Preggie Friends Since 2003

Hi Masshiro,
That pic really brought back great memories...the kids are so cute and innocent then...therez CY, Ash, Joel, Jan and Xavier in the pic!

Hi Trans,
Clever u, thatz ME! heehee

lets see, there joel, ash, cy, raine, jan & xavier (on the bumbo?) in the photo. the mummy feeding jan in orange top is hong and the one taking photo is you?!

Mummies .. thot the following which I extracted from the book will be interesting for you.

At birth the male brain is significantly less mature than the female's - with a newborn girl's brains as developed as that of a six-week-old boy.

At the age of three, boys are no good at conveying any emotion other than anger. Yet girls are even able to discuss their emotions with their mothers.

During Growing years:
Boys are four times (!) as likely as girls to show the symptoms of hyperactivity.

<font color="aa00aa">Tip 1: Keep your eyes open for each new experience and discovery as your child learns and grows.
Tip 2: Be sure to treat your child in ways appropriate to their age and experience.</font>

Ur pics seem a bit fuzzy at the side and not v clear. Ours are sharp and clear. I realise I cud see Xavier's body but not his face clearly. Can u fwd me one pic and I try tonite???

Makan with mummies... can... but hv to be in july...

With entourage, a bit difficult leh.... wl hv to be outdoors .....

Now the bbs/tods in your picture have all grown up liao...hehe... kinda miss them at that age cos so cute and chubby....

Thanx for not hantaming me.. hehe... I thot I shud 'correct' chris ... hehe
anyway after reading all the news about kids, be tkful that our tods are healthy....

Skip so much? Wow I salute u.. I think my knees cannot take it leh.....

U go and make the swee swee loh.....

Gap opens at Suntec city.....

I think I'm too ambitious to borrow four books leh... cos cannot finish....
Hi Stylobb,

Some other pointers that I lifted from the book I read.

- Due to the different rate of brain developement, it is recommnended that boys start schooling a yr later then girls.

- It may be better to enrol kids in single-sex sch, i.e. solely boys or gals sch oso due to the fact that their brains develop differently. E.g., generally boys are better in math, sci, etc whereas girls do better in humanities. So tailoring education according to these traits will be benefitial for both genders.

Makes me wonder now if I should send CY to a boy sch.

U too ambitious lah. I borrowed 2 books and am finishing the 2nd one liao

No wonder my frds told me that it is gd for boy to born in end of the yr. He told me a logic but i cant rbr.

I also borrow a book on how to talk and make them listen. Due date coming soon and i have not read any of it yet. However i clear two chinese horrible novel. hahaha..

Yah Bontanic garden is gd. I love the place but there is parking problem.
Hi mommies
A quick post here, Ray's bed arrived and the guys fixed it up really fast in 15min. Ray's very excited abt it and she imagined Zoie and Joey came to play on her bed!
I'm so tired after all the cleaning up. Still headache over how to arrange her stuff...

Hong, here's the pic

bbgal, the bed is so nice.
So Rayna will be sleeping "upstair"? She is ok to sleep alone in the room?
How nice, i dun think i can have such bed in my house. The kids room's wall is not flat. I got protroding pillar wall.
How much did u pay for it? So u got Rayna a spring mattress?

Nice bed. HOw much did u pay for it?


U go find out from your fren what is the logic leh. Cos from what we hv read, would'nt boys be at an disadvantage if they are born yr end?
You all very gud memory...M2B tat time already so slim...wah skipped 2000 times ah...with my weight, the building will be shaking man.

So, shall we have the gathering 7 or 8 July 07. Each one of us bring some food along. Actually I haven't been to Botanic Gardens for ages, so I don't really know where is a gud place to sit down.

hi stylobb,
thanks for offer to redo pic. I'l try to find a pic.

nice bed. kids will like the bed cos it's like playground, can climb up and down.
Now I try to bring her down to cycle and wait for daddy when he's not too late. Let her exercise her legs abit.

Hong, Trans
We paid $930 for the set, including 2 foam mattresses and delivery. It's quite a simple set, nothing fancy.

Yep she wants to sleep on top. Heh tonight will be the first night she's sleeping alone *keep fingers crossed* We wanted to use the excitement of a new bed to shift her out of our room
The salesman doesn't recommend spring mattress for kids lest they jump and break the spring and yet not able to tell us. So we got the foam ones. This set is considered the more compact ones we've seen.

When you talked abt the kangaroo, the image of a huge kangaroo in boxing gloves came to my mind! Thank God the kangaroo didn't retaliate!

We saw one with slide at Harvey Norman and she liked it very much, that'll really be a playground for her
but cant get it cos of space constraint and it doesnt have 2 beds.
Ok, let's tentatively set it on 4 Aug (Sat) first. Block your diary first. We'll talk about details closer to date.
this is not the one at IMM?
but i think this one with higher bed guard, safer...

i only occassionally skip 100x..haha...
No leh, the imm one too big, that was my fav :p the imm one can ask them to add 1 more railing tho.. this one is lower and steps height just nice.

4 aug seems okie.
Dear all,

My nephew has discharged from hospital after his Chemotherapy. His adnormal cells are gone but his immunity is low because Chemo killed some of his normal cells. Thanks for praying...
Good to share... maybe we can post/share what we read... some things that I read reminded me that my methods were not right..

Nvm, I will renew the two books.... I was there 20 mins before closing time and I sorta just grabbed the four books.
I kinda finished 2.5 books... for the Twins one, I fast forward cos it covered till 5 years which I thot I could put the info aside for a while.

School - we talked about this too and we prefer jesse to be in all boys school, the gals in all gals school....

One of the books had reports on surveys done on mothers and was rather difficult to read...but one funny thing I read was that there were instances where the mom did not approve of the gf, but becos her son chose her, she chose to keep quiet. The son was actually contemplating breaking up with the gf, but as his mom did not say anything, he did not get the affirmation. It was only after the break-up that he realised the mom did not approve all along and somehow 'blamed' his mom for not speaking up. Such paradox...hahaha...

A lot of surveys were done and there was one whereby some moms tend to over-mother their kids until everyone around can see (and cannot stand) but the mother herself didn't realise.....

U immersed in trashy romantic novels ah...hehehe
Nowadays I prefer non-fiction.....

Paiseh I think I can only skip <font size="-1">20 times</font>...hehehe

Cute bed! Is that Ray peeping out? Is the foam mattress thick? Cos I notice it's not v deep... I mean the bed depth.. so the bottom drawer is another pull-out bed.

All the best for ur nephew and may he get 100% well!

Date sounds ok but what time ah??? My gals nap at 11am leh... looks like I can only bring jesse....

my boy was not in the pic. :p 4 Aug sound ok to me


Hee, 'cos my speed of reading english books are pretty slow, that's y i prefer to buy than to borrow. (an excuse to spend $$):p


U know what? i bot a Twins & Multiple Births by Dr Carol Cooper during the Pop sales! ha! i also don know why i buy the book but i guess is interesting to learn abt twins and multiple birth and their growing up. can pass to u next time we meet if u r interested :p


Wow! 2000 times? i think i will faint after that. Bot a pair of running shoe last week, been trying to encourage myself to go for a run but failed! got to buck up as i feel that i am getting weaker and weaker


glad to hear ur nephew has recover. Will need to 'pu' after this...
Good morning mummies.

Took last minutes leave yesterday cos don feel like coming to work after woke up. Didnt go n do anything, just stay at home to rest and tidy children's album.


That photo indeeh brot back those memory. I rbr charlene was late and she was laying on the sofa to take her milk for 30mins but still didnt finish it. Clarence is better than her, he could finish 180ml of milk in 15mins time.
Gathering - 4 Aug, i am ok for the date.


Good to know your nephew has recovered.


I am also thinking to buy a 2-storey bed for charlene and clarence end of this year and charlene already "book" for upstair.
good morning mummies!

4 aug is ok for me too.

glad to hear ur nephew is ok now.

so stylo is another sharp-eyed one who spotted ray...

i din mng to borrow any good books from library recently. yday started on a new book by an author i havent tried b4.. read a few pages give up liao...
Good Morning Mommies...


Heh, dat happened to me on Tues too. Also took leave cos didnt feel like coming to work. So brought Josh for his Pneumoccocal jab.


Just wanna have a discussion on school. Do you think its better for a child to go to a co-ed school or a single-sex school? I am in 2 minds abt this. My hb's pri school is all-boys whereas mine was co-ed. Dunno which one I should enrol Josh in.... Btw, any one of you intending to move house or be a parent volunteer? Some of my collicks are frantically doing so and so sad they got rejected by the schools.
Gd morning mommies,

Yesterday was a bad day.. first i had some muscle spasms in the day, then when i reach home at night, the right side of my head was throbbing with pain.

Luckily today, i woke up feeling fine. phew!

Hi Masshiro,

Aug 4 is good for me but i have to leave at 3 coz joey has got to attend a class at 4.15

Hi BBgal,

When i was a kid, it was my dream to own a bed just like this! But that time, my parents couldn't afford it.

Hi Cla,

You can bring your running shoes and run in Hokkaido, then breathe in all the nice smell of flowers! hahaa...

Oh... i wanna tell you, my mom wanna go and make the final payment herself... she says she wanna ask the tour agent some questions.

Hi Cherly,

Do you feel recharged today after a good rest at home yesterday?

Hi M2B,

2000x?? wow... i can't do it coz i think i will count half way and mix up my counting liao.. hahaaa... i'm dyslexic! hahaa

Hi Melody,

You suddenly appeared! How have you been? Come and chat here more often leh..

Hi Minnie,

About school, i would prefer to send joey to a co-ed school. As for volunteering... i have no intention to do so leh... coz partly i'm lazy la.. KB is already a member with Hokkien Huay Kuan, we hope to be able to enrol her in one of their schools.

Actually, we've also toyed with the idea of sending her to an International school. But we are still not so sure if it'll be a good idea.

I think we were all waiting for charlene to finish her milk... hehe

So what time ah?

U go to the library often??? I'm always lost there.

OIC.. thanx but I don't need that anymore cos that is more relevant for when I was preggie....
I used to buy a lot of Travellers' Tales books.

Hb also reminding me to go jogging but I'm feeling quite lazy.... been feeling quite stretched emotionally and unable to just take leave like that cos chara's sessions are coming up and hb wlbe off to kl again next week....

Hb/I are in agreement for all boys or all girls school for primary.....
Wl being old boys or old gals hv better change than if one is leaving near to the school?? How do the schools choose??? All by balloting?

Change house? masshiro oh... hehehe

What happened to u???? Stress???

Kids are so fortunate nowadays. I slept on mattress and during my growing up years, it was a canvas bed!!! Did rember it was v comfy and cooling and it brot back fond memories....

Food for thought.. -- was chatting with my boss and she said she read a study whereby they compared which country's kids are the smartest and Finland came up tops. They did research to find out what is the reason and guess what? The Finnish do not send their kids to any school or extra classes until after 6!! Haha... so....... I know, I know, all of u are thinking, in competitive S'pore, we need the kids to get a headstart. Hahaha....
Got a fr who teaches commented that kids get bored when they go to school cos they know too many things liao.....

Mummies with boys...
Read that when boys grow up, they usually hang out in a group, unless gals who pair up... so don't need to look out for ur son's best friend.... may not materialise.....

All Mummies
<font color="aa00aa">Tip for all: It's never too soon to start telling your child that you love them.</font>
Morning mummies

work is always busy, n got "watchful eyes", so cant surf 'freely' at work...
i follow the thread, but no posts la...

i oso rbr sleeping on a canvas bed, that can be fold n kept one, every night, my dad ll open..

i think i saw somewhere abt Finland education, formal edu is from 6 or 7, like our primary school, preschoolers who attend school, are often out on the fields to play n learn, rather in a classroom settings..

Toking about schs, I was oso gg to ask Stylo why she prefers to send her kids to single sex schs.

Whether the sch is co-ed or single sex has nvr been a criteria to me when chosing sch for CY. Me very cheena lah, wanna enrol CY in a sch with Chinese background like Pei Chun. Most likely Pei Chun needs balloting so I think I will be sending CY to Kheng Cheng Sch which is just opp my mom's plc. I dun tink I will go & be parent volunteer lor, where got time?


Re international sch. I just heard from my aunt dat my cousin in USA wanna apply for green card. I did tink of sending CY to a boarding sch in USA if I can afford & my cousin can be his guardian. But jus a thot lah, dun tink i can ever afford it.

School - I am an alumin member for Temasek. So on hand, Jan n Jul already have a school to go to. Infact, there are quite a few gd school ard my area. Tanjung Katong Primary, Kong Hwa, Tao Nan. Like Trans, I would like to send Janelle to a school with Chinese background.

Law will most likely joining the Hokkien Clan, cos i told him and IL that i will not want to run ard looking for a school for Janelle.

I saw a banner, Tanjung Katong Pri was having open house. The pri schools are getting competitive in enrolment.

Clarence drink so much! Julian still drinking 180ml.

U too ah? My sisters said i lazy, waste leave.


Yes, so much better this morning after a day rest.
btw Hong & Preggie,

I heard just being a mbr a the clan is not enuf, you nid to be an active mbr.

Guess KB can be legal consultant to the hokkien hwee kuan whereas Law can be IT consultant? hehe


If I rbr correctly, 1st priority is given to kids wz siblings already in the sch, 2nd to alumi parents who are active alumni mbr, 3rd to alumi parents who are not in the alumni club, so on & so forth. U can visit the MOE website for more details.

However, being an alumni doesnt guarantee u a place. Wat happens is e sch will allocate a certain no of places for each phase. If the applicants for the particular phase exceeds the allocated vacancies, then balloting will be conducted. Parents who hv volunteered in the schs or stays wzthin the distance stipulated by MOE (1 or 2km? cant rbr) will be given priority if there are too many applicants.
Hmmmm.....Both hb and I were frm single sex schools, so as old boy/girl, that wl be our first choice if the kids can get in cos they are good schools.
Don't know leh, I prefer them to go to single sex schools.

Canvas bed... somehow I always rmbr it leh.... tho it was a cheapo bed.

So u read the article too? Interesting findings. Yes, I find our kids too pampered and too cooped up here... everything is too structured. Go to those classes and everything is so organised. What ever happened to free play?

I would rather they run free in the fields.. unfort. we don't hv many open spaces here in S'pore. Even we mummies don't wanna get dirty...!
My gf and two boys, she would bring them to parks and gardens, they know the names of butterflies and trees/plants, hv no qualms picking a caterpillar, can plant things. It's really about letting them enjoy their childhood years, make things, discover. Cos all too soon, they gotta integrate in the system.. creativity gone.... childlikeness gone....
I like to bring jesse to a big playground, it's always amazes me to see the way he enjoys himself, climbing up and down, making music on the musical keys (altho no tune but I still enjoy listening), cooking 'food' for me, slide down head first instead of legs first, climb up the pole with circles as steps telling me 'mummy, I can do it!'

Alumni of Temasek means which school?

Btw, u still keen on the dim sum dollies? Stime mid jul is it?

I think another thing is also dependent on the nbr of children for that year?? If a popular year, that wl mean more 'fighting' for the nbr of places available....

Clarence only took 180ml early morning and last feed b4 bedtime. Other feeding time, he takes ard 140-160ml.
when preggie refers to intl sch, she meant sch in spore rite? like australian intl sch, american intl sch..
my bil asked us a few times to send ash to melb... they dun hv primary there rite? high sch issit? but tink a bit too young lah, mayb can consider after sec sch...

i go every mon, for ash to borrow her books and me to replenish...
Gd mrng!


no worries. the book is quite brief thot very thick as it covers from preg to adult, but is gd enough for me to have a rough pic.


abt bed - i always hv proper bed since young 'cos my mum din wan us to sleep on the floor. she believed that there's 'tu qi' which is no gd for our health.


i was wondering where is Rayna till i take a few more looks on the pic! Found her! hahaha. :p


jogging - hee, i can imagine the nice nice smell of lavender... will imagine that when i go for my jog! :D

Pymt - ok, pls go ahead, u know how much bal to pay for ur portion right? or when is ur mum going to make the full pymt? i can go w her

School - Quite ex to send to international school.
who knows by the time we need to enrol Jan, MOE police change again n as an alumin member got no chance too.

U are not thinking abt temasek holdings hor. hahaha..
Temasek Pri lor. I dun really like Single sex school. If u wanna enrol Jesse to boys's school and the gers to girl's school then u have to run ard to hunt for school or for balloting cos Chara n Julien couldnt enter Jesse school.

Dim Sum Dollies - Not going this time.
Hb usu goes with jesse to library... stimes me and the gals tag along if it's a weekend. or once a while me and jesse...

Send ash to mel? Hah? What for??? U can tahan meh??
I still want my kids to learn Mandarin. It's such an impt language.

Yeah I think u are right... the rules are something like that. So stressful.....

I think preggie means the schools like the ones u mentioned... the international schools in S'pore.

preggie's KB can well afford to send joey to int'l school loh....

Oh I see what u mean about not sending to single sex schools for my kids...

DSD - Oh, not going ah... ok.

watever it is, I hv no priority to any sch cos my pri sch is defunct now. Hehe.

Stylo wont hv prob lah cos Ken & herself are old boy/girl to their respective sch mah. Wat she is saying is Jesse will go to Ken's sch whereas the gals will go to hers.


Yes, preggie means international sch in S'pore.

Trans is right abt the school system. If one child is in the school, the rest of the siblings are guaranteed a place. If you are an old gal/boy, you are also in the earlier phase and should be able to get a place in the school. Then the next phase 2B will be for parent volunteers/clan members, followed by those w no connections to the school under phase 2C. These 2 normally will have balloting if enrollment exceeds vacancy.

Btw, which school were you and hb from? Near your place? School distance also gotto be taken in consideration cos child may have CCA after school too.

We always tell Josh we love him. Then we ask him "Do you love Mommy/Daddy?" He replies: Yes, I love everybody.....


For me, I am more concerned on the school hours!! Josh is a morning person and I prefer if its a single session school aka morning. I think Kheng Cheng is a single session school as my fren's fren boy is studying there. She said its not bad. Their chess club quite happening.


Temasek is a gd school.
Always need to ballot. Kong Hwa is near your place rite?

Ya, nowdays many neighbourhood schools are gd and produce top students too. Even the Pri school opp my place also conducted balloting last year cos prolly its dragon babies enrollment.


Yalor, lazy after brushed my teeth. Then boss out-stationed so brought Josh out w hb. Its one of those days... Heh.


International school as in allowing Joey to continue wif her current school?

Hmm then shldnt be a problem. Do u realised all or not most boy's or girl's school are christian school? Law will never agree. hahaha..
my bil say education sys in spore too stressful... kinda true lor... still long time to go lah, just see how ash is in sch 1st...
i tink mandarin is impt too... i am hapi ash can communicate in both now, i tink dialect is impt as well, ash is picking up hokkien from us and hakka from nanny....

i tot i saw new construction site of canadian sch recently... cant rbr where..
ya, tats what we shd do, 'dump' our kids to outdoor every wkend?
find zoie pretty lazy, i wanted to bring her outdoor every wkend to get her to run abt..., in the end, usually i m the lazy i guess she got the lazy genes from me...

slide head first, but my heart always stopped when zoie do that!

aussie ve pri school too, or grammar school , they follow british system
but according to my fren, good private sch fees is exp, good public/govt sch, oso very 'hot', then the property ard the area ll be very exp...

the new canadian sch is near my mom place, i can consider huh? haha

my pri sch oso defunct liao, so i ll rely on neighbourhood sch, n hope i dun ve to do volunteer work!
wow, then i beta find a sponsor for ash if she really goes there. hehe
where is the new canadian sch ah?
Kei Kei
Glad that your nephew has discharged.

Heh yah that was Ray peeping out from there! She finally get to sleep on her bed today. Don't know if she can sleep, cos haven't set up the cd player for her, she needs her sleeping music. Later then go in and check on her.

The foam is 4 inch thick, just nice for the depth. Yep, it's a pull-out bed below. I also slept on mattress for quite a while when younger, somemore in the living room.

You can check out Star Furniture at furniture mall/imm, they have quite good quality ones. Heee its like that, the kids sure want to sleep on top! We saw 3 beds one and Ray so happy, said she sleeps on top, and daddy and mommy can sleep on the other 2.

Chris, Stylobb, Cla
Haha after I posted the pic, I find it abit "errie" with her peeping out, can't see body.

I never liked double deck beds! I remembered trying on one of those metal kind last time, whenever one moved, the other will feel the shake. So uncomfortable! But this one okay, beds are separate.

I don't really have a preference in that area, so long the school is good and she doesn't have to spend too much time on traveling. Currently I only have Hong Wen and St Margaret in mind. Do you know what kind of volunteer work we can do? I don't mind if it's something interesting .. hahaha :p

I saw the pri 1 registration brochures in Ray's cc.. was shocked to realize that even for those who stay within 1-2km, we will still be at the last or 2nd last phase if we have no relations.

My heart will also skip a beat if I see Ray does "stunts". She likes to climb those round metal ladders and I always fear she'll slip and fall off, knock her chin etc.. But I think the more we let them try, the more they'll know how to control and go at it? many posts today.

You all very observant leh..I didn't even know bbgals' girl peeping out from there until I went back to see again.

BBgal, your bed looks pretty safe, so shud be alright. Gud luck with your girl, hopefully she will be alright sleeping on her own soon.

My son now sleeping with my hubby while I sleep in his room..haha..I bought this Mickey bed. Was hoping to entice him to sleep on his own, but he not that crazy about the new bed to sleep on his own. He prefers the TV in the Master bedroom.

My hubby said it's more like I buying the Mickey set for my own. haha. So now so I'm reliving my childhood in that room. But this is temporary lah..hope to move him over soon.

Hi Chris,
Also agree Spore education very stressful. wondering if one day I should move out of Spore to Australia or somewhere. In fact, that day I was still checking out the criteria to get PR in OZ. Not easy also. The older you get, the less points you have. would love to be in Melbourne. Got friends there and got nice scenaries in the outskirt.

Called a few childcare to ask just now, but they not very keen to take half day. But I managed to find one at YWCA Outram. Going there to take a look tomorrow. It's 3hr daily playgroup.

Kei Kei,
Glad that your nephew is better. Hope he recovers soon.
On the timing for the outing, actually i was thinking late evening around 4-6 plus. Any other suggestion? I do not have any preference. Whichever time is convenient to most of you.

Preggie, what time does your class end?
Hi Masshiro,

There are some church kindy near our area which you can go to... there's fairfield (at tanjong pagar), another church at Amoy st, Delcare at Shenton way.

The YWCA is a chinese kindergarten right? I pass by it everyday.

Hi Trans, StyloBB, Hong, Minnie, Trans, Cla,

we were thinking of Canadian international school. But, it's just a wild thought la... dun think it's gonna materialise.. so i better place my bets on KB getting active in Hokkien Huay Kuan or else i will settle for Radin Mas (my alma matar)
Fort. u cfm Ray's face...haha..

My eyesight ain't that bad after all...

IF u sendng pic, send to my gmail one..

The book...

