/01/05</TD><TD>1y 06m 23d</TD><TD>Rivervale Cres</TD><TD>Freelance</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>30</TD><TD>Carol Tan (mustard)</TD><TD>Elijah</TD><TD>19/08/04</TD><TD>1y 11m 05d</TD><TD>Fernvale Link</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>31</TD><TD>newss</TD><TD>Keith</TD><TD>22/04/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 02d</TD><TD>Rivervale Cres</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>32</TD><TD>phoebesmum</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>01/01/06</TD><TD>6m 23d</TD><TD>Anchorvale Dr</TD><TD>?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>33</TD><TD>paranoidmummy</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>~ 16/07/06 ~</TD><TD>counting down</TD><TD>Anchovale Rd</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>34</TD><TD>samval</TD><TD>Valerie </TD><TD>26/10/01</TD><TD>4y 08m 28d</TD><TD>Rivervale Drive</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>"</TD><TD>Kimberly </TD><TD>08/07/05</TD><TD>1y 00m 16d</TD><TD>"</TD><TD>"</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>35</TD><TD>serene (soffie)</TD><TD>Brandon</TD><TD>07/01/06</TD><TD>6m 17d</TD><TD>Edgedale Plains</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>36</TD><TD>sharon (gracemum)</TD><TD>Sabrina</TD><TD>20/09/05</TD><TD>10m 04d</TD><TD>Rivervale Cres</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>37</TD><TD>stephenniris</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>01/12/05</TD><TD>7m 23d</TD><TD>Punggol Central</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>38</TD><TD>sunnyling</TD><TD>Ziv</TD><TD>02/12/05</TD><TD>7m 22d</TD><TD>Rivervale Cres</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>39</TD><TD>tanlengleng</TD><TD>Athena</TD><TD>22/05/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 02d</TD><TD>Compassvale Rd</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>"</TD><TD>Besper</TD><TD>21/12/05</TD><TD>7m 03d</TD><TD>"</TD><TD>"</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>40</TD><TD>tattybear</TD><TD>Raphael</TD><TD>16/10/05</TD><TD>9m 08d</TD><TD>Punggol Drive</TD><TD>Temp SAHM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>41</TD><TD>taurus76</TD><TD>Le Xuan</TD><TD>25/02/06</TD><TD>4m 29d</TD><TD>Edgefield Plains</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>42</TD><TD>tingting</TD><TD>Zephan</TD><TD>03/08/05</TD><TD>11m 21d</TD><TD>Punggol Drive</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>43</TD><TD>violet_blaze</TD><TD>Yi Xuan</TD><TD>24/07/02</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">4y 00m 00d</font></TD><TD>Compassvale Walk</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>"</TD><TD>Feng Kai</TD><TD>09/02/06</TD><TD>5m 15d</TD><TD>"</TD><TD>"</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>44</TD><TD>wen2gal</TD><TD>Titus Lim</TD><TD>10/11/05</TD><TD>8m 14d</TD><TD>Edgefield Plains</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>45</TD><TD>Wendy (cpj)</TD><TD>Joshua</TD><TD>01/03/04</TD><TD>2y 04m 23d</TD><TD>Compassvale Street</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>"</TD><TD>Jerome</TD><TD>06/03/06</TD><TD>4m 18d</TD><TD>"</TD><TD>"</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>46</TD><TD>wwmilo</TD><TD>Bryan</TD><TD>30/09/04</TD><TD>1y 09m 24d</TD><TD>Edgedale Plains</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>47</TD><TD>xl_xeno (xeno)</TD><TD>Aden</TD><TD>13/07/06</TD><TD>0m 11d</TD><TD>Anchovale Rd</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>48</TD><TD>yvonne (geoks)</TD><TD>Hunter</TD><TD>24/01/05</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">1y 06m 00d</font></TD><TD>Fernvale Link</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD></td></tr></table>

If u wish to join the list, pls send ur details to me:
- Mummy Nick
- Kid's Name
- Kid's Gender
- Kid's DOB
- Mummy Name
- Contact Number
- Blk No &amp; Street Name (Only Street Name will be published)
- Job
- Email address
- MSN address
hi ,
it seem there is another gathering , veune offer by furlover....
sorry to inform you that 26th of aug i should not be able to make it...cos i might be having my son 1st year celebration with my family memebers.
27th of August it ok for me
Hi mommies

Today is rest day for me. Yesterday was so busy till my whole back felt swollen. Touch lightly also painful.

Will do some baking in the afternoon then prepare sheperd's pie for dinner.
hi all experienced moms. got question here:

my boy poos is GREEN! is tat normal?
i am on TBF.

also, he seems like really having a difficult time shitting. he can "gek" from 5am to 10am...n finally poo out. the poo is watery one, not hard, why like consipation huh? Is this normal too? i do give him anti colic drops 2 times a day.

aiyoh.. so stress everytime he poo... he will gek until fedup n start crying. like v painful... heartache.
is he in shock or startled over something datz why his poo is green? the elderly believes it that day.
Perhaps give him more water?

hi cecelia
cant give you much comments on that. How about MMI? highly recommended by some mommies in the forum.
hi mommies
i read some mommies bring your kiddos out for swim.
any idea where can we bring our kiddos for swim besides the public pool?
Hello Seng Kang mommies

I am urgentely looking for a Nanny staying around Rivervale side.

Anyone of you know any good nannies around.

how come so tired yesterday?

my gal goes Shekinah Montesorri House next to MMI, I find it ok. Some don't find it ok, but depends on how u look at it actually.
Violet Blaze
Yesterday too many appointments plus not enough rest the whole week. My back feels so sore now. Even using the massage chair on the softest mode hurts.
foreverfriends - ya, i read in baby centre and it says the same thing.

but i latch him for 15-20mins each side liao leh. still din get my hindmilk? faintz!
then need to latch for how long?

joleena - my colleagues also says "in shock".
hmmm... but dunno shock of wat? :p

hi violet
hmm..i thought of that too....but somehow inconvenient to my friends was wondering any other places for swim

thanks anyway

hi MTDT,
hmm...maybe just monitor him and see how it goes

hi all mommies
when is the next gathering? 26th aug?
