Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Hi ladies, heres update for my 2nd scan.
Left: position high. Got 5 follies ranging frm 7,9,11mm.
Right; got cyst but prof said ok. Got 4 follies . Sizes 9,10,11,12mm.
Starting cetrotide & pergoveries tmr.
Syrian, Don't worry about the cyst. I have 3 small cysts on right ovary too. Havent resolve. but Prof said does not matter. Follie sizes look good. Be positive. Take egg whites. Will help with follies growth.

Gigi n bb_blues, I will be buying the clearble test kit that detects 1-2 weeks preganancy and test 2 days later.

HopeMiracle n Orange Tigger, the faint positive is not even a line, its like a shadow thats seen over light. Maybe coz wet so I don't even know if that shud be considered a faint line. The control line is dark purple no doubt. So got be patient positive and hopeful :)

Miric, I experience severe cramps and sore boobs when on Nor E and had alot of egg white discharge. Guess its normal. Hope am successful this round. My bosses are also not happy when am on leave, so if I embark on IVF journey, its really gonna be hard on me :(.
Anyway how many dpiui am I?? Do I count the day I did iui or the next. If next then only 10 dpiui which is early to test.
Hi mesara you need a Line at least an evap line - you have to buy early pregnancy test (fortel i think in watson or guardian) those detect at 10 ui not the clearblue ones they are up to 50 ui so not sensitive
The Line has to be a Line even shadow but a line
Good luck :)
they even asked me travel 3rd week of oct whereby I already told them my stim starts on 12Oct wor! They say nvr mind... still can jab in hotel room mah! *faint* I told them no, cos might have side effects which needs immed medical attention, then what am I gona do in overseas??? sigh...
anyone still go back to work during the HL?
To all my cycle buddies - am i right the crinorne gel is administrated on mornings ? Am wondering its inconvenient no? You have white spottings no? Is it possible to do it at bed Time instead?
Cheeka how are you ?
Gigi, during my fresh, I was given utrogestran for morning and night. Afternoon given both estrofem and crinone gel.
Is it the same for u? Do check w CHR if u have queries.
Gigi, I was instructed to insert crinone every morning one day after my ER. You may have white discharge but should be ok if you are wearing panty liner.
*Do not insert on the day of your ET*
Hi all and Gigi, finished my ER already. Now in ward waiting for update from doctor. Stomach cramp. Will update u all later after I receive news from the doctor. First time knocked off by anesthetic, so scary. I hope I don't have to do the second time.
Hi Cheeka,
My room may be next to you. Are you in the suite? What time is your ER?

Hi ladies,
Anyone had taken shared room before during ET?
they even asked me travel 3rd week of oct whereby I already told them my stim starts on 12Oct wor! They say nvr mind... still can jab in hotel room mah! *faint* I told them no, cos might have side effects which needs immed medical attention, then what am I gona do in overseas??? sigh...
anyone still go back to work during the HL?

Hi Miric, I thought of going bck work initially but after knowing I got to insert the pills and gel at noon I told my boss I wanted to take the HL. Nurse said better not to do it in washroom. My co has nursing room but its hard to explain to colleagues why I need the room.
So much happening here! So excited for all ladies! Hope those who had their ER and in their 2WW are resting well. I will be starting nor-e on 8th and stim on 24th oct. Looking for cycle buddies too! Jia you ladies!!
Hi Gigi & anie_angel, I am doing fine after ER. I have a nice sleep in operation theater haaa. I think I have a dream inside but can't recall much.

Gigi, your ER is tomorrow right? Don't worry too much, it will be smooth :)

Annie_angel, the Nor-E don't have much side effect on me. Stimulation not as painful as I thought also.
Prof Wong mentioned my left ovary is high but he managed to retrieve follies from left in the end. I actually have 9 on left and 12 on right but nurse said 17 follies retrieved, does it means some unable to retrieve still?
Mustard seed :) thanks great it was fine! What Time was your ER And what Time can you leave (my hubby wants to Know when to come And drive me back Home!) let us Know your egg number when you Know And just rest now :)
You mean 17 eggs no?
Gigi, my ER scheduled at 1pm, I can discharge at 5.30pm after doctor review and give permission. They retrieved 17 but I only 15 can be used, the rest are empty.
Ok thanks ! i should be free at 3.30pm then
You Know 15 is already a lot now it all depends on quality they Will tell u tomorrow - now just rest :)
Hi mustard seed, u r lucky tat prof managed to retrieve from yr high ovary. Envy on yr numbers! Hope u have many matured eggs in them too! Wait for the embryologist call tmr. All the best!

Gigi, yr ER Tmr?? All the best to u!!
Mustard Seed - Congrats to U and have a good rest tonight, so that you can prepare for ET in 3 or 5 days time.

Gigi - U must be excited for tomorrow ER. All the best.

Cheeka - Feeling better after the ER? Cramp and bloatedness are common for the first few days.
Hi Cheeka,
My room may be next to you. Are you in the suite? What time is your ER?

Hi ladies,
Anyone had taken shared room before during ET?
Hi Mustard, yeah, i was in suite. May be next to u, was at room 5. My ER was at 12 noon. The female doctor said that 17 follies got retrieved, but not sure how many are usable. Prof also managed to retrieve the follies from left ovary. We're really cycle buddy! Same day ER, same number of follies! Heheheheh...l will wait for call from chr tmrw.

Orange, yup, still bloated, drinking electrolytes. Slight bleeding just now. I cried immediately after I was awaken from OR, emo... Cramping.... Glad it's over for now.
Thanks Orange Trigger. If I am not wrong you are on 2ww now right. Enjoy the weeks. When will you be test of pregnancy?

Tsf, thank you. How long does the ET procedure takes? Heard only need to speed 2 hours in room? Pray that your embryo is doing wonders in mummy's womb now :)
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Hi Mustard, yeah, i was in suite. May be next to u, was at room 5. My ER was at 12 noon. The female doctor said that 17 follies got retrieved, but not sure how many are usable. Prof also managed to retrieve the follies from left ovary. We're really cycle buddy! Same day ER, same number of follies! Heheheheh...l will wait for call from chr tmrw.

Orange, yup, still bloated, drinking electrolytes. Slight bleeding just now. I cried immediately after I was awaken from OR, emo... Cramping.... Glad it's over for now.

Yeah, we have same follies numbers. Congrats that your follies in left ovaries were retrieved. I was in room 4 ...haa. Were you the sitting next to me outside operation theater ? She went in at ard 12.30pm. My cramp is bad before the ops, still having a bit now and my tummy big like 2 mths pregnant.

Does it mean there are still follies inside us not retrieved?
Mustard seed, could be me. :) Were u sitting at the corner left? I wasn't sure what time I went into the op theatre, cos I didn't hv my watch with me. Why u hv cramps before the ops?
I was sitting at the right side maybe you are before the lady. My cramp increase each day especially after the trigger shot, maybe due to follies size. How are you feeling now?
Hi Mustard seed, the ET procedure is only 15 minutes. V fast.

Cheeka, glad to hear they managed to retrieve from yr high ovary too... Sigh I guess I'm nt lucky.....
Gigi, thanks. Im aiming my ER to be next mon or tue. Prof will be on leave next thu. I hope can catch him at least for ER.

Bb_blues, thanks. Wah u got 1 more follies now. Thats great! Sizes looking good. Hope they continue to grow, grow, grow..

Mesara, how many days post iui did u test? Faint positive - looking good. U might wanna test a few more days later. Try other brand of hpt? Thanks for the tips. Juz worry that the cyst might affect the follies growth. Hope will be fine. Trying not to worry so much.
Mustard_seed, cheeka, u gals have 17 eggs each. Wow tats a lot! Congrats ladies! Glad tat prof managed to retrieve from ur high ovary cheeka. Guessed ur high ovary really did descend due to the weight of the eggs u have. Hope u gals will have gd news from embryologist tmr. Update us k. Meanwhile, rest well to prepare for ur next step, ET..

Annie_angel, i also did not have any side effects frm nor-e. Only had headaches. But otherwise, everything is fine. Hope everything will go well for u as well.

Gigi, all the best for ur ER tmr! Take care!
Dear ladies, my scan show embryos had implanted in the right place... Doc said I got cramp bcos the scan show tat my ovary is swollen due to the injections taken ....

Scan show one sac was big while the other sac was v small... Now having abit bleeding and dunno if I shld be go bk to scan or take hcg blood test??? Worry the sac are not growing well :(
Duffy bear, Is such a gd news to know the embryos implanted in the right place, congrats and wish you has a smooth delivery. What injections did you take that caused the ovary to be swollen?
Btw, what's ur beta? U having twins? If bleeding could it be you need more supports? Y don't you call CHR?
Hi yeah excited but stressed i only have 4 follies you Know....:(
Well i keep faith thanx for all ur wishes :)
@duffy bear : i dont inderstand you already had a scan? What is your beta what did prof say? Call chr in case any worry ok?? Bed rest if bleeding
Mustard, feeling okay, except for cramps, bloating and feeling thirsty, but can't drink too much water. So I just drink more energy drinks. Took nap just now.

Tsf, thanks dear. *hugs* how's ur 2ww so far? Don't forget to talk to ur babies and think positively ok?

Duffy, congrats!!! Hope u hv sticky beans!

Thanks Syrian!

Gigi, good luck for ER tmrw....
Nervous baby: Those injection for stimulating lol and the current medicines for supporting... Heard it take times for ovary to recover and it may take 1 -2 months...

I only did a blood test once which was done after 2 weeks after the ET... My beta was 580...

Gigi: Yeap, I had my first scan two days ago on tues and it show 2 sacs but 1 sac is bigger while the other sac was smaller... It was only last night tat I had a little bleeding.... I'm not under prof but under subsided at clinic G.... Dunno if I could call up CHR cos my case was under clinic G now....

Cheeka: take good care and rest well ....
Duffy bear, call up and check is better. If you have done abdominal scan then you shouldn't be bleeding. Must take extra care at this stage.
Morning! Many posts yday, could not catch up

Cheeka and Mustard seed, congrats on completion f ur ER, u r a step forward. Have a good rest, eat and hydrate well and be ready for ET, ESP Cheeka, since u have risk of OHSS. Hope all ur embryos grow well :)
Keep us posted of the good news!

Gigi, all the best to ur ER later!

Jia you Syrian and Bb_blues, may ur follies grow continue to grow well! Grow grow grow!!

Duffy_bear, thank God that they are implanted well this time. Just call CHR and see where they direct u.
Finished my Nor E...yesterday.
waiting for the Monday Scan and Jabs to start... Phew.. What a journey this is..
The big Waiting Game ( BWG) instead of TTC

feeling anxious.

Regularly eating Folic acid tabs, egg whites

Question: Can i go for my Hot Yoga at still? or is it a bad idea??

Jia you to Gigi for ER.
Morning ladies!

Gigi, all the best to your ER! May you have four or more beautiful eggs!

Hopemiracle, thanks. Today will be my last day of jab! Later got to jab my last Gonal F in the afternoon (will be doing it in the toilet in office..Ha), then tonight will be my trigger jab. So looking forward. Haha..

Duffy_bear, good that your embbies implanted well. Hope the smaller sac will catch up. Have faith in your fighters!

Did any of you notice white mucus discharge during stimming? I know this is normal and I have lotsa of discharge for the past few days but it seems to stop today. Starting to get paranoid and thinking if the eggs are released already. Maybe I think too much ...
Mustard Seed - yup, resting at home for my 2ww. The date is on 9 Oct. :)

Duffy_bear - I think you should call CHR or Clinic G to seek for their professional advice. In the meanwhile, you should bedrest for a few days to monitor any bleeding. Take care, dear.
Duffy bear, great news to hear that ur embies implanted at the right place! All the best and enjoy yr pregnancy!
Sunshine2005 I don't think hot yoga is good at this stage. You should be having ur menses soon after you stop nor-e
We are told no hot bath or sauna after ER, although you have not done ER, but soon your stim will start and your follies will be growing.
Sunshine: if in doubt, better don't do it (hot yoga). I even stopped my yoga during stimming. Regarding HL, I will take all cos it's my only time to rest, but will still work from home once I'm feeling better.

Just to update, the embryologist called. Out of 17 eggs, only 9 matured and injected with sperm, and only 5 fertilised. I hope the 5 can survive.

Mustard seed, any news from embryologist?

Hi Cheeka, I have 7 matured and 4 fertilized. I am a bit worry.
Thanks Tsf. May I know how many days after ER did they call u for ET?

Mustard, I am worried too. The attrition rate is so high. Sigh... I hope at the end, at least 2 will survive and implant.... I'm praying hard. but at the same time, try to be positive. Btw, don't forget ur antibiotic and crinone gel.
