Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Welcome bbcripps!
Bb_blues, welcome to the 2ww' Club!
Syrian, Jia you for ER!
Orange_Tigger, my dear buddy, all the best to ur BT. May the peace of God be with you and ur hub *hugs*

Goodnight world!

Hopemiracle - Thank you, my buddy. *HUGS* I am really happy to know you through this thread.

This FET is different from my previous IVF as I know i am not alone. I thank everyone including my dearest buddy for walking this tough path with me, encouraging me when I feel low and sending your sincere wishes to me for my BT. No matter what the result turn out to be today, I tell myself - I have done my best and will accept the outcome.
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Hi Gigi and bbcripps, I have more backache than cramps actually.
Anyone experience lower back ache in 2ww?

All the best for yr BT orange tigger!!!
good morning ladies
ok i finally got out of my house this am! i felt like a prisoneer! ok just 30 mn time to drive hubby huh?
cheeka thats a lot of oestrogens! no wonder ! i only had 2800 lol
orange all the best luck!!!!!! waouh this is so exciting you ve not done HPT before ? you are really patient!
Syrian keep us updated as well
tsf - well i had back aches also i think abdominal pain and lower back aches are the same indeed, cant help much cause me 2 lot of cramping (getting better though this am at 4dp2dt)
orange tigger> we will be parking here to catch baby dusts!!!
all mums are great...personally, I feel IVF mums are even greater! going thru emotional, mental, physical, career, pressure...etc roller coaster rides... compare to natural conceive ...
all of us JIA YOU!
Morning ladies! Thanks for all ur well wishes. Im at day surgery ward now waiting for ER later. Hope all goes well.

Orange_tigger, all the best for ur BT later. Waiting to collect ur bb dust!

Bb_cripps, wah u seeing dr zhao since may? Tats quite some already. You must have spent a lot for acu. So far u feel any difference? Shes a nice lady though.

Gigi, tsf - mayb its implantation cramps. Backache seems like a gd sign. Stay positive alrite.

Those in 2ww, enjoy ur rest period. Remember to talk to ur embbies. :)
Syrian, all the best!! Pray your ET will go shun shun li li n you will retrieve many swee swee embbies!

I was with Dr Zhao since May LAST YEAR, so yes, one biggg hole in my pocket. Plus one fresh cycle n one FET with Raffles, wah biang, now can only everyday daydream abt striking toto. Haha. She's great though, so motherly, plus nice environment n not much waiting time, so I stick to her lor. I do feel like its helping, cos my period now is less crampy n less clots, so I believe it helped with my blood circulation.
I have just received the call from CHR and it is negative. Dun worry, I am learning to accept this news as it is my fate. Good luck to the rest of the ladies.
Orange Tigger: HUGZ HUGSZ HUGZ. Dont lose hope..Rest well...take a good break... and come back stronger...
Orange trigger oh no so sorry :( you have to meet Pc Wong And talk about what happened take aptmt with him
I wish you good luck it takes more than a few tries at our age you Know
Take care And come back to us stronger
OrangeTigger, so sorry to hear that. Hugs! You are a brave woman, come back stronger and try again. Meantime, just pamper yourself.
Oramge trigger, sorry to hear that, take a rest, you will be fine and keep on trying I believe you will bfp eventually
Hugz hugz hugz
Orange Tigger, sorry to hear this. Take good rest and come back stronger. mightier and better...these are just passing & testing times. At the end of the long tunnel there is light. Its a long fight but you can do it.
Cheers and big hugs!
Sunshine2005, yes that makes us cycle buddies! My second scan is just one day after yours. Hope this will be the month for us. Jia you!
I have just received the call from CHR and it is negative. Dun worry, I am learning to accept this news as it is my fate. Good luck to the rest of the ladies.
I'm so sad hearing this news. All the roller coaster ride we have to go thru... Sigh.... You'll be a stronger person. I'm sure ur snow embies tied hard. So sorry.... :(
Thanks everyone for your hugs and supports. Feeling better and able to accept the result. After discussing with my dh, we have decided not to try IVF anymore as it is physically and mentally tiring. Will try to conceive naturally. Looking forward to hear good news from the rest of the 2ww sisters.
Thanks everyone for your hugs and supports. Feeling better and able to accept the result. After discussing with my dh, we have decided not to try IVF anymore as it is physically and mentally tiring. Will try to conceive naturally. Looking forward to hear good news from the rest of the 2ww sisters.

Orange tigger glad to hear you are taking it positive and trying naturally. Will pray for you. Mind sharing your beta.
Thanks everyone for your hugs and supports. Feeling better and able to accept the result. After discussing with my dh, we have decided not to try IVF anymore as it is physically and mentally tiring. Will try to conceive naturally. Looking forward to hear good news from the rest of the 2ww sisters.
Orange, hugs.... You are in no hurry to make a decision. Think abt it carefully okay? And no regrets... As long as we tried our best. Hugs....
Orange Tigger, sorry to hear that. It may not be an bad idea to try naturally. My friend who struggle 3 IVF treatment and conceive naturally 2 mths later. Jia You, take a rest for the moment and keep trying :)
@ orange trigger - i think i told you before my hubby has low sperm morpho due to a cancer when kid and i have low ovarian reserve (only 3 eggs only 1 mature) and yet i managed to conceive naturally - i am now on ivf treatment for the first time ever but still i think naturally can work - how many times did you try?
my mum was just telling me she knows a lady at her painting class who conceived at 47 (???) so all is possible with ivf or natural
take good care
Hi ladies, juz an update frm my ER just now. Only retrieved 2 eggs, one from each ovary. Same number as first fresh. So depressing. Woke up wif cramps on my left side. Hope my 2 eggs can be fertilise & survive. The whole worry game begins again. *worry mode on*

Orange_tigger, sorry to hear the sad news. *big big hugs* I feel for u. Sad day for both of us. Hope u can remain strong. U have already tried ur best. Ur embbies too. Destress & make urself happy. Eat all u want. Go shopping and let out all steam. True, IVF is such a torture. Only strong ladies like us can go thro it. U are one strong lady k. By all means, go try naturally. Who noes u might strike. Tiao ur body perfectly & try again aite. Im sure we will all become mummies 1 fine day. Juz time will tell..
@ syrian sorry forgot to ask about you with orange trigger message! 2 eggs? so your other follies were not right size right? listen you might have at least one embryo so hold on to it ok? lets wait for tomorrow we need good news in this thread and will have for sure it has to
take care
Bbcripps, i can also feel the difference under dr zhao. Same as u, my period less crampy & lesser clots. Blood circulation better & i feel more energetic too. But price-wise a bit steep though. But juz cant tahan wen she poke my feet area. Yikes!

Sunshine, bbcripps, miric, all the best for ur stim! May ur eggs grow big big!
Gigi, i duno. Wat the doc at day surgery told me, the rest of the follies are empty. Juz like my first round. I got 10 follies during stim but during ER, only gotten 2 eggs. This time i got 8 follies during stim, but retrieved only 2 eggs. Duno why always get empty follies. Mayb coz of my endo. But i tot my sizes ok. Not excellent but got few big ones. Thanks gigi for the encouragement. I hope i can be strong. Waiting for the embrylogist call is so nerve-wreaking. Pray for me k.
i would love to understand how come 80% are empty?! is it a matter of stim? have you try to find info on internet? i sincerely hope wong will be able to answer you - of course i ll pray for u tonight! take care
Dear Syrian, I will pray for u. Hope yr two eggs will become fertilized and in good grade.

Dear mesara, all the best for yr BT Tmr!

Sunshine, miric n bbcripps, all the best for yr stimming!
Thanks Syrian n Tsf0205, hope our follicles can grow grow grow!

Syrian I will pray for u too that your 2 little fighters fertilize n divide beautifully. Oh ya for my accu, the most sensitive part is the feet too, cos I have "chicken feet", literally skin over bones, so no fats to cushion, haha. N there was once she poked the side of my sole, omg, super freaking painful! But for the sake of bfp, I will tahan wherever she wants to poke la. So sad sometimes though, I see her so long already still cannot graduate. Oh well, let's hope Oct is our lucky month!

Mesara, all the best for your BT tomorrow!
Gigi, not yet search online. Mayb tmr lah. Feel quite drained now. Mayb still due to the effect of anasthesia. Thanks for the prayers.

Tsf, thanks for the prayers too!

Mesara, all the best for ur BT tmr!
Thanks bbcripps for the prayers. Im hoping & praying hard for a miracle tmr.
Me too! I also have bony feet. My worse part is the area below the toes. Few times i could feel electric currents when she poke tat area. Make me have goosebumps. Me too trying to endure on every prick of her needle. But no all acu points are painful though so juz tahan-ing for future bb sake. Dun worry u, me & all ladies here will graduate one day. At least the acu sessions did improve our health. So its worth it!
Syrian, will definitely pray that the 2 eggs retrieved are in best quality. Have a good rest, don't worry too much. Stress will lower good hormone :)

@nervous babe
I think i always had bad reserve thus bad egg quality cause
I had miscarriage at 31 cause bad egg quality then natural pregnancy at 33 then miscarriage at 37 cause bad egg quality plus 2 Surgeries to remove the fœtus (badly done so i had uterine synecchies removed in mount e ) they damaged my lining :mad: they told me after that i was low reserve which explains bad egg quality
My hb low morpho since 25 yo And i managed to be pregnant at least 3 times even with low morpho
I just turned 38
