Preggie Friends Since 2003

Yah, monitoring her gums everyday...

Times? Really! O dear...!!!

I tried to be as clear but still confuse u ..sorry
I only hv 1 Adult and 1 Child for duck (ttl price is $16), 1 Adult and 1 Child for balloon (ttl price is $16.

cos i feel so old to be jie mei.

I attended a wedding dinner the previous nite and Law's frd was asking if married ladies frd can be jie mei. I told him for my case i was.

My mum also said why i was still doing jie mei.
Hi Stylobb,
I'm interested in the balloon tickets leh...if Minnie doesnt want it, thanks in advance...

Hi Hong,
I oso feel so old having to be jie mei...somemore now need to give opinion to my friend regarding her wrist corsages...felt that my own wedding is like so long ago...
I didn't get the ears for her, I find it very ugly lah :p hahaa

The popular sale at orchard one? or any outlet? I just went on shopping spree with Cla this morning, checked out the pop @ orchard but nothing much liow.

Chara's gum still no better? Give her barley water? What cream are you using?

Have you check out the ELC? We went this morning and I'm still eyeing the ironing board.. but somehow the sale not as good as yesterday.
so who wants, Minnie or M2b?
I saw ur two "Ms'" as Minnie .. haha...hence didn't reply to M2b.. sorry..

Anyone wants the duck tours one??

Actually sometimes the case is the last swinging single is left as all the good friends are married, so the married friends become the jie mei loh. For me, I find it tiring to be jie mei leh.. but for close friends, ok lah.

Ur gf is ur age?

Yah she has barley water.. The cream is prescribed by doctor...

No I hvn't gone that way .. only been going to VC.. I'm drooling over Mothergarden stuff, not drooling over ELC...haha... ironing board ah? I can give excuse to buy since the gals can share.. haha...
No more items on sale??
Actually I was quite disappointed when I bot their wooden blocks that the colour is badly done and the size is big, tkfully I managed to make an exchange for other stuff instead.
I was so zombie on wednesday and i didnt do much. Her other jie mei were very excited. Me and my frd simply bo chap. By evening, i sensed that the brides's collicks who were also the jie mei were not as frdly as in the morning. Anyway, i couldnt be bother.

So i happily click away practising my photography skill till the bride as me to help out on the recept area. They customised the excel spreadsheet to tampulate the no of guests coming. Very details, i was there helping them to key in the number. So i became the data entry and reporting jie mei....
Still got sales but don't find them attractive.. 20% kind. We saw this palm size tin 'handbag' with wooden clips, bracelet and necklace, very nice but $20, which is really ex? UP was $25. The ironing board really cute, it's exact minature of the real one, with metal legs. But gotta get the toy iron, which is not cheap either. :p
OK, wl pass to u.


Anyone interested in the duck tours one let me know...thanx

I'm older than u and most of my friends are already married.... so need to be jie mie anymore... hehe

Go HK in Aug is good!!! Summer sale and you can shop to your heart's content!! Food also gd. But only issue is if you bring your stroller, Law would have to lug it up and down the MTR cos no escalators or lifts. Quite cham. Jan would enjoy gg Disneyland.

We stayed in Majestic and booked online. I booked airtics separately too cos it was cheaper than package. Let me know if you need me to give you a breakdown of my cost so you can make a comparison.


ok. thanks... Not sure abt the arrangement yet. I got to see when my IL wanna go. Hopefully i dun have to disappear from office for too long.

Probably carry Julian in carrier. I heard HK not really baby friendly.

I dun think i need to be jie mei again. The other day, one of our wedding brother recalled our customary. He said that was fun.
Hi Mummies
How was the weekend?
We brot jesse to watch Shrek 3. He still can't sit still after a while, climbed up and down the stairs, even walked to the big screen..hb/I so embarrassed man!!!....anyway.. I enjoyed the movie altho hb said the storyline is nothing fantastic, only the individual jokes.

Maid was off today... it wasn't so bad.. the gals napped for 3 hrs and also managed to get jesse to nap from 1pm onwards.. so at one point, everyone was napping..hehe...

Didn't go to ELC.. sat at VC, evening at old airport road. Today went to Toys R Us...

Pics of the wooden cake...


Can interchange the deco....
Gd morning mommies!

Went to the motherhood fair on sat. The fair is getting lousier and smaller by the year. We bought only some Opsite plasters.

John little warehouse sale was nothing fantastic either.

I wonder if this will be the last time i'll go to expo coz i can't stand how dirty the whole place is. The toilet stinks, the floor at the foyer littered and there are trays of food lying at the foot of pillars.

KB commented that he has never seen Singapore that dirty before.

Hi StyloBB,

The cake looks very fun leh. How much did you pay for it?

Something funny happened on Sunday. We went for our usual swim and KB lost his swimming trunks! He claimed that he left it on the bench while he stuff his things into the locker, and when he turned back, someone had taken away his trunks!! End up, it was only me and joey in the pool, while KB and my FIL sat by the poolside watching us.

Hi Hong,

It's always good to make a passport for ju for standby.
Good Morning Mommies.


I also went Expo yesterday. So crowded cos prolly they have Sunday services there too. I feel that the Motherhood fair is v boring...

Eh, his trunks so sexy and nice that someone stole it??? How come he didnt change in the toilet, then stuff his stuff into the locker?


Nice cake. Heh. I went Vivo on Fri and bought a vest from Gap (inspired by Chris's harvest) for Josh, 2 tees and a skirt for my niece, only $37 after disc, hb v happy and asked why I didnt get more...Haha.. Rare that he doesnt grumble when I shop.


Ya, HK itself is not baby friendly but the people there kinda like kids. They always make sure these "xiu pan yao" are comfy at meal times and even offer their seats to Josh when we take the MTR. I was telling Stylobb that HKies are quite polite now. I dun get scolded when I browse and all v helpful when I needed help.
Hi morning,

the wooden cake look very nice.
Law came back and got Janelle a Hello Kitty pencil box with a small piano attached on it. A small thing like that cost him S$20. He said he got not time to shop.

yah... so asking Law to submit the application today. How long does it take for it to complete?

KB got himself a very ex swimming trunk? another excuse to shop again. hahaha..
good morning mummies
was on mc again on fri, this time got fever... dr was saying fri then u fever? hmmm.. as if i can choose...

i tot kb lost his swimming trunks while swimming hehe... sure very interesting..

i bot those long tees... next time preggie can wear. hehe
the cakes are nice! how much?

ash wore the shrek ears to the movie. she was ok except the part artie was having this heart to heart talk with shrek, she went to explore the cinema (our whole aisle was empty except us).. hehe
U better now? I felt my phlegm is stuck inbetween my airway and throat. It seem to be there forever even when i have get it out.

I got the shrek ears for free. The bride got it to sabo the groom and brothers, she gave it to Jan and Julian after that. hee hee..

I thot Janelle doesnt know the Shrek character. Shrek 2 was showing last nite and she pointed to me that the ears are part of Shrek....

Hmmm shld i bring her to watch the show???

I showed Janelle some of the photos that i took on my frd's wedding. She asked why I did bring her to the wedding dinner. Oops!

Law just told me he met very rude HKians. Somemore was a young waiter, his HK collick was asking to refill their glasses of water/tea and was kena told off. The waiter told them to "WAIT". wah seh. hahaha..
Hi Mummies
chara's gums still not ok, mil wl bring her to PD in the aftn.. poor gal kena knocked by jesse's head and the gums bled.. I felt so sorry for her. I called PD on sat and she said wl take 3-4 days but she last saw her last tuesday leh... tkfully she is still taking her porridge and milk.... anyway this gal ah, spoilt by maid, can walk but refuses to walk... so hb made her walk in Toyrs R Us yesterday....

Cake - it only costs $22.40 after 25% discount... my kind twin mummy friend helped me to buy.. now got the discount card liao.. i think the shop is called Learning Thru Play.... outlet at AMK and somewhere else... Even my mom said it is so cute.... hahaha... (I'm playing with it leh...)

I am not letting my imagination run wild but for a moment, I also thot KB lost his trunks while swimming...hahaha!! Hopefully his trunks are not the exp one (There is one brand called "V.. ..." I can't rembr the exact name.)
Wah ur club also has xe lang... so scary leh....

That's cheap!!! Hmmm...I went Gap and still I didn't see anything to my liking... but bot two dresses frm MC tho, less 20%, less 10%..been eyeing the dresses for stime liao... and was waitg for the discount..
Saw a pair of white shoes at Colettee... still pondering if I shud get for the gals...
Went to zara and found the tees' sizes a bit weird this round, their 4/5 size looks small (or just nice) for jesse's size..

Hb still adverse to HKG...... sianzz... grrrrr... I should hv no problem on my own with jesse in HKG.....

The doc hinting something to u???

Last nite walked past Chateau, saw some new red striped dresses....

Cinema - we also purposely booked the side seats knowing that jesse wl walk up and down.. I think the cinema was 1/3 full...

Hb went round Toys R Us looking for Cars cars.... for jesse...

OK, jesse went for his playgrp today, my mum said he is ok and enjoyed it... phew!!!

U mean a miniature piano is attached to the pencil case??

I find the shrek ears v weird leh.....

Kept the tent liao....
Hi Minnie,

Yah i agree.. the motherhood fair is boring. I think even the exhibitors feel this way too coz they are like so unenthusiastic.

Hi Minnie, StyloBB

His trucks ah? Like those ah pek one la... no brand and not stylo..... he suspect it's one small kid who took it... if it's true, then the kids can wear it like long pants liao.

hahaa.... the club got xiao se lang!

Hi Hong,

I've also heard that service in HK has improved. Maybe Law went to one of those cha chan teng issit?
Hi Chris,

You so imaginative!
morning mummies.


U always take mc on friday? U buying the long tee to standby for pregnant? any good news?


I also thot kb lost his trunk in pool. haha


the wooden cake is cute.
hope chara will be better.


charlene also got phlegm stuck in airways, doctor given a powder type of med to make her cough out the phlegm. I think now is cough season, my office colls are coughing ard too.
hi cherly/stylo
i only went to see the dr in the evening, have to wait for pf to come back and send me bcoz no strength to go on my own... dr wanna give me 2 days mc but sat i not working mah... so he kinda of amused of all days i fall sick on fri, bo hua mah.. hehe..

no just nice trendy this kind of tees and can cover my tummy mah. hehe... no good news yet lor...

i got a bit of your imaginative juices mah...

red/white - getting ready for national day?
i tink only 4 or 5 aisles were occupied that day. mayb only 10% of the whole cinema... we went for 11am show.
yah the piano attached to the pencil case. The quality of the miniture piano is quite gd. Sound quality is not bad, i am surprise.

I quite like the shrek ears. hahaha..

my GP said sinus problem. *duh* Always the same reason. I know wat medi he is giving me.
Cake - my gf asked me if the gals are playing, I said, er, I am the one playing..haha.. jesse's also playing with it. Recommended by therapist to improve chara's motor skills but she can pull off the deco and put it back. julien is of course more agile.. she will pull off everything...hahaha

Service in HKG - I never did rmbr whether they are really rude or good, I only rembr like they are indifferent... u wanna buy, buy.. don't buy, they also don't care. Ony rembred G2000, bossini's service was good..

I cannot imagine how it looks.. can post a pic here?

Maybe shud post some pics every now and then to make our thread more interesting.. haha....

U mean u were ok whole day on friday?

U post ur long tees lah...

How did u find the show? I find it ok, tho there was no climax at the end. But I don't find shrek or fiona nice .. I like pussy... (antonio banderas..hehe)

Dress - I didn't think of national day leh...

Btw Crocs has this new mules which look quite ok to me..

I just asked my doc gf, she says usu if teeth is spouting, the swollen gums can be there for some time. I told her even the gum where the existing teeth are are still swollen.. haiz..

U always stress chris leh... heheee
i went to work and only start to feel sick and left office at 11am+
the show ok lah, pf no complaints (compared to pirates)... i find the babies pretty ugly. hehe.. puss with his big eyes is cute.
the wedge kind? trans mum got it.
i post ash room pics here lah.. took it for bbgal... but she din appear in the other channel after she asked for it...




Just came back from lunch, so hot outside buay tahan.


our thread so quiet nowadays hor, only few of us here.
no lah, didnt stress chris, she said buy long tee to cover her tummy so i just show my concern.


Is Joey fit well with all those items?
just to add, ash is coincidentally in green PJs that day. i not so siao over green that i make her wear green clothings to match her room. hehe

So you feeling better today? Last week you gastric, then fever, aiyoh... Do take care.


Hahaha... I was reading your posting and wondering simi pussy you were talking abt, suddenly reminded me of the missing trunks, dunno why.... Hahahahhaa... Then realised it was Puss in Boots. :p I like the Donkey, find him irritatingly cute.


The piano pencil box sounds like a fun toy! Ya, stuffs in HK is not cheap unless Summer sale. Everywhere is on sale!!


Is Clarence better now?
cute cute CY.

Ash's room is so neat. She sleep in her own room now? I tried to keep my hse as neat as possible but it still look messy to me.

i couldnt find the pencil case at Sanrio website.

Yah... Law said things there wasnt cheap. I dun know where is the place that the waiter is tat rude but he told me his HK brot him there.
Good Afternoon Mommies

Hi BBgal & Cla,
I went Popular Orchard last Sat and bought some booksbought 2 Chicken Soup series at $3 eachbought Raine a Barney book and some writing booksshe macham dun need $ to pay coz kept dumping into the basketthe writing books are cheap at abt $1 each after 20% discount

Hi Stylobb,
Itz ok for the tixs1st come 1st serve mahheehee
BTW, what is the regular charges for the balloon ride hah?

Yap, my gf is same age as me

Hi Hong,
Hahaha, must do data entry somemore ahyour gf very detailed man
My gf wants us to meet next Sat to discuss on her wedding day events

Hi Chris,
Are you ok now?
BTW, yday brought Raine to JP for bkfast and saw BYSI having sale
Went in and bought 1 pair of pants, 1 cropped jacket and 2 tops for $65 only
Chris, Ash looks like Zhen Zhi in the last pic lehjust joking
The cake very pretty! A lot more pieces than the elc one. Poor Chara, hope she will be ok soon!

You so fast kept the tent!

I agree with you regarding expo.. I cant stand that there are so few toilets in such a high human-traffic place!

Heh, for a moment I also thought KB lost his trunk in the water! :p

Heh at least Ash made your ticket worth it! Did you watch shrek 2 last night? We watched and hb said that Ray couldnt watch cartoon, she was busy playing around while we watched the show.

Thanks for the pics! Paiseh. We still sourcing around. Hope to get it before July! Her room looks so big and spacious compared to Rays!

Me same as you! I was at paragon yesterday and got this phlegm stuck in throat. Went to toilet to try to clear it, ended up I puke out my lunch, the phlegm still stuck! So uncomfortable!

Heh. That time it was Cla and I who machiam like no need to pay, quite dumping books into our baskets too!
thks, better now, already gg out on sat evening. hehe... got fren chia seafood intl but too bad no appetite, only ate a bit...

hey, i gg jp this thu.. mayb can take a look, hopefully got nice stuff left... how is the discount? up to 70%?
choi choi... ZZ is ghost leh.. my ash say she is fairy princess ok. hehe..

i tink my house looks clean bcoz its clutter-free... all my stuff stuffed in drawers or storeroom... but u look closely, will find spiderwebs in many places.. hehe.. dun know why, spiders seem to like my hse... a few weeks after i clear, the webs will appear again very soon..
my mum bot her shrek2 vcd on sat am and she watched it a few times...
our bedrooms are quite big.. but living rooms small. ok for me bcoz we spent more time in the bedrooms.. hehe
must try to catch that "spiderman" else u will never clear the web. hahaha..

aiyo u vomit ur lunch. Tell u something gross. I cannot clear my nose by blowing it. Sometime i need to clear it thru my throat and mouth.

Aiyo, we met up so many times for my frd wedding. She told me the groom scare this and that but that day he was so sporting.
We were each given a bag of "gold coin" for the open door ang bao.

I met my wedding photographer somemore and he still rbrs me.

Clarence was well on Friday review but this morning he started to cough n vomit, heard from hb he is down with fever now. So sad.
My house also have small spiders. once a while will see 1-2 crawling on the floor!
dont know why Ray doesn't like to watch the 'movies'.

Heh, think I'm worse, I also can't blow it out with tissue... then only recently I try clearing it via mouth, which is not any better, always feel like I'm puking! Thk my neighbour would have thought I'm having morning sickness everytime I do that. I'm always amazed by those who just spat out in public area, like so easy to clear the phlegm. :p

Ur hb brought Clarence to see doc?

Yes hb brot him back to pd again. He just called n said pd said could be the virus passing ard, give him some fever med and ask us to continue with his inhaler, if he is not getting better by friday got to go back again.
so sian when the kid fall sick again when they are suppose to be on the road to recovery.

I am not those lao ah pey spating in public hor.

Infact, nose or mouth. It doesnt really clear all. When is ur turn to be Jie mei? U need makeup artist? My best friend is working as freelance.
How long he needs to be on inhaler? Got clean his toys so the germs wont spread?

Haha no lah, I not saying u spit in public! Yah, even after I spat out, the phlegm will come back again.

I'll be jie mei in nov/dec. Eh dont thk we need makeup artist, cos me and another friend will just put on basic makeup :p
no problem. If anyone need her service do let me know ok. Like the bride or groom parents need makeup that day etc...

I wanna do a family potrait soon so i will engage her to do the makeup for me and those required.

Do u know dat according to feng shui, it is not good to hv TV/computer in the bedroom?

Play ah? So wat do u & PF play in the room? Role play?
yes, but i dun really care. hehe... all our bedrooms hv TVs...
somemore in the back of my mind, when i type 'play', i was wondering if you all will tink crooked again.. so i wondered right.. haha


Yes especially 2 children take turn to sick.


Yes we did clean all his toys, btw he got no many toys to play. He prefer to join in the rest for fun.


Yes both me n trans are focused. U watch dvd and play with pf in bedroom?
