Preggie Friends Since 2003

Hi Mummies
Grrrr....the worst is I did not exercise!!! Been told not to bring the gals for swim since chara just recovered... I mean, she is ok and cheerful now, so let her be 100% well first. hb spent much of the weekend sleeping as he had been working v v late for co major event past week. He was at St James on fri/sat am ... and I told him I also wanna go watch William Scorpion leh... hehehe...
I walked to church with jesse, each of us holding an umbrella... he was v happy with the umbrella.. haha

Shoes.... hmm...from where ah????
Actually I'm quite bored with shopping centres nowadays...

<font size="+1">Hi hi!!!! </font>
Strange... hb just asked me about u and Mr X.... I said I don't know what happened to u altho we still smsed each other the last time... planning for nbr 2?????

Hanabi - same one but the one at VC seems more high-class leh and the portions are smaller... a lot on presentation.. I've been to the other two outlets. They said some dishes are not at the other two outlets. It's actually beef steak but cut into small portions (bite size)...

What have u been up to?????? Quick, update us....

Don't talk abt my tum anymore... so sian...

Law enjoyed the dinner or not?? Actually the restaurants ain't crowded... seems v few ppl celebrate Father's Day... haha.

Share ur sinful dinner so that I don't feel so bad.. hahaha...

What was 10k reading event?? Haiz... must remind hb we gotta plan our weekends beta otherwise end up eating... anyway it was raining on sat so we also cud not go to outdoors or playground. Maid and I were sheltering the gals on their twin stroller on sat am.....

The four kids all well??

Welcome back. I never felt inclined to go Genting....

Thanks, julien's bump has subsided.

Last nite when jesse was sleeping, I sorta counselled him and reminded him not to run abt in the supermarket as it was crowded (cos hb/I brot 3 of them out) and what wl happen if he cannot see mummy anymore.. wl he be happy or sad?? He said 'sad'... and pursed his lips and tears rolled down his cheeks... made me feel so bad....

Gentings is cold? Janelle is going end of this week. We may be going up with Julian but will be driving in. Janelle will be going with IL by coach.

We also prefer KL. Gentings food is ex and terrible.

u want me to get the cosmetics?

how are u n ur boy? Still 1 kid? Planning for more?
i asked Janelle if she wanna helped me? I wanna do something difference with her.

I went to Tekka Market. Janelle said she wanna have crab so i went to get 2 crabs, got a stingray and some sotong.

I hope there is a market like Tekka Market near my place.

Anyone know wat i can do with Mint leave? I bought a pack but only use a little. Will be a pity to throw them away.
Hi.. indeed it's a long time for you.. So how's things with you? I am also still mum to one.

He's quite systematic in shopping hor.. only 2 times per year... Think must learn from him liao.. hee hee..

Welcome back... Genting got addidas stuff?


Mine are local favourites - fried oyster, fried carrot cake, chwee kueh, satay, gado-gado... all oily stuff... My dad only like traditional local chinese food, so this is what we bought back home to eat.. my dad also don't like to wait for table.

I have not been exercising.. I am in a worst off condition than you... And these few days are feasting on rice dumplings..

Stampede cos the escalator coming down after the immigration checkpoint leads to the 170 bus stop. Long queues there so those coming down are blocked by those in the queue. Its v dangerous cos people cant alight from the escalator and are kinda like "stuck" there. So lotsa pushing and shouting and people finally moved. Terrible...


Ahhh.. you instilled fear in Jesse ah? No wonder he cried. Josh will hold onto my pants if my hands are carrying things. He v kiasi one so seldom runs about too.


Genting is cold at nite. Strong winds and sometimes rain too. Just bring a jacket for Jan should be alrite. Josh wore t-shirts in the day cos indoor and jacket if he feels cold. Temp was 16 at nite and around 19 in the day.

We ate at the Level 1 chinese restaurant in Genting Hotel. Quite nice. Which hotel are you staying in?

You like baking? How abt baking a Lychee Mint cake? Use canned lychees+butter cake recipe and add the chopped mint leaves. Very nice.
Alternatively, would be salad or make mint sauce for lamb chops....


Yup. First World hotel has Adidas and Nike. But adidas is cheaper.
Hi StyloBB,

I bought shoes from timberland. KB bought 12 shirts and a pair of shoes from timberland, then went to robinsons to get pants, t-shirts and polos from nike and adidas. That's his clothing quota for 1 year already. This is another episode of "bulk purchase"

Hi Jas,

Is joel attending berriesworld?

Hi Minnie,

Aiyoh.. i can imagine how chaotic it must have been. It's so dangerous leh... pple may fall or shoes may kena giap in the grooves of the escalator. Sigh... does the customs even care for the safety of the pple??
doesnt the mint + lychee taste weird?

I think Stylo is just explaining the cause and consequences. I believe Jesse is visualising the consequences that is why he cry.

Gentings - ok will take note. I wanna know wat to pack for Janelle and not overpack them.
hehe... hong is right. I was telling him the consequences. No lah, I don't like to instill fear in my kids. I was surprised that he had tears loh.. I also explained to him why he shud sleep early becos school holidays wl be over soon and he wl have to wake up early.

U read my posting correctly.

Mint leaves - only know it's for lamb chops.. hehe...

Pack appropriate clothes for Jan, maybe no sleeveless??

Wow! Seems not too long ago he bot books and notebook leh.....
So many clothings...let us see if he wl shop again!! haha
Forgot to mention what happened before that. Told him it's time to sleep and he wanted hb and me to be with him. Ok, we went into the room, then he started his nonsense, "Don't want to sleep!" .. this and that, kicked around. So me/hb decided enuf was enuf, we both got up, w/o a word, left the room. After a while, he came out and apologised to us. Then I went him and talked to him...
Ok to update, I haven't been loggin on cos I dun post so often and at the speed the thread is running, I get pretty lost. But yes, I remember all of you, still have that Marche pic.

Well, a number of changes, other than the job. Figure has changed (never really revert back to pre-pregnancy). Have also moved house, haha, call me kiasu, but I've moved to somewhere near my son's future primary school. It's my old school so I dun have to queue and ballot. Save me the hassle.

As for no. 2, just started trying. So fingers crossed. Actually think it's a bit overdue, by the time baby born, there will be 4 years gap. quite a big gap for them to be close I think.

So Jas, when's your no. 2?

Stylobb, long never see you. The last time was the hospital when your twins were born. Time flies.

Hong, Congrats on your no. 2. Saw the pic. Your kids so cute.

Preggie, you have 2 kids already also? Haha..ever since my figure went haywire, I love buying shoes and bags, cos I can't fit the clothes anymore. Dunno why clothes nowadays getting smaller and smaller leh.
Wow..I just saw the no. of posts accumulated all these gals have posted like 6-7 thousand more than much I must have missed out
Aiyo.. miss u very much. Drop a few posts here and there ok.

I like the part on clothes. Some of the nice clothes like never cater for big frame person like me.

Can i know which school is that???

4YO is still ok. Are to post a pic of ur son here? I rbr he is very fair and handsome.
I realise Jan will sleep late if we brot her home. MIL reported that she slept ard 10pm at her place. May be when we bring her home ard 9++, she need to adjust back home and end up sleeping ard 11pm and couldnt wake up in the morning.

My MIL kept asking me if Janelle could sleep on the coach. Told her numerous time she could but she may wake up in the mid of the journey. I find that she is not very mentally prepare to bring her oversea and yet she kept telling us she wanna bring her out. It is very frustrating and irriating to answer her qns again n again all the times.
hey, how r u? long time no 'see'...

i oso only know mint leaves for lamb chops sauce... some pple eat mint leaves to keep breathe fresh... u can try that.. hehe
i might be gg jb, will look out for the cosmetics myself, thks!

cheap & nice rite? hopefully i can go soon to stock up on the mascaras...
Hopefully phase scheme doesn't change by that, if nothing goes wrong, he should be attending Pei Hwa Presbyterian. Used to be a fine school with great principal when I was there, but now I dunno.

I tried to upload pix but kept getting message on upload size, etc. How should i resize it without affecting pic quality?
I also miss u leh.. my twins are already 17+ months... u changed job ah? No longer near to me?? Also changed house? Change so many things ah ... figure, house, job...kekeke..
Being 'Old gal' does not hv better chance??

U have 5000+ posts to catch up.. haha
Actually our thread's speed is quite slow leh...

Me also gve up on clothes... hehe.. I also only look at shoes...

Photos - don't know about ur pc, mine, I just resave and select the size and it works..
Is ur mil or mum looking after Mr X?
Maybe when u bring her back, it's like an excursion ... so she becomes awake.

jesse did sleep on the coach. But when we drove in, he did not sleep. Only slept when we drove back to SIN.
Nope I didn't change job. Just house. Figure change not my choice...actually my choice lah if I stop snacking *sigh*

Did you use Windows Photo Editor to adjust. What size should I adjust until? How do you normally do it?

My MIL is looking after him. i'm having difficulty finding a playgroup, those that do 2-3hrs a day, for him. He just finished his last class at GUG. Decided not to continue as once a week not really helpful.

Anyone knows any playgroup around Telok Blangah or Bukit Merah, pls let me know. Thanks.

Hong, my son also sleeps very late if he's at my parents' place which we bring once a week, cos he gets so excited and plays non-stop. So it's like what Stylobb said, an excursion.

Heh, I know lah. Just disturbing you only. I know your parenting style.
Rem the policeman catch you if you are notti saga? Hehehe...
Hi Masshiro,

I'm still a mom of 1 la.. though if you see me, you would think i'm a mother of 4 or 5 children liao.. haha

where is pei hwa presbyterian?

Hi StyloBB,

Clothes and shoes he dun buy often.. but books.... that's his softspot. The sales person at timberland said we are very strange customers.
Heh I thought youd have gone to the event since KB loved books :p

I also cannot stand it if hbs shopping and I have to wait. Luckily they dont shop so often!

Nope we didnt get from ikea, we got from brighton opp aljunied mrt, praying hard that it will be smooth delivery this wed! :p

It was an event organized by national library, encouraging fathers to read and bond with kids. Most of our weekends are just visiting grandparents and meals with them + a little shopping nearby. It felt good to be doing something different yesterday, Ray enjoyed the ride till she didnt want us to return the bikes.
I use iMac leh... so the method may be different... maybe u email to one of us... hong, can u do it??? I can only do it at nite ...

How come now u are freer to come in ???

So far I don't think there is 3-hr playgroup ...
I think all our tods attend daily playgroups ..

<font color="aa00aa">Other Mummies: masshiro used to join us at our preggie thread... fyi.</font>

Joking with me ah.. ok ok I thot u were serious about it... hehe...

Actually I like to bring them to the playground but the weather is just so hot and humid.. not v conducive...

Me also cannot stand - since it's all the electronic items and CD shops.. I rather go somewhere myself.. hehe
do u ever consider half day childcare for ur boy?
I go and ask my collick. They may know.

resize photo - i am not in office but u can send to me. I see if my course center have software to resize. If not i help u to post up on wednesday. my email is [email protected]

Jesse can dun nap? Jan even took a small nap when we go to Malacca.

show us Ray's new bed ok.

Long time not see. Resize photo-you try to resize it to 50% and see how.


Heard from news JB now is very luan, u still dare to go?
Hi Preggie,

Pei Hwa is at Bukit Timah, quite near to Ngee Ann Poly. The school has been rebuilt twice since I graduated which I dun know. Once I understand cos it's old, but twice???? Maybe they require more facilities. I was just reading a thread and got quite scared. Seems the tests very difficult leh. Our kids so poor thing. So stressful.

Hi Stylobb,
Still quite busy with work but make it a point to come in and chat. maintain sanity and destress from work. As for playgroup, I meant daily playgroups around 2-3 hours each time. Maybe I'll see if can send him to half day childcare, but very expensive lor. Full day and halfday not much difference leh.

There's this PCF playgroup but fully booked already. I've been on the waitlist for ages. sigh.

Hi there. still remember your nice long hair. ok, i'l try your method and see can or not. if not would have to trouble Hong. Thanks Hong for the offer. Let me try again.
Good Morning Mommies

Hi Preggie,
Thatz a nice and touching video!

Hi Trans,
Thatz real funny, swim across Atlantic Oceanheehee

Hi Stylobb,
Wow, you really had a GREAT eating weekend man

Hi Pooh,
Congrats! Looking forward to seeing Trimelles pics!

Hi Masshiro,
Long time no hear from you. Do come in to chat more often

Hi Chris,
When you gg JB? My silly hb suggested gg in next Sat but how to go when I need to be jie mei for my friend?! Sigh...

After I resize, I think the picture quality really very bad. Anyway, this is what I have. Taken during our recent trip to Perth
Sorry posted earlier pic twice. Ok, one last pic, which is my favourite pic. Although Perth is rather quiet, think it's really a nice place to bring our kids. Very relaxing.

This is one of the many wildlife parks there. Think my son not very popular with the kangaroos there cos he accidentally stepped on the tail of one. Could see the kangaroo fuming so badly that it was shaking so hard.

Hi Mummies
Our thread didn't kena spam ah...hehe

Looks a big boy leh..
What I wanted to say re playgrp is I think most do not provide 3hrs... even if so, I doubt if our tods can tahan 3hrs...

Fort. the kangaroo didn't whack him....

Yah man, me perpetually hungry nowadays... gotta control..

The last time he tahan until we reached KL... but on the way back, he slept.
see if my fren still int to drive in or not... i wanna get more shoes. hehe

xavier is a big boy now... nice photos! wow he go and step on kangeroo tail... so the kangeroo just hopped away?

perpetually hungry.. hmm.. r u you-know-wat?
Hi Masshiro,
Your boy looks so tall and big boy liao...
Yap, me also have same question as Chris, the kangaroo just hopped away after tail being stepped on?

Hi Stylobb,
I will only be always hungry and eat more before and after my M...that time, I will think my tummy is really big...
Wah..this lady really spams like nobody biz..i was so tempted to send her sms. I think she made a lot of enemies like tat.

Hi Stylobb, Chris, M2B,
My boy looks tall in the photos, but he's actually quite small size.

Haha..I quickly pulled him away from the kangaroo, cos I scared the kangaroo box him. Anyway, after that, not only that kangaroo, but all the other kangaroos always hop away everytime he comes near.

hi there...after all this time
You mum to 2 already? really must meet again soon..been 3 years since we last met i think.

haha..i have same question as Chris. Are you ???
At first I thot why this person started so many new threads...then I realised she posted the same thing! Aiyoh... why like that?? That is irritating and v inconsiderate.

U my as well ask who is mother of two(or three) from our last gathering...hehe.... it's me (b/g&g), hong (g/b), cherly (g/b), fion (g/b), moon (b/g).

Siao ah.... u think my hb and I print $$ is it...... I not preggie, I GREEDY... just now had office buffet and I had two helpings of food.... !!! my goodness!!!!
greedy and still exercise is ok, greedy but inactive is a great sin!!

Do u know what happened to ocean??

Also haven't seen moon's bb gal leh...
Hi Stylobb,
She also quite "hardworking" many posts. But also quite dumb in irrelevant threads also..poor Ching Leng got to take hours to delete all these. But she achieved her goal already, that is people would have read it b4 Chin Leng deletes them. But then again, those that read are prob all very irritated. So may backfire instead.

Wow..everyone got boy and girl, so nice combi. How you all do it one har?

I think one thing we really have in common all these years is we both enjoy eating!!!! But the difference is, you can slim down and I go opposite way. not fair!!!
u boy is handsome. He does look tall in the pic.
I love food too and I also put on weight easily.

Asking me abt the nice combi - JUST DO IT. hahaha..

I saw from forum, carole ng smsed the irrirated person but seem like she don care. CL said within 2-3hrs, she posted 300+ postings. I wonder who dare to send their children to her playgrp, she is not creating business oppt but to ruin it?


Which wildlife u went? The cavexxxx one?
Yes, i have a gal and my boy is 6months+. I think i already forgotten how u look like. Maybe u can organise a dinner/gathering for all of us to meet again, hehe.
wow ur arrow shoot so fast.. as usual. haha

haha all the kangeroos siam him...

i know lah, i say i cant notice ur tum the other time so you wan to make more obvious. hehe
wah, i din know our thread combi all so swee...
Not our thread lah, the gathering lah, otherwise pooh, girl and cla are gonna hantam me. It just so happened it was like that for the preggie mummies at that gathering loh...

Ard 3 yrs' gap btween charlene and clarence?

hehe, not good?


hahaha, you eat so much to make yr tummy obvious to show chris?
C&C is 35months gap but on calender year, they consider 2yrs gap as big C is Jan and small C is end Nov.
ok gals, so gathering..hmm want to do Marche again. Got new one at Vivo City right? Last time we all managed to squeeze into one big round table, now difficult hor, esp with kids.

So any suggestion where to gather? And what kind of timing is good? Weekday or weekend?

Hi Cherly,'s caversham wildlife park. Overall our zoo still the best I think, but they got their OZ animals like kangaroo, koalas and got place for kids to interact with animals. So we enjoyed lor.
gathering with the kids along? That will be too challenging if the venue is set at Marche.

May be we just keep it small within mummies only.

May be we can organise a picnic gathering for families.
Hello mummies!


Congrats! Do post little Trimelle's pic when free, we looking forward to c her


Hi! I don know if u can remember me. We met at Stylo's house 2 yrs ago and that was the 1st time we joined the gathering. Still remembered Xaiver was few mths old and was sitting in the bumbo and also u mentioned u need the nursing pillow in order to bf.:p Great to 'c' u here, more ppl, merrier.


no worries, i won hamtam u, am happy w 2 boys


Gathering for mummies + Kids + daddies will be challenging! got to find big space for the kids to run abt... maybe botanic again?
Good Morning Mommies

Hi Masshiro,
No, Im still a mommy to 1 little noti gal

Hi Stylobb,
Recently, I started skipping againwill skip 2,000 times alt dayshope will slim down abitlast Sat, me and my sis pig on 2 cakes at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf toothatz our leisure tea timeheehee

Oh, Ocean is fine, we do sms once in a blue moonHer Jovi is fine too, she looking for cc for Jovi
Hi Cla,

I can't really recall but I will when I see you again
Wah you got gud memory..yah..xavier was in the bumbo and i did bring my big bulky feeding pillow along...haha.

Hi gals, doesn't this look familiar??
Haha..I'm expert at uploading pic now. guess who's tat in the corner taking pic...

so how, are you gals able to stay one evening away from baby and we start with an easy mother gathering first at Marche?
Morning Mommies,


I oso rbr u from the gathering at Stylo's place although now I can't rbr how u look like. That's the one & oni time I've seen you.

I guess the person taking pic in the corner is M2B? Cos Raine is facing the person so I tot it is M2B.



good morning mummies!

oh ya, now that you mentioned.. hopefully the remaining of us - jas, m2b, preggie (did i miss out anyone else) will have swee swee combi too. hehe

wow, great responsibility after your comeback! looking fwd to the gatherings now, sure will support you
