Preggie Friends Since 2003

Morning mummies
Was in the mrt this morning and noticed quite a nbr of ppl coughing and sneezing...eeeekkkk....

Hope ur tods are well.
chara and julien also started to hv running nose, julien had fever, whole nite tossing and turning.... nose was blocked.. haiz....

So ur remark about /housewife/ is that u enjoyed it or not?? hehe..

Here is the link/comments re Stammtisch.

Morning mummies.


My mum told me last evening the clinic below her block was very crowded every hour. She said many pple counging as well.


Yalor, so paiseh supposed to start work yesterday but end up got MC to cover.


Roy look quite big size to me, is he?
thanks for the info... will get hb to bring me there to try the food..quite near my mum's place..hehe..maybe can dump both of them there while we have a quiet dinner.

Yeah.. now about 60cm long 6kg+++
Morning Mommies!


Jesse got eczema? How come so sudden one.

I bot sandals for CY cos he is growing out of his current pair.

CY is better now. Yday whole evening no running nose. My mom brot him to see Chinese sinseh. These days if there is no fever, we usually jus bring him to Chinese sinseh.

Briefs - I like Hush Puppies. Good material and not so pricey. E ones I bot on Sat are 'Toy Story' ones.
Every mummy and kids must take care. CNY is just rd the corner.

I went AMK to meet friends for dinner last nite. We went pretty late after the meal, our friends brot us ard to walk in AMK central. Quite alot of interesting neighbourhood shops. They brot us to AMK hub too. Alot of boutique at basement. I wonder will they come out with another BEDOK HUB. hahaha..
I will enjoy it on short-term basis but definately not long-term...

Was saying about Joel miss school yesterday, this morning I woke him up for school and he told me the school is lock, cannot go in.. hiaz.. he sure change his mind very fast.
Yah man, my dad is down with cough.
My boss who is usu v healthy is also hving sore throat. Two other colleagues are also not well.

I wondered why julien was fidgeting, then I realised she must be trying to find a position whereby she can breathe properly...

Not sure if u wl wanna celebrate on actual day..cos price wl be more expensive loh.....

Only one small patch on his side of his forehead. I don't know if lately his skin is sensitive.... applied Hydrocote on it and it seems ok today.

U shud know me lah, I 'super plain' type, I buy white ones for jesse....hehe....

We went to the AMK Hub when NTUC newly opened, and to eat at the mini-wok stall which hb likes.

Btw u still hvn't emailed me ur acc nbr, I need to pay u for the toothpaste....

joel is funny....
oh yes.. i mail u later.

Chris, preggie,
I went to HV Song & Song. I got some The Children Place top for $5 each. I find the print is quite nice. Got a Mothercare top and bottom for Ju at $10.

Joel can really think for excuses. Excuse King. hahaha.. His excuse is really valid and funny.
May be u tell him that u will like to walk him to school to check if the school really lock. hahaha..
Yeah, he is always full of excuses and reasons. Hope he will not take after his daddy in this area. I will not be able to out talk him when he is older.
Good Morning Mommies!
Yday on pm off...brought my mom to Chinatown to do her CNY shopping...heehee

Bought Raine a turquoise blue cheongsum for CNY...actually she has all her CNY clothes liao but me still wana keep the tradition of having her wear a cheongsum on CNY... :p

Then we went People's Park walk walk...found 1 accessories shop and bought a leather-type hairband at $4 only...saw Forever 21 selling similar ones at $9/11...
good morning mummies!

i din buy any CS for ash this yr yet. this thu gg travel agent to make payment at pple pk. mayb see anything nice can buy.... hehe
i know last time b4 reno there is 1 accessories shop on the 3rd shop which sell cheap and nice stuff. r u referring to this shop?

did i tell u bpp got s&s liao? but small one only lah...

the beef fondue sounds yummy.. if got chance must try since so near to my place.
i got supp at home but so far dun really dare to try. her temp on fri nite was 39+
i let ash try her winter jacket and wooly hat looks like little pink snowball so cute.. hehe..
Good morning mommies,

Hi M2B,

How do you like the atmosphere at Chinatown? I went to taka yesterday and they have a fair selling new year goodies... maybe you can take your mom there too.

Hi Hong,

Any new stock at the HV shop?

Hi Jas,

Joel will do well in Army.. coz he can really keng! hahaa
Morning Mummies

jesse went "I don't want to go go school.." this morning.... not whining but becos he wanted to watch Cars!!! I just ignored and he was fine. Every nite wanna watch Cars..??!!!!!

On the way to school, he kept saying 'Float like a Cadillac, Sting like a Beemer!"....

Btw did u hv to isolate urself from Raine when u had stomach flu???

Yah I always like beef fondue leh, best part is u can control whether u want medium or well cooked... the meat kinda melts in ur mouth. Hb says he can tell I was enjoying myself v much...haha. There used to be this restaurant called Lucerne Rest or sth at Pasir Panjang but has since closed. Difficult to find Swiss food around...
U hv to order two portions cos that is their minimum order hor.

Suppository - yeah, not to be in unless temp hits 39C and above.
So ash must look mei mei in her outfit....

Yesterday I decided to go MC... deliberated whether Centrepoint or PS one so that it wud not be a wasted trip... went to the former outlet and great, the range is a lot but the discount is only applicable to the previous range, not the spring/summer one (which I'm not surprised). Was so blur, still looking at 9mths, then realised my twins are already 1!! I ended up with four nice tops (LL blouses, not tees) for the gals... 40% off so worth it. Hope they can wear for CNY....

Does the HV outlet hv a better range of clothes? Walked past there last Sat w/ hb but didn't go in. My hb is always lost at such places so I don't bother going in if I'm with him.

I was laughing at ur 'keng' remark about joel!!
i nebi even heard of beef fondue b4. must tell pf liao... he is beef lover too.
tink i saw lucerne rest b4. close liao meh? i rbr one year v day wanted to try 'the west end' but fully booked... u try b4?
my mum say she look like jit pun mei in her winter outfit...

haha i agree with stylo, the 'keng' remark really funny..
Hi Chris,
Hehe, I wana keep the tradition of letting her wear that cheongsum for CNY lormaybe when they older wear liao not so cute and sweet then stophahaha

That shop is on the 3rd floor and tended by an old aunty ard 60yo, quite friendlylotsa accessories even for kids

Hahaha, Raine also looks like dumpling when she was fully geared in winter clothings when we went Korea the year beforeher cheeks were pink from the coldness

Hi Preggie,
I felt that the festive atmosphere not strong liao lormaybe must go closer to CNY then will have the mood? My mom prefer gg Chinatown but maybe can help her to get the other goodies from Taka instead

Hi Stylobb,
Nope, I didnt isolate myself from RaineI suspect I got it from her but hers not as serious as mineonly LS a few times and vomit thrice and ok liaome for 4 days man
u din buy one for yourself this year? hehe
i tink its the same shop, i long time nebi go there liao, last time went there to buy earrings and hairclips for myself.
did you put any special cream for the coldness? i was tinking dun know j&j cream & sunscreen is enuf.
Hi Chris,

I've tried the "west end" before.. it's the one at pasir panjang right? If it's the same one, then i'll say the food is not fabulous leh.
Yeah, the "keng" remarks is funny... ha ha... if he can "keng" his way round when in army, I don't mind... hee hee..
Lucern Rest is still around?? That's good. Do u like escargots??
Nope, hv never heard of West End. Where is it? There used to a swiss rest at Ladyhill Hotel but no more.
I like cheese fondue too but quite jer-lat. There is another swiss dish: raclette.... melted cheese...
Actually we have a fondue set at home, we need a burner and we are set for beef fondue! hehe....

OIC... so u caught it frm raine....
i mean i saw it b4 but not sure still there now.
escargots ok, like it in garlic....
u like all sorts of fondue hor.. cheese.. i like...
fondue set meant for choc or can use for anything?
Hb/I are just talking about the fondue set just now.
The problem with choc fondue is it's not easy to make the choc mixture, my gf tried it with our set before... but the chocolate factory at Vivo sells this ready-made fondue, I think, just heat up can liao.

I hv a few new tops but no bottoms!!! O dear...!!!
Gotta wear jeans, or existing pants...

New stock in. I shld be going down either tmr or friday with my collicks.

u never tell me abt S&S. Why i need to know if there is a S&S at bpp. That is ur area mah.

Jesse loves Cars so much! Janelle is ok for these few days. We are glad.

I just told bbgal i went to pierce my ear. only cost my $14 but i dun think Janelle would be able to take it. Not very painful but will be a bit uncomfortable after that.
good morning mummies
i went to the choc factory at vc once and find the stuff quite ex leh.
tot u like lmg bottoms?

just telling u lor. i dun need go all the way to hv for s&s now for cheap clothes mah... think when they 1st open they have bazaar at atrium, even have $1 tops... saw a lot aunties and maid grabbing.. hehe
Good Morning Mommies
Countdown to CNY!

Hi Chris,
I have got 1 of those top from Mdm Butterfly liao but dun know where I kept it nowhiaz

I diligently applied J&J body lotion on Raine in the morning and night and even brought it out to reapply in the coach when necessaryher skin was ok throughout the tripthat time really glad she was adapting well to the weather coz me cannot tahan man


The kids are really picking up lots of things from the TV hor?

Last nite, CY kept singing "I can see your true colours, I can see your true colours.... You are beautiful like a rainbow...." Watched too much of the Dove advert. Another time, he kept going "Uptown gal.... Uptown gal...." cos he watched the Project Superstar and one of the contestant sang the song "Uptown Girl".
the 1st msg above was for u... hehe

huh? lost your top?
ok then i will get j&j.. i wanted to get one last few days but not sure if its moisturing enuf. is that your 1st time experience winter? i have forgotten how cold it can be.. hehe tink its ard 8-14deg c in jpn now...
Hi Chris,

I think 8-14 degrees is quite comfortable provided that there's no wind! haahaa... oh.. i'll recommend for you to bring along a windbreaker with a hood for ash..

Hi Trans,

Wah... CY can see your true colours?? Oh no! you cham liao! hahaa

Hi Hong,

I always thot your ears are pierced already.
good morning mummies
Feeling very sian today... Joel got cough AGAIN... this time I am very sure he got it from other children in school.... My mum also feeling negative about it. He had recovered since last weekend and back to school this Monday, and just after 3 days, cough came back again. She had been nagging that it is not good for Joel to keep having take medicine every other day, and suggest to withdraw him completely. Joel had been having cough and flu on and off since 18th Jan... sigh...

I also thot your ears are pierced.... so I am not observent enough.

There was a period where Joel also watches Cars every night, until my younger sis cannot tahan coz she wants to watch her TV programme.
Hi Mummies
<font color="aa00aa">Do u all do a lot of visitations during CNY???</font>
I'm in pre-CNY shopping mood...

I don't know how to find things in S&S.... but the HV one is quite big, maybe it'll be easier.

I know that msg is for me...hehe...
I'm in betwn sizes mah, for lmg, I find that quite difficult to get a perfect fit lately.. my tummy loh.... so sian... everywhere looks ok but there. If I'm gonna feast more, it ain't gonna help. Going to Black Angus tonite w/ hb..

Choc Factory - bot the choc beans ones in a cigar container to try, not bad.

Moisturiser as in for body?? If for hands, La Source frm Crabtree is good but not sure if /too rich/ for ash....

Yeah, every nite also wanna watch, told him not every nite.. hb says it's worth it buying the dvd..haha..

Last nite he held julien's hand and walked along with her... think his behaviour is improving.

Er, u mean all along u hv no earholes? If jan pierces, must ensure she won't go and fidget with the ears when she feels uncomfortable.

When are u going to the other channel? I need to ask u sth.

Wah! CY really sings all these!!
jesse does not watch much tv, I think he picks up more from what he learnt in school. He only told me that po po watched this show got fei jai (fat boy) and can pinch his cheeks.

jesse is also coughing, I'm thinking of moving him to the study tonite to sleep w/o aircon. I wonder if it's the aircon that aggravates it.

Cars - yah, I don't get to watch much tv when he has chooped the 7.30pm slot... hahaha...
Morning mummies,

Tran, Jan, Preggie,
U are right. I already have earholes but it closed so i have to do it again. If not my earring will be part of the CNY deco in my house. hahaha..

HV near ur office mah.
I find J&J not rich enough. Shld get something better since u are going to cold country and if it is going to be very dry.

oh dear. Joel school is on aircon?

Singing - Law finally realised wat was Janelle singing. hahah... He said cannot sing. Nah.. i told Janelle it is ok. He brot up to change her school again. I suggest we enrol her into buddhist playground inorder for Janelle to continue in her current school.
I don't do lots of visitation, only go to my grandma's place on 1st day morning, night go to my parent's place. 2nd day night go to hubby uncle's place.

Yeah, the school is aircon. I got no mood for CNY at all now seeing Joel coughing again. Haven't even got any new clothes yet for myself, think I will just forget about it and wear my old clothes, don't bother too much liao...

What buddhist playground? You mean buddhist playgroup? Where is it?
I don't understand your "I suggest we enrol her into buddhist playground inorder for Janelle to continue in her current school."
thinking to check if my buddhist temple have any for age of 3.
Havent get any CNY clothes, go and have a break and find some CNy clothes for urself. At least a set to give urself a brand new start for the yr of pig mah.

Visitation - i need to go to Jan's two great granny place, Jan's grand uncle place, my mum place, Friends place, my sec teacher's place and may be my sec school frds place since some of them have their own space recently. Either my sibling coming over or I go over my sister place.
hahhaa.. is a condition for Janelle to continue in church kinder lor.
Law doesnt want her to expose too much on "one religion". heeee..

I am at the other channel now.

Tok abt fat boy. U know Nippon paint has got this fat sumo wrestler in their ads. Whenever CY sees dat sumo, he'll say "This fat man is da bo (his dad's elder bro)" Duno who teach him dat but its true that his da bo is quite fat lah. I hv to keep telling him not to say it infront of da bo.
windbreaker enuf ah? nebimind already got the zara jacket... beta fully utilise it to make it worth..

s&s tpy oso big... i got zara winter jacket for myself there... $30 only. so funi i got bargain zara jacket from s&s and ash got the regular priced one from zara shop. hehe
i din really notice ur tummy so jia luck when we last meet leh... mayb u have to buy those rubberised pants now. haha
i got moisteriser from bath, body works for myself liao but tink its too rich for ash

ash earholes are ok now but need to constantly take out the back and clean. u din ask jan if she wants?
hv near but no transport will be inconvenient lor. worse, my coll is scrapping her car so next time wanna go out lagi more difficult.
last time i went melb i bot the j&j in a tub which is very rich. tink i will buy that again.
i went hv just now. went s&s and saw the cp tops. i bot the 2 striped halter necks and 1 tee $5 each. the hv outlet shop nothing much, got a guess skirt & 1 set dora PJs only.

wanted to tell u got cars PJs there but i find the print not very nice so din bother... the BTB PJs not bad tho...
Hi Chris,
Yalah, my sis helped me to pack nicely liao but I dun know where I placed that new top liao.hiaz

Aiyo, it was -9 degree at Korea when it snowedreally too cold for mehate to shower then manRaine braver than mehahaha

Hi Jas,
Raine also kena cough and flu frequently when she first started ccit is normal coz the kid needs time to build up his/her own immune systemif you withdraw Joel nowwhen he is in K1 and join kindergarten, itll be back to square 1just my opinion

I understd how you feel coz Im also like that when Raine 1st started cc and hb said to withdraw hernow she is ok already, although once in a while will still kena cough/flu

Hi Stylobb,
Yup, we do alot of visiting during CNY too coz some of hb's realtives, we only met once a year... :p
mayb next yr cny u find it. haha
minus deg is really cold. i rbr once in london its so cold & windy until keep finding those red telephone booths to hide... ears like dropping those kind of feeling. haha...
Morning Mummies

TPY S&S is big?? Not sure if it's the one I saw, near bengawan solo cakeshop. Very messy siak.

If u are at home next week, wl u still log in early here???

Went to Black Angus at Waterfront... hmmm... ok only, no feeling of 'oomph' after eating it.

U never notice my tummy, then all the more u shudn't see me...haha
good morning mummies
on half day leave today... can collect our gifts from the natas fair.. got 3 steamboats, 3 grills and 4 toasters... tink need to charter lorry to collect liao. haha

yes, its pretty big, got many stuff. s&s is always messy lah, need patience to dig for good buys.
i will be working mon-thu next week leh, only fri shutdown start...
black angus no 'oomph' ah.. hehe.. ok noted..
i oso got tummy mah, but L size can accommodate it nicely. hehe
Good Morning Mommies...
TGIF! But may need to come back to rush some work tmr...sian...

Hi Chris,
Aiyo, I hope I can find the top by this weekend man...think I too messy liao...

Yap, minus degrees are really horrible man...somemore I'm someone who can't stand kept looking for shelter when the wind blows...but I did go out and walk abt when it snowed...

Wah, you got so many free electrical appliances from your tour pkg?

BTW, our HKG trip also confirmed on 02 Mar for 4D/3N...
Wow, what are u gonna do with all these? Sell them off? Stimes I rather they slash the prices than give freebies....

Oh u are only off starting next friday.

The thing for L sized pants for me is it wl look like the pants wearing me and not me wearing the pants....
Was looking at my new clothes: got 3 are puffy sleeves one.. can't avoid...I need to get some pants...
Feel like going to chateau to look see.
I'll hve half-day next friday...

I am on leave next mon n tues for spring cleaning. We went to get bookshelves and a chest of drawer from Ikea last nite.

Wed & thursday on course, Friday coy lunch. Muhahahaa.. very relax hor. WRONG.. i got many work to clear *boo hoo*

wat kind of steamboat? Those flat base kind?
tink u have too much stuff lah. haha
ya lor, from visa promo, 9 of us gg so can change a lot of stuff...
so u gg disneyland hk and ocean park?

we already distributed it among the 9 of us.. i getting the steamboat and grill... its promo from the visa company when we pay using visa for our trip, not travel agent.. we only got less than $100 discount from travel agent...
puffy sleeves.. hehe.. from where?
dresses again? i rarely buy dresses for ash nowadays, except if got occasion like wedding.. not so appropriate to wear pants to wedding rite?

tink its those flat base electric kind. just in time for cny..

Can i know wat brand?
Flat base is gd. Very useful. We went to get a Tiger flat base steamboat few yrs back. My IL like it very much.
