Preggie Friends Since 2003

halo mummies
busy day today tho not working... getting hse, bags ready b4 we leave tmr for our trip

thks for yday! walked from raffles city and marina sq and end up pf finally managed to get his shoes from aldo at where we started....

i was diagnosed with mature placenta week 30+ of my pregnancy and was given 2 wks mc to rest at home.... previa placenta is placenta moving lower? is it dangerous to the bb? so i presume u cant walk much too?

clarence really looks a lot like charlene, esp the 2nd pic.. i can picture charlene in that same expression! i showed pf the pic and he said look like ben...

ok, thats all from me for now. here's wishing everyone a very happy new year, gong xi fa cai, wan shi ru yi!!! have a great piggy year! oink!
i'm still readin up on placenta previa.. but from the content, walkin too much will cause bleedin lor.. at 1st it's low lyin next to the cervix.. but now coverin my whole cervix up

got mature placenta?? wat does it mean?
Good morning mummies.

Here wish all a very happy lunar new year.


Have a enjoyable trip and hope to hear some good news from you. Hehe!


Clarence like mini ben ah, his eyes is really like Ben. As for face feature, i find he look like charlene. Still young, will change again.


You got your melon seeds?


How's your kids? Are they well by now?


The placenta previa sound serious to me, maybe you should rest more.


Long time didnt "see" you here, how's josh now?
Hi all,

Happy Chinese New year to all.

pls take care. Some still can deliver the bb safely. Read more is gd.

Oh the eyebrow. The shop i went also have threading but i didnt try. May be i will try next time.

Eggs - that is Janelle favourite. She can down two at one go but she dun really like egg yolk so she will take it away.

I let her try quail egg today and she says yummy.
Dear Mummies!

Happy Chinese New Year!

I also felt that he look like Ben. Now you can have a taste of the boy's behavior!

I dunno what's that but sound serious to me. Please take good care and rest more!

Hahaha both of us live in the east but yet met in the north so funny....
Hi Mummies

Happy Chinese New Year!!
Had a lot of visitations today? Managed to get back by 3pm to let jesse nap otherwise he wl tell us he is not tired....

U are in japan now, no problem lah.. glad u managed to get the top on time for ur trip.

Looks like u beta ask for deployment to sth else in ur work for the time being so that there is less walking/standing for u....

I think if mature placenta, it will mean that it is not giving enuf nutrients to the bb...

Strangely but tkfully their cough/running nose is gone... daytime no coughing at all...

How are ur kids??

jesse also likes quails' eggs.. I think everyone likes quails' eggs..hehe... that time we went Sanur and I ordered a soup for him, only 1 egg.. he wanted more so I asked the waiter to pls give us 3 more....

Anyway making noodles afterwards and wlbe adding the eggs to it...

I like ur 'u can have a taste of the boy's behaviour!' haha... .think those of us who had boys really pengz... now with my gals, I also find that they are not as difficult as boys...
Look like most of the families r going visitation.

we went to pass the kueh lapis to Law's frd. AMK is so pack and crowded. Law wanted to find a restaurant to eat cos we were with kids and yet we cant find any in the central.

He was happy that day cos he manage to find his shoes that only cost him $12.90

I dun really give Janelle quail eggs. Out of the 15 eggs i broke 5 of them. I think Janelle wasnt gentle when she placed the eggs in my marketing basket. I only realised when i wanted to cook it the next day. I dun like quail egg leh. hahaha..

I also reach home at 3pm today to let the kids nap. Both of them nap till 6pm.

Going great grandma place, Jan's grand uncle place and my sister place tmr.
Hi Mummies,

Arggg... had a busy and tired day, have to make my brain working soo hard to recall who are the people. I was so bad that I had to ask my aunts who is who! I only managed to reach home around 5pm, took a quick nap and out again at 7pm.

Yalor... cos I remember once DJD had ever said "IS IT? Maybe I will only understand when I have boy." that was quite some back even b4 she was preggie. Also dunno why hor? Boys = difficult!

Haiyo, AMK was so crowded that we give up walking around! I wanted to go to the NTUC hybermart to take a look but in the end, zoom in to take Ryan's milk and out again. Cannot make it ah. What shoes he brought so cheap?

Stylobb, you are right. Mature placenta means exectly that. I had mature placenta around the same time when I couldn't felt ryan's movement. So I had to induce.

Tomorrow will be another long day!!

Enjoyed your hoilday.... and don't forget to post your photos!
hi all
i think my co put me on UPL w/o tellin me.. coz i ask my coll abt the new roster.. my coll say they nv schedule 1 for me..
anyway, i'm going for glucose testing this friday, will ask doc if i still can work in this condition..
i'm now resting more at home.. only go to my mum's hse for cny visitin
All mummies on leave today?

converse look alike shoes. We got Janelle something similar but with velco instead. Look cool on her when she wore it with her Levis Jean. I was tempted to get one too cos i need one for my work.

It will be tough to go visitation with two kids. hahaha....

Law went to his boss house yesterday for some gathering. He went alone and he said supposed that collicks not bringing any kids but their kids all turned up. He said he acted blurred. He didnt give up any ang bao althot i gave him 10 packets just in case. He said not enough so might as well not giving any. He said wife not ard, I was the one incharge of Ang Bao. Nice excuse huh.
Gd mrng!

Happy Chinese New Year! No much visiting for us, just the usual place - 1st day mrng went il place, went back to nap and evening went to my grandparents place. 2nd day whole day at my il place. yesterday stayed at home and asked hb's fren to come over for some catch up. Matt busy drinking flavour drinks and playing w his cousins, Nic busy carrying cookies to ppl, asking them to open for him. Sure they can't resist a request from the little one and end up he ate a lot of stuff too.


Me here today, starting work, so xian...


think u better take gd rest, don work too hard. But on another hand, if u need to rest till give birth, will it affect ur entitlement of maternity leave?
GONG XI FA CAI! Is everyone back at work? I know Chris is in Japan now.


Did u go to the Lor 4 mkt to get quail eggs? I was laughing inside when I read u can't get cos I prob took the last bag of it. Was at e mkt at abt 8am wz my mom after sending CY to sch last Fri, the stalls were almost all emptied liao. When we got the quail eggs, e uncle said that was the last bag that he had.


I think Clarence looks like Charlene when she was a bb, except dat he doesn't hv the punk hairdo. Hehe...


U take care. How come ur coy puts u on UPL without notifying you?
welcome to work. hahaha..
My collicks are asking me why i do not take leave? I shld ask them back too. hahaha..
I will be on course for the whole of next week so i need to arrange some work for my contractors while i am not ard.

CY like quail eggs? I find quail eggs got a funny taste.
Good Morning Mommies!
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Last Fri, my boss gave us a surprise, he let us go off after lunch and wishing us Happy New Yearheeheewent shopping for awhile w my coll at VC before gg over to my ILs place for reunion dinner
For the past 3 days, we were out of the house for visiting and end up, Raine took her nap in the car instead. But it was good coz she slept longer and wake up later in the morningheehee She collected so many angbaos, we have already deposited into her account yday morning liao

Hi Cla,
So far Raine has been behaving in cc, no complaints from teachersmaybe she is the 1 being bullied instead bayap, I agreed it is not easy to be good parents lor. Discipline liao, then heartpain but yet discipline is a must to make them behave wellhiaz

Hi Stylobb,
Yap, your memory is really good! I have prob of low placenta in my initial pregnancy and thus gynae advised that I may have to opt for C-section if the condition does not improve but luckily, the placenta moved up in the later period and thus I can gave birth naturally.

Hi Pooh,
You must rest well and heed the advice of your gynae. Take care.

My mom got my cousin to get 1kg for me in addition to the 1kg that I have initially. Hahaha

Hi Hong, Trans & Cla,
I'm back to work too! Sianz right? Dun wana waste my leave in the early part of the year as I have already took 3 days for my HKG trip next week...

Hi Chris,
Enjoy your Japan trip and waiting to see your fotos!
Morning mummies
Me back to work too... gotta conserve my leave.... v sian to come back but happy too... so weird hor... had a nice break with family esp with the gals, they are pretty attached to me now, wl come to me when they see me..... we kept asking them ' do u want to follow por por home? ' They will shake their heads... quite funny.

We also did not visit much, only went to mil's, mum's and grand-aunt's place on first day. On Monday, we went to Border's and Ikea. Friends came over yesterday.

Talking about quail's eggs, qi shi wuo... yes I bot two packs at Tanjong Pagar NTUC... all becos jesse says he wanted. Scully I boiled and peeled one pack, he refused to eat, only taking 1?? U see lah...
Anyway imagine hb's and my shock when we opened our fridge and found it packed to the brim and we don't recall we bot so much!!!!

We went to Border's on Monday. They were having 15% discount. Hb asked jesse to choose a dvd - Hi 5, Dora or Spongebob... in the end jesse chose Spongebob.., what a horrible cartoon. After two episodes, I switched it off and told hb to keep it. He agreed with me that it's not a nice cartoon.

Did CY take his nap the past few days? Yesterday jesse played the whole day.... KO v fast at bedtime...

U mean not supposed to bring kids but Law's colleagues brot them????

I like quail's eggs leh....

Two of the twins mummies came to my place.

I spoke too soon... on Monday morning, all three woke up and all started coughing again... sian....
According to my gf, she said it's prob due to their sensitive noses...

What is UPL?? unpaid leave.....

i'm also thinkin hard too.. abit stressed up by all these. i've a coll on long UPL bcoz she got PV bleeding then she went on ML for 3 mths..
but this time round, i'm under bond... dun noe will affect it anot

actually i apply for AL til this sunday, last friday when i see doc. she gave me a day mc to rest to prevent me from walkin too much.
i call my boss and told them i'm on mc. they told me ok. then i ask my coll abt my roster, that's when i know i'm being put on UPL w/o anyone notifying me.. i'm abit angry by this lack of communication also
I am ok lah cos i have being "disappearing" from work for quite a few days. I just hope my users disappear these few days so i have some quiet days to clear my work. hahaha..
SO u got ur melon seed?

Heh, u got so many days of leave. What is 3 days to u? Haiyo. My coy dun allow us to encash the unused leave anymore. We got to clear them.

Law said no kids but i think that was quite impossible cos who will help them to take care of the kids. A family got 4 kids, one got 3, some 1 and 2. He said at least 20 kids ard and he only got 10 ang bao so he didnt give. Infact, i am not in favour to bring the kids along. I being to his gathering with his collick before.
Kids tend to go wild when they are together. Running, jumping and shouting loudly. They gave me headache.

Both kids took their naps except one noon that Jan skipped her. I told MIL if she went passed the timing then dun allow her to sleep. I asked her to keep Janelle awake till we went to fetch her so she can sleep early at nite. We have one peaceful nite cos both kids slept early.

We are expecting one of the frd to deliver her baby this saturday. Schedule c-section.
Gong Xi Fa Cai to all mommies!

I'm back at work too... i think this is the best time to work coz most pple still in holiday mood and work will not be so siong.... better dun waste AL.

Did so much over the hols... went visiting, sentosa, watch movie....

Yesterday, we went to KB's godpa's house and on the way, he bumped into the taxi infront... no dent, no scratch and he gave the taxi driver $100!! Went to pump petrol also give pump attendent angpow... bangladeshi worker come to sweep our floor, he also give ang pow...

I think he's feeling generous... but i feel heartpain!

Hi Pooh,

How could they put you on UPL without your knowledge? Did you ask them or maybe they haven't rostered you coz you've been on MC? Or maybe they are planning to give you light duties so no need to roster you?

Hi M2B,

I'm also like you.. trying to conserve leave... coz got so many plans this year. If anyhow take leave, i think before year end, i will be "leaveless" liao!

Hi StyloBB,

I went to carrefour and couldn't find any quail's eggs
Dunno why i didn't think of going to Tanjong pagar NTUC.
Good morning mummies.

Gong Xi Fa Cai.


I am back to work as well. Nowadays, charlene hardly want to take nap unless she wake up very early, otherwise she wants to play and skip her nap.


I went to sentosa yesterday afternoon, so hot and so crowded, the end 3 of us (hb, me and charlene) all buay tahan, stayed there for half an hour and went to vivo city.
KB so generous ah, ask him to give me ang pow too.

CY doesnt particularly like quail eggs. His fave is fish balls. I tink if I dun limit him, he can just eat fish balls for main meals. Can you imagine we bot 80 fishballs jus for the CNY?


Aiyo, CNY dun say 'qi shi' lah, no good... Kids are like dat lor. So who finished e eggs eventually?

CY mng to nap for all 3 days.


Both of us should hv hang ard Preggie's plc and pretend to bump into KB hor? Hehe...
Hi Stylobb & Preggie,
Yap, I also want conserve my leave man coz my BIL jio us to go Japan this year end...hopefully, we have $ to go...hiaz

I also went VC last Fri...bought a dress from cheap coz at 70% discount...hahaha but it is last piece but luckily in my size...

My sis went VC yday too but she said not much Post-CNY sale leh thus she went back to work today liao...initially she took leave thinking got sale after CNY but dun have...hahaha

Hi Preggie,
Yalor, KB so generous, tell him we also want leh! heehee

This CNY, Raine so funi, bring ard 2 oranges and kepting saying "Xin Nian Kwai Le, Gong Xi Fa Cai" to all aunties and uncles, I stopped her from adding "Hong Bao Yi Ge Lai" which she will add on...OMG!
Hi Cherly,

I met some really uncouth PRCs at the flower show! There was one study mama who shooed everyone out of the way so that she could snap pics of her daughter! Her behaviour really irks me! Wah lau eh.. felt like telling her this is SINGAPORE not CHINA!

I went at 5pm... just rained and not too hot.. but very humid though.

hahaa.. ok.. when he comes to your house to collect stuff, i will "remind" him to give you an angpow! haa

Hi Pooh,

Then i think your employer is not very fair to you leh.. how can they impose UPL on you? Issit a coy regulation?

Yalor, shall we jio more mummies and hang ard at preggie's place?
I also ordered 60pcs of fishballs for our steamboat on 1st day of cny.


I went sentosa yesterday ard 1pm, weather was ok when i left home but when we reach sentosa was so hot. I went there becos of flower show, too many PRCs there as well, all pushing to take pics. Ben is the most happier one when i said go for shopping.
Must remind him to give me big angpow hor.


Yalor, no much sales and there are some shops are not open yet.
Wow, 20 kids!

Yeah I also prefer that jesse naps. But if he does not, then he wl KO v fast... and I can have some personal time. I realise I only hv 1 hour+ of my own time at nite leh....

So I'm not the only one in pursuit of quail's eggs!! haha...

Why don't u ask ur gynae to give u hosp leave?? Mine gave me that the last time.

Still one pack+ left in the fridge leh...

Naps - this jesse ah, stimes when it's time to nap, don't wanna nap. When it's time to get up, don't wanna get up.

So u were at VC last friday too...

I think Tang's has the $75 bundle for dress, shoes, bag... but I don't need any more clothes for now.

Must pick a cool day to go sentose otherwise v hot......

FYI.... (preggie, u can start to plan your 2008 holidays...hehe)

Here are the tentative dates of 2008 public holidays.

New Years Day Tue, 1 Jan 2008

Chinese New Year Thu/Fri 7 - 8 Feb 2008

Good Friday Fri, 21 Mar 2008

Labour Day Thu, 1 May 2008

Vesak Day Mon, 19 May 2008

National Day Sat, 9 Aug 2008

Hari Raya Puasa Wed, 1 Oct 2008

Deepavali Tue, 28 Oct 2008

Hari Raya Haji Mon, 8 Dec 2008

Christmas Day Thu, 25 Dec 2008
Happy Lunar New Year to all...

Joel doesn't like quail eggs.

You better take care and rest more.. sounds like a serious condition.

Agree that spongebob is not a nice cartoon. I find mickey mouse, tom and jerry are also not nice cartoon too. Anyway now Joel favourite is Bob the builder and kept asking hubby to buy him the toys. These few days, kept using the mattresses to build houses... Hubby said to get him the hammer and the drill.
now they making me feel very insecure in this job.. they told me to call back to them after this friday's checkup
by then, we'll decide if i just need some mc or if i cant work til birth.. most probably is UPL lor..

60 pieces of fishball!!! can finish ar?

ely also very funny this cny.. ppl came to our hse, she will stand at the doorstep and shake hands with everyone.. if u walk past her, she will chase u ard the hse, screamin her head off
Maybe now post-CNY sales not in fashion anymore?! Heehee Think the sales will probably starts this weekend or next

Hi Stylobb,
Yap, I reached VC ard 3pm+, VC really big man, just manage to go Tangs, Mango and Gapwana get a Gap jeans, but no sizes left liao

Huh, you mean can get a dress, shoes and bag all at just $75?! The dress I got is $149 less 70%...heehee

Hi Pooh,
Dun worry or be upset over work now coz your bb is most importantif really cant work, UPL so be it then. Cheer up ok?

Our kids grown up liao so not so stranger shy nowI feel happy seeing Raine mixing well with both adults and kids
Cherly, Trans,
My MIL is a very particular person. She cannot take overnite/ precooked fishball so no fishball for steamboat. I went to get Fu chou fishball for my sister and mum.

Jan still nap. Law is very particular abt their rest time. Anyway, MIL says Janelle will tell her she wants to sleep once she reaches home after school. 3hrs of school + 30-45 min of bus ride really make her really tired.
Good morning mummies.


Let me know if there is any post sales on, is Metro post cny sales over already? Usually they have 20% storewide.


What time Jan need to go to school. The class + journey will really make her tired out.


We can finish 60pcs of fishballs cos got 7 children + 14 adults for our steamboat dinner.
Good Morning Mommies.
Raine is still taking her nap, in cc, her usual nap time is from 12.30pm (milk) to 3pm and on weekends, she will nap for at least 2hrs. I will nap with her too...hehehe

Post CNY sale ah, think I just received sms from Dune only so went to BYSI? Before CNY, they having 18% discount for purchases above $88...maybe you can pop by Tangs to look see...some of their clothes are quite nice and they having sale now...
Hi Hong,

Wow.. your MIL got very high standard for food. For us, we are still eating the leftovers from the steamboat. I feel that the more you cook the soup, the nicer it becomes

Hi Pooh,

You are still under bond right? They can't lay you off.... i just feel that the coy is quite unethical to put you on UPL without speaking to you first.
haiyah... her tongue is made of gold. I told hubby i will not prepare meal for her. She is just like my hubby all food to her is "OK" only.
Furthermore, she doesnt like some vege, some ingredient. Even my MIL's mum feels that her own daughter is too picky. She told me not to let Janelle follow her grandma. My cooking is also the same so I wun volunteer to cook for her. I will only cook for my FIL.

Janelle class starts at 8:30am - 11:15am.
We will reach her school ard 8:15 - 8:20am. Janelle is the 2nd last passenger on the school bus. The bus driver has tried his best to send the kid home ASAP.

Whenever we drive pass a condo, Janelle will tell us her schoolmate live here. MIL said all her bus-mate live in condo. hahaha..
Morning Mummies
We KO at 10pm last nite.... really can't take it, cos I felt my eyes smarting.....

We also prefer that jesse naps, hence we wl rush home on weekends to ensure he does that. Stimes we can see him dozing off in the car and wl talk to him to distract him...

My mum also does not like to keep food, so I am also used to not eating overnite food... all her food must be fresh and freshly cooked....

When u said u also napped with Raine, it made me feel less bad cos I used to look fwd to weekends to catch up on my sleep.... I will sleep on Sat and Sun too... haha.. but lately I am not that tired so wl only nap for 1 hour.... v tkful that my maid looks after the gals while I nap....

Tang's has nice clothes but I didn't see anything that caught my eye.
It was my hb who told me about the Tang's bundle sale...
Surprisingly I found some nice stuff at Dano... even got their vip card as a result of the purchases...

U wanna go shopping ah???
Bot two pairs of pumps for Seiyu and disposed of my current pair liao.... my feet are still particular and can't fit any type of shoes....
I was clearing my shoe cabinet and saw at least 2 pairs that I wore during my pregnancy, they are still in good condition but too bad, too loose now.

jesse also naps but my nephew wl wake him up after 2 hours... cos I want him to sleep early at nite...

I suggest you speak to your gynae and see what can be done ie getting special leave.
I agree with preggie about the unethical part. They are also causing u unnecessary stress by doing this to u.

Most prob. catching Letters from Iwo Jima tomorrow...

Yes went to BYSI b4 cny and wearing a new pc to today.
You went to angsana resort and nirwana resort b4, which one is better? Me and my sisters are planning to bring our kids there since i got to clear my remaining ML.


Yes need somemore shopping. Remember i gave away all my old clothes after i pregnant so now need to buy back to fill my wardrobe.
Thanks all for the concerns
i'll settle it asap tml
one of my coll got terminated due to excessive mc altot she's on bond.. but that time when she got terminated, alot of us petition for her... she got low immunity is not her fault.. somemore she got real evidence as she was hospitalised a couple of times.. but wat to do.. the coy only wants "useful" ppl

ely gets better in sch already.. no more manja. my mum thinks she's pantang and went to temple and pray for her.. the next day, she got up and went to sch with smiles..
hope this continues
Joel also nap, it is only when he naps that my mum can cook and me (on weekends) can get things done.

Good to know that Ely is better in school now. The coy so 'realistic'...
Same for Janelle. I guess they are ok with school now. However one of the teacher told me Janelle will always cry or say she dun want school when she sees her. hahaha..

I asked Jan and she told me she prefered her chinese teacher.
Hi Stylobb,
Why you feel bad? I can nap for more than 3hrs w Raine on weekends manheeheethen hb will be busily cleaning up the house when we sleep. Then when we wake up, we will go out for dinner.

I found quite nice clothings at Tangs (VC branch) last Fri but some arent cheaplike 1 tank top with small details but cost more than $40+ after discount, felt not worth it thus just bought that dress instead

I also wearing a new BYSI top todayhahaha
I find that I have quite a lot of their clothings nowbut still not a memberhahaha

You gg Bintan? Think w family, Nirwana is betterAngsana more for couples

Hi Pooh,
Dun worry so much ok? Se what your gynae says tomorrow.

Hi Hong,
Raine also still missing her previous form teacher who was transferred to other Centre liaothis teacher is so sweet, she messaged us to wish us Happy CNY last Sun. Sometimes, I feel that some people will just have a natural chemistry with kids
M2B, Stylo,
Ju usually nap 1st then we will put Jan to nap. By the time i wanna nap, Julian will fidget and wake up. *duh* SO most of the time i cant rest or nap with them. Luckily Julian sleep pretty well at nite else very cham for us. I am trying to wean off his nite feed but still unsuccessful.

However i manage to stretch his feed till 6am in the morning but this is pretty rare.

Julian like to flip in his sleep leh.. haiyo and he always wake up doing that. He does that in sarong too. Then he will end up in crawling position in the net.

Now whenever Law drives too fast. Janelle will say "Daddy, dun drive so fast. Slow down!" I told him he had a life speedometer that will remind him. hahaha..

Yes planning to go bintan on weekdays so to clear off my remaining ML.
Not easy to be their member cos need to purchase $200 in single receipts rite?


Ju so young and you thinking to wean off his nite feed? How many times you need to wake up at nite?
Clarence don really like sarong, he prefer pple to carry to make him sleep then put on the bed. However, we prefer to let him sleep in sarong cos as he grows, our hand can break to carry him that way.
Cherly, Julian is 7.5month old. His nite feed is the 3am - 2am feed. Not the 12am feed. Nos of feeds at nite really varies. I think MIL is more hardworking but i will try feeding him water and try my luck to see if he really sleep back.

I had started sarong in the 1st month. Infact, Julian hates sarong, once we put him in he will flip and scream cos he knows we will force him to sleep. He wants to get out and play.

There are times he will fuss in the mid of the nap then i will carry him out of the sarong and rock him to sleep. I will sit on the bed and he will sleep on my chest and i will rock him gently and put him back to sleep.

Clarence nite feed is also ard 3am, usually i got to feed him at 10.30pm to 11pm then he can tong till 3am but recently his last feed is at b4 9pm then 3am and 6am.
Sarong - Ju sound like Clarence, he will scream till we bring him out.
Cos I was perpetually sleeping thru my weekends while my maid looked after the gals.. that's why felt so bad at times.... now I'm beta ..hahaha...

Agree the range of clothes at Tang's VC is interesting...

Young? I thot it's late ... cos jesse slept thru at 4mths...
There were a few times we were so tired we squeezed them btwn hb and I...!!
My gals started to sleep thru at 7.5 months, hb trained them.. ... now they sleep from 9pm/9.30pm till 7am/7.30am but they each can drink 300ml for their last feed.

At least u take the nite shifts only on weekends right...
Same as for jesse, we found that they were not really hungry... stimes just fidgeting... so hb brot one gal to the next room and they later learnt how to fall asleep by themselves.....

Guess all kids wl remind their daddies not to drive so fast..... hahaha... or else accident or police wl catch...ha
jesse even insists hb's two hands must be holding the steering wheel...

Now i recalled charlene also sleep thru from her 8mos old. Btw, charlene now refuse to take milk, she requested for tea. She told me milk not nice already, i dare not give her too much tea, try to ask her to take milo. I think she will quit milk completely soon. Luckily she likes cheese, she takes 1-2 slice of cheese everyday.
for Ju, if he take his milk ard 9pm, he will still ask for milk 3 hr later. After that i will try to feed him water if he fidget. However there are time he will still cry for milk if water cant work.

Janelle still loves her milk, but we will only let her have 3 feeds each day. Ard 210ml - 240ml per feed.

Janelle takes coffee, she will take 1 or 2 sips if Law or IL drinking.

Sarong - I will still put him in it. Just that i have to keep adjusting him to the correct position cos he keeps flipping.

At least u have a maid, so u can nap to rest. We always feel tired during weekend.

do ur kids like to go to fridge to DIG for food? Janelle starts to snack alot. MIL said she just cant stop.
Wah, when did charlene develop this high class taste ah - tea?? Hehehe.. cannot give her too much, more caffeine than coffee...

Coffee??? Wow...
It's true, at least I get to rest..but feel quite bad cos maid is bz whole day... that's also the reason why we don't let her take care of the gals at nite.. at least she gets a nite's sleep.
If u and law each takes one kid, can u sleep when Ju is napping??

Nope, so far jesse does not dig for food in the fridge. He hardly snacks..

Good morning mummies.



Charlene too will ask me for some snacks but she only take what i give her and wont make noise again after that.


Tea more caffeine than coffee ah? I think becos i take earl gray and she likes the taste. This morning she told my mum, to make tea with milk. If she really don want to take milk, i cant force her too.
