Preggie Friends Since 2003

Good Morning Mommies
Happy Valentines Day!

Hi Hong,
Actually cooking is quite fun and more fun if there are people to help finished and enjoyed the food right?

Wow, you tried pineapple tarts ah? I only know how to eatheehee

Hi Chris,
The young gals in my company dressed up so nicely todayheehee

Hi Stylobb,
Hahaha, I kept telling myself that I must stopped spending on myself too

Hi Preggie,
Raines cc celebrated V-day yday and the teachers taught them to do some honeystars cookies for usso sweetplus all parents are to write a love message for the kids and it will be read out by the teachers to the kids and hanged on the pussy willow.

This Fri, they celebrating CNYall must be in Chinese traditional costume, bring 2 mandarin oranges and a CNY goodies to share with all friendsIn addition, parents must do a CNY lantern with the kids and bring to school on Fri

I had tried Aston but as I don't take steak, I had the grilled fish with pepper sauce. It is nice, I liked the pepper sauce, thick and rich yet not too spicy. As for the steak, my friends tried and all claimed it was good.

Joel's medicine is also finishing, but he is also getting better, so wondering whether should bring him back to for review and get more medicine to standby during the CNY period.

You can also be like the young gals, dress up nicely to office.
hard boiled egg white.

yah try pineapple tarts. May be make more next week if i have time. My collicks wanted to try but i only manage to make a small tub last friday.

Janelle school doesnt required them to wear CS but they are going to an excusion on 7 mar. To Muesum of Shanghai Toys. 1st time i hearf of this.
i had being telling Law abt Astons but we didnt get to have it.

Last nite i told him they are not opened on Monday. He suggested we go last nite but i told him it may be crowded cos V-day. So i suggest another day and going ard 9pm.
good morning mummies

yes, pf tried the tiramisu and said its nice...

somehow when u said 'decorate my pussy willows' i was tinking of something else... haha

u say u old woman ah.. haha.. i am wearing a zara CS top today... bot b4 my pregnancy one. hehe
Seems a nbr of ppl and kids are hving this nagging cough. My mum is also not well, I hope she'll recover soon.
So did CY eat the nut?
I also gv jesse a pce of love letter, he says he wl eat only 1 when I was reluctant to gv to him initially.
Sorry to be gross, he wl hv this huge sneeze and the mucus (green) wl come out.. guess it's beta that it's out.

jesse also wakes up at 7am. mil comes to fetch us at 7.30am.
His school does not need him to dress up in 'colourful costumes.'

I like the part about parents writing love messages to the kids...

The young gals in ur co hv hot dates ah....
I told hb no need to buy me flowers this year cos v exp...

What time does Aston close?

I was also laughing within when preggie wrote 'pussy willow'.....
Good afternoon mummies.

MIA for last 2 days cos need to clear lots of work here. My YDK didnt really help me out during my absence and kenna complain by others department. Anyway, i still need to tidy up the mess by tomorrow cos on leave on friday.

For those mummies asking me abt clarence's condition, he is better today, no fever, no running nose, recover in time for his 1st cny.


hb said buy me dinner at aston tonite. I think they close at 11pm?


I busy till forget to check on charlene's bag, not too sure if the teacher put in the memo regarding the cny celebration. Tonite must do it.
we cant expect much from temp helper cos they dun know our nature of work.

U better go there early else go late cos expecting to have Qs.

I went to try the perankan food at Joo Chiat. The restuarant using a chinese name cant rbr wat is it. I try the "black fruit" chicken curry. Very nice..
I like their mix veg too.. all the food is nice.

green mucus is no gd, better bring Jesse to see a doctor.
Hi Mummies,

Happy Valentine Day! Not celebrating 'cos no gd reason to celebrate leh. hahaha :p

Matt's childcare also hving celebration, was told to let him wear red and bring 2 oranges...


so cute. I also like the part on parents writing message to the little ones.


In the end, my sis did most of the cookies, so far we have made pineapple tarts, kueh bangkit, almond nuts, cashew nuts, honey bee hive, kueh buloh (but turn mouldy after few days, don know y.
), still left prawn roll and cornflakes cup. wanted to do chocolate cup cookies but think no time liao... also need to grill my bak kua...

and the best thing is, i din keep many cookies in my house 'cos i think won't hv many ppl coming and will hv a hard time to finish them... onli leave honey bee hive 'cos i like it... :p
Wish all sick kiddos to recover soon to enjoy Chinese New year!

Matt also sick, can hear a lot of phlegm but he can't cough it out.
I remember last time around 8pm there is already a queue forming, around 9pm when we left, the queue is quite long. So maybe either you go much later or go earlier.

Aston operating hours:
Tuesday to Thursday: 11.30am to 11pm
Friday to Saturday: 11.30am to 2am
Sunday: 11.30am to 11pm

Wow you managed to make so many different kind of goodies.

Wish Matt a speedy recovery.

Does the restaurant sell other food (e.g. chinese style) other than peranakan? Not too sure whether is it the same one that I went with my parents before.
Hi Jas & Chris,
I not so young anymore mahthese gals are in early 20s lehme got no hot dates so no reason to doll myself up leh

Hi Hong,
Think it is fine to bake some timesI tried that a few months agodid non-baked cheesecakes too

Hi Stylobb & Cla,
Yap, it is real nice to ask parents to write love messages for the kids and teachers read it out to them lorquite sweet.

You know hor, Raine kena bitten a few times when a new boy joined his ccyday, Raine told me that boy kena bitten by another boyheehee, abit bad of me to be happy about it :p But Raine kena bitten on the hand, legs and back by that boy before leh

Glad that Clarence is better nowyou must take care too.

Hi Cla,
You really hardworking to bake so many goodies man!
Are u enjoying ur dinner at Aston??

chara is chesty again, gotta use the nebuliser again... julien is cleared... I will hv to let chara sleep in study w/o aircon again...

Talking abt Peranakan, I think there is one called "True Blue" at East Coast Road leh.. opened by a guy...apparently he is the cook too....

So bad leh, why the boy bites ah???
Did u tell the teacher to watch out for Raine??

Also pei fu, can bake so many .. I was munching on my cookies just now, suddenly rembred that I was on confinment last year... now making up for lost opportunity...hahaha...
is not True Blue, this perankan rest got 3* from Makansutra. They do catering too.

they do chinese food.

I only make pineapple tarts. Did u wait for the kueh buloh to cool down completely before putting into the containers? I thot of making bee hive but i think i shld shelf this for next yr CNY. hahaha..
Good morning mummies.

Am I no 1 today? Hehe long time didnt claim my title.


Chara is unwell? Poor thing, hope she recover soon.
Yes, enjoy dinner at aston. We arrived ard 6pm+ and there is a little Q, waited for ard 20mins. The steak is nice and economy but they only accept CASH.


The boy find raine nice to eat? Haha, joke aside, think you must report it to teacher.


You so good can bake so many things, unlike me just know how to eat only. Never try baking anything in my life yet.


Most of you never meet clarence before except stylobb. Here is a pic of clarence.
Good Morning Mommies
How is everyones Valentine Day?
We spent it with Raineheehee, making red packet lantern w her :p
Actually hb bought me a gift liao but I didnt get him anything coz he said he doesnt need anything lahso save $...

Hi Stylobb & DJD,
Yap, we did speak to the teacherthe teacher very apologetic but that boy is always biting other kids too but just happen that Raine is closer to him and thus sometimes after playing awhile and if Raine is taking some toys that he wants, he will bite herhahaha Can you imagine Raine was bitten on her back because the boy feels that she is blocking his way by lying there...OMG

Think Raine kena 3x from himhb was so angry that he wanted to go to the cc to scold the teacher but I reasoned w him that sometimes cant blame the teacher lorthus I told Raine to stay away from him if he likes to bite her so muchThe teacher cannot disclose who was the 1 who bite Raine but Raine can talk mah so she told me whohahaha

Now no more liao and thus when I heard from Raine that the boy kena bitten by another boyI find it so funnyretribution?! :p

Same here, I oso know how to eat only...

Yes yes, I wana see Clarence's pic!
wat is the error? Is ur pic too big or file sice too huge?

ur hubby shld look for the boy's parents. Why angry with teacher? hahaha..
Hi M2B,

I don't understand why the school would want to hide the identity of the boy. For me, i'll probably insist on seeing his parents.. He's machiam like a dracula leh.... scary sia!

Hi cherly,

Now that you are back at work, think no one can take over the 1st position liao! haha

Hi StyloBB, Chris,

You two ah... better springclean your dirty minds.. hahaa... Anyway, I bought my pussy willows last night liao.. Chinatown was so crowded i could hardly breathe! So we just grab the stuff we want and go.
I really hope I can help but me not IT expert leh

Hi Hong,
Hb is angry coz he said teacher did not look after the kids and let such things happen repeatedly lorbut I told him such things are inevitably as teachers eyes cant be fixed on a certain child for 12hrs lor

Hi Preggie,
I think the teachers did tell the boys parents about the biting incidentsI bet other kids kena from him tooanyway it had stopped. Raine is still good friends w him though, you asked him who is her best friend, she sure say that boyhahaha My frens joked to said that the boy gave Raine love bites :p

Chinatown real crowded? Thought of gg down to get melon seeds coz my fav flavour is sold out at West Mall and Taka liao
Yah agrees that the teacher may not able to look after all the kids at the sametime.

I got my melon seed long ago cos i dun think i am going to squeeze with the pple at Chinatown.
U getting from the "Melon King"?

possible that the server cldnt upload ur file. Clarence photo not acceptable here. hahaha..
Hi Mummies

I'm still keen to try Peranakan food leh....

Ikea is open thruout CNY, I wonder if the restaurant is open too.....

Wah, I so rong xin, only one to see clarence... he has ur look and charlene's look lah.

U saved as jpg file? Then u just upload attachment. But u hv to ensure it is not a big file otherwise u cannot do it.

Chara is beta but she kena mosq bites, the moq likes her.. cos Julien doesn't get any...
Julien was coughing last nite.. looks like either we hv to switch off aircon today or move them to the study... sian....

I must drag hb to Astons soon....

I think the boy biting is a show of his reaction.. must tell the teacher to talk to him. Biting is not nice leh.
jesse used to snatch things and push other boys (even older ones) too. He was made to sit in naughty corner. The teacher says if he doesn't apologise, she will call me to tell me. Since mummy is his beloved, he apologised .. and even asked the teacher 'So you won't be calling my mummy, right?'

That's why I ever mentioned, don't know which is worse: to bully others or by bullied by others...????

Melon seeds hv different flavour???

When is ur session with the kids??

Don know where goes wrong cos i cant even attach any file from my yahoo email.


Yalor you are very rong xin.
Charlene also kenna mosq bite till very jialat and went to doctor yesterday. Her 2 eyes and face swollen due allergy. Actually mosq biten her hand and leg but don know why her face and eyes also swell and we dare not delay to send her to doctor, doctor said she might allergy to insert bites. She is same as me, mosq like us the most.
Air-con, now i totally dare not on, scare running nose run back to clarence. Just switch on the fan only.
Hi StyloBB,

The session is tomorrow.. Am going to a bookshop to look for cny books during lunch.. so far, i've planned to do storyreading (no choice), then ask them to decorate pussy willow and finish the session with a "lo hei".

Got them gold ingots (not chocolates), hu lu (the waterbottle gourd) and oranges as take home gifts.

Hi M2B,

Very very crowded..... see already also sian...
Ur pic is in ur C drive?

So far, me/jesse/julien don't attract moq. First time I see bites on chara's face. I think her skin is the most sensitive among my kids.
Wow, charlene's case sounds so jialat.. swelling somemore...

Actually it's ok to just hv the fan on, but we adults are so spoilt and so used to the air-con..

Yes in my C drive.
Both my kids got sensitive skin, charlene's eyes most jialat, told my mum must apply cream and medicine on time, otherwise how to celebrate cny?
Clarene so cute. Yes i agree he got Charlene look.

Cherly, stylo,
Jan is very likeable to MOQ but not Julian. I believe Jan's body temp is higher than Julian so she always the one kena kiss by MOQ.

I told MIL may be i took too much durian so Janelle has a heaty body. While Julian does not have this problem and I take more bird nest when i have julian then Jan so Julian is fairer.
Good Afternoon Mommies!

Hi Hong,
Yalor, thatz why I told hb cannot blame the teacher but that time really heartpain to see the teeth marks and bruises lorso angry that time too

Yap, me getting from the Melon King, theirs are real nice!

Hi Stylobb,
Yap, the teachers do talk to the boymaybe tatz why it stopped?! Now he kena bitten instead...That time Im afraid that Raine will learn biting from that boy thus always remind her cannot bite people one if not, I will take off all her teeth

True lor, but I dun wana my kid to be bullied or go ard bullying others too :p

Yap, melon seeds have chilli, liquorice, soya sauce, etc

Is Charlene ok?

BTW, Clarence really looks like Charlene especially the 2nd pic! He looks so cute!
Hong / M2B,

This is clarence lu shan zhen mian mu, pic taken few days back. Most of pple said he looks like charlene but he is more notti than his jie jie, super bad temper.

Century Sq got Melon King stall.
Ju n Jan doesnt look alike to me. Yes, i agree boys are more playful. Julian like to fake his cry. He will goes hee hee hee and want us to carry him.
Good Morning Mommies...
Are you all having half day today?
We still waiting for the good news...heehee

Hi DJD & Hong,
So boys are more bad-tempered and naughtier too?

My mom said she will go bugis to see have the flavour of melon seeds I like or not and she will buy 1kg for me...hahaha
Hi Mummies
hong is nbr 1 spot today..
hee hah, me on half day today...

Any last min. shopping?

hb/I rushed to NTUC to get mandarin oranges.. and my mum had to add her 'weight' to the bak kua seller whom she usu patronises in order to get our bak kua!!!

Aiyah, my kids are still coughing...

Egg - how to feed? Mash the hard-boiled egg and add to porridge???
bugis meaning seiyu? dun have leh. i was there these two days so i know. Dun go there hor. I got 1.5kg of melon seed from melon king. hee hee..

My mum, mil, sister all felt that boys are harder to handle and more playful and naughtier.

yah. sorry shld start with egg yolk 1st not egg white. I am nbr 1 cos i can only access internet after Janelle slept. hahaha..
Gd morning mummies!

Happy Chinese New Year! Today no half day but got CNY lunch in office.

Yesterday on leave to do some spring cleaning and also last min shopping (Stylobb, last min shopping - me!!! This year like no new year mood, so now have to do last min shopping. :p)

Went to John Little, OG and Taka. JL having 15% off storewide, quite a lot of gd deal including diapers!!! i bot 4 packs of EQ, less 15% and total still less another 15%!!!

Finally got most of the new clothes, will c if got more time for some leisure shopping tmr. I thot of going to Chinatown to enjoy the festive mood, c if we can leave the kids at il place while we go there and squeeze w ppl... hahaha


U gals flattered me, i din do all, think onli 2 or 3 types, the rest was done by my sis and her maid. Actually all along, we have been making honey bee hive and prawn roll since my mum's time. Onli for past few years, we started to try out more cookies.


My sis did wait till it turn cool b4 keeping it in the tupperware but still turn mouldy. Haiz, this is the onli cookie that we still yet to conquer.


For matt, the teacher will report to me when he misbehave. He used to throw things in cc, including wooden blocks(which can be dangerous!!!). Also he likes to push other kids and wan to be 1st when going to toilet. The teacher will put him to slient corner and report to me. I have to remind him over and over again b4 he goes to school and at nite before he goes to bed, so far it works as he no longer display the misbehaviour.

Not easy to be good parents...
half day? - we had dept lunch at Amara hotel later and we just heard from the organisers they are going to have games after every 2 dishes and trying to drag the lunch till 4pm! siao! hahaha..

if i have help, i will do more stuffs. My sister dun stay near me so really cant. My 2nd sis cant afford to take leave, her only holiday is school holiday.

I found a shop that doing eyebrow triming for $5.
Hallo Mommies!!

Been a long time since I appeared here cos been swamped w CNY prep at work!!! Finally can take a breather now.

Anyway, wishing all families a a Happy & Properous Lunar New Year!!


No doubt Charlene and Clarence are siblings.
Really look alike loh... Very adorable.


Josh took half-boiled and semi-cooked egg when he turned one. We dun add to porridge. Nanny feeds him an egg on its own, a drop of dark soya sauce.
Welcome back here..hehe

So gotta mash it or not??

Talking about eggs, my side ran out of quails' eggs!! Gotta look for them afterwards.
Oh ya... DJD, i find that Clarence looks a lot like Ben!!! like mini size Ben, so cute...


too bad, u not staying near my place, else we can do it at my sis place... will be gd if got ppl to do w u, else very xian to do alone. I doubt i can do it myself. So far i onli try to bake a cake myself ONCE. :p

So cheap? i thot of going for eyebrow embrodiery...
Yah but if u want her to design a nice eyebrow, it will cost $15 in total but next time u go back to her to trim using back the existing brow design will only cost $5.

The show is at Bugis. hahaha.. far for u bo. One of a small shop inside the bugis village.

Yes, we mash it. Then add some milk and carrots...

Did you realise that when we eat an egg, we are actually eating a whole chicken? Hehehe...

Quail's eggs for steamboat?
happy chinese new year to all

i still wonderin abt ur grilled bak kwa... got chao ta? hehe

why not try threading? i find it last longer

i think i'm the one doin last min shopping... i only bought bak kwa and some other foodies.. just came back from ntuc also.. night time, going shengsiong for more drinks

btw, this pregnancy i got placenta previa... the placenta goin lower and lower.. sigh

Bugis not far lah, a direct bus + 35 mins will bring me there liao...


Hee, thinking abt my bak kwa... 1st time not so successful, become fried bak kwa. Done another round, will grill it tonite, if remember, will take some pic and post here... ;)

placenta previa - wow! quite dangerous right? need to do anything abt it? My sil had same pro, and when she gave birth, had to remove the womb also...
remove the whole womb?? my gynae din say anything abt that but she told me not to walk too much. and ask my ang to be a monk til i gave birth.. haha

I am back from my lone shopping .. so shiok man... went Vivo City.. only bot a pair of slip-ons and a magazine.. Can u imagine, I lugged the quails' eggs with me .. AND muffins.

I didn't realise abt the whole chix leh..

Q's eggs for soup. Not hving steamboat with inlaws, we decided we wl cook a few dishes instead. We had steamboat w my parents and bro/fmy last week. Realise the preparation involves a lot of work....

Is this condition serious??? Maybe all u need is rest.. not sure if m2b had the same problem that time... (pardon me, m2b... I rember u had sth about the placenta...)
