Sembawang MTB or SAHM

<font color="0000ff">Fluffy</font>
Wow, very challenging neighbour you have there! I agree with Jenny. For unreasonable people, it is best to complain to authorities, in this case the town council. If you can, record down the noise level as proof. Not infringing privacy here but just let others have a feel of how loud the noise can be, esp after 11pm. In fact, you can also call the NPP if they make noise after 11pm. The bamboo sound the probably can't be helped if she's inconsiderate but disturbing others after 11pm is certainly not OK.

<font color="0000ff">Lady</font> and <font color="0000ff">all</font>
I won't be attending the Christmas party at 466 but my kids would be there with my HB, maid and my neighbours. Say Hi to my girls if you meet them, ya?

thanks all mummies,

have finally wrote in to town council regarding the nuisance noise and dangerous poles... they have send someone down to investigate... even the hdb officer is down also...

praying hard that the disturbances noises will go off soon....

i will be flying off to hk during b4 x'mas and hopefully be back by x'mas.. if i can join u mummies will let u all know.. my last holiday b4 i due next mth... kekeke
Hey all,

FYI,tics all sold out for Xmas party,
wow, it's so popular.

Anyone still keen on this Sat tea time? 5-6pm?
Pls rely by fri.

Fluffy: have a great trip!

Twins:hhmm..will see if can drop by...even without tics haha!

May I know how many still want the christmas party ticket? What I know Canberra rc zone 3 selling the ticket also? But I don't know whether they have finished selling the tickets or not?

twins and BBSG

Have you bought the tickets for your family members already?
hi pooh,
tickets sold out leh at J park rc zone.., not sure where is zone 3.
me, taro, lady, and twins interested but din manage to get.

maybe will go downstairs see look since so accessible. else will look for own programme.
Hi everyone

I am new to this thread, din realised that there is a thread for Sembawang mummies.. this is great. i am a FTWM, now on ML.
my baby boy in coming to 3 months on 29 Dec... really good to see so much sharing on childcare centres....
i do not have much to share on this topic now.. but will continue to come to this thread and see how i can share...
hi cutiegal,
welcome to the thread.

hi all,
who else going to the rc xmas party? want meet up meet up? Pooh, lady and me will be there. can give either of us a call or leave a message here
Hi cutiegal

Welcome. Ur boy is really close to age as my girl born on 1 Oct.

Hi Babymamapapa

Not sure which branch of Totshouse you are looking at. You can email me for the feedback.
Morning all,

Pooh: yah, my boy enjoyed the party..goood chance to mingle and know the neighborhood.
thks againfor getting the tics for us.

<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">
Morning Mummies,

Seem like I had missed the previous gathering &amp; Christmas Party. I didn't even know that the RC were having Christmas Party. It's high time I pay attention to the notice board.

Hope to catch up at the next gathering.</font></font>
morning mummies,
need some help here.
i came across a receipe for steamed cake.
one of the ingredients is ovelette (lu hua ji - in chinese). anyone knows where to get this ingredient? i do not know what is it..

I had some problems with my neighbour upstairs when I initially moved in as well. The kids are always dragging furniture along the floor around 9pm at night and I can always hear the doors slamming. The mother of the kids hangs the clothing out at about 10pm at night and you can always hear the bamboo poles knocking into the holders. One day, at 8pm, on the eve of a public holiday, her husband was drilling the wall!

I had previously told them to keep the volume down after 9pm because I have a baby who sleeps at 7.30-8pm. But obviously they didn't care. The drilling incident was the last straw. I went upstairs, knocked on their door and told them off. Said that they are very inconsiderate neighbours.

Next thing I did, I called the Sembawang Neighbourhood Police Post and told them that my neighbour has been making a nuisance of themselves and drilling the wall on the eve of a public holiday. They said they would look into the matter. A few days later the police post called me and said that they paid a visit to my neighbour upstairs.

These days my neighbours upstairs have improved slightly. Not so much noise after 9pm and I haven't heard any drilling or hammering of walls. But there's still the occasional banging of the bamboo poles at 10pm at night. We all live in such close proximity so sometimes just have to close one eye lah. So long as my boy doesn't get woken by the noise, I won't bother.
Hi mummies,

does anyone knows whether is there any restaurant that is good for gathering and has playground to keep the kids entertained?

any suggestions? thanks in advance

sigh... i wish i can close one eye... i have wrote in to town council regards the matter. a officer came and investigate... do u know wat my neighbour told the officer...?? "oh we stop the sound at 12 midnight" zzzz this means they know they are making alot of unncessary nuisance sound.

on the same day, hdb officer called me up and check the situation. only for 2 days, there is silence... after the 2 days there came back all the sound again.... ai yo....

2 days ago, they stopped the sound only after they heard my ger keep crying!!!!! which is after 11pm ... faint

i wish i can close one eye... the problem is after 11pm still have noise wor.... noon time already tolerate the sound.... somemore i'm goin to deliver soon... i'm so tired... basically i keep falling asleep. i really cant imagine when i'm doing confinement how am i goin to tolerate all the noise..... i need more rest

even my maid say they are horrible and noisy.... haha... maid say tat to my visitors... so funny

now i wan to check with the mp liao... so tired of all these... been goin on for a year... tolerate for a year... esp when most of the time i'm at home
Hi all,
hope everyone is fine.
Been busy with my own stuffs and yes baking is one of my passion now. Will not be going to RC party.

I not so sure of that.
Think u can get it fm Phoon Huat. The nearest outlet is at AMK, within 10 mins fm station.

As for restaurant, u can try the Globetrotter @ UNited Square or the "Jap restaurant" at the basement of Raffles City (sorry i cant recall the name).

Hi Cutiegal,

Hi Fluffy,
Oh dear! yur neighbour really so in-considerate.
Hi Gan,

Wow.. so u are now SAHM? saw your pics on the kitty cakes, so cute! i tried baking a yam steamed cake yesterday. failed terribly cos' the cake never rise even though i put baking powder. must be something wrong with my process.. hehe.. will try again soon.

Thanks for the info. I try Phoon Huat then.
Will also check out the 2 restaurant names.

BTW, RC party was over last week.

Hi Fluffy,
my neighbour also making alot of noises with the poles. but at least not so often now after i shouted up telling her to stop that after 11pm. nowsadays still can here, but i close one eye loh. can also hear doors banging and scolding children. i think i am luckily.

when are u due? yah, hope can resolve faster before your confinement. i agree confinement needs more rest and most important, shouldnt get angry/frustrated cos' confinement already frustrating enough.
your upstair neighbour so jia luk... Hope am not the one cos noisy for my downstair neighbour as this whole mth both my kids are at home whole days jumping up n dn. Lucky no complian from them yet as they always not at home. There's 1 occassion that my upstair neighbour washing the toilet window at the kitchen n water was splashing on my hanging clothings n i shouted at them from the window, lucky they stop immediately. From den, they washed at night time liao. But most cant tahan is smoking ash, they like to smoke at the kitchen window n just tap the ash dn n cos my clothing n kitchen floor with ash... V scare they will throw e butt n cos fire...

now really very frustrated with them... i just wanna peace....

i'm due next mth =) EDD 26jan =p happy and sad.... cannot eat all the goodies yummy food....

i think i will deliver earlier as my first one is 3 weeks earlier...


talked to them but in vain... they think i'm a paper tiger.... my temper change pretty alot after 1st pregnancy... my sis and mum said tat to me... if in the past.... i will really go up and scold.... instead of telling them in such a polite way tat they think i'm paper tiger... sigh
Hi Mummies

Thanks for your warm welcome... my internet was down for a couple of days thus finally got it fixed today....

Hi rcrossy
ya, your gal's bithdate is so close to my boy... how u coping? u working?
at the moment still SAHM lor coz yet to find a new job. Market been very bad esp during year end.
U already start working on yur new job? If yes, congrats to u.
I dun have much luck so far esp when I want to switch field, oops wrong timing some more.
So enjoy my baking session and my bonding time with Hayley at the moment instead.

What yam steam cake you trying to make? Is it those chinese type like carrot cake?
Usually those will not rise much. I try doing steam carrot cake before, baking powder not required leh.

Is it true that the next bb will be delivered earlier? wow.. i didnt know that..

Last time i stayed at 7th floor with my MIL. our clothes always got burnt by cigarettes butts and dripped by duno underwear or mop dirty water.. made me so pissed off. my MIL usually the tolerating type. the last straw was underwear water.. as she the traditional type, very patang type.. so she went up and scolded the neighbour. haha..

from then onwards, i told myself i dun wan to stay low floors for my new flat.
so i got a high storey floor, only 2 neigbours above me. but guess what.. i escaped those cigarette butts and dirty water.. but not the noisy poles!! still suay loh.. only 2 neighblours upstairs. haha.. got to 'see open'..
You are right. Finding a job at this point of time is difficult. Switching field at this point of time is even difficult. too bad, no luck. me also finding a job, willing to take up temp jobs. went to a job agency yesterday.. wow.. alot of young people queuing outside the agency. waiting for interviews.. looks like fast food restaurant.. some seems like students. i felt so old there. retailing temp positions alot but need to burn weekends n night time so i dun want.

at least u enjoy staying at home and bake cakes.
YX is at school almost everyday, i somehow cant managed to bake cakes successfully.. so it's very boring for me to stay at home. i would say it's loss of directions in life for me.. i really 'pei fu' the SAHMs.

oh.. btw, it's the chinese steamed cake type. the receipe need to put baking powder 2 g. any idea how to measure 2 g without the weighing machine. i tot 1/2 teaspoon is enough but dun seems to work :p

also got red dates &amp; longan steamed cake, steamed cheese cake.
Me stay 17th floor 4 neighbour above just 1 floor sauy to get this kind of danger neighbour... Ya lor got to c open till they really burn my clothing, i sure go up n scream at them... hahaha... noisy poles think r most make by the maids. they just throw on the rack instead of putting esp the alunmium 1 super loud.
pls dun say that.
U at least also have your own online business to run.
I don't know much about steaming the cakes.
2g is a bit hard to measure if you dun have measuring scale. Should be about 1/2tsp is sufficient.

Do post your creations once these are successful.

<font color="ff0000">Dear all, my doraemon sushi mould has been reserved.

Restarants / Cafes with playground for kids:

- Globetrotters (but heard that the kids there can be very rowdy)
- Sol Playground Cafe at Turf City
- Fidgets (nice indoor playground but not much food choice)
- Riders Cafe (off Eng Neo Ave) Nice place to eat and see (and smell) horses but can't recall if I saw a playground there or not
- MacDonald's at Queensway (Rideout Tea Garden)
Nice view and large open area but playground might be a bit small
- SAFRA Kids Adventure at SAFRA Toa Payoh (this one has birthday packages rather than a restaurant, unless you decide to leave the kids there to play themselves and adults eat at a restaurant)

i dunno how true... but lawrence told me tat i will deliver earlier than the due date.... time really flies.... goin to deliver soon.... have to start all over again.... kekekke

tat's y my family members said i've changed after stepping into motherhood. haha... i would have make a big issue if i've not step into

they are already the last level... i thot i'm staying very top already no worries abt all these issues... it's not the maid hangin clothes.. it's the owner.... no clothes to hang also put their poles out.... wondering why would they wan to sun tan their poles.... and create so much problems for me....

really buay tahan them.... zzz
Hi Gan,

Times are bad. Online biz is not that easy too.

Failed the steamed yam cake for the 2nd time. there must be something not stated in the receipe. the cake should be soft and spongy but it's not

luckily I managed to use the remaining yam ingredients to make the traditional steamed yam cake successfully. the receipe is much easy to make than my MIL receipe.

Thanks for the list of suggestions. i used to study at Queensway Mac Tea garden when i was in Secondary school after school. Time really flies. Now i am already a mother..

Yah, got to start all over again.. esp first few months to take care of the baby..

Actually, if there's nothing on the poles, they will be too light and will they drop downstairs if it gets windy? if yes, it will become a safety issue too.. hmm.. really wondering what they thinking... hiaz..

their poles dropped onto our level 2 times in a week!!!! normally can only hold 6 poles.. they have 10 empty poles suntanning outside every day.... sigh... already made this issue to the town council... cannot imagine if their poles never drop onto my level and to the ground floor... i really cant imagine wat will be the out come.....
hey all,

Can't wait for the Sembawang Shopping centre to be open!there's a splash park for kids..
we can have next gathering there.

BBsg: the raffles City food place is Shokudo, quite nice.i just went to IMM also, roof top garden got water place and playgrd, Ace enjoyed himself!
Riders Cafe small playgrd behind, bt kids can see horses up close.

Hang in there, Fluffy.

happy wkend all!the rest of it.
Wow that was dangerous manz, 6 holes can squeeze 10 poles. mine neighbour oso likes to sun n rain the aluminium poles. so when rain, we can hear the "music" created by the rain drop.... Me too dun understand y they like to hang EMPTY poles.

Me too v excited with the new opening of the sembawang shopping centre. At least got 1 more shopping to shop and let the kids play the outdoor splash park rather than causeway pt n sun plaza...
Hi babypapamama,

I have sent u a PM. A bit late as I was away in KL for a shopping trip with my two kids. Will be a bit busy til after Christmas as I still have not complete my shopping n preparation for the Christmas dinner.

Hi cutiegal,

Will be going back to work soon. Need to prep myself and the two kids by next week by doing some disappearing acts.

To all,

Merry Christmas. Happy shopping.
Any kids going to Glory Joy Child Care (501 Wellington) or Cherryland School House (Blk 511 canberra)..Difficult to make decision between the two. My 2 girls going there next feb.. Please advise.
Hi rcrossy

ya man, me going back to work soon too... in fact 5 jan 09.. time flies man,, will miss my bb lei... how?

Hi shilo-milo

welcome.. i am relatively new to this thread too.... am staying next to sun plaza... hee.

hi gan

you can bake realy well.. all the stuff looks cute and i am a fan of hello kitty..
Hi cutiegal,

me going back around the same time too. Of course we will miss our babies. Til now, I still will miss my two darlings whenever I go out. Just spend quality time with them when you get home or on weekends. At least now you have something to look forward to after a long hard day at work.
Hi rcrossy

ya man, i will also miss my boy when i go out... u are right lor, will spend quality time with him now....

Hi Shilo-milo

no, my boy still very young, coming 3 months next week thus not able to give you comments on te childcare.....
hi shilo-milo
i stay at blk 339B....
i iwll bring my maid and boy to my MIL house b4 going work lor...

so whick blk you stay?how old are your kids?
Hi cutiegal,

I staying at blk 341b. I will bring my 2 girls to NTUC childcare then off to work. But next year will switch them to other centre
