Stressed: My nanny said that she won't be taking any kid as she has met her "quota". Anyyway, she will check with another nanny (Bk 467) if she is interested. This nanny is taking care of her granddaughter (her mum is also a SAHM). Will let you know once I have an update.
Shuhui: Do you need to see your gynae everyday from now since you have dilated? My gynae estimated the weight of my boy about 4kg but came out 3.33kg. It was because my boy was quite long so the estimated wt was 4kg. At that time, we booked 31 Dec to induce but water bag burst on 29 Dec after I walked too much when out shopping at Suntec. And I had to be induced to dilate. Actually baby still not ready to come out hence a long labour which lead to c-section (half body) which surprisely was a fast & pleasant experience.
I also heard about the medical hall @ Admiralty MRT which is just a few shops behind the MRT. Few $ cheaper. I usually buy the milk powder from the grocery shop near my block, priced about $1-2 cheaper than those in the supermarkets.
Van: Yah, this decision was deliberated for almost a year. Finally made the decision though not very welcomed by many people. But I think I want to go with my heart and spend more time with my son for the next 8 mths before the 2nd one pops. By the way, if you are going for natural delivery, you may want to buy some honeystick to keep yourself hydrated and boost your energy since some delivery ward doesn't allow the mothers to drink water.
Went to visit Dr Ang on Wed. Confirmed 4 wks pregnant, need to go back in 2 weeks time to check for heartbeat. Finger crossed!