Preggie Friends Since 2003

yah no gd to have TV in the bedroom. If want must cover the TV after watching. I dun allow Law to have TV in the room, I told him i scare anything will come out of it. hahaha...

focused on my bedroom activities? mayb i shd invite u 2 and join me watch dvd and all 4 of us play together....

2 is a company, 3 is a crowd. 4? I can't imagine leh...

U ask Cla to join u lah. She stays so nearby, can jio her ang oso.
bbgal, see how zhun i am...

cherly, trans... papaya does not refer to certain body anatomy size, otherwise i oso cant join... if papaya makes u more 'focused', i guess i shd name it 'lychee tree', 'lemon tree'...
ok gals, i gg home liao... tmr we shall talk in details wat kind of games djd & trans interested in so i can entice 2 of them to join my playgp.. hehe
The lego sales at Robinsons got those barrel type? Any idea when will the sales end?

By the way, Joey is attending Berries? How much is the fee and how long the class duration and the class size?

I just went to the Popular at Orchard. Nothing much liao but still managed to get 6 books. The cheapest per book is $3 and the expensive is $6.. hee hee...

Maybe you should take care of your health too.. maybe take multi-vits to boost up your immunity.

Looks like I am too late for the ballon tics.. The wooden cake looks nice... are the decoration removable?

Same experience as minnie, HK is a much polite place now. The restaurant we went, the service okay leh.. Those cha chan teng that we went also okay, service normal, at least no black face or long face. Will explain when we ask what is this or that... Think I have taken a liking to HK... was joking with hubby whether he got opportunity to be posted there, then I can be tai tai over there... hee hee...

If you go, you can get your favourite wife cake...

Ash's room is simply, clean and very nice. Unlike Joel's, so messy... no matter how I pack, still got so much things.

You didn't ask doc can give MC on Friday and Monday or not... hee hee...

CY looks so different.. such a big boy now..
Good morning mummies.

Lazy to upload the recent photos of my 2 kids, here are 2pcs of photos that i took last month.



You want to share with us in details of your play first?


Ju is chubby and a handsome boy.
good morning mummies!
so many photos to admire now but the requestor went missing liao.. hehe

charlene & clarence really same 'ang gu kueh yin' come out one. hehe

wah, ju is potential hearthrob with his brooding pose and handsome look...
jan looks very cheeky in the 1st pic...

hehe.. thks.. the messiest place in my hse is my storeroom! hehe..
haha if can take mc for mon i sure take!
Gd morning mommies,

Wah... you all ah... talk abt missing swimming trunks can get you all so excited! hahaa... You all watch too many movies liao la... lose swimming trunks must be in the water one meh??

Hey mommies, post more pictures leh...

Hi Hong,

The pic of Ju with HDB flats in the background is very nice.

Hi Chris,

Wah.. now you got "play group" somemore ah? I dun wan to participate in your "play group", but can i watch?? hahaa..

Your house really spick and span...

Hi Jas,

Yah, joey is attending berries. I think for 1 term i pay $366. Each session is 1hr and 45mins.

Abt the lego sale, yes, they have the barrel one... got big barrel and small barrel. I think the sale is still on.

I wanna intro you to a new kind of construction toys, called Magnasticks from Mega Bloks... instead of blocks, it uses magnets to connect the pieces together. i find it very educational...

Hi Cherly,

Joey can fit into all the items... the dress is very nice leh... and the material so soft and smooth.

I like the 2nd pic you posted. Charlene's smile is very sweet!
Morning Mummies
Aiyoh, what papayas, durians, etc!
I'm here lah.... bz mah...

Confirm Chara had gum infection ... but tks to PD's medication, her gums were not swollen anymore when I peeped into her mouth and she was in a good mood last nite .... smiling and more active...

Thanks for sharing pics... post MORE please!!!
trans, I was looking at CY's short fringe...haha...
chris, Can't help noticing how come no table in Ash's room... tv in every room.. u all tv addicts ah.....
hong, jul looks cute and rather mature... both of ur kids hv the same eyes....
cherly... i always like charlene's ponytail.. .. do u know how to tie the ponytail from the top to the end in one ponytail? i wanna do that for my gals next time...

Wait ah, see what pics I can take tonite... but bz at home leh cos hb's v bz at work this week... sianz....

If everyone posts daily, this place is re nao loh ....

trunks and pussy - ur mind needs cleansing.....

Oh, can share ur cost for HKG: hotac and airfare here??
Does CX's seats hv individual tv screens???

U want the <font color="0000ff">duck tours</font> one instead?

HKG - I rembr the long flights of stairs v well..... also rembr the long long escalators while going to eat seafood at Lai Yun Mun....

Cake - deco, yes, the hearts, cherries around the cake all can be taken out and exchanged.... all velcro....

That's why... I notice ELC's stuff ain't that great.... I found their wooden blocks badly painted and prices are exp.
But I like their jigsaw puzzle though and the memory cards game....
Haven't gone to the AMK shop to see what else they have... I know there is a scooping game (scoop little balls with a scoop)... quite cute.

That trunks incident was v funny mah......

Berriesworld - how long is one term? I also wanna brush up jesse's mandarin. The other day, hb spoke in his smattering mandarin (he is not v good at it), jesse went 'papa, can u pls don't speak mandarin????'
Charlene and Clarence really look alike.
Charlene look more like u now.

Many pple told me both have the same eyes but none of us have their eyes. hahahaha..

I also like that photo. hahahaha..

Must wait till Jul is older, then u tell me if Julian is handsome hor. hahha..
Janelle is always so cheeky in photos.
Sorry, forgot to reply ur query. Hotair balloon is $23 for A, $13 for C, $2 for below 3 yrs.

Same for my kids.. we also don't hv their eyes.
Hallo Mommies...

So many photos to see.


Charlene is like a mini you. Looks so much like Mommy. Clarence hair stands up??? So cute.


Julian really can pose. Handsome little boy. Both your kids look like you hor...


Yes, CX flights come wif individual TV screens. Josh was happily watching cartoons and Mr Bean during the flight to and fro HK.

We paid $380 for adult airfare and $310 for Josh. Taxes was around 100+ I think, so I paid abt $850 in total for 2 airtics. Hotel was $550 for 4 nites.

Berriesworld has no school holidays, besides PH. Their lessons are on-going throughout the year. Josh enjoys his lessons and is more willing to speak mandarin now. Depends on his mood. Its $28 per lesson of 1hr 45mins. Wat I also like abt this school is they allow make-up lessons if the child is sick and MC is given by doc. When we went hol, they gave us credit vouchers which we can off-set for the next term too.

Glad that Chara is better now.

Wei, I trimmed his fringe one hor. Laugh wat huh?

Actually his hair is long liao but I dun wanna bring him to cut till mayb next week. Jus nice for sch reopen mah.
u deprive pleasure from watching? hmmm...

ok big liao handsome i ask ash to 'kao' him. hehe

ash got ikea set of table and chairs in my study. tot study stuff must belong to study... same colour theme tho, white and beige...
All the kids looked so different now... all grown so sweet and mature...

The duck tours only for 1 adult and 1 child? Must use by when?

Wow the cake sounds so fun.. I believe Joel will like it also. You got it from Mother Garden?

Magnetic sticks?? this is new to me. They can also form up design like those using blocks (e.g. ship, houses)?
Thanx for info. I went to look at Majestic hotel website just now.

Mandarin..sigh... let's see how.

No lah, I couldn't recognise him when I first looked at the pic... then I realise his fringe is short loh...

Tkt. Yes, 1 A and 1 C, valid till 31 August. Think if ur hb goes, can get discount... not sure..

No, this cake is not from Mother Garden (their stuff is too exp), it's from Learn thru Play... they hv an outlet at AMK, rmbr the lady I told u gals about ? who does not let kids touch the things?
Anyway jesse was there that day and he was quietly playing the scooping thing... ie scoop small balls with a wooden scoop.. quite cute....
I wanna go leh but my hb doesn't.. that's why I tell minnie so sianzz.... u never read my 'hint' I can survive in hkg on my own with jesse... plus I speak cantonese...

U suan me and hong ah.. both our hbs are younger than us...
Wow the toys look impressive leh... look very interesting and fun to play.... hmm... maybe I should also go robinsons to take a look. Is it only sold there?

Okay, I will take the duck tours ticket. Just to confirm, so $16 will enable myself and Joel to take? sorry to be a bit long-winded... hee hee..
Good morning mummies.


Many pple also commented clarence is like photocopy of charlene.


Me prefer 2nd pics too.
The toys look interesting.


Me planning to go HK too somewhere sept or oct.
Hi Cherly,

If you go to HK in Oct, we can meet there and have dim sum together! hahaa

Hi Cherly, Jas,

I've been looking out for such toys for a long time liao.... previously, they only sell similar toys but the parts are very small. Finally, they've made a much larger version!

Jas, i think they sell it at toysrus too.. but robinsons got 20% discount.. so more worth it. Otherwise, i think it's a little expensive coz the biggest bag only has 24 or 26 pieces.
good morning mummies

liu xing = suan meh? tot its something positive? hehe... i din know hong is older than law...
Morning mummies
Last evening, don't know what jesse did, he was squeezing in to be beside chara to drink milk and he must hv hit her mouth (again!) and blood oozed out.. maid and I got a shock cos the blood was quite a lot.. dripped onto her sleepsuit and all.. haiz... poor gal.. I told maid to put sugar into her mouth and after a little while, cleaned the mouth and changed her...
Made him go apologise to her.

HKG - talk about travel, interested again.
Btw where are the places to buy kids' stuff? Any shopping centre wl do, or still places like Granville or Stanley Market still have such things?? Where is Zara situated?? Really cheaper than S'pore?
None of u went to Ocean Park again?

So u thinking of going to HKG ah???
Oct good time???? Maybe weather wlbe cooler...

Don't 'worry' hor, I'm not offended...hehe...
U never read hong's postings is it... only 1 year older lah..

The magnets look interesting.. exp??
U mean the parts don't repel???
THey have it at Robinson's Centrepoint?

Older wife, younger husband can also have a blissful marriage. hee...

May be Chris realise this and decided to ask Ash to "kao" Julian??? muhahahaha..
