Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

I phoned and it has been decided i ll go for day 2 transfer cause only one so no point pushing :(
Good luck bbblues for tomorrow ok?

Gigi, *hugs* try to stay positive abt ur embryo. I noe its not easy but u have to remain strong & be optimistic. You have already done ur best. Now is all up to ur lil fighter & Him. Continue to pray & hope tat all will be good.
Gigi, *hugs* try to stay positive abt ur embryo. I noe its not easy but u have to remain strong & be optimistic. You have already done ur best. Now is all up to ur lil fighter & Him. Continue to pray & hope tat all will be good.
My low amh buddies, Gigi & Bb_blues, all the best for ur ET and ER tmr! Lotsa luck to u both!

Gigi, glad that u have made ur decision. Rest well & dun forget to go for ur acu session.

Tmr will be my 3rd scan on day 8 of stim. Dr Chew doing for me as prof not available. Anyone scanned by dr chew b4? How is he?

Nervous_babe, my another low amh buddy, how r u getting on in ur 2ww? Saw wat u went thro. Glad tat u manage to stay positive in crossing over all obstacles. You are my idol. You are one strong lady. Continue to keep ur spirits high. All the best to u too!
Syrian, all ladies here are strong in their mind. You are one, too. I keep telling myself I am so blessed to be able to continue the jabs, done the ER and ET, and now grateful to continue the inserts.
You shld be able to know ur est. ER date tomorrow, hope you can catch prof for your ER.
All the best to you too orange tigger.
Tsf - It is 3 days apart but my hcg is low (cannot recall the numbers for 5 days transfer according to my TCM) when I was tested positive at first. For the reason, PC cannot explained the actual reason but it could be one of the followings - the fertilized egg did not attach itself to the uterine wall, chromosomal abnormalities, etc... Even though I did recover from the loss, my phobia that it will reoccur again still exist in my heart. But I know it is important to stay positive as I have done my best in the current FET. So I have to believe in miracle and wait patiently for my report card. Same go to you, Tsf. :)
Let us hope for the best. Good grades to u and good grades to all too.
Pray and keep faith in your embies
Hi, is it a must to lie down after every insert? I have alot of medicine discharged...normally I just sit down.
Tdy is my 3 days after transfer and I feel more stomach cramps. Normal???
Hi, thanks for the info. I will ask my doctor in nuh for 5 day transfer if possible... Just got my blood test result for FSH results today - 9.1. The nurse says it is abit high so I am hoping my impending IVF will be successful ...
Gigi, all the best to u for the ET. Pace urself when u drink water to build up the bladder... Try to be at ease during ET.
Bb_blues, Jia you too for ur ER!

Welcome Celsham :)
Nervous_babe, agreed tat ivf is not easy. Mentally, physically & financially draining. Nowadays its getting way more difficult to poke the needle in. Yesterday, took my gonal f jab at my work toilet cubicle, so stressed when tat needle juz dun wanna go in. Make me sweat liao. Pergoveries & cetrotide jab also same. Took me sometime to mix & jab. Nvm juz need to endure. Nitez ladies!
Good morning
Orange trigger thanks so much :) just done they transfered my one And only a good 4 cell grade day 2 ( grade 3 which is the best grade in nuh)
What a relieve its been hard yesterday really
My hubby bought me brazil nuts so cute without me asking
Bbblues i think of you today for your ER
Good luck all girls
Now. 2WW for me...
Good morning! Congrats Gigi! We're both officially on 2ww!!! They just transferred one embryo back. When I saw the photo, so emo. Hope it will stick. Btw, I'm in shared ward (single room ward was full). Good luck bb_blues for ur ER! Prof mentioned about an ER after three ETs, I thiink it's gotta be you. Jia you!
Syrian how did the scan go? When is the scheduled ER? I also encountered the same problem in my last few jabs, think our tummy just become harden after all the hormone jabs, :) endure, only a few more to go!

Gigi, glad that you are feeling better today. Welcome to the 2ww club
Gd morning ladies!

Congrats Gigi for officially starting ur 2ww and ur gd quality embryo. So happy for u. Hope it will stick stick tightly. Enjoy bonding wif ur lil one. ;)

Bb_blues, all the best for ur ER later!

Ladies, have anyone of u encountered this? Had my pergoveries jab juz now. When i drew the needle out, suddenly blood trickled out frm jab site. Omg! The alcohol swab soaked wif blood. Was so scared lah. Mayb i accidentally pierced the blood vessel. :( Forgot to ask CHR juz now.

Updates for my 3rd scan:
Left still high. Dr chee saw only 3 follies ranging frm 10.5-15.5mm
Right: 16,17, 22.5. The fourth one mia liao. Haiz.
Lining : 7. Asked karen how come my very 1st scan b4 stim showed 6 on left & 4 on right. How come now the numbers getting lesser. Said not all resting follies become stimulated. So worried now.

Btw my ER planned on this tues. They will confirm the details later after BT result out. Need to go back CHR at 12noon.
Syrian you might have touched a vein... I dont think its bad but yeah ask chr - i had misplaced the needle And lost lot of liquid but still ok also at the end it was more difficult to find a spot And a not too tickened skin :)
For your follies they dont all react to stims ...:( but you still have quite a few! So dont worry ok?
Take care
Hi Hopemiracle , I just done my ET too :) I feel so touch when seeing my embryo...haa
Gigi & Cheeka, congrats we all make it to next stage. I passed urine not long after I came out, will it affect the result?
Oh great mustard seed!!! Yeaahh me too had to pee after 40mn wait ! Could not wait more - you had frozen embies or not? What were your grades?
Congrats cheeka on ur ET! So both u & gigi officially on 2ww now. All the best ladies! Rest well yeah.

Mayb musard_seed is the other one having ET today? Since theres 3 ETs and 1 ER. Wah u all are really cycle buddies lah. Doing 1 after another. ;)
Mustard Seed - No worry, I have posted this question before. it will stick to you and will not affect the result.

Also a big welcome to the 2ww, Gigi, Cheeka and Mustard Seed. :)

Syrian - You must be looking forward to your ER on next Tue. All the best to u.
Congrats to Gigi, Mustard and myself! :) hey, the 3 of us transferred only one embie! Jia you!
later need to go CHR to jab. Hope it's not painful.

Gigi, they didn't mention the grade.
Mustard seed, I not only pee, but also pangsai immediately after ET... Paiseh... Hahahhaa.... Hope the embie doesn't come out :)
Gigi, er, so have jab today or not? Cos the nurse at operating theatre asked me to go to CHR for injection.
Congrats to all in tww. Praying for each and every of yr bfps. The journey is super tough but the success will be super sweet.

Hopemiracle here I am 14 dpiui absolutely no symptoms. Haven't test yet. My menses due date is 9 oct. So will just have to wait I think. Not too hopeful Liao. Unless miraculously it's a symptoms free pregnancy.

How are you and orange tigger ?
Cheeka, you only transferred one? Thought you have a gd number of embies?
There is no jab for me after ET. You call up CHR to check. The nurse at the suite does not know As much as CHR for our procedure. Could it be your inserts? You need to collect them before you leave.
Congrats Mustard Seeds! U gals have buddies during the 2ww :)

Mesara, I m not feeling great though. Beginning to experience PMS symptoms, feeling quite negative. Sorry to affect u gals. I know there is still hope as long as AF dun report. U too, Jia you!
Hi ladies, went to CHR again juz now. Prof reviewed my scan & BT results, he said he wanna wait. So scheduled for my ER on wed instead. Hope the smaller ones can catch up. Going for another scan on mon. Btw asked CHR Karen abt the bleeding frm jab site. She said i touched a vein but its ok. Next time jab a bit further frm the belly button. silly of me..

Thanks mustard_seed, gigi & nervous_babe for the wishes..hope all will go well for us & everyone. Take care ladies!
Mesara - Feel bored at home even though I kept occupying myself with HK drama. I miss my potato chip, prawn cracker, sherbet, etc.... Hahaha..... Have mixed feelings (happy that I can close the chapter of my 2ww and scared to know the result) as the BT date is getting nearer.
Cheeka let us Know which kind of jab you re on
Hope miracle you should not apologize this is absolutely normal to write your feelings even bad ones ivf is Such a roller coaster - youre not bleeding so theres still Hope !
Hope miracle orange trigger when are your BT?
Hi all, hope u all r feeling well so far...

Hopemiracle, cramping may not be a bad sign.. Wait for the BT ok?

Today is my 4dp3dt feeling quite crampy on n off... Anyone experiences this???
Gigi, apparently it is a progesterone jab that is injected to the buttock. So painful. She said that not all IVF patients will hv this jab. The reason why I have is due to my high level of estradiol and the risk of Ohss.

Nervous babe, yes, I only transferred one. We decided that since it is our first try, just put one first and see how it goes. The ultimate goal is not only to be pregnant, but also to have a healthy baby. And there are risks with multiple pregnancies, and my hyperthyroidism. If fail, probably will put two next time.
Tsf, could be implantation! That is a good sign!

Hopemiracle, hugs... Stay positive okay? Pms signs could also be pregnancy signs too. Don't be discouraged and have faith yah...
Ladies, had my ER today and the results are disappointing. only 3 eggs retrieved. sigh. Really hope I have a chance to go for ET.
Cheeka, mustard seed and Gigi, congrats on your ET.
Heard there are total 4 ET and 4 ER today.
Bb_blues, don't be disappointed. It's really the quality matters, I have 15 retrieved but in the end only 3 sastifactory grade and 1 good grade.
Bb_blues, don't be disappointed. It's really the quality matters, I have 15 retrieved but in the end only 3 sastifactory grade and 1 good grade.
Bb blues, have faith. I have only 4 eggs retreived only but there are still 2 tat made it. Yrs will make it too!
Hi all,

I've done my ER this morning too. I'm not with Prof PC Wong however feel that my journey is very similar with some of the sisters here. I have high FSH too thus not able to produce many follicles.

Retreived only 4 but dunno how many will be fertilized. As my lining is not ideal, my gynae has advise that I freeze the embryo first to improve the chance of implantation. So my ET will be probably one or two months later....

I had a successful IVF in 2009 and hope for another miracle this time round.

Good luck to all sisters here!
