Van: Congratulations to your delivery
Welcome to motherhood. After delivery, our placenta hormone will drop and may cause mom to cry non-stop due to this hormone change. This need to take place so that our brain can send message to our milk factory to start production. So usually the post natal blue will strike within the 1st week of delivery. Just tell yourself this will pass, part of natural process, and you are coping well. I too had post natal blues on the 4rd day due to stressful confinement. Cried non stop esp when the baby has to be re-admitted for jaundice.
Shuhui: There is still hope to revive your milk production. You can try the following ways:
1) Increase nursing schedule which is most effective. Put the baby to suckle for 10-15 mins for both sides (10mins before his scheduled feed then give him bottled milk), for every 2 to 3 hrs. The more the baby suckled, the more the production. Can also used breast pump if you have. Takes 2 days for your body to adjust the milk demand which means you will see an increase in milk only in 2 days time, then must maintain the schedule. Take 1 mth for the milk production to stablise.
2) Take herbal supplements i.e. fenugreek or nettle sold at GNC. Just let them know for breastfeeding.
3) Boil green papaya soup with fish bone everyday.
4) Drink non alcholic beer (malt is known to increase milk production) or hot malt.
5) Prepare hot towel to apply on the breast or massage and drink hot beverage before breastfeeding.
Some moms may or may not respond to (2) and (4) depending on individual body. Due to my blues, my milk production dropped drastically & was feeding my baby with Frisomilk. One mth later, met a mom who advised me on the above. Managed to revive milk production though not enough for exclusive feeding but went on as supplementary breastfeeding for 1 year. And most importantly, a good breast pump helps in sustaining your milk production. I bought Ameda breast pump and was very pleased with it.
Most important, you must be comfortable & confident with breastfeeding. A lot has to do with mental thought.
As on the constipation, hmm better not to give prune juice. Green stools is ok as long as he poos.
Hope the above helps. After my 1st pregnancy, a bit scared with the confinement thingy. So now more prepared to make sure I enjoy my confinement.