Sembawang MTB or SAHM

Hi Apple,
Tks for voicing out the impacts of the fall on a tot. Meantime, I will watch out for my girl

Hi CiN,
wow! next time I too try adding cheddar cheese too. Sure taste yummy!

Hi Mommies,
Pls check out this BP, in case u may order cute bentos or cute bakingware.

Heard it's going to be a food court opening there.

Your baking very good lei. Hope to find a chance to learn a skill or two from you :p

Resend:Anyone here has attending the MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL CENTRE(Blk 310, CANBERRA ROAD, #01 - 125, SINGAPORE 750310)
opening house? How much is the school fee
<font face="book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Gan,

It's so nice to be a SAHM hor.. sometimes I do wish I can be one too but cannot lah. Think I might go crazy if I stay @ home whole day w my 2 "angels"</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Any mummies have any recommendation of child friendly dentist? I want to bring my 3yo DD to e dentist. I want to make sure e dentist is really child friendly since 1st impression last. Dun wan to let her end up being afraid of e dental chair like my cousin.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Pooh,

Hv u been to e MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL CENTRE? I m tinking of putting my DD tere too. Havent been to check out yet though. M now considering whether to put her in Cambridge for full day or others.</font></font>
Hmm food court... I tot there's one small one there already. Seems like getting more and more food ard mrt station.

Are you looking for children dentist? There's one at Paragon and Camden Medical Centre. Must make appointment, no walk in. My friend brought her son to the one at Camden Medical Centre, gotta wait for 2 mths for her son's visit. Err, quite costly also.
Hi mommies, article to share on Foods that can be unsafe for your toddler from babycenter.;pe=2Uk9QHf

As your toddler grows, he'll be eager to sample food from your plate – and you'll be eager to add variety to his diet. But not all foods are safe for your child. Some still pose a choking hazard.

Foods to avoid: 12 to 24 months
Low-fat milk: Most young toddlers need the fat and calories of whole milk for growth and development. Once your child turns 2 (and if he doesn't have any growth problems), you can start giving him lower-fat milk if you like. (If your child is at risk for obesity or heart disease, however, the doctor may recommend introducing low-fat milk before age 2.)

Choking hazards to watch out for
Large chunks: Pea-size pieces of food are safest — they won't get stuck in your child's throat. Vegetables like carrots, celery, and green beans should be diced, shredded, or cooked and cut up. Cut fruits like grapes, cherry tomatoes, and melon balls into quarters before serving, and shred or cut meats and cheeses into very small pieces.

Small, hard foods: Nuts, popcorn, cough drops, hard candies, raisins, and other small dried fruit and seeds are potential choking hazards.

Sticky and soft foods: Avoid chewing gum and soft foods like marshmallows and jelly candies that might get lodged in your child's throat.

Peanut butter: Be careful not to give your toddler large dollops of peanut butter, which can be difficult to swallow. Instead, spread peanut butter thinly on bread or crackers. You might want to try thinning it with some applesauce before spreading it.

More choking prevention:

•Avoid letting your child eat in the car since it's hard to supervise while driving.

•If you're using a rub-on teething medication, keep a close eye on your toddler as it can numb his throat and interfere with swallowing.

Foods to avoid: 24 to 36 months
Choking hazards: Even though your child is becoming a more competent eater, there's still a chance he’ll choke on his food. Continue to avoid the choking hazards listed above, and discourage your child from eating while walking, watching TV, or doing anything else that might distract him from his meal.

Foods to avoid: age 3 and up
Choking hazards: Your child is a very competent eater now, but you should still be on the lookout for pieces of food that he could choke on. Keep cutting his food into small pieces, especially things like grapes and pieces of hot dog that could completely block his airway if inhaled.
Continue to avoid popcorn, whole nuts, and chewing gum, and discourage your child from eating when distracted.

The latest on children and allergies
Doctors used to recommend waiting until age 1 or even much later to introduce solid foods that are common allergens, especially with kids at risk for allergies. But the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has changed its tune, because studies show that these delays probably don't help keep allergies from developing.

It's still a wise idea, though, to introduce new foods gradually, waiting several days after each new menu item to make sure your child doesn't react to it. And if you believe that your child is likely to have food allergies -- for example, if allergies run in your family -- check with his doctor to determine the best strategy for introducing allergenic foods like eggs, milk, peanuts, wheat, soy, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish. morning.
Rcrossy,and felicia

I went to Cambridge OPen house..quite nice, new place,toys, facilities..pleasant teachers and supervisor.
Only offside is up the hill.

Sure..let's all plan a date for picnic at Jeluntung PArk (in front of new up and coming Endeavour Primary Sch, )or Sembawang park?
It'll be great fun.
maybe u can indicate which park u prefer.

I love sembawang park coz the playgrd has they all used to.and it's wide green spaces and sea breezy airy.

Adeline, Gan.
Yeh, my boy also picky now, esp at my mums.

Here's a superfood recipe:

Pancakes (makes 8)
3 eggs
150g wholemeal flour
250ml milk
1 tsp brown sugar
butter for cooking

4 tbsps of batter into pan,and 1 min each side.

u can premake 30 mins ahead or 24hrs in fridge
for wkend bkfast.

Serve w 1.blueberries and maple syrup
2.nutella and banana
3.raspberries and ice cream
4.lemon juice and icing sugar

Thks, Kimie, for the food tips.
and all, for the caution abt falls.

i anticipate more of those coming, once my boy realise he can quicken walking and run!!haha
I will prefer J park.

Anyway I have sent my son to Cambridge. Although it is on top of the hill, I still managed to walk home with my little baby in sarong after sending him. No choice as I was deeply disappointed with the playgroup in this area (which he attended 3 monts) as compared to his first school in Bishan. I hope the new environment and the outdoor activities such as cycling will make him enjoy school again.

I wish I can enjoy baking again. Maybe when my kids are older.
Hi jenifur

I send you an email.

Hi rcrossy

Your son is at which group (toddler to N1) or (N2 to K2)?

If raining, how are you going to send him to Cambridge? Are you going to bring along your little baby also?
hi pooh,

my son is in N1. So far so good. Teachers are very engaging as compared to the last one.

I'm actually waiting for their school bus service to start. meanwhile my hubby who is quite free now sends him n fetch him occ.

Tried different options til transport starts. Bus 859 takes too long to wait. Walking is much more enjoyable with him in the pram. If rain, which so far has not happen, I can put the cover n walk along void deck. Btw I have my maid n mil to help, so they can help to look after the little one. Anyway this is temp til transport starts.

Is ur girl there at cambridge?
I'm new to this thread, recently moved to Sembawang. I am thinking of putting my son at the MMI at Blk 310 Canberra Rd when he is 18mths. I might pop by one of these days to take a peep at the teachers when they teach.

I think the fees at the MMI at Blk 310 Canberra Road are $750 for full day and $650 for half day.

They also provided the subsidised rates on their website but I think it's wrong because the govt increased the subsidy for childcare centres and if I am not mistaken, for full time working mothers, the monthly subsidy is now $300 (for 18mth-7yrs old).
Hi Mommies,
Another creation - Hello Kitty 3D cookie that I made today.
I'm so happy with my baking today, really makes my day esp looking at the pretty kitty.


<font color="aa00aa">Hi any mommies want to share 5 tins of Gain IQ (1.6kg) with me?
My friend know a supplier selling Gain IQ at $49, expire in 2010. Free Delivery for 10 tins above.
So checking if any mommies staying near me, want to share with me. The supplier ensure us that it is the Gain Iq in new pkging.

For those interested, do pm me by tomor as the offer only while stock last. Thanks.
Hi rcrossy

She will be there in Feb 09 under toddler. The first to third days, I will be there for half days. If she is ok, I will go back to work and fetch her in the evening. I will be using pram to bring her up to the school. Alot of things need to bring to school eg:milk bottle, milk powder container, towel, PE shirt/short, extra set of clothing, bloster, pillow, shower, shampoo and diapers.
Hi blue skies

Thanks for informing me. I have chosen Cambridge. I will try Cambridge first. If she don't like I have to find another school for her.
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Jenny,

Tks for yr recommendation. But I cannot wait for 2 months.. need to see e dentist by end of e mth so can claim partial from Co.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Pooh,

I didn't rec'd any email frm U leh. Btw can share wat makes u choose Cambridge over MMI?</font>

<font color="0000ff">rcrossy,

Do U hv any idea how much will e sch bus be like?</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><u>Picnic</u>

I will definately vote for J Park since I live so near *hee*. How about a X'mas BBQ??</font>

<font color="0000ff"><u>Friso Gold 2, 1.8kg</u>

Any of yr DD/DS is drinking e above? I've 4 tins for sale @ S$49 each, expire in 2010. Can either email me @ [email protected] or sms me @ 92203969 if keen</font></font>
Hi Pooh,

the initial phase will be the most teary. My boy went through the hard way in his first school at 18 months cos no parents are allowed. Lucky the session was only one hour. For Cambridge, he cried about 5 minutes on the first day and he was alright by Friday.

Seems like you have a lot to bring. My son is only attending half day, so only need to bring an extra set of clothes. He has his milk and shower when he comes home. Will it be far to walk for u?

So far the school has not informed about the Christmas party. It seems to be on the same day as the country club Christmas party.

Hi Jenifur,
So far the school is still in discussion with the transport company so no price has been quoted. Check that market rate will be $80 - 100.

I went to check out Cambridge CDC and MMI (Blk 310 Canberra Rd). Must say that I was much more impressed by Cambridge CDC, from the school principal to the area for the kids and also the way the school is laid out. I like the huge play area they have outdoors.

However for all the additional niceties, have to pay extra too.... for FTWM, after subsidy, full day for 18mth - 2yrs is $680 at Cambridge compared to $500 at MMI.
Hi Mommies,

I've got 2 SSO Babies Proms 2008 tix to let go.

Details are as follows:
Date: 6th Dec 2008
Time: 12.15pm (there will be a half an hour preshow activity which starts at 11.45am)
Free admission for kids below 2 years old.

Brought our gal to attend the concert last year and she loved it!

However, after buying the tix for this year's concert, I rec'd my cousin's wedding lunch invitation, which falls on the same day and time.. so no choice but to give the concert a miss...

Please PM me if keen. Thanks a lot!
Hey mums and babes.

Gan: very kawaii ne!

Welcome, blue skies.

I guess J park wld be ideal for most of us.
Let's try to do it b4 xmas?
Prob on 13 dec sat evening 5pm?

Please confirm yr attendence.
Keep to light snacks as dinnertime is near?

Jenifur: a BBQ will be great, but unless hubbies are going to volunteer cooking, most of us will be busy w our own darlings.
Hi all mummies

On 13 Dec, there will be a christmas celebration at Blk 466 roof top garden. The event will start at 6pm. The ticket is only $3. Please buy it from RC at Blk 483. For those who has bought the tickets, there will a gift for you also. Please come at support them. Thanks
Hi pooh,

My son is there for the morning. Just wondering whether you will be walking up the hill with the pram? I do get a bit breathless when I reach the top. The school do allow parents to be there for the initial 3 days. My son is the clingy sort so I decided not to be there.

Hi blue skies,

I agree that the price is a bit steep. It is worth the price whenever I see my son enjoying school from the pictures they sent.
Hi mummies,

Been a long long time din come in. Saw some photos of little ones which i met b4 now had grown to toddler. How times flies....

Anyone gg for the RC xmas party? Me thinking of gg leh... Had gone a few of their events b4 not bad. But am oso keen if wana organise a BBQ at Jpark but will it be too late to book the pit? Cos the pit seems v qiang shou every wkend sure got ppl BBQing there.
Hi rcrpssy &amp; pooh,

May I know how much does it costs for the tuition fees at cambridge cdc b4 subsidies?

I am interested in full day childcare. Any enrichment courses there? Do we need to pay extra for the enrichment course?

Thanks in advance.
Hi shermie

I don't understand what you are trying to tell me? I don't know how much is the tuition fee. I only know the subsidy for full day working mum is $300. It has a few enrichment courses. Some is free and some is not.
Hi Shermie

Not working mum the full rate for childcare is $880(should be this amount). There will be change in the Jan 2010 school fee. I think should be $980(should be this amount).
Hi rcrossy

We will be using pram to fetch my girl to school. I am feeling breathless also when walking up the hill with the pram.

Depend on the situation. But I think I will be there for half day for 3 days. I bring her there quite a few times already. The moment she enters the classroom she starts playing. She didn't looking for us. Instead we go and find her.
Cambride CDC fees

These are the rates I was given when I visited them the previous week. I believe these rates would only be valid for now and 2009, but may change in the future. The subsidy that I've mentioned below is for FTWM. The govt subsidy for a full day class is $300 and for a half day class is $150.

18 mths - 3 yrs playgroup

Half day
Before subsidy: $800
After subsidy: $650

Full day
Before subsidy $980
After subsidy: $680

Other fees
Uniform: $40/set
Deposit: 1 mths program without subsidy
Registration: $150

Btw if any mummies planning to visit the centre and you are interested to see how they eat there and what is the food like, lunch time is at 11am.

A lot of sprees going on for but no collection points at Sembawang/ Woodlands/ Admiralty. Any mummies here interested to purchase stuff from there? I'm about USD 40 short of an additional 15% discount off total price

Planning to use Borderlinx concierge service. Rate is now 1.55.

Anyone interested?
Hi Pooh,

That's good to hear that you brought her there a few times. That's what I did for my son too. Don't know whether it is just me, I feel that he's enjoying school more than previous lousy playgroup he was in for 3 months. The teachers in Cambridge are much more friendly. Even I enjoy sending my son to school everyday.

Hi Shermie,
the prices are as quoted by blue skies.If you are referring to additional speech and drama classes etc on top of the childcare, there will be additional charge.
Hi mummies,

Many thanks for the infor given. It really helps, but it's a bit out of my budget. Will have to discuss with my hubby 1st as he will be the one who pay.

Hi rcrossy

Are you coming for the Cambridge Christmas celebration on 18 Dec? The school teachers/principal will call the parents about the Christmas Celebration. I will be going on that day. Because I have taken 1 day leave to bring her there. I hope she enjoys it.
Hi pooh,

I should be going. My hubby already spoke to the teachers. I am sure your girl will enjoy it. My DS refused to come home today cos he had so much fun in school. I hope he will continue to enjoy school.

Not sure about the block party as I have parents and in-laws commitment on weekends.
hi all,

wah.... now the topic is playgroup... hmmm... u mummies are making me wonder should i enrol for my princess too...

btw, can anyone advise me how to handle my neighbour upstairs....
1) everyday : morning they will wash and hang clothes out to hang... pls note tat they have at least 8 poles....
problems with the hanging is .... bing bing bang bang..... very noisy loh...
best part is almost every 3 hours they have new clothes to wash and hang... so it's like every 3hrs i will hear all the bing bang sound
AND even if they have no clothes to hang, they will put their empty poles out to hang!!!! also creating alot of noise pollution!!!! sigh

2) they are malay family.... thus kids i think have 3 or more....
a)everyday we can hear children running....!!!! from living to the master bedroom... badly affected as now i'm in slpy mode... will tend to take short nap every now and then... but the noise is wakin me up!!!
b)will hear chairs and tables or beds being dragged!!!!! it's not once a week thing... can happen few times in a day!!!
c) coins dropped, things dropped....etc

i did ever go up. told the daughter (think abt sec2-3) say the brother is running ard the hse and making pollution to downstairs.. she just say okie.. sorry ar

2nd time went up... think not the right they have visitors... told the owner say that it's noisy... but i think that the owner mistaken as i say the visitors are noisy...!!!????

best part is on monday, one of the pole drop on to my clothes!!!! this is the 2nd time their poles dropped onto my unit already!!!!

they came down to pick up the pole... i told the daughter again say they are disturbing us... she just took the pole and walk off.... one day no noise pollution....

BUT.... all came back today again... sigh... how?? how to solve?? pls advise and help me... sigh

How about make a complain to Town Council for the external noise they have made? For the internal, complain to Sembawang Branch Office. Call and ask who incharge of your blk?
My neighbour upstair same as yours. Hang clothes always bing bing bang bang machiam the poles offended the auntie (she's the one doing lah), very noisy. She always hang 6-8 poles of clothings, sometimes drip water (now better after I complained to town council, not only water dripping but throw rubbish also, sometimes sweet wrappers flew into my service balcony and balcony. Worse time was I found a banana skin on the pole. All I can "ren" but banana skin cannot, I straight away complain to town council, dun even bother to go up to talk to them cos I always hear the auntie scolding her kids and hb). No clothes also hang the poles outside. Worse, she always hang clothes near to midnight!
hi all,

cheer up.
not all neighbours are so gracious and considerate.

All mummies are not equal.
they may be as stuffed with multi tasking as we all can be..and making the noises is their way of venting it.

I did have similar issue once with neighbour upstairs.but son apologised, so that was the end.

try buying them a nice bag of chocs for Xmas..and New Year.

this may not guarantee they will stop immediately, but eventually.
no harm trying..and explain that u have a 2nd bb coming too.need lots of rest.

Soft approach.
haha I can't be bothered with her.
I got to know later actually the neighbours downstairs all made complaint earlier. I never do hanging outside, so water dripping etc I closed one eye (dirty windows only). I just pity those below lor. Imagine their clothings almost dry then got wet again by ppl inconsiderate upstairs.

By the way, the auntie above my unit, her sons all grown up liao, the younger one already sec sch.

I read some of you send your kids to cambridge cc. I know the principal's hb keke..
hello mummies, christmas coming soon lor!

fluffy, my side i still can see milk carton landing on the floor below me the air con ledge there hor. i think it's those china ppl who lives upstairs throw it down. not that i am against china ppl or what. but coming to hygiene
they are really bad at it lor.

jenny, wow know the principal's hub. den sbw mummies got discount or not? don't how lian here and no discount for us hor. kekeke

sigh... they dropped their poles on my level again on thur.... this time rd i open my MBR aircon ledge window and talk to the auntie.. i told her nicely say that whenever she hang clothes, it's rather noisy.... it's disturbing us... then she said.. bo bian one...

sigh... wat does she mean by bo bian?? i believe she can put poles inside the house when it's not in use... or rather be a bit more gentle when hanging out the clothes....

then i told her her kids have been running and jumping ard the whole house esp living and masterbedroom....u know wat she say??? she said.. if u dun expect them to run and jump on the floor, u expect them to jump and run in the air??!!!! omg.....

i told her i not saying they cant run and jump... but the issue is after 11pm they are still agressively running and jumping... also dragging of furnitures... sigh.. best part is the next sentence she told me

"i've already made a police report stating tat u are complaining abt me.!"

can u tell me wat i should react... when the victim is me and she go and complain me... faint

the CC is franchise, not private owned.
I dun even place my kids there, where got face to ask for discount.
The hb is my colleague lah.

wah, you got challenge by yr neighbour ah?
thats why I dun bother to talk to mine. Straight away complain to town council.
Like I mentioned before, SBW branch very on.
