Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Thanks ladies. Got jitters in tummy thinking of BT. Between my appt is 4 pm. Do they do BT so late. I was thinking maybe do BT morning then see prof at 4 pm for review. If I have to retry will opt for dec cycle. Am a snake so age is a big factor.

My July scan showed afc was 30 and amh 20. Does amh and afc change all the time?
@ orange trigger - i think i told you before my hubby has low sperm morpho due to a cancer when kid and i have low ovarian reserve (only 3 eggs only 1 mature) and yet i managed to conceive naturally - i am now on ivf treatment for the first time ever but still i think naturally can work - how many times did you try?
my mum was just telling me she knows a lady at her painting class who conceived at 47 (???) so all is possible with ivf or natural
take good care

this is a piece of happy news to know that women over 40 still can conceive naturally..yippee
I thought low reserve only affect quantity not quality of egg? But is gd to know at least we can conceive naturally. I have done my BT and is neg that's why I am asking other sisters here abt the next review with prof after cycle failure. I did 3 times hpt before my BT and all are negative, so I am kind of prepared for the worst. I didn't inform earlier as I do not want to affect the 2ww sisters here. You all jia you!
Hello nervous babe
Oh sorry to hear that :(
Well yeah they did not test my amh before were only saying quality excuse - but amh does not drop in 6 months or so i was pregnant naturally last year so i probably had this issue before

Anyway Did you take aptmt with Pc Wong for a review ? Other girls might tell you the process no?
Take care And if you find any magic solution let me Know ;)
Nervous_babe, so sorry to hear that. Hugs! Hope Prof can give you a good answer!

nervous_babe, syrian, gigi, I do find a bit worrying that we had big follies during the scan but most of them are empty upon retrieval. It is more than a coincidence that all of us are like this. I am starting to ponder if this is the problem with the skills of the embryologist? My previous cycles usually have 8 or 9 big follies and yield 8 matured eggs. This say something, doesnt it. And Syrian, your previous cycle is also with NUH?

And, I was thinking if we should try Natural IVF since we don't respond well, even with max dosage. Natural IVF do not uses injectables but uses your own naturally produce egg (usually just 1 dominant egg). Will probably ask Prof next time.

Syrian, pray that you have good fertilised embryo!
Hi all, just came back seeing prof to check follicle size on D11. It is not ready yet the size on the right is 14 and 12 and on the left side is 10mm. Saturday need to go down and check again and if ok then monday can do iui.
I am just wondering last 2 round I did iui with clomid too and my folli size is 18 or 16 on D10. Is my response slower over the time?
bb_blues - i remember reading somewhere that for pple with low amh (which i am also in the group), the ovarian reserves are very low. So higher chance of follicles without eggs.
I dont think it is skills of embryologist (i may be wrong) coz it is a straightforward case of follicle got egg or not.
Not enough amh in the body to produce eggs i guess.....

just my thoughts....

oh i did ask prof what causes low amh - and he said its just the way our body is. research is not advanced enough to pinpoint a reason.

i also did ask him how come come follicles are empty and he said the same thing. sometimes, there is no explanation for certain things. just like how come some people can get bfp with a low grade embryo while some cannot.....
straw1 - could be your body homornes changing....or could be your body getting "used" to the clomid......i guess there are many reasons and some of them, prof may not even have an explanation coz the human body is really too complex....:(
Bb blues I think as you, so natural cycle only monitor the size of follicle and when it reaches the correct size, we will go for ER and ET? Diff is only in the stim? But for me, my menses cycle usually v short that is to say I usually release immature egg.
For me, before my scan I actually know that max I can only have 4 eggs although ,my last scan shown I have 7 follicles as most are too small to be usable. Out of 4, only 2 is of bigger size and I guess these are the two that have fertilized.
What's your size of follicles before ER? How many are bigger than 17mm?
Bb blues, although we have lesser eggs but I noticed ppl like us yield better fertilization rate. As in we only have 3-4 eggs retrieved but at least 1-2 got fertilized, is 30-50% fertilization rate. Finding excuses to console myself, haha only thing is we have no snow embies. Jia you jia you ok
Hi girls
Bbblues if There is an egg the embryologist Will see it! But maybe your protocoles were different no? Its interesting to compare our cases this is the key for our success all my follies were perfect size 17 17.5 18 18.5 i got 3 eggs out of 4 which is a good ratio but only 1 mature - i asked the embryologist to mature them in vitro they cannot do it And the success rate reaalllly poor the mature issue is related to egg quality so i cannot blame the embryologist ...
You have to count only 17 18 follies the rest are too big or too small
If you reconsider syrian case (i did And i Know Wong does :)) they Doubted on the trigger timing because they were really uneven
Then last but not least i completely agree for natural ivf this is a great solution for us i think i Will do it - i give myself 4 fresh before - natural ivf solve my hubby issue And i Know i cant have 10 eggs so stim might not be necessary for me except if we get the proof stim improves my quality ....

We have all solution we have to keep on trying and sharing what we find
Have a nice day
Ps mesara any news??
Kopibaby, my AMH is the same for my previous 2 cycles but FSH is worst in this cycle, maybe is the FSH that caused the empty follicles. Sigh..
My previous cycles were at TFC and CARE@Novena.

nervous_babe, yes, natural cycle only monitor the size and once reach the right size, will do ER and ET. But of cos, there is a risk that the follicle may be empty (AGAIN) or the egg may not be fertilised. My sizes before the ER is 8 follies from 12 to 18 mm. There are 3 follies more than 17mm. But when I checked my previous cycle records, the sizes are about the same and yet have 8 matured eggs.

Ladies, thanks for your comments on the embryologist, am glad most of you think there is no problem with the embryologist and that makes me feel better to continue at NUH. :)

Syrian, any updates?
Mesara, good luck! All the best!
bb_blues - i almost went to CARE @ Novena. I went there and had consultation and blood test.
Is there any reason why you did not go back to them again?
Bbblues are you sure those 8 eggs were mature ? You had an egg from a12mm follie ?:eek:
I did not say that embryologist is great i just say he s not dumb enough to miss an egg lol
No what worries me is the maturation Empty follies is a problem of timing (hum what they say in my country Europe ;)
Was it when you took saizen by any chance ?
One more thing to add, I was told by tcm that those follicles that grow slower have better odds of having an egg comparing to those super fast growing follicles. Duno hw true.
Gigi, yes, I took saizen before.
Kopibaby and Gigi, there is nothing wrong with the clinics. Just that after spending so much in private clinics, I wanted to make use of the gov grant this time round. :)
gigi - ahhh...nice! i never thought you would not be local as i assume most foreigners would go to private clinics - shorter queue and faster. also since they cannot make use of govt grant so no point going to govt hosp. unless you are married to a singaporean ;) nice to have you here with us! :) have you been in singapore for long?

bb_blues - yeah, the reason why we went nuh is coz hubby says cheaper. but more hassle lor e.g. more blood tests to take, must go for counselling, more patients so more waiting time etc....
@kopibaby yeah we re in nuh cause our singaporian friends say pc wong is good also i heard good things about sf loh and lc fong plus i pay so better take the cheapest! (my medicare pays back 6 months later what a pain :( and not 100%)
but i d like to know why bbblues got so many eggs last time with small follies she s right this is weird no??
Hi ladies, updates abt the embryologist call this morning. Out of 2 eggs retrieved, 1 is immature. The other mature one managed to get fertilised. She will update me tmr abt the status again. At least i got 1 embryo. Pray & hope tat it will make it till transfer day this sat. So worried lei.

Yup i also wonder y i keep getting empty follicles. During stim, the sizes are not tat bad. Got few dominant ones. Even dr zhao said i might get 4 eggs this time based on the sizes of follies. But told her im still worried coz my first round, my sizes are better but still got only 2 eggs. Mayb its becoz of out low amh. I think im also on for natural ivf. For pple like us, we are given the highest dose of stim but still yield minimal eggs with lotsa empty follies. Depressing rite?

Btw i also did ask prof during my last round abt empty follies. He also said he juz cant explain. The human body is too complex. No research has been done on why some pple juz have empty follies. He also cant say whether theres any egg in the follies during scanning. Can only tell during ER. So i think theres still a limit of wat the human hands are capable of. The rest lies in God's hands. Wat we noe is tat we all have tried our best rite ladies?

Bb_blues, my previous cycle is also wif nuh with prof. Im confortable with him & i like the service at CHR tats y i still go ahead with nuh for my 2nd round.
Syrian, stay positive okay? Let us pray and hope that your one precious embie work and to survive until ET.

Hopemiracle, good luck for ur blood test tomorrow! Hope that this time will be your time!
Ladies I went for my dental appt after BT and my phone low batt and died. By the time got home 6 pm and saw Nuh called at 5pm and left a voice mail to call back. Result only tomorrow but not v hopeful. No af and no symptoms. Aaf just delay due to clomid maybe. I was given tablets to induce if af does not show up after BT.
waouh mesara lol you missed the call :p well no AF still hope you know!! let us know tomorrow ok we need good news here :)
syrian 1 egg? like me!!! ask for grade tomorrow and who knows our only embies might strike! :)
yeah why you dont have more eggs! this is so frustrating :( we are 4 in this case only in this forum in nuh this round hopefully wong will find us a solution :mad:
It's BFN ladies. Nuh just called. Hcg less than 2.4. So they told me to induce menses. Should I give myself a
Week grace before starting to induce. Prof will be in from 25 nov and
I shud be doing my er et in dec if all goes well. Any cycle buddies?
mesara dont worry the FIV is not that bad the nurses (karen and jane are my favorites :)) are great they will teach you all and the forum is here! i had not one bruise i jabbed myself it was quite easy really! i felt sad when i stopped lol i got used to the jabs indeed ! :)
take care
and one day i phoned the emergency number at 7.30am on a sunday morning one of the nurse answered and she reassured me (i had missed a jab i was completely going mad hubby abroad did not know what to do :( ) really dont worry about the IVF
Messes sorry to hear abt your bfn {{hug}} Have a good break, recharge, n come back stronger for your Dec cycle. Don't worry I think the thought of IVF is more daunting than the actual process.... The jabs r really not painful... n this is coming from someone who is a super hardcore needle-phobic -> I took almost an hour to give myself the first jab for my first iui last yr - I remember shaking like a leaf, clutching the injection pen, all loaded up n pointed at my tummy, but I just couldn't bring myself to push the needle in... N when my hubby tried to help, I yelled at him that if he come one step closer, I will kick him in the balls. Haha. Now I can do it 1/2 asleep. Once the IVF process starts it's just a whirlwind of jabs, scans n BTs, n before u know it, u r in the 2ww again. Jia you, you can do it!

Syrian, have faith in your one precious little fighter. U will be reunited with it soon. All the best! :)
Nervous_babe, you are right, the difference with my previous cycle is the fsh. that's why I think is the fsh that cause the empty follies. a lady from another thread bfp under dr foong, her fsh was high and dr foong cancel her cycle cos her number of follies during scan was very little. The following month, her fsh was low, only 6 so dr foong did the cycle for her and she got good number of eggs and manage to bfp. too bad prof do not monitor our fsh for the cycle. Maybe too many patients at nuh thus cannot afford to reschedule.

Gigi, I am under antagonist protocol this time. previous two were long. oh, wonder if long or short also make a difference?
Syrian, hope you have good quality embryo!

Hope miracle, all the best for your BT tmr!

Mesara, sorry to hear that. good that you are looking forward to ivf. new treatment new hope!
Eeks, Mesara, dunno why the spellcheck changed your name to Messes, pai seh!

Hopemiracle, all the best for your BT tomorrow! Waiting to grab your baby dust!

Anie angel, haha it's true, but he still tried to help anyway, cos he knows I can't afford to damage his balls, cos damage already can forget abt the iui, so it's an empty threat, hahaha.

Lol bbcrips so funny:D
Bbblues yeah protocols might make a difference but i thought low amh gals need short protocole (one of my neighbours works in kk with sadhana And she told me And lc fong also...)
For lc fong i met him indeed i had already signed with nuh but he told me he controls afc if afc too little he postpones true he has less patients so can afford to adapt to your body but he s very expensive up to 20000 sgd for my case.. I told him i might go in november if i fail cause he gives dhea saizen etc the thing with private i really have the feeling to be a cash machine :(
Who is that gal on the other thread?
