Sembawang MTB or SAHM

Hi all,

Huggy-wow, yr bb gal very sweet..shd go baby contest.

Cin: thks, may be see ya all on Nov 1 open house.

Rebecca: congrats!!3rd one admiraton for you.

hmmm.... quiet down?? all busy? mummies do take care of urself and the little ones.... think this mth alot of ppl sick.... my princess pass flu to my hubby and hubby pass to me.... argggg.....
Yah, lots of flu bugs. My boy caught it again last week & pass to me. So now confined at home. So sianz!!!

Nowadays very hard to bring my boy out. He refused to take his nap when he is out so he'll get super cranky when he is tired. He is starting to walk now and refused to be in the stroller of sling kept wanting to get on the floor. How to handle outings huh? Any tips?

By the way, is any 1 here a 'Cane advocator'? I think I need to learn how to discipline my boy liao. Can't possibly give in to him all the time right?
<font face="Book ANtiqua"><font color="0000ff">Hi Mummies,

Would like to join this thread. I am a FTWM mum to 2 "angels", 3yo Janelle &amp; 8mths old Josiah. M residing @ Blk 491 Admiralty Link.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">lil' twin stars / apple,

Gald to see familiar names in this thread.. </font>

<font color="0000ff">Huggy,

Yr bb so cuteee &amp; chubby. </font>

<font color="aa00aa">Cin,

We for one advocate "Mr. Cane" esp my HB. However please note that never never discipline yr child using hand. Yr hand is to love &amp; sayang him &amp; Mr. Cane is to punish him. My girl knows that if she's noti, Mr. Cane will discipline her but Daddy/Mummy still loves her.

He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes (diligently).</font></font>
hi jenifur, welcome to sbw thread.
i agree with the mr cane discipline. but we can't possibly bring the cane out wor. i am also facing this prblems. usually i try to spare the cane as much as possible using the time out method. but very difficult.

hi the rest of the sbw mummies,
long time no see, long time no hear.
hope all of you are getting on well.
<font face="Book Antiqua"> <font color="0000ff">Vine,

Thanks for e welcome,

We really bring Mr. Cane out in the initial stage. HB went to shorten it so I can put inside e diaper bag.

Now my DD has improved so we leave it home. Whenever she misbehave, we will tell her if u cont. doing tt then Mr. Cane will leave 5 marks on yr butt when we get home.

Will make sure we administer e punishment e moment we reach home &amp; also refresh her memory bout e mistake before &amp; after e cane session. </font></font>
Hi all mummies

Thank you for your advise on MMR. I have brought Joanne for jab on 19 Oct. On 27 Oct(Mon), she is having high fever and flu. Her fever is up and down. Have to measure her temperature every few hours. She doesn't want to have her lunch and dinner(including milk). She just want to have plain water only.

I hope she has recovery and going to bring her to Cambridge Child Development on 1 Nov(sat)? C u all this coming sat.

Welcome &amp; thanks for the advice on the Mr. Cane. Can I ask when do u start using it? Cos I'm worried that at 13month he still dunno wat's the cane for.

Take care yah. I hate it when children fall sick cos it's so difficult.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Jenifur</font>!!!
Nice to "see" you here.

<font color="0000ff">CiN</font>
I think Mr. Cane can start as early as the first year. 13 month is still not too late though. Kekeke... (Oops! Sorry, baby GW. I dunno what sort of trouble I'm getting you into, but I guess its for your own good. Hahaha...) Just remember don't overdo it. Choose your battles carefully. There are many things which GW will outgrow ultimately, and others which he does out of curiosity. Only those serious "crimes" which are safety-related or upsets your family's value system deserves Mr. Cane, so do think about it before you take action, okie?

<font color="0000ff">pooh</font>
Hope Joanne is much, much better by now. No appetite when under medication is quite normal, so just let her be, ya? You take care too!

<font color="0000ff">ALL</font>
Me really, really busy lately. Lots of errands to run and appointments to keep to. The kiddos also full of "pattern" now, hence have to engage in their activities + keep a close watch on them. Will try to drop by whenever I can. Ciao...

Here's photo update of the crazy duo actively at play and quietly doing some dough craft.


Catch up again. Need to catch some ZZzzzzz...
HI all,
Happy Halloween.

Jennifur:Welcome..see u at J park sometime.

ha, i think yr HB so ingenious to shorten the cane.heehee

I believe my boy, at 15mths, already know when he is being naughty.
i haven't bought any cane..but i don't rule out this possibility if reason/second chances/naughty corner don't work no more.

Pooh: Wish Joanne a speedy recovery.

Twins: yr gals having a ball at home..and getting very pretty as well.
Well done!
<font face="Book ANtiqua"><font color="0000ff">Cin,

We started using it on DD when she's bout 1.5yo which we concluded was too late. Early discipline wld make life easier now.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">lil' twin stars,

Wow... didn't know you are mummy to a pair of twin. I tink my DD wld luve to play w yr twins provided they dun find her too rough *hee* </font>

<font color="0000ff">Lady,

Do you stay near me? I hardly go down to the park but we can always arrange</font></font>
Hi jenifur,
I introduced Mr Cane quite early, before age 1. In fact, my #2 got her first taste when she's 8 mths old by her daddy =P
I agreed early introduce helps. At least after 6mths of introducing, we don't really need Mr Cane's help.
Thanks! But I don't know of any baby contest, so far never join any yet. Must be convenient, if not lazy lah

Wow, your DDs so big gals already. Hair so long, looks like sweet little ladies.
happy halloween mummies!
hi jenifur, from march mummies right?? i'm here too hehe

mr cane
haven't used dat on Chelsea yet and not sure if I ever would...sometimes i feel guilty even yelling at her when i lost my temper :p don't think i can handle feeling guilty after caning her!!! hahaha lousy mum :p....i do punish her in many other ways though but at least most of the times i feel justified
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mommies &amp; hello to newcomers,</font>
<font color="aa00aa">How is everyone??
Long time, din come in to post as I &amp; my girl been very sick with high fever and cough for 2 wks.. only till recently fully recover. The weather been pretty bad too, so all pls take care &amp; drink more water or barley water to prevent getting sick.

Ever since I've recoverd, I been crazy over with my recent buys for Hello Kitty &amp; Pooh Bear baking / cooking stuffs. I been baking cakes and doing jelly for past few days, to try out my new loots and creations. I plan to try doing kitty shape sushi next wk. I'm expoloring more kitty food stuffs as I going to do a hands on cooking for my Hayley's upcoming 2nd birthday celebration, this yr just a small and cozy type</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sharing some pics of my creations.</font>


the Pooh bear shaped cake with mango whipped cream, Pooh bear mango jelly made by me. hee Esp made for my hubby for his advance birthday celebration.


the small pretty Pooh mango agar jelly


the pretty Kitty jelly
<font color="0000ff">More pics of my creations!!!
Sorry.. really cant resist posting my achievements to share with you all.



the cake is freshly made just now earlier on in the evening. My 1st baking attempt using the mould. I gave the cake to my parents as their supper snack as I found the pic too pretty to be eaten, really cant bear.

<font color="aa00aa">Does the pics make anyone hungry? tsk tsk</font>
hello mummies,

twins- your twins girls are just so pretty!

gan- wow, nice lei. looks yummy oso. can try chocolate cake one. so the whole cake will turn out in chocolate color. or strawberry cake in pink color? hehe

Envy u... Can't still bake with a kid running around. I can't even cook lunch/dinner.... Hmm.. guess I'm still lousy at multi-tasking
Hi Pooh/Vine/CiN,
Tks you! Glad you too like my creations as much as I enjoy doing it. Hee..

Hi Jenny,
I got the Kitty moulds at Taka last week during the Kitty fair.

a) The sz of the kitty cake mould is 17.5cm x 15.5cm x 7.8cm.
b) sz of pooh bear cake mould is 15.5cm x 17.5cm x 8.5cm
c) sz of small pudding jelly cup is 8cm x 5cm x 6.5cm

<font color="0000ff">Gan</font>
You actually bought those moulds??!!! I was at Taka yesterday, staring at the moulds and wondering who would pay so much to buy the moulds then still have to spend time/effot cooking/baking to achieve the sweet treats. Hahaha... YOU are one of them!!! Kekeke...

But your end product is indeed amazing! Love the kitty ones. I'm sure my girls would do everything they can to set their fingers the Kitty.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Twins,</font>
Yup.. haa I'm one of the 'crazy' lot. My hubby been complaining that I spent too much on such stuff in just a week. That is why I been busy doing my creation using my new loots, to show him that what I've buy are not going to be <font color="0077aa">'white elephants'</font>.

I even order more loots like bread cutter, sushi mould etc which has kitty shape and pooh shape. I know all this is not cheap .. esp now I not working. But seems this yr, Sanrio seems to come up with so much cute baking stuff. I really cant resist as I love to make the lil sweet treats esp for lil Hayley. Guess I will handover my loots to her once she master the baking n cooking skills.

Let me know yur next playdate in advance, I try to bake the kitty cake &amp; bring over for you &amp; twins girls to enjoy.
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Jenny,

Wow u intro Mr. Cane so early. My DH wants to intro Mr. Cane to my 8mo DS but I said NO. Told him to wait till 1yo. Cannot bear to leh.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Adeline,

. Yupz, I'm from Mar-08 thread. Didn't know u also stay in Sembawang.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Gan,

Yr cake/jelly look so delicious!!!. My DD will b v happy to lay her hands on e Pooh Bear cake/jelly. U r really tempting me but I've to resist cuz no time to bake now.</font></font>
Gan - the cake and jelly looks good
Kiddo surely grab all of them during Hayley's party..u need to prepare more
jia you!!

Baking needs a lot of patient and are great! with Hayley around, still can produce good result.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Jenny,</font>
the 'big' cake mould costs $29.90 but i found it so cute to resist from buying. Go n buy n try it out. Based on simple recipe, it is very easy to use. U can even use it to make a big face jelly. hee

Today, I even went to a shop at Chinatown to get more cute loot. Wanna to see these &amp; tempt u? They are soooo cuteeee

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Jenifur/Apple</font>
Thanks for yur compliments. A bit diffcult for me to bake cookies with Hayley around as that needs even more time to attend to the moulding. Cake n jelly are much simple to do.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Ladies,</font>
Sharing more creations I did this afternoon for tea.


the mini HK pancakes. For better taste, I added some dried canberries, made few pancakes &amp; freezed them for tomor breakfast for my Hayley.


I use the balance pancake batter to use on another cake mould using microwave method. Although the pics of the cake cannot be clearly seen, the cakes in fact quite yummy! My girl ate 2 of these &amp; a pancake. Makes me feel happy despite the 'hard' work

Next time if got playdate, I dun mind make some cakes to bring along for you all to try.
Gan, you are so creative. The kitty pancake looks so yummy...I'm dooling too...

Is it difficult to make them? Can share how you do it?
Gan - good job

Share share recipe with me..will try out when I have time.
I think my gal will be crazy about it if she sees all the cute lil characters cookies and pancake.
Hi all,

Jenifur..i usu go sat or sun evenings w my boy ard J park.

Gan: thanks.
Wel done!!!for yr effort in showing us.
I have always loved how creative and cute the Jap makes their food look...
this will come in handy coz my boy fussy with food now.
Continue posting more yummy creations...
Homemade is always better.

my boy also loves pancakes..esp if u make w wholemeal flour, its a SUPERFOOD on its own.
with a sauce made with blueberries and maple syrup.all superfoods.

ha, i am into superfoods.
hey, why dnt one day we have tea ard evening in J park..and those who can bring anything just contribute and come downtairs?
Perhaps I can join in too....

My older son (2 yrs +) often goes to J park to play. My younger one just arrived on children's day.We just live across the road at 466.

Btw, anyone went to the cambridge CDC open house?
i actually stay in Yishun, but off Sembawang Rd hehe and we always go to Sun Plaza anyway to the Library

wow so inspriring!! love the cutesy things u made! Chelsea is such a sucker for cute packaging, I'm sure she would love it if I make these for her...your Haley v. lucky girl

u have such a good suggestion to make the wholemeal pancakes with blueberries...chelsea is so picky right now i think i should make more effort to make nice things for her to eat :p
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Fluffy / Apple/ Lady / Adeline/Grace,</font>
Thanks for yur compliments.
Haa.. must wait till u try one of my creations &amp; tell me the real verdict! Maybe the pics look nice onli but taste so so. Anyway, these days I been busy with trying out creations. Haa.

As for the pancakes &amp; mini lil steam cakes, I play cheat as I used those ready pancake premix, a jap brand. No matter how I try to create the pancake mix on my own, it just doesn't taste like the ones at Mcdonald.

So pretty simple,just mix &amp; voila.
Using the microwave is easy &amp; fast choice! U can try as does not require much time. U can add raisins or other dried fruit to enhance the taste.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Lady,</font>
Wow! U r in superfood! that is good &amp; healthy! I love that too. Can you pm me yur recipe for the pancakes u made?

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Grace,</font>
I use the Kitty shape mould to do the shape of the pancakes. pretty easy.
U can go to my blog n see the pics of the moulds I have posted.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Apple,</font>
Below is one of my fav blogs on cooking n baking.
There is a recipe on the cookies which I been wanting to try. U go n take a look.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mommies,</font>
Last night, my girl had an incident at home just before her bedtime. I think she fell fm our bed &amp; hurt her mouth as I happened to be at kitchen washing her bottles..

To my utter shock, her hands &amp; mouth all smeared with blood. Very scary!! Handling the situation all by myself as hubby out-station. She also keep crying in pain &amp; shock! Luckily after some calming, she dozed off in pain to slumberland.

I was so worrying for her whole night.. worry the fall will affect her teeth. Coz she had a previous incident causing one of her front tooth broke. Luckily this morn she shows no sign of discomfort, only slight 'cut' on her lower chin, her upper lip swell and slightly bruise.
Sigh.. I feel like a lousy mommy!

I can totally empathise with you. My boy had been falling alot since he started 'walking' a month ago. He had bleeding mouth 3x already!!! So worried now that his teeth will be affected. Seems like no 1 day can pass without him getting any bumps/fall. Yah, always feel like a lousy mum when he falls.
By the way, sugar can stop bleeding. I always give my boy a spoon of sugar when he fall n cut his mouth. It serves the dual purpose of stopping the bleeding and making him happy cos sugar is a real treat for him Haha
Hi CiN,
Tks for the info on sugar.
I din know sugar can stop bleeding. Most of the time, I wonder how come the lil ones so full of never ending energy, I really catch up her speed &amp; hard to stay close her 24hr a day. I need space away fm her too.. to do my chores and things i been wanting to do.

Hi Lady,
Where is J park?
I'm thinking maybe or shall we org a picnic one fine day at Sembawang beach or seaside? I been wanting to go with my girl there.
Hi mummies

I am giving away the 2 in 1 Tummy Time Gym from Playskool.If nobody want I will advertise in the given away forum. I have 1 pram to give away also. You may email me at [email protected]

Please give me some time to reply you back. I may not access to the email often. Thanks
Gan, when u know that u gonna be away to do house chores whenever Hayley is sleeping, try to put her to sleep with mattress on the floor or at least install a bed rail.

Children falling from bed can be quite alarming. I learnt about it when my gal had her 1st fell and admitted to hospital months ago.
Neurosurgeon who handled her case warmed me about the seriousness! argh..

And recently I read news about a young lady in her 20s knocked her head against a door at friend's place and had internal bleeding which nobody aware, until 1 month later when she collapsed and admitted to hospital, she passed away in her sleep.

Is not to scare u with the incident, but be extra careful especially the skull of young children is still soft..hairline crack with slow internal bleeding may take times to be noticed. Do monitor her closely for awhile make sure she is OK!
I'm a sembawang SAHM. Baby is turning 1 month old end of this week. Time flies.

Anyway, I want to check with u ladies... is there any new POSB/DBS quick cheque deposit box around the area? Now that the NTUC at MRT is gone, i have no where to drop my cheque!

u had made falling down sounds so scary =P but it's really hard to prevent all the knocks &amp; falls. Always heart-pain but really no choice.


Got inspiration from u &amp; added cranberries, rasins &amp; cheddar cheese to the boring pancakes. Really yummy. But of cos mine not cute like yours.
CiN - I always thought like u, kiddo play and fall and knock is common until my gal had a bad fall and admitted then I realised fall without witness really scary! And I got scolded by PD for not sending my gal to A$E immediately :p instead let her take a nap. He told me quite a no. of cases where kids fell and take a nap thereafter just gone like that..I really panic upon hearing those horrible incident

So better be safe than sorry..take extra precaution and try not to leave our kiddos alone while we are bz.
