Preggie Friends Since 2003

ya sekali djd, preggie, m2b, all ask their girls to 'kao' julian bcoz of hong's perspective, then ash got many qing di liao...
Good Morning Mommies...


If you REALLY get the approval to go HK, you can go to Li Yuen St East to get off season clothes aka Oshkosh, polo, etc. Some nice oshkosh dresses only HK$30 so its abt S$6... Take the MTR to central and exit at Pedder St. 5min walk down. Opp this street is H&M where you can get nice clothes too. Then take the mid-level long long escalators to IFC Mall where you can find Zara. Can also go Sogo at Causeway Bay if you have time. Time Square has a level dedicated to kids, I think. My gf brought me to Tai Koo shopping centre where there is this dept store - Apita. Their toys are cheaper than the other dept stores... Also can go Toysrus at Harbour Plaza. "Cars" selling much cheaper than Sin.

Spent a day at Disneyland oredi, didnt have time to go Ocean park.


Sept and Oct nice weather in HK but no sale loh...


I was looking out for the toys you posted when I was at Taka toy fair last nite. But didnt manage to see it. Josh wanted to get something from Playmobil but the $140 price tag confirm No No...
Then go and 'kao' Nic, cla's boy loh...hehe

I must copy and paste your this portion... hahaha...

I don't think me/hb wl pay $140 either.. hehe.. so good decision.
Your question "U at work ad??". Answer is No, at that time I am back home already. How I pay your for the tics? Bank transfer?

Wow.. going HK.. enjoy yourself. You bringing both kids along?
Hi Mommies

Yah first few days of the pop sale had more $1 books.

Ju's eyes are so round and big! Very nice! I thought he looked like Law in the 2nd pic.

Charlene and Clarence look alike. Clarence also looks like Ben. The first pic also nice, both looked very cheeky

I saw a few puzzles on sale @ ELC on sun and really cheap, $12+ very thick good quality. Was tempted to buy but put them back.

Aiyo I really cringed when I read that Chara was hit on the mouth and got blood. Is she ok now?
Yes, can do bank transfer.

Email me ur addresses.

If Rayna is interested, then I'd say it's a worthwhile purchase .. cos jesse does it every now and then.

Chara - Ok liao, this morning all smiley and kicking her legs with joy.. kids are most innocent.

The one that I bot is I think 20 (not sure) plus 26 .. the 20+ pieces frame the picture.. the 26 is the alphabet, it goes round the picture.. within each letter is a picture. Quality is pretty good.. I like it. Pass!

There is one set I saw in Tang's and The Better Toys Shop which is both sides.. both also on cars and roads..but costs $49 and not many pces.

M&S may have some.. I still have a box which is a gift on dinosaurs but it's too complicated..small pieces and all the pieces are like green, green, green... ! The other one is on playground, with counting numbers.. also v good quality.

I'm also looking for puzzles.. but don't find many good ones around..
Minnie, Stylobb
Think I almost got the one Stylobb mentioned, about 54pcs if not wrong (a main pic abt 28pcs then the 26 alphabet around as border), they are floor puzzles, so its bigger pics, you can try this link

its the alphabet puzzle. I also saw the dragon one and another, but I can't remember the number of pieces for these two. But the sale I went to was over, not sure if they have the sale in the store.

Growing fun also has interesting and good quality puzzles but all floor puzzles.

Ray not into puzzles, which was why I put back the elc ones in the end.
Good morning mummies.


HK trip, just my plan only, need to see hb's work schedule.


If we are going the same period, sure can meet for dim sum.
Hi StyloBB,

that toy is $59.90 before 20% discount.

Hi Minnie,

I'm a fan of playmobil. But yah, it's really very expensive. I remember that when i was a kid, playmobil was cheap. My mom used to buy them for me when we go to emporium!

Hi BBgal,

Joey is the same as Rayna.... she's too impatient and cannot sit down to concentrate on fixing puzzles.

Hi Cherly,

It'll be great if we can meet in HK. Remember not to go there on the first week of October.. It's China's golden week.. the crowd will be scary!
Good morning mummies.

TGIF, any plans for weekend? Both C&C seem feeling better and my little C is getting more n more active. He woke up at 6am this morning and start to crawl from 1 end of bed to the other end. Hold on his cot rail to stand, up n down up n down and finally knock his head but didnt cry. Quite a loud sound and forehead turn so red, i think he must be having "niu bi". He try to climb up to sofa yesterday evening, of course not success and fell, again didnt cry.


I think all my SCMs jump club, never renew membership, don know where is everyone.
Morning, TGIF.


Yalor, all the fellow SCMs duno go where liao. Xiang dang nian when the club 1st started, so many ppl wanna join hor. However, I am sure that under your ying ming shen wu de ling dao xia, the SCM Club will flourish again. Hehehe.

Clarence so 'good lut' ah, 6am wake up to exercise?

Hopefully, miss those days.

Yalor, wake up so early these few days to do exercise and sleep again when reach my mum's place.

Everyone weekend mood liao?

Tell Clarence no nid to be so 'good lut', CY kor kor oni wakes up at 7am tis morning, jus nice to say bye bye to me b4 I go work
share some jokes/stories maybe? i go 1st, got this yday...

V creepy but................u'll find out.........

This is a true story of a young college girl who past away last month.
her name is Priya.she was hit by a lorry. She has a boy friend named
Shankar. Both of them are true lovers. They always hang on the phone. u can
never see her without her handphone.

She spends 3/4 of the day talking with shankar. Priya's family knows
about their relationship. Shankar is very close with Priya's family. (just
imagine their love) . Before she passed away she always told her frens
"If I pass away please burn me with my handphone" she also said the same
thing to her parents.

After her death, ppl cant carry her coffin. i was there. a lot of them
tried to do so but still cant , everybody including me, had tried to
carry the coffin, the result is still the same. Eventually, they called
neighbour, a "bomoh" from thailand (pak Darin), who is a fren of her
father. he took a sit and started
speaking to himself slowly. after a few minutes, he said "this girl misses
something here". then her frens told Darin bout her intentions to burn
her with her phone. He then opened the coffin and place her phone and SIM
card inside the casket. after that they tried to carry the coffin. It could
moved and they carried it into the van easily. all of us were shocked. (can
u feel the fear. i'm shaking at this moment)

Priya's parents didnt inform Shankar that Priya had passed away. (pity
Shankar). after 2 weeks Shankar called Priya's mom. Shankar :...."Atte,
I'm coming home 2day. cook something nice for me. Dont tell Priya that i'm
coming home 2day. i wanna suprise her." Her mother replied....."u come
home first, i wanna tell u something very important." after he came to shah
alam, they told him the truth about Priya.

Shankar thinks that they were playing a fool. he was laughing and said
"dont try to fool me. tell Priya to come out. i have a gift for her.pls
stop this nonsense". then they show him the original death certificate
to him. they gave him proof to make him believe.(Shankar started to sweat)
He said... "its not true. we were spoke yesterday. she still calls me.
Shankar was shaking. suddenly, shankar's phone rang. "see this is from
Priya. see this..." he showed the phone to priya's family. all of them
told him to answer.he talked using the loudspeaker mode. all of them heard
his conversation.

Loud and clear. no cross lines, no humming. it is the actual voice of
Priya & there is no way others could use her simcard since it is nailed
inside the coffin. they were so shocked and asked for pak darin's help
pak darin brought his master (Tok Chen) to solve this matter. he & Darin
worked for 5 hours. than they discovered one thing...

M1 has the best coverage
A first-grade class is having a game of Name That Animal.
The teacher held up a picture of a cat.
"What animal is this?" she asked.
"A cat!" said Eddie.
"Good job! Now, what is this animal?"
"A dog!" said Eddie.
"Good! Now what animal is this?" she asked, holding up a picture of a Deer. The class fell silent. After a couple of minutes, the teacher said, "It's what your mom calls your dad."
"A horny ba5tard," called out Eddie.
Hi Mummies
Must resolved to all this to get the thread going ah...hehe

U like to watch scary movies right.. Did u watch this one called Red Candy?? (I think is the title).. got a series of hp calls, then the next victim wl die... but I don't understand the story... so weird.. got a pair of sisters and one died.. out of boredom I watched it on the plane...

Julien kena baluku last nite cos she and jesse were playing on the bed (I kicked myself cos I went to the loo) and I heared a knock..chaam.... then crying.. poor gal... jesse pushed her off and her head hit the wall... haiz... my fault...
But it was quite scary watching it tho ridiculous..still rembr the scene where the gal called her fr on 3G phone and she saw the screen got someone else..she asked her gf if she is alone and the gf said yes, she is alone.. haha... but I didn't understand the whole story when it ended..

Actually what's so nice about Harry Potter?
I saw the trailer too but I don't understand why it's so popular...

I wanna watch "Ocean Thirteen" and "Transformers" (if T's review is good)...

U do a search on Hula Girls.. u wl find the teacher inside v stylish...

Clarence wake up the same time even is weekend, qi si ren, so i cant sleep late.
Both our gong li not strong enuf ah, this thread still didnt move alot.


Poor Julien, Jesse never take good care of her.

U saw Jesse pushed Julien? Janelle can be quite rough with Julian too, especially when she got frustrated with Julian.

If u read HP then watch the show, u probably be very disappointed with the producer.
Did Jesse say why he push her? They played until too excited?

I tot it was gonna be a funny video and got worried her voice will crack! But in the end it made me cry! Alamak. The gal's so sweet. But read in the comments she didn't get into the final? I watched it a few times just to hear her singing.. very nice

Is it really a 'true' story??? haha

Eh, was that a mistake or what? It's actually driving direction right? Then after swimming across, how abt the car?
Hi BBgal,

I thot i was the only emotional one who will cry after watching the video!! You cried also ah? hehehe

I just feel so touched by her singing and her voice... and how simon reacted to her singing.
Hi all
i had given birth on monday. BB Trimelle is 3.555kg, 51 cm long.
today just discharged. stayed in hospital for 5D4N.. so boring.. finally at home with internet connection. will upload Trimelle pics when hb's transfer the pics from his cam
Hi Mummies
How was weekend??

I'm a glutton.. on Sat....woke up ard 8am and decided to hv dim sum with my parents, kids and maid.. Then lunched at Hanabi at VC (the place is more posh than the other outlets, and the portions are smaller, we had four rounds of the beef steak... tiny portions) with hb and jesse to celebrate Father's Day.. after lunch, hb said buy a Godiva chocolixir drink which was v sinful.. then went to eat dinner -- pizza and pasta at Via Venetto at Clarke Quay, the place is so happening...!! and had a pce of cheesecake at Nectarie. so tummy getting fatter!!!!!!!! Goodness....
Sun is no better cos we went to the yummy chix briyani at Tekka Mkt, and for dinner, had zhu zar tang at Zion with rojak... now I'm feeling hungry....

Fall - I think jesse did push her unintentionally.. in the midst of playing.. When I asked him, he also said Yes.
He later was remorseful and hugged her, told me "I hug julien now cos I did sth bad." so what to do, we told him we forgive him.

I also teared a little watching the video leh..

Congrats! Good weight and height.
What's the meaning of "Trimelle"..??
Yah, the part abt nasty simon is quite touching too. Btw did you go to the 10k fathers reading event?

Congrats! Trimelle is quite tall. How do you pronounce Trimelle?

You really had very good food!

We went to get Ray a bed this afternoon and made an impromtu decision to pop over to ECP for the 10k fathers reading event. Ended up I remembered the location wrongly, it was at the hawker centre while we alighted at mac. But thank God, we managed to rent bikes (left our stroller at the rental shop) and cycled over to the event (now my knees feel very jelly). Couldn't check out most of the stalls cos the field very muddy and we were there near end time, but still managed to participate in the father reading and got a goodies bag.
Good morning mummies.




Your weekend always full of food, the food u ate are quite sinful for the weekend.
Hi Mommies,

Yesterday was such a tiring day! After berries, KB went on a GSS spree.. now i understand how a man feels when a woman goes shopping. I was practically just sitting there, waiting and waiting while KB took his time to buy his stuff. I feel so tired....

After that we went to get some fresh air (and kfc) at the Zoo. Weather was perfect for a zoo visit, so cooling!

Hi Pooh,


Hi BBgal,

No.. we didn't go for the 10k father reading program. We spent sat lounging at home, reading, watching tv, basically doing nothing! hahaa

Hi StyloBB,

Wah, your food intake for the weekend was really sinful.... but nevermind la.. exercise more lor
good morning mummies!


trying to make ur tummy bigger? hehe

i brot ash for dora show again yday. it was the last show already. i bot some utensils for her this time and my mum bot her a very big dora soft toy... they have diff stuff which i din see during the 1st time i was there...
I also had a weekend sinful dinner on sat.. all high fat food...

KB don't seem like one who enjoy GSS spree... looks like I am wrong.. hee hee

So you finally got a new bed for Ray... you didn't get from Ikea?
Hi Chris,

My mom also reminded me abt the Dora show.. she told me yesterday that it's the last day. Last thursday, she brought joey there and recorded the whole show on video.

Hi Jas,

He told me that he only shop 2 times a year. Once before CNY and once during GSS. I also benefited from his shopping spree by "tompang'ing" 2 pairs of shoes. What to do.. i was so bored sitting there, and since i was already sitting down, no harm trying shoes right? At least it keeps me occupied! hehee....
Hi gals,

I haven't been here for a long long long time..And now when I'm back, I'm so happy to see old friends. Wow, you gals are really great to keep this going.

Well, I'm still mum to one.

Hi Stylobb,
I just went o Hanabi last week, but the one at Bukit Timah. Are they the same? I love the yakiniku beef.

Congrats Pooh! And belated congrats to the old friends here that are already mum to two
on course today and surprisingly the terminal in the classroom can access to internet.

did u let Joey take part in the Dora look alike contest?

Father's day - I cooked for Law to celebrate father's day cos he doesnt want to wait for table outside.

Janelle made some cookies for daddy.
Hallo Mommies!

Me back from Genting last evening. The JB checkpoint was a mad mad house. Almost witnessed a human stampede as it was soooo crowded!! Genting was quite cold but hb found it boring and said he wont wanna go again. He prefers KL cos food and shopping wise is better.

But the Adidas stuff there are worth buying cos price is much lower than Sin.


I found the cosmetics counter. Their range cheap and good. I bought some cosmetics from them too. Yet to try though.




You really spend your whole weekend on food hor...

Has Julien's bump subsided?


KB shop, how come you didnt go and shop on your own too?


I think becos both your kids are used to waking up early so weekend sleep schedule also no change? Josh wakes up at 7am everyday. I also seldom can sleep late even on weekends.

Hi Masshiro,

Welcome back. Where have you been?

Hi Hong,

So sweet to make cookies for daddy day!

No, i didn't let her take part in the dora look-a-like contest. I don't think she's up to it..

Hi Minnie,

Wow.. stampede somemore... the pple must be very uncivilised. Guess some of them are rushing back to singapore to work.

He wanted my opinion.. so i had to wait for him.
