Preggie Friends Since 2003

i oso not sure wat brand until we collected it... not expecting something good since its free gift.. hehe. i let u know when i got it lah

I love the cold esp when dressed warmly.
Even went skiing last time ! all white everywhere.. I'm drooling just thinking about it.
Europe is v cold in winter.. stimes my body can't fast.. haha...

My hb refuses to go HKG... haiz..

I didn't tell u ah, one each frm SH, Dano, LMG.. haiz.. cheap cheap ones lah. But SH not v cheap hor...

Yes, u remind me.. dresses are quite a waste of $$$....I need bottoms for the gals...

We need to get a lamp from Ikea, one of them - the shade which is plastic has melted. We wl get the glass one. I like the one whereby u can control the brightness and the switch is put on the floor..

I won't be taking any leave.

I also hv co lunch today...
Hello mummies.

1st day back to office after long rest. Nearly fainted when stepped in this morning cos too messy liao, my YDK turn my office upside down. The moment i seen it, i feel like going home.


Both my current & ex-boss came to welcome me back to workforce and see my face, they asked why i removed wisdom tooth till face green green? I told them i never kua zhang hor, my bruises is so bad and today is the 9th day liao.


Ash fully recover? Both me and charlene still coughing around and the worst is last midnite clarence also developed fever. He running nose, cough and now fever, chiam cos he cant sleep well. This little fellow very smart, i fed him fever and flu med, he will take, when i gave him cough syrup, he split it out. I guess the later taste not good.
Since you have so many steamboat, why don you organise a steamboat gathering for us when u back from japan.
Hi Chris,
You the pot calling the kettle black?! Hahaha, think you have more stuff than me man
Oh, we only gg HK Disneyland and not Ocean Parkwe staying at Hollywood Hotel too

Hi Jas,
You are welcome. That is just my personal views. It is entirely up to you to decide what is best for Joel. Cheer up! :p

Hi Stylobb,
I hate coldness lor so it was quite a torture when we went Korea
Hehe, Im gg shopping after work today coz hb got function
We are gg HKG with my ILs, also visiting their relatives there

I'm also not taking any leave for CNY...starting work on the 4th day of CNY leave...heehee
Hi M2B,

Wow! So nice, you going to HKG. I'm sure raine will love Disneyland
You staying at Hollywood Hotel for 3 nites? You can arrange to dine with mickey mouse at the Disneyland hotel leh. It'll be so fun! The characters will come to your table to take photos with you.. dun need to go and rush with pple at the park

Hi StyloBB,

I love the cold too!
I think m2b's advice is sound. Just like just becos there are bad influences outside, it doesn't mean that we keep the children inside.
jesse's cough is also so lingering this time... I feel so sian whenever I hear him coughing...

Where do u intend to go tonite?
I'm meeting my old frs for dinner.. around Raffles City...

I can't imagine how u look w ur swollen face...
Hi Stylobb,
Yap, Raine sure overjoyed as now she is chanting away about "I'm gg HK Disneyland in March"...

Really, can arrange to dine with Mickey & Friends? Ok, I check with hb's relatives as 1 of them are working in Disneyland in HKG... :p Nope, we are staying only 1 night in Hollywood Hotel as we wana shop the other days...heehee

Hi Stylobb,
Yup, I understd coz there was once when Raine started cc, her cough seem to come and go so often...until my parents also asked me to withdraw her...but I'm really glad I stick on as it really pays off and it is so nice to see her enjoying in school...

I think I will be gg PS to shop for awhile before fetching Raine back home...
halo mummies!

i din get steamboat in the end, got the deep fryer/fondue set... all gifts are stylux brand... nebi saw this brand at stores b4... we oso got induction cookers instead of the grills, its like a portable cooker which can cook soup, porridge, grill & even use it for hotpot...

my cousin just went to hk disney and as wat preggie said, you just have to go the restaurant at the hotel and pay for the buffet dinner and during dinner, the disney characters will go ard every table to have photos taken. tink the dinner not cheap tho but at least dun need to 'fight' outside to take photos. hehe

ash still got a bit of running nose. clarence oso sick ah, poor thing, so small need to take med... my coll told me no good to mix med with milk. i used to do that and recently just knew no good... fyi just case u tot of taking the easy way out like me. hehe

This is the 2nd time clarence got it from me since after confinement. I didnt think of mix med with milk but mix all his med and give it to him, i learnt this from nurse when charlene was hospitalised last nov.
Hi Mommies.


Sorry I din see your sms till late last nite when I switched on my hp. & today I forgot to bring my hp to work. Wanna arrange for another day to pass you the stuff? U email me lah.


CY oso developed a cough over the weekends but he coughs mainly in the morning after he wakes up. After dat, no cough anymore.


Are your free gifts 'Princess' brand? Last time I went Australia wz Chan Bro, our gifts are 'Princess' ones. We got deep fryers.
Morning Mummies
How was weekend?

Brought jesse to the pool on Sat .. he was super happy.
Sunday we had to occupy all three of them... we went to Ikea Tampines and bot the lamp... walked around and found that it is v spacious and nice unlike the other outlet. Hb says we can go during CNY... haha.. Then he and jesse went to Pasir Ris playground to play while I sat in the car with the gals.

Hey, the Mc's/McCafe drive-in at AMK is pretty nice.. with a play area for kids too.

Any more shopping?
morning mummies.


Charlene is better now but clarence running nose run back to him again last night. poor thing.
Good Morning Mommies...
Last Sat got to come back to rush some work but glad cleared liao...

Hi Chris,
Ok will take note of that. Yap, it beats having to q up to take pics with the characters...

Hope Charlene, Clarence and you recover soon to enjoy the CNY.

Hi Stylobb,
Got lingerie from M&S and a top from DP and Chomel over the weekend...discovered that my lucky colour for CNY is red/brown thus both tops I bought are red and brown...heehee

Last Fri, I went VC with my coll instead...bought a bag at 50% discount and a top from Tangs... :p
This has gotta the longest time that jesse is coughing.
Scared when I gv him milk, too little he will say he is hungry, too much he wl puke when he starts to cough. I don't know what to do. He's still taking medicine. Super sian....
He could be sensitive to dust???

Btw what time does CY wake up for school?

Fortunately I smsed first.. haha...

Er, I think the in-colours are red and brown...haha..that day walked into this shop at Citilink and a lot of their stuff is red and brown. I bot a pair of brown casual pants from Robinson's... I think I wl go shopping during lunchtime...

I might drop by VC on Friday since it's half day for me...
I never get any shopping done on weekends with the kids..

<font color="0000ff">Btw I hv this grouse about some shops which do not have mirrors in their changing rooms! Irritating!

and also overly enthusiastic staff who flw u around the moment u step into the shop...I encountered it on Sat and I told the person I JUST STEPPED into the shop...</font>

Ur orh chey face better?

Both me and charlene are better but not little clarence. I got red tops as well.


hehe, my orh chey face has been with me so long till i forget to check this morning. Think should be better today since my colls didnt laugh at me.
I dislike the kind of staff as well. Btw, i am looking for white bottoms, any recommendation?
good morning mummies

i saw some white pants at osmose last weekend. only $39.. can consider...

i know bega staff are like dat.. usually they are commission-based so they very eager to serve you...

mostly bot winter stuff last weekend. bot extra thermal for whole family bcoz went for tour briefing and was told its very cold, esp at mt fuji and coastal areas.
oh ya, i got a new pink crumpler bag.. hehe.. oso got a wardrobe from ikea for ash as her drawers are overflowing.. hehe

tink princess sounds beta than stylux. hehe at least i see this brand in shops b4..
U still feel any pain?

I hv 1 red top...
White pants, I saw at GG5 and Giod.
Not sure abt the usual shops, don't think there is any at LMG but that time, they had new stocks (2 weeks back).
Good morning mommies,

It was a shopping weekend for us. KB was very inspired by me when i told him i'm gonna wear everything new for the New Year... that got him going on a shopping spree to get everything new (inside, outside, top to bottom)! hahaaa

Went for tea appreciation too... so shiok and relaxing!

Hi Trans, Chris,

I didn't get any free gifts from Chanbrothers before leh.....
Hi Stylobb,
Yap, I saw alot of red and brown clothings too...surprisingly the clothings I got for CNY are red and brown too...

True, I hate those shops w/o mirrors in the fitting room and staff who followed shoppers ard too...but I think quite a no of shops have staff like that...BYSI too but at least not so pushy lor...they just helped to bring the clothings you want to the fitting room...

another thing is I hate fitting rooms with dim lights thus can't really see well...hiaz

Last Fri was the 1st time I stepped into Tangs at VC, quite nice to shop there...

Glad that both you and Charlene are better...hope Clarence will get well soon...bbs unwell, rather cranky.
i got gifts bcoz i booked during natas... tink usually if u book at travel agent, not much discount or gifts, mayb just free travel bags. hehe

last time at PS bysi the staff very pushy, nowadays i feel they are ok liao. MS bysi fitting room very dim. i rbr sense at jp no mirror inside fitting room...
Actually I need to get clothes for office wear, I need to revamp.. so sian..

PINK bag? Got pic to show or not?? We changed our taste, don't like Crumpler anymore..

Talking about wardrobe, I am thinking of getting a chest of drawers from Ikea, not too exp.. for the kids' clothings. The way we keeping hving sprees, b4 long there wlbe no more space...

Yah, Tang's is not bad but the clothes are not cheap..

I appreciate if they are service-oriented but I hate it that before I show any interest in anything, they come and hound me.
The mere touch of a blouse wl cause them to comment "This one comes in black, white, green.. blah blah blah..."
Of crse there are some who are simply bochup.
They need to be able to balance btwn too enthusiastic and too bochup...

Another peeve is the 'u try the size first.' But u wanna see how u look with the colour u like, not some other colour!!
Yeah I tried the size but when I got the size in the colour I wanted, it was too loose when I tried it at home.

SO u and KB bot EVERYTHING NEW????
Hi StyloBB,

Not everything la... everything new except KB's glasses

Hi Chris,

Yah!! that obiang hand carrier... only my mother like to carry it! hahaa
haha macham free advertising for them rite?

'u try the size first' is wat lmg will do. i rbr that day i walked into diva at vc and the sales asst keep following me.. no mood to shop, in the end quickly picked out something and pay. if she din follow me, i tink i will buy more.. thats why i dun like to walk into empty shops, bcoz all the attn on u...
i still ok with crumpler, i bot this bag and pf bot a digital camera pouch for himself.
i bot 2 door wardrobe, cost abt $200+ incl of delivery and fixing.. i tink their stuff last better if they fix it.. only 5% of the cost so still ok...
Hi Chris,
BYSI staff arent too pushy, they will gladly show you the diff colours when askedand also tell you how to wash the clothings when making payment...ya ya, the MS BYSI lightings are so dim that I always have to come out to have a good look lor

Hi Stylobb,
Revamp ah, then change of colours will be goodI used to always buy black but now will experience w other colours

Tangs having sale now so pricing wise not so badThe bag I bought is $59 less 50% hahaha Yap, I agree some sales staff can be real pushy and it puts you off exploring further in the shop

Hi Preggie,
I think we got Ashworth bag when we paid via certain credit card during travel fairs and they are quite nice and handy for short trips
Good morning mommies..


I've been arrowed by Joey's school to do a sharing session on CNY.... i need ideas.... dun feel like telling stories coz i can feel a sore throat coming up.

Please share some ideas with me.... the whole session should take no more than 1hr.
good morning mummies

yday wanted to go stammtisch (spelling?) for early v-day dinner but it is closed on mondays!!! ended up at greenwood fish mkt and the food pretty food, pf tried the fish n chips and i had the pan-smeared salmon. then went a few doors down to estimvo for ice-cream, ash got the durian one (purposely kissed me all over my face in the car with her stinko mouth) and i got the horlicks and hazelnut... quite nice..

sharing session? how about a puppet show?
tink most boutiques will highlight abt washing when making payment but usually i dun bother when i actually do the washing. hehe
Morning mummies

I still buy black but trying other colours... but the shops hv limited range of colours leh.

Too bad, Stammtisch is closed...
Yes, the fish place at Greenwood is v nice.
Takeaway F&C is cheaper than dine-in.
The ice-cream is nice too but I think Island Creamery is cheaper. Tkfully I hv no craving for ice-cream lately.
Alamak, sounds stinko (durian) man!!! Ash likes durian flavour? jesse only picks strawberry flavour, it's his favourite.

I told hb to ban me from beef for now, been eating too much.
Stammtisch - beef
Black Angus - ribeye
Menotti - veal
Dinner at my brother's - ribeye cubes/pces (sil marinated ribeye and we grilled on the steamboat cum grill..yummy)

I was thinking if u know how to make lanterns using angpows, then u can do a craft session with them. Maybe chinatown shops hv? I mean, just simple ones lah, angpows and stapler...
ya lor, the 3 of us just stared at the closed sign, cant believe our luck!
the min ash stepped into the shop, she exclaimed 'chou chou!' bcoz of the fresh fishes on the counter.. hehe so paiseh...
i got large cup is $4.30. pf say venezia is same price, next time will try island creamery.
ash loves durian. once my dad bot durian but hid them in his car bcoz ash coughing cant eat. the min she got into his car, she said 'hmmm, i smell durian!'.. he had a hard time explaining to her there are no durians in the car! haha
i dun like menotti...
i suggest to preggie ang pow lanterns too but she said she dun know how to make. haha...
I understand the point. Joel still having cough and running nose, but the thing we notice is that he didn't cough much in the day, the only time he cough badly is in the night 3am - 4am. He can't spit out the phlegm, seems to stuck at his throat. My mum said he seems to have 'cold cough'. The western medi don't seems to be effective after one week of taking it. Now we switch back to giving him TCM and see how things goes.

Same with me, I can never get any shopping done with Joel along. Last Friday, I went to get 4 tops and a dress for CNY after work, all done within 1.5hrs.

Whish a speedy recovery for Clarence...
Hi mummies,
busy busy.. i drop a note and got to disappear to clean up my place.

We just got a chest of drawer and two bookshelves for the kids. I got the white drawer, 2 smaller and 4 rows for long drawers. We got BIL help to transports all the furniture back home. Law uses the whole day to fix up the drawers and bookshelves. Think it is really not his cup of tea but he manage it to do it quite well.

I went to Seiyu n spotted some nice tops, got 3 tops for MIL. Hope she like it since she complained she cant seem to find nice top at Parkway.

ang bao lantern is very easy to make. U make the simplest one. Just staple all the corner, u only need 8 ang bao.

Else get some "fake tao hua" u pull out the individual flower. Use a manjong paper, draw some branches and as the kids to glue the flower on the "branches", then get a "chuan liang" and paste beside it. Make a nice picture. hee hee..

hope Joel recover soon.
Most of the time i will prefer Jan to vomit if she cough too badly cos she will vomit out the phlegm.

BTW, ASTONS closed ah. Law and I went on Sunday and Mon and it wasnt opened. I was so disappointed.
Good Afternoon Mommies.

Hi Chris,
No leh, not all boutiques will highlight on the washing lehFor more delicate materials, I will take note of the washing and ironing part lah

Wow, went for V-day dinnerso romantic leh. My hb didnt even mentioned abt V-day celebration man

Hi Stylobb,
I tried adding colours to my wardrobe like fushia pink, yellow, gold etcquite refreshing leh

Hi Hong,
You took leave to do spring cleaning? Must be tiring manwe did ours on weekends.
How to do on weekend with both kids ard? They will only help us to mess up the place even further. Yes very tiring, imagine i use two weekend to clean my kitchen and somemore i am doing it alone.
This morning, jesse sneezed out his mucus and he was like.. rejoicing... ??

Btw I found Toggi at the ntuc at my place..

Menotti was rather noisy... the veal was ok only..

Chest of drawers - saw one but hb said we shud get the dark brown due our home colour but I don't see any dark brown leh.

Yeah, nice colours but I mean the usual shops don't sell these nice colours.. really got to go and look ..
Yes there is. u check the website. I dun know is it dark enough for u. How many drawers are ur aiming?
Hi Hong,
Think bcoz you cook, thus kitchen might be messier or diff to cleanours seldom used thus easier

We cleaned while Raine is ardwe gave her a pc of cloth to help clean the display, table top etcshe gladly helped and when she is sick of helping, she went to the living room to watch TV or played herself. More diff for you coz you have 2 kids to handle.

Hi Stylobb,
Yap, look ard and rbr to ignore blacks, look for other coloursheehee
yah i cooked very often especially weekend. I like to cook, my interests.

Janelle may help but i hide many things from her so if she helps she will spot those i never expose to her and she start to pull them out. Better keep her away. hahaha..

Julian - another chap we need our attention. He kept shouting for us to carry him. Only IL are free to carry him. He love FIL cos he always carry him.

I baked pineapple tart on friday, it turn out quite well. SO many things i wanna make. Nian gao, honey beehole, love letter, yam cake etc etc but no time and must find pple to clear the food for me.

how is ur baking session?

Anyone love kueh? I just found a place that sell nice kueh. Hougang Ave 1, this stall call Molly.
aiya pf only wanted the opportunity to eat good food lah... the occasion is just secondary...

i din even know there is a restaurant there until my fren suggested this place for nice desserts. i ordered the pasta and was quite disappointed. seats are very cramped and uncomfy.
Thanks, Joel tried but seems it just got stuck.

Jesse managed to sneeze out the mucus, that's good. Joel always uses his hand to rub his nose, making the mucus all over his face and hands...
oh not open on monday. Haiyah...
i think i went to Astons too late. I thot they open pretty late on sunday leh, thot to go there for supper. hahaha..

so cannot vomit the phlegm out, then have to take medi to clear it.
Don't know how many drawers, looking more at the height and width.

Strange, I went home and saw this plastic bag "Molly's"... I went to check their website to see what they hv.

Do ur p tarts -- the pastry -- melt in the mouth???

Btw do u know when the babies turn 1, for the egg, can we give egg white and is it to be hard boiled or semi boiled?

Yes, must steer away from black.. haiz, it's time to stop spending for me....

Did u try the dessert? The tiramisu was nice...

Hv u tried Astons? Is it good?

jesse's medicine is about to be finished.. haiz..
Hi StyloBB, Hong,

You know what??? I also found a box of cookies on my dining table with the label "Molly's"! hahahaa..... dunno who gave them to us.

Hi Mommies,

Thanks for your suggestion yesterday. I think i will just buy a book on Chinese customs and read to them.. Then make the children decorate my pussy willows and end the party with a "lo hei". Hopefully, this will occupy them for 1 hour.

Had wanted to do puppet show but this KB sabo me... says that he got court session in the morning and cannot help out at the party... so now, i won't have enough hands for the 3 little pigs + 1 big bad wolf
Good morning!


Did you ask me previously what time CY wakes up to go to sch? He wakes up at 7am, sch starts at 8am.

Does Jesse has to wear the Chinese traditional costume to sch? CY's sch send a memo to all the parents, sch will be closed on 21/2 and the kids are encourage to wear 'colourful chinese costumes' on 22/2 and 23/2.

CY is still coughing too. Yday he saw me eating nuts and ask if he can hv some. I told him to jus take one and he said, 'But I am coughing leh.' So I take e nut back & told him, 'Then u dun eat lor!'. Haha.


U gg to lug the pussy willows to the sch?

Hi Trans,

Yah lor... i gonna lug the pussy willows + big vase to the school, the bring them back to my house. hahaa... it beats having to bring a Kumquat tree to the school right? hahaa
