Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

Wow so many new nicks.

So there's gathering. Don't think able to make it. Enjoy your gathering.

i will bot be able to get the highchair cos the min order i think is 3 chair then we are able to get the discount
sorry about it
Hi Koalarie, i gained like 19kg in my 2nd pregnancy. Come to think of it, sounds scary.
Actually i put on abt 3 in the first 6 mths but thereafter i put on like 4 kg every mth leh. Got once i put on 3 kg in just 2 wks.

But I believed the massages I signed up for help me lose some weight. Coz i think most weight gain are caused by water retention.
what type of massages u go? I think i oso same prob.. coz last time went marine france b4 n they said mine was water rentation issue n after going thru the CPT therapies, I kind of shed off some amt of weight..

But a bit X... n think later got second one got to spend $ again.. n so think better dun spurge now on slimming first. =p

Any uses massage from malay ladies?
I used the same 1 for both my post-natal massages,
$45 for 1 hour.
Not sure if it works, but I'm back to my original size.

Anyway, many years I read somewhere that water retention in pregnancy is due to insufficient intake of liquid,
during pregnany period, we need extra water for the baby, water bag & ourselves,
many preggies are afraid to visit the loo too often, so restrict water intake,
when water intake is insufficient, our body will help us retain water,
this is to protect the baby.

So, drink more liquid, preferably warm boiled water.

Just sharing.
hi mommies morning
just come in and say hello..
lost track of the threads....

happy day ahead

this fri gathering confirmed?
Leng Leng,
it's the other way I heard of as I ve been having water rentation prob at waist n butts n arms area even b4 my pregnancy.

Taking too much salty food in the past will retain the water amt in the body due to certain things in our bodies. Thus, the only way to avoid is not to take saltish food.

Oso avoid drinking large amt of water at nights as our bodies do not get rid at the water till next day. Try taking an hour to 2h b4 sleeping. And to sip water instead of drinking mouthfuls by mouthfuls.
heh heh, when I'm preggy, from 5 mths onward,
I got to wake up every 2-3 hours to pass urine,
I thought most preggies have to do this too?

Water retantion when u ain't preggy may be an indication of kidney problem,
I'll suggest u see a doctor, maybe TCM?
been seeing chinese physician 4 quite a while lo.. quite good to c even if during pregnancy. at least for me no MS and tiredness prob. Oso.. i dun ve that urine prob at night when on chinese medication.. but when stopped taking, yes. =p
Hi Joleena,

Yes Fri gathering still on! I will send out the summary later in the week if no more ppl adding on.

U cfm not bringing your gal?
Yes, i will bring my maid together also. i need one high chair pls. and then i will be late , need to go back bring my gal liao. see you there everybody..
Anyone bought Korean-designed clothes on the web (like CCT) before? They mentioned one size fits all, wonder is it true ... They really look good, very very tempted to buy but worried about the one size fit all thingy.
hi mikel
accordingly to the thread the free size and M is for 34 inch , and for L sixe it only for 35 inch... too bad cannot buy it seem the clothing it quite nice.
For upper clothes and dress , Free size fashion is suitable for the bust of 34 inches ladies to wear.
For S, M, L sizes fashion are suitable for the bust of 32, 34, 36 inches ladies to wear respectively.
For dresses, the waist are 26, 28, 30 inches respectively.
wah, tis thread is certainly moving man, i've totally lost track already hahaha

oh mikel, there's oso hehehe but nothing much in these forums lah, n they wont reply to yr email one...

linsaw, u org spree frm that CCT fashion? cos my gf is very keen and she's got a few designs aimed already but missed both sprees lolz. let me know if u r so i can inform her ya.

BTW, anyone here interested to take over 2 half packs of Huggies Dry frm me?(1/2 pk M, 1/2 pk L)
Or if u have MP M or Pampers Fit & Dry(equivalent pcs of cos) to exchange also can...
*tot of giving away again, but my hubby is sure gg to scold me for buyin n buying and then give away, so better try to sell or trade them off hehehe
Good morning ladies!

OK here's the update to the gathering :

Sengkang/Punggol Mommies 1st Gathering, 7 Jul, 6.30pm at Swensens

1) linsaw
2) violet + gal
3) chiart
4) beluga + HB + boy
5) Sharon + gal + maid
6) Wendy

2 high chairs needed.
violet blaze, much as i will like to attend... it's too early for me...
u mummies enjoy and do share pics!!

btw, anyone has blogs? can PM me? thanks!
other weekday dinner (with kid) can only make it at 8pm?
trying v hard... hehe... weekends usually out of sengkang area...
mum 05,
no i am not organising for the spree for cct. cos mikel is asking for the size so i just let her know.

I think there BP thread about this .

If you like you still can join us on fri. the most we wait for you, or you can drop by ....
hello all mommies
so most of you bringing kids except me, linsaw and wendy?
most probably i will reach around 7pm..okie?

hi jen
do join us if you can, don think we will leave before 8pm right? hehe...
hi all mommies
need help and advice:
My 19 month old boy refuses to take any milk lately. He simply reject his milk.
But he still continues to take his solid foods.
Anyone has experience in this or any advice?
Is it too early for them to reject milk?

many thanks
no lah... Fri usually we dun go back to SK lor... so a bit inconvenient to loop from east to north east to west... u all must post pictures hor!!!
7pm is ok la.
Actually close to 2yo liao can reduce milk intake la. Very common to have kids rejecting milk, some start even earlier. So if he is taking solid just ensure is balance diet and he is taking his nuitrents fm the solid food lor.
My gal got 'nee gian' one so no she asks for milk instad of not wating.

Jen, we can meet later say 7pm or 7:30pm next time. Order first then when u come just join in la. We can stay to chat mah while u eating...
You can try giving your son those HL/daisy/marigold milk in a cup since he's already 19 months. Can also give yoghurt if you're concerned abt calcium intake. Maybe in a week, can try his milk again.

My daughter also refused milk for one week when she was 13-14 months old. Found out it was cos she din like warm milk. So now, we give her room temp milk.

Violet blaze,
My gal will demand for milk!
hi mum05
i'm interested in the Huggies L size.. i hv MP M size to swop. Pls PM me with your swopping ratio ok. thanks.
hi violet/deniz
thanks for the advice. my boy used to ask for milk too but lately he just refuse to take in any more milk. perhaps sick of it already.
maybe trying other ways then

many thanks...
i will whip up some interesting recipes then to replace his calcium intake

thanks so much for your reassuring advice. makes me feel so much better
violet, u want me to tok wif my mouth full?? hahaha... can can... i will try to make it for the next gathering...

new members, sorry for the delay of sending out the list... been really tied up...
Wah ... Thanks for the info about the sizes ... Actually I'm looking at another website, not CCT and able to try it first but designs are limited. So I think I give it a miss first.
See pple organise BP like very fun in a way, can get what you want at a cheaper price and doing a service for other mummies. Think I should start some BP since I'm always at home with nothing much to do ...

BP is no joke leh, a lot of time and effort required to organize it. I joined 2 BP and really appreciate those organizers that did it. I can nvr do it with a FT job and 2 kids.
Good luck to you if you organize one... maybe I join in to buy?

eat slowly and chit chat la... maybe your mouth no time to be full leh?
I'm only contemplating ... I'll only do those with website, not directly with suppliers. I just bought some swiss rolls, if nice, I may organise one. You are welcome to join ...
you are looking at oter website? which one it is? can share ? i wish to buy those cloting from CCT but the size abit small sian!!
organsing the BP is no joke , i agree with violet too. it a bit tiring. i only do for beansprout pillow , and it already very tiring. if you like you can give it a try
Hi all mommies,

Need your help:
Do you have any contact of part time maid to work in sengkang? I planning to have one after my 2nd 1 come out next month. Thx in adv.
Sorry Cecilia,

Can't help you with this one, if really cannot get then go to those cleaning co for the time being lor. A bit more ex but at least u dun hv to stress not able to find 1 in time b/f u due lor.
Good luck.

Any of ur bbs face break out in rashes for no reason huh?

Can use the pink nappy rash cream or not to apply on face?
hi morning mommies
how is your day ahead?

hi koalarie
how does the rashes look like? sometimes it might be caused by milk, saliva etc
my boy used to have that before when he is around 2 months old, it is like a ring shape and the PD diagnose it as fungus infection and gave us cream to apply
O.Hers like patches and patches of rough tiny red dots here and there on the face lo. Dun seem 2 look into ring shape.

My mom said the cot and bedding covers may b dusty as Xuanting didn't rest in it for 3 nights.. can it b possible?
Pa&Ma, my boy is 7mths old today!

welcome sunnyling! ur boy nov or dec 2005 bb?

linsaw, it's ok about the high chair. i got the ikea one already. tks!

how's work so far? my boy had the red rashes and it wont go away till i got this hydrocortisone cream from my PD. it is a v mild steroid but works for the rashes. if u concerned, see the PD. but v ke lian hor, the poor bb with the rashes...

mikel, if u doing BP for the swiss rolls, hehe, me interested. cos i only managed to order the eclairs...

i will try to bring camera for tmr's gathering! hiak!
Halo everyone!

Welcome sunnyling.

So far I think gathering tomorrow is finalized as follows :

Sengkang/Punggol Mommies 1st Gathering, 7 Jul, 6.30pm at Swensens

1) linsaw
2) violet + gal
3) chiart
4) beluga + HB + boy
5) Sharon + gal + maid
6) Wendy
Still 2 high chairs needed.

linsaw, thanks for your help to get seats there first.

I'm down with flu since yesterday so hopefully can recover by tomorrow. If cannot then at least I'll drop by to say halo. Duun wan to spread the germs esp. some r bringing kids.

I have the contacts to all coming except Jen bbut she has mine. Will sms me if she is coming.
Not sure if everyone mind sharing their mobile no. so I hv decided not to send to all. Anyway I will still be there jus dunno will stay long or not depending on my 'condition'.
U can use mo li hua ( jasmine ) to clean the face or use clean water. clean the face whenever the baby finish milk . the rashes will go off. my son use to have this too
are you joining us tml dinner?

welcome to the thread. i live at rivervale crescent too. my son is 10+ month

you remeber to bring camera ok. if not i can bring in case. ( backup)

ok i will go there to get some seats... 2 high chair right . ok.
maybe i will meet some mummies frist before i go up ...
Thank you for all the welcome.

My boy born on the 2nd Dec. I discover alot stay at Rivervale Cres. I was at the Blk 15x, near the temple
ya lo.. back 2 work. So sian. Miss my gal.

Juz realise tat my gal now laugh got sound one... soooo.... cute.

can't le.. me need to take care of xuanting while my hb bring my mom home... so can't join u guys.

Thanks for the suggestions. So far, using boiled clean water to clean her face n so far so good.. thanks..

But probably may bring her see Pd if still not well 2morrow.
why not you bring xuanting along....

i oso stay very close with the temple. but have to cross the field. haha. i am in blk 18x . do you like to join us for dinner tml ?

can't le, Linsaw. Her zzz time at night is ard 7pm. Anyway, u ladies enjoy the night out la. = )

If not, later got to help me coax her not to cry lo.
