Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Hello girls
Thanks for your Wishings :) so heartwarming
Ok for the ER right its freezing i got extra blanket ! I watched HBO before going for the ER all went great honestly much better than for my miscarriage the pain is bearable but just in case i asked for a pain killer
For the egg count i ll Know later in the afternoon
I pray to have 4 eggs ...
I also must say every body was Nice And friendly!
Cheeka And mustard seed just relax we have to keep faith
Bbblues your turn ;)
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I forgot to mention the anesthesist had a very funny hat with cars planes And all like a kid drawing it made me laughed a lot while he was putting me under :)
Congrats Gigi!!! You made it!!! Yest, after I fully recovered from the anaesthetic, all I could think of was food!!! Hahahahahaahhaha...... Relax and recover well!
Mesara - Dun feel discouraged. You must not stress yourself at this stage. It could be too early to detect anything as the hcg level is low. You got to have faith and wait for another few days before you can test again. *HUGS*
Duffy_bear, congrats on ur embbies implanting in the right place. Hope the small sac will catch up soon. I think u better call to ask abt ur bleeding asap. Mayb ask for more supports or jab? Try to bedrest & miminise movement unless necesary. Does O&G clinic have 24hrs hotline like CHR?This early stage is v crucial. Take care!

Bb_blues, so ur ER confirmed this sat? Wat is the interval for hb to clear troops and ER? Is it 3 days? Hey, we did have the same mentality abt the eggs being released :p I also have more discharge nowadays, feels like ovulation coming rite? Haha but i think cetrotide should have done its job in preventing ovulation. No worries k. Good to noe tat u taking ur last gonal f already. How many days was ur stim?
Cheeka, mustard_seed, dun be discouraged. Its norm to feel worried at this stage but u must have faith in ur embbies. You juz need one to succeed. Dun tink too much. Rest well to be mentally & physically ready to receive ur embbies k.

Mesara, dun give up hope. As orange_tigger said, its might be still early. Juz pray hard, have faith & test again mayb a few days later? If too stressful, i suggest u just wait for BT. Dun keep testing on HPT.

Sunshine, for me, i rather take all the HL and rest at home. If u feel well & wanna come back to work after ET, its ok. But u need to find somewhere private to do ur vag inserts. Toilet is not recommended though.

Congrats gigi on finishing ur ER! Have gd rest k. Update us alrite.
Gigi, well done! Hope you have at least 4 eggs too!

Syrian, today is my 10th day of stim. ER confirmed on Sat. Hb was told to release his troops yesterday, so I think is 3 days. Yah, centrotide should prevent the ovulation but can't help feeling paranoid..Haha..

Mesara, like what syrian says, stay zen and avoid testing hpt. Just wait for the BT. All the best!
hello ladies!!!
I wish all going for ER de will have many many eggs! those going for ET will have 'sticky babies'!!!
all the best!!!
me had 1st acu session ytd... keke
Thanks Tsf. May I know how many days after ER did they call u for ET?

Mustard, I am worried too. The attrition rate is so high. Sigh... I hope at the end, at least 2 will survive and implant.... I'm praying hard. but at the same time, try to be positive. Btw, don't forget ur antibiotic and crinone gel.

Hi cheeka, as my ER was on sat, they only called me on Monday, and tue was the ET. For yr case, the embryologist will start calling u Tmr and daily to update the progress of yr embies before they set the ET.

Gigi, all the best for u!!!!!!

Mesara, I know its hard to stay relaxed... Try to stay cool before BT.

I'm only 2dp3dt, time feels slow...
Ok girls only 3 eggs retrieved ! Ouch its gonna be difficult... You know roughly what Time embryologist call usually in mornings?
Ya thanks girls :) lets Hope for tomorrow phone call
I ve not heard about this after ET review when is it exactly And what for??
Am also concerned cause day 3 is sunday so not sure they Will stick till day 4 monday o_O And saturday day 2 too early ... They ll confirm on monday but that should be on monday
Also girls the doc in charge of telling me the egg count was really not very Nice all nurses were great but this one (cant recall her name she mentionned she works with prof ) anyway she was so not sensitive!! I guess she has a lot of patients but still...!
Gigi, 3 eggs is not bad. Remember tat u only need one to strike. Have faith k. Usually embryologist will cal ard 915 onwards. Waiting for tat cal is nerve-wreaking for me. So anxious to know the result but yet so scared to know the outcome. Hope all will be well for u. Praying for ur gd news. Rest well alrite.

Tsf, the only post review i remembered was a few days after BT. Depending on ur BT result, prof will decide wats the next route for u. If BFN, he will discuss wat to do next round eg any change in protocol/dosage & of course words of encouragement.
Tsf, the review is to ensure that u r ok after ER & ET, hope I am right, cos Prof will check if u have any bloatedness etc.
My review was the following Mon after my Thursday ET.

Gigi, congrats! Hope ur ur follies become Embbies. Just rest for now.

Mesara, my BT is next Fri, cos I am considered D3 transfer, thus mine after Orange
oh thank you again syrian hope miracle its so nice to have everything explained before with you - so i wait for the call from the embryologist plus have to expect an after ET review...
Ladies, the review after ET is nothing much. Prof Just check ur tummy to ensure you are ok then you will go CHR to have the final jab. The same jab when we had it after ER.
Gigi, congrats, you finally join us. May we receive good news together today from embryologist. I don't feel anything for the injection but the waiting time for the call really make me nervous. :confused:
Good morning
Thanks you mustard seed yeah its really hard
The only good thing is that i found this journey easy And smooth so if needed And possible i would sign up for another round ( i have to stay positive 4 follies 3 eggs ... How many mature? How many fertilised ? ...)
Hi Gigi, I tot u have good and even sized follies? Good chance that they are all mature :) at this stage, we can only pray. Brazil nut is good for implantation so eat after ET, but u can eat now also, just ard 3 per day. Personally, I eat selenium supplement, so I dont need to eat brazil nut.
Hi cheeka yes i know but somehow only 3 retrieved i wanted to ask And i did ask but the doctor who came to tell me was just so not Nice she just answered the embryologist Will call you in a few days i just could tell what do you mean tomorrow no? Then she left so i dont Know if she did not Know or was just not nice
Which doctor came after your ER?
I feel i need more explanation hopefully the embryologist will tell
Hi, I am new and is considering ivf at nuh after 2 failed IUIs. I would to ask if nuh does blastocyst transfer instead of day 3 embryos transfer? Cos blastocyst transfer seems to produce better success ...
Morning ladies!
Gigi, I remembered there is one lady who graduated from this thread with just one fertilized embryo.
Nevertheless, there is still hope. Chin up and look forward to your ET. Stay positive. Jiayou!
Gigi, *hugs* sorry to hear that only one egg got fertilised. You must be sad and disappointed now. But try to be positive okay? For the sake of your one embryo. There's nothing we can do now but pray. *HUGS* btw, does ur dh have troops problem? Maybe troops could not fertilise properly. The woman who came to my room after ER was an Indian/malay doctor? I can't really remember, she only put stethoscope on my tummy, said the number of follies retrieved, and went off. Have faith okay... *BIG HUG*
Thanks girls really Nice from you - yeah he has troop pb but the embryologist just said its because they were immature
Gigi - *HUGS* Stay positive. Dun stress yourself at this stage. Just recuperate your body and welcome your embryo at ET. For the number of days transfer, you have to trust NUH on their professional advice. If you are worried, call CHR nurse to share your concern. I believe they have some past cases which it is alright to do a Day 4 transfer.
Gigi, take it easy okay? Worrying doesnt help in anyway, though i know it is easier said than done. Pray for strength and courage. Look at my profile photo. It says "keep trying", so the journey is tough but we just have to endure and keep trying when there is failure. Jia you!
Gigi, pray pray and pray. Make sure ur body is healthy to recd the embryo on mon.
Or you wan call CHR to ask can you opt for 2days transfer? Is 4 days the only option? Then you decide.

For my case, I don't even know we can know the no of eggs retrieved on ER day, the doc didn't tell me anything till the next day call.
Hi, I am new and is considering ivf at nuh after 2 failed IUIs. I would to ask if nuh does blastocyst transfer instead of day 3 embryos transfer? Cos blastocyst transfer seems to produce better success ...

Celsham - Welcome to this thread. I am under 5 days blastocyst transfer. I fully agreed that the blastocyst transfer has a higher success rates in ivf, but you must consider other factors like age, body condition, etc... For my case, I was tested positive on my BT date, however I lost the embryo in the 2nd blood test. Now I am doing FET with my remaining 2 embryos. :D
nervous_babe, Thanks! Getting excited. My last scan was 8 follies ranging from 7mm to 18mm. Hope the smaller ones will catch up.

nervous_babe, how many eggs did you retrieved? How many fertilized? Did you transfer 1 or 2 embryos? I remembered you also have low AMH and high FSH?
Bb blues I got only 2 AFC when I did my 1st scan on day 2, then on day 6, my follies was only at 7mm and I was so stress that prof may cancel my cycle as I am not responding well to the stim but he only look at me and say let's continue. On my next scan, my follies grow to 11mm and that is almost like 8 days stim but with some other smaller follies. Still not v gd response but i am already at the max dosage. Final scan I got 7 follies, but 3 of them are smaller in sizes. I got 4 eggs retrieved and 3 mature and all 3 fertilized on day 1. But the following day I was told one was not growing well and only left with 2. So I transferred 2 embryos. Every stage is a challenge esp ppl like us as our reserve are limited.
Gigi, 1 good embryo is sufficient to make you conceive. Cheer up, don't give up still have hope.
I read online that some hospital only do day 5 transfer as the embryo is more ready. I actually wanted to ask prof wong why they do day 3 and not day 5 transfer but he always in a rush when see him. Maybe you can check with CHR?
Hi mustard seed
Yeah one of my friend got only day 5 transfer its because they think only good ones make it to day 5 so it increases success rates ( 50%)
But some think even not so good ones (which cannot make it to day 5) can lead to pregnancy so prof told me when the number if eggs little he rather not take risk of losing them all And Will transfer day 3 if many eggs then day 5 ok
Celsham - Welcome to this thread. I am under 5 days blastocyst transfer. I fully agreed that the blastocyst transfer has a higher success rates in ivf, but you must consider other factors like age, body condition, etc... For my case, I was tested positive on my BT date, however I lost the embryo in the 2nd blood test. Now I am doing FET with my remaining 2 embryos. :D
Hi orange tigger, did doc say why u lost it in 2nd blood test? What is the gap between the first and 2nd blood test?
nervous_babe, I can feel you. People like us, every single follicles count. Good that prof let you continue and now you have two sticky embbies in you!
Gigi, you must jiayou for your little fighter too!
Hi Gigi *hugs*
Must remain positive for that little precious one.
As for the day of transfer, leave it to Prof and the embryologist to decide. Keep praying ;)

Hi orange tigger, did doc say why u lost it in 2nd blood test? What is the gap between the first and 2nd blood test?

Tsf - It is 3 days apart but my hcg is low (cannot recall the numbers for 5 days transfer according to my TCM) when I was tested positive at first. For the reason, PC cannot explained the actual reason but it could be one of the followings - the fertilized egg did not attach itself to the uterine wall, chromosomal abnormalities, etc... Even though I did recover from the loss, my phobia that it will reoccur again still exist in my heart. But I know it is important to stay positive as I have done my best in the current FET. So I have to believe in miracle and wait patiently for my report card. Same go to you, Tsf. :)
