Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Good morning ladies
Syrian i stopped acu after ET since i bedrest ;) but my acu wanted me to come after ET :oops:yes the needle not easy for the trigger shot but not painful :)
Bbblues good luck !
Happy mtb hopefully they ll be great fighters!
Hope miracle mesara orange tsf when are your BT? relax :cool: take it easssssy (mika Song :p)

gigi: my BT on Thu. Haiz.... how ar?? V worried. If I have to move on to IVF, targetting Dec... but wonder if Prof in. Yest when I lie down to sleep, backache... like AF symptoms... other than that... nothing...

Just praying praying and praying....
Our BT is one day apart and starting from me, mesara and hopemiracle (Wed to Fri).

Tsf - I do not take temperature as it is not accurate anymore according to my TCM.

Syrian - For my current FET, I have done my acu on day 1, 3 and 5 after my ET (taking day 0 as the actual ET date).
Waouh all together :))
Wish you the best luck
As per me still AF cramping :( everytime i stand too long ...i have to lie down only
Kopibaby, this is the last schedule I have. Hope it is still correct!

Prof leave dates:
11-20 Oct
25-28 Oct
10-24 Nov

I started Nor E today. Hopefully no side effects. Good luck to all ladies doing their BT next few days! Fingers crossed for all of you!
Hello ladies, joining u all here. I'm starting my cycle this month, just went for my first scan today. Was abit disappointed cos my AFC was only 10, last cycle in Dec 2012 I had 21. Omg, one year can drop so much??!! Anyway, just hope that out of these few precious eggs there will be one destined to be my miracle baby. Started 150 Gonal F this morning. Good luck to all the ladies testing next week *big wave to Cheeka*

Miric we will be cycle buddies!

Jia you everyone!
hi bbcipps> finally found my cycle buddy!!!
Im going NUH this sat, need to do blood test again or just scan?
Miric - my 2nd scan is this Sat too, haha probably we will bump into each other. Today I had scan w prof, then went up to CHR for blood test, then nurse taught me how to self administer jabs n passed me the meds for next 4 days.
bbcripps> think will be seeing Dr Anu cos Prof wong will be on leave 11 - 20 Oct ... is there something to determine if i can start the jab?
Miric - ya Dr Anu will be taking over for 1 week, hopefully my ER can be done by Prof, but if not, it's ok, leave it to fate. Think the scan is to make sure there are no cysts, n the lining is not too thick.
welcome bbcripps! :)

Wow, you waited almost one year before embarking on another cycle. Is it recommended to wait so long before starting again?
Kopibaby, no no actually I'm considered quite kan chiong, cos I failed my fresh in Dec, did my FET in March, bfp, but had a miscarriage in May/June. So I waited only 3+ months, which is actually NOT recommended, haha.
Bbcripps... *WAVE BACK* good to see u back here all set and ready for another fresh cycle!!! :) U don't hv any snow embies left? Were u with Prof last time? I guess prof might give u higher dosage since ur AFC is lower. Let's jia you together!
Cheeks, first cycle I was with Raffles, I still have 2 snow embbies with them but they r not very good grade, 2 cells grade 2 (1 being the best there), doc says odds not that high, n since it's year end now n I'm more free I do one more fresh cycle first, then maybe transfer those 2 embbies to NUH to combine w the ones from this new cycle. When is your BT? Good luck good luck!! :)
Oh by the way in case I'm worrying any of you ladies in the 2ww cos your embbies r also 2 cells - SORRY that is not my intention! My bfp was also from two 2 cells grade 1-2. N doc did say she had success w such embbies before, but I just wanted to improve my odds.
Cheeks, first cycle I was with Raffles, I still have 2 snow embbies with them but they r not very good grade, 2 cells grade 2 (1 being the best there), doc says odds not that high, n since it's year end now n I'm more free I do one more fresh cycle first, then maybe transfer those 2 embbies to NUH to combine w the ones from this new cycle. When is your BT? Good luck good luck!! :)
I see. Yup, ancestry u hv time, just do fresh cycle bah. My bt is on 18/10. Having cramps on and off. Now is only 3pt3dt.
anie_angel - thanks for remembering and for asking :)

i agreed to go for the US trip in the end. in end oct. then they decided to postpone the trip to november and i was like "WT...".
and with the postponement of the trip, they changed the agenda a bit and the good news is that with the revised agenda, i managed to convince my boss that someone else will be in a better position to attend the meeting! :D and she agreed.

So I postponed this cycle "for nothing" but it also means that I can start next cycle. Have signed all papers and taken BT and went thru counselling. Collected Nor E also so waiting for AF to come to call CHR.
Kopibaby I remembered cos I sacrificed quite a bit for my career too. Then came a point when it didn't matter anymore so I stopped work to focus on ivf free from work stress. If I was going to do this I needed to do it rite. Hahaha.

Too bad u couldn't start this cycle then we could have been cycle buddies! Nevertheless I'm glad things worked out in the end for u! :)
Ladies, just reached home after ET. So tired. Everything went well today, thanks all for your well wishes.

happy_mtb, hope your embryos will have good grades!

Gigi, wa, you so brave to test. I don't think I have the courage! Oh, what support do you have? I only have crinone gel once per day. Was wondering if this is abit little?

bbcripps, welcome! Does Raffles does day 2 or day 3 transfer?

All ladies in 2ww, Jiayou Jiayou!
Great bbblues :) did they mention to you the grades again this am? Yeah i also thought it was little only morning but what to say la ;)
bb_blues, congrats! Welcome to the 2ww club! When is your scheduled blood test? My blood test is when Prof is on leave. I also wonder, why you only have crinone one per day while I have so many inserts? I have crinone twice daily, estrofem, utrogestran and progesterone injection once in two days. Phew.... I'm having bed rest three times per day becos of the insertions. But dont worry, perhaps your blood test result is good. Mine is becos I have high Estradiol.. that's why they want to add more and more support.
gigi, they are still satisfactory grades. 6 and 7 cells. Hope they continue to grow.
I did ask nurse about the support. she said we took ovidriel as trigger hence only need crinone.
bbblues is it the chr nurse who answered you that?! noo support is progesterone so it depends only on your blood tests most of the girls have ovidrel - i guess we dont need it like cheeka said its probably depending on your oestrogens
Hi tsf, gigi, orange_tigger. Thanks for the reply on acu. Juz finished my acu. A day before ER. Dr zhao said to come on fri which is a day before ET and on sat after my scheduled ET.

Cheeka, i also used suprefact as trigger but CHR nurse only instruct me to use crinone gel, estrofem & utrogestran. Mayb as gigi said u at risk of ohss? Mayb tats y u kena tat extra jab.

Bb_blues, congrats in ur ET. Rest well orite. My follicles size gd? Actually was worried on the number of egg retireved tmr. Some of my follies still small. Juz leaving all to God's & prof 's hands.
Bb_blues, Raffles usually do day 2 transfer. Congrats on your ET, rest well for your 2ww!

Syrian, all the best for your ER tomorrow! I'm with Dr Zhao too, have been seeing her since May 2012.
Gigi I'm not sure why day 2, maybe they r of the school of thought that embryos do better back in the natural environment of the womb, vs the other school of thought that a d3/4/5 transfer will weed out the weaker embryos.

Just got home n flipped through my IVF folder, my AFC last cycle was 28! Even more than I remembered. Boo hoo, dunno why it dropped so much to only 10 in ten months. Maybe the bfp n m/c really screwed up my hormones *sob* N that cycle I was on 150 puregon, now I'm on 150 gonal f, can't help but worry the dosage won't be enough. :(
Tdy is 7dp3dt... Feeling AF like cramps.... Not getting a good feeling abt this cycle..... According to my read up on 3dt, implantation should take place on 5th-7th day after transfer...
Waouh did you tell all that to Wong ? I had no issue neither before my Mc last year and my encounter with an unprofessional doc in mont e :mad: but i think science is with us nowadays a lot can be done ! For the dosage Pc Wong probably wants to try his own protocole / way
Dont worry ok?
Gigi, I think prof already decided on the dosage 2 mths ago based on my previous cycle, I remembered back then he already told me 150. Dunno why today he didn't up the dosage when he counted only 10. Anyway, haiz, just got have faith that he has the best strategy for me, if dosage not enough, hopefully it's not too late to up it after my next scan on Sat.

Trsf0205, cheer up, it could very well be implantation cramps! What u r feeling r probably your embbies burrowing deep deep into your womb. :)
You Know doctors explained to me once your afc is calculated whatever the protocole you wont increase much your follicule number maybe a few extra Will show up if you dont see all of them during antra follicule count but not much ( in some countries they use 3D sono to czlculate afc but what instead of 10 you have 12 but you wont have 30 follies out of an afc of 10 - so protocole works to stimulate your existing follies if you are not a poor responder then no need to increase dosage
Anyway 10 is still really good you dont need thousands to kick!!
Thanks for the explanation Gigi. Ok I tell myself - quality over quantity, my last batch of 28 follies (I retrieved 21 eventually) didn't do me much good, all rather slow-dividing, hope these 10 will be of better quality, cos less follies to fight over my nutrients, last time the nutrients have to spread out over so many until they r all abit malnourished, haha.
Welcome ;) i asked many Times about that ! My afc is 6 or 4 dépending on the month :(
@tsf0205 you told me you had cramping before after ET no? I also have cramping all day long i have to lie down we can have paracetamol you Know nurses told me
I think we have to remain positive ok??
Take care
