Preggie Friends Since 2003

ur kids settle in sch le mah??
ely still manja alot leh... now headache.. today MIL brought her to sch, she cried all the way there, in the end.. she came home.
i got so angry that i pack all her uniforms in a bag and told her i'm going to sell it to the karung guni man.. she cried for awhile that she wants her uniform but she dun wan sch...
i dun noe wat to do with her le.. hb going to apply for childcare leave tml and bring her to sch himself

Yeah, got the U mag. You want me to zap the CNY receipes for you as well?

Elsie is not too bad as well, we tried it once coz it halah. However, hubby still prefers Neo Garden.
Oh, Ely still manja in school. so far Joel is okay, but I had temporary stop him from going school since last friday coz of the cough and flu bug that's bugging him. It comes and goes... sian... Did you ask her why she didn't want to go school?
gd afternoon mummies,

these few days quite quiet in the thread.. all busy w CNY preparation? hee, me not even started the spring cleaning, and still hv to spend the next 2 weekend making CNY cookies... got to do bit by bit and assign hb to do some... :p


Don be so angry, bad for u and baby.

There was a period of time Matt refused to go to school also and we din know why, we still forced him to go and at nite when he was back w us, we would talk to him over and over.

Now he will still fuss a while but is for our attention. These few days he is singing CNY songs... so funny...

Be patient, afterall, they just started a mth, some kids need more time to adjust to school. At the time that Ely is gd (not crying), talk to her and ask her abt school. Slowly u will be able to find out more. Also talk to the teacher and find out her performance in school. She will be ok soon...
L size - yah I thot since I macham so fat, I bot L size pants but scully I wore it to try and it was rather loose at the waist.... but M is a little tight.. sian leh..... but u know, stimes the material tends to stretch a little....

Btw do u know if Vpost repacks the stuff hence resulting in higher delivery charges?

Yes, maybe u ask her why she doesn't wanna go to school?

jesse is ok leh, everyday happily goes to school. Last nite he told me 'chi chi played with fire.' I heard wrongly, I thot he said 'jesse played with fire.' He said no, it's a story that his teacher narrated ....

Hey, jesse is also hving this cough - funny thing is he only coughs at nite...
jesse kenna sit in naughty corner cos he went to snatch another boy's toy.. haiz.. stimes u wonder what is worse: to be bullied or go and bully others???

Yah lor, all the mummies macham so lem-bek... nua nua.. where is everyone??

Pei fu.. still hv time to bake....I'm happy when I hv an hour to read...
What cookies are u gonna bake ah??
I ordered pineapple tarts, kueh bangkit, prawn rolls, kueh makmuh, almond sliced choc, shud be enuf bah.
Only hvn't bot love letters, cheap cheap, can buy frm NTUC...

We are making pineapple tarts, kueh bangkit, prawn rolls, kueh buloh, honey hive. This year make new items, kueh lapis and almond cookies, may also try to make bak kwa again. Last week tried out but failed, all become minced bak kwa, not dry enough b4 we store.

My sis is the main in-charge and we just help out. We will also rope in my sis maid and hb to help out, my niece may help also, some simple task, so hopefully hv enough time to do what we targeted... :p
Good evening mummies.


I certainly don want to wait for 2 yrs to go back to my pre-preggie size. Anyway, i just tried all my working pants this morning, thanks god all can fit well except one Espirit shorts n jeans.


Vpost will not re-pack the stuffs, all packing came from the merchants. Anyway, vpost is so so exp now.


I just got my wisdom tooth extraction, so painful, my dentist ask me must remember to tell the doctor i am still bf clarence, so the doctor know i just give birth but i told him i am very scared of it. He then told me as compared to delivery, this is nothing. I find this is more painful than delivery, sob sob sob..
Hi mummies,
GOOD MORNING. hahaha..

Janelle still manja. The other day she told us she din want to go to school. We asked her why? She said she scared of dark room. The other day the teacher came over and chit chat with me. She will telling me Janelle is very observative, she is doing so activities with the kids and she was who spotted the different. Fast and quick. hahaha.. Then she told us she was teaching them sense and she brot all of them into the dark room to teach them bright and dark. So we knew why. Anyway these few days she still manja lah but I handed her over to teacher and left. I realised she stopped after a while.

I cant be bother now, look like she just felt like doing this in the morning.

I think Ely may just be like Janelle. She takes advantage of those who dote her lor. That is why i will try to send Janelle to school cos she will hold on to hubby and cried. I am more hard-hearted.

Crying - she is a cry baby now. I change my tactic this time. I ask her wat she want? If she speak nicely and i still say NO. She will fuss. I am firm on it and i let her fuss and cried. I just stayed calm and continue my magazine. After a while she will stop. hahaha..

I told Law not to give in to her too easily. Janelle likes daddy to do everything for her. Law says he is very busy. kekekeke..

Kids are so clever now. I asked Janelle if she loves daddy or mummy. She replied " Daddy n mummy". I said she can only chose one. She still said "daddy n mummy".

Then i asked her why she is not calling me to help her anymore. She doesnt love mummy? She said she still love me but she wants daddy to make her milk, accoy her to sleep.

they had not get back to me on the shipping charge. May be they dun want me to pay. hahaha..

Catering - MIL wanna take back the caterer i had for Julian's full month celebration.

no need. I got the U mag too. Just do the copy i gave u. thanks..
Morning mummy

So u had ur wisdom tooth extracted?

Don't ask Jan to pick who to love lah, how u expect her to choose one.. so difficult leh....

Had craving for Toggi and hvn't been able to find... walked past the choc shop at Suntec last evening and saw, so bot two packs..

Take note re the Toggi if u are interested...

Went for dinner at Aquamarine -- good quality but as usual I had stomache...haiz....

MC is still having moving out sale.. but nothing much except for sleepsuits, bot two packs for the gals..

Halfway thru my dinner, jesse phoned and asked me to make milk for him...!!
good morning mummies
felt the beginnings of a sore throat this am.. sian..

the food at aquamarine dun agree with u?
funny abt the make milk part... hahaha
mc - pf banned me to buy more clothes for ash
i saw collette at tanglin mall having move out sale, many shoes selling at $19.90, quite good buy

i finally found dora merchandise! there is a shop which sell dora stuff like water bottle, cup, spoon & fork set... got ash a water bottle, not ex too, only $7.90

haha u not yong gan ah... tot if you tahan delivery, you shd be able to tahan any other pain liao..
Morning mommies!


I oso woke up with the feeling to keng mc, but got work to complete so still gotta come. Heng today is a shorter day.


So u finally got it done? How many did u extract? went to NDC or your own dentist?

I oso tink delivery pain is worse than wisdom tooth surgery leh.
I hv yet to go MC at Centrepoints to see what they have..

Oi! Weekend is round the corner, cannot fall sick.. take care.

Milk - I asked him to ask hb to make, he says he doesn't want. Apparently after my hb made the milk, he scolded him and told him hv to let mummy make.

Food - maybe I shud skip oysters and see if they hv effect one me. I only took one oyster leh..
Going to Stammstisch tomorrow, wl let u gals know how it wl turn out.

Ash no longer interested in Barney??

U hv no mood to work?? I was bz this week, hopefully today wl be beta.

I think jesse really siao Cars, in his sleep, he ever said "I want to watch Lightning McQueen!!!"

I thot can take anaesthesia?? Really so painful ah???

I keep getting email from this contact re baking workshops.. maybe u gals wlbe interested..

Creative Baking <[email protected]>
wei, my sore throat is real hor, not keng...

i quite itchy to go MC and zara to buy stuff for ash.. hehe
aiya i oso dun wan to fall sick lah, ash oso have the beginnings of a flu and cough.. ask nanny help to bring her to dr liao... better can fully recover b4 our trip..
stammstisch at bt timah road rite? always see it on our way..
barney - not in vcds liao but still ok with merchandise if dora not available. hehe
I like zara tees leh... always wl drop by if in the vicinity.. .hehe... somemore I can buy two each time... hehe..
I know MC wl hv nice dresses come spring/summer..
oh I beta print out their promo voucher..

Drink pi pa gao for ur throat...??

Yes, at bukit timah, 6th avenue that side... they hv beef fondue leh...

U know that time u told us u buy those cheap watches at those slot machines... lately we buy the Cars collection from one of those slot machines at TPY...

My brother bot jesse McQueen car frm USA leh.. alamak, it's so nice.. we checked on yahoo and find that ppl selling v ex here, my brother said it was cheap there, he regretted not getting more, I said I like Guido and Luigi...

I oso hv been hvg blocked nose and sore throat on &amp; off since last week, jus dat it's not so bad that I cannot go to work. So if I take MC for dat, I consider as keng MC lor.


Felt tired when I woke up tis morning lor. Somemore I twisted my ankle on Tue. Not very serious but got a bit of pain. So was a bit sian when I work up.

How was e McQueen like, can find e same one in S'pore? I tink such 'branded' toys are cheaper in US. My cousin bot CY a set of Thomas train from US for Xmas last yr. E same set in S'pore cost almost twice as much!
haha u better than preggie, you buy in 2 she buys in bulk!!! haha
now they give vip on $150 purchase for limited time...
beef fondue.. hehe cant imainge
haha ash stop wearing those watches liao.. dun like to wear watch

wah my keng mc is totally mei pin mei tong see dr lor.. hehe
If I rmber correctly, my brother said it only cost like USD6!!!! The same ones that ppl are selling on yahoo auctions is SGD25 and above!!! My sil says those collectors items in US shops are really reasonably priced... my brother said it was becos of my nephews' BIG shoes that took up so much space that prevented him from getting other toys! haha...
Ya man, I think if we mummies ever go US, wl go crazy with shopping!!

How did u twist ur ankle???

But preggie buys in BULK, so she shud be beta than me right? Hehe..
Quite shiok at times to buy 2 leh..
Yeah I saw the vip promo, so easy to get. I just had my vip card renewed..that time I used hong's receipt to top up.
That time I bot some nice dresses from MC leh....

Actually beef fondue is just raw beef dipped in oil, up to u to cook it to medium or well-done....
Do u like cheese???
Oh I forgot to mention that Aquamarine has Air dried beef - my fave leh! Funny thing tho it seemed I was the only one who took, cos after one round when I went back, the same quantity was there!

The ON comes in a box all the time???
Morning mummies.


How many wisdom tooth you expect me to remove it? Hahaha..


Sob sob sob, no more yong gan, so painful and my face now got swell as well. This is worst than my labour, after delivery no need to suffer, this one after remove it, still got to suffer the pain.


I waited 2 wks to see dentist at polyclinic and supposed to go NDC in mid Jan but after appointment fixed, the nurse called me to change appt cos the doctor was on leave, drag and drag, finally done it yesterday. MC given till Monday, first day back to work and yet on MC, so i think if no more pain or no more swelling, i will back to work.
Pardon me if I lor what if jan says she loves u more (does it make u feel beta?) or if she says she loves law more (does it make u feel worse?) Let jan feel that both of u LOVE her just as much and that she does not hv to choose...

We dun ask jesse who he loves more... I always tell him he must love daddy altho he usu tells he only loves mummy...haiz...

Now that u mention jan prefers law to put her to sleep and make milk, I must cherish my 'extra duties' cos I may feel slighted if jesse does not want me to do them for him anymore...
Yeah! Finished my meeting minutes!


I was home late on Tue and was walking back from Braddell MRT. Since it was quite quiet and I heard ppl hv been robbed along that path at nite, so I walked doubly fast, then bu xiao xin twisted my ankle lor. I scared kenna 'jie cai jie se' mah...

These days hor, my sis says CY a bit ding dong, very affectionate. This morning b4 I left hm, he came to me and asked, Mommy can you kiss me 1st? Like u say, must cherish lor. So even though I was close to being late, still bend down &amp; gave him a kiss &amp; a hug. U duno when tis siao kia will go into e anti-mommy mood again.
Think the weather is not too good these few weeks esp in the night where is it quite cold, there are more people falling sick - cough and flu. Now my dad and sis is also showing symptons of cough and flu.

I also had ordered pineapples tarts and kuey mah more from a malay auntie. Left prawn rolls which I will buy from Bengawan maybe the week before CNY. Don't want to get too much stuff this year.

Is Toggi nice? Is a wafer chocolate right? Is it sweet? Thinking to get some for Joel.

Okay, will do.

clarence seem don like ben as well, whenever ben carry him he will fuss and cry. We find it so funny cos even maid carry him, he is ok. End up ben came up a conclusion that clarence doesnt like men to carry. Hahaha


I nearly fainted last nite when woke up to express bm. I took the painkiller but didnt take dinner so i think make me very weak. Ben got shocked to see my condition last nite cos my face so pale. Anyway, this is really very bad experience again.
I don't know about ur 'cai' but yah, I forgot ur 'se' v strong hor, will attract opposite sex ..haha
That side so unsafe ah??? Really got incidents happened before???? Only met one indian man who uttered some undesirable language when he cycled past me.....
I always walk there leh... but evening time lah.

Yah I shudn't take jesse's shows of affection for granted.. cos he will kiss me and put his hand on my shoulders and he wl tell me "Mummy, this is loving u leh."
CY's so cute...

Huh? I don't know how many teeth u hv to remove leh. 1 each time or all 4???
I don't hv wisdom teeth, my orthodontist confirmed that to me when I did my braces some years back...

I think opposite attracts, boys tend to favour mummies while gals wl gravitate towards daddies in general. Let's see if my gals prefer my hb...

The weather is v cold and windy, at home these nights, the temperature outside is lower than my aircon temperature...haha
Do u hv any suggestion for cough? I mean, jesse only coughs when it's time for bed..... I wonder if it's due to the phlegm that is still inside... maybe I shud bring him to doc to get some medicine to clear the phlegm....

Toggi -- is light and fluffy and not too sweet.. shud be ok for joel... I gv one for jesse, told him he can eat it during his breaktime in school.... u can get from Cold Storage the bars but not the small packs..

Not only me, my gf is also complaining she can't find nice clothes...
Oh thanks, you mean those small packs mini size Toggi is not nice? I was thinking of getting the mini size small packs, looks so cute.

GP gave joel a medi to clear phlegm and seems to be effective but my mum finds that whenever he took it, his throat tends to be very dry. Right now, we had stopped giving Joel those medi but give him TCM instead - those powder bought from Eu Yan San, and he is feeling better at least night time no coughing and he can sleep much better.
I mean they are nice, but not easily available. Definitely not at NTUC. Cold Storage has but is the normal sized ones. The shop that I mentioned at Suntec has the mini packs.

Cough - maybe I hv to try those chinese med.
Halo mommies,
finally free to come in to destress...
was on MC on Wed due to stomach like still have urge to LS lor...sian man!

Hi Trans,
Hope your ankle is better now...must be careful.

Hi Chris,
Ordered your Birkies liao?

Mon start work liao? Time really flies man...
hi hong
we tried askin her why she dun wan sch.. she told us she prefer to stay at home. me and hb conclude she's too comfortable in her own little world that she dun wan to venture out. but PILs are blamin her manja on my pregnancy
Hi mummies,

i dun think their manja got anything to do with ur pregnancy. Janelle was ok on friday. The previous nite we are chatting abt her school mate. I want her to name all the classmate in the class. She can only name 5. hahaha..

Next morning i asked her to rbr to take note of those who didnt manage to name.

i am curious cos she prefer Law more than me. Obviously she knows how to make me feel better. My mum has being saying i was too fierce to Jan ever since I had Julian. I told her if Jan could stop whining i wun feel so frustrated.

Janelle asked why Joel didnt want to come into our house. She said she wanted to play with him. I said i called u so she could tell Joel herself. hahaha..
Hi Mommies,

Nice weather today.

Yesterday went to Chinatown in the afternoon and it was so crowded! Fortunately, it was windy and not humid, so the squeeze with the crowd was still bearable.

Nothing much to see there leh... every other shop seems to be selling the same stuff.

Hi M2B,

I know what you mean by urge to LS... haha... this can last very long one leh.... but will lose weight

Hi Trans,

Did you manage to get the sandals?

Hi Pooh,

your PIL blame the manja'ness on your pregnancy?? what a strange analogy!

Hi Hong,

How many classmates does Jan have?
Hi Mummies
Hb/I went to Stammtisch on Sat for lunch. He ordered the pork knuckles (huge portion and the skin is v crispy) and I had beef fondue. The fondue was for 2 persons but I ate 75% of it...!! cos v nice leh.. but hb said the skills to make it is not really needed cos all u need is oil and a good slab of raw steak, while for the knuckles some skills are needed to make.

Sounds like the med not v good, since it makes throat dry, more like trying to suppress only.
jesse is still hving this cough, but not all the time. Asked him if he wanna puke, he says 'No. I cover my mouth.'

My hb's theory is jan is whining becos she wants attn, so whoever gves her the attn, she wl be drawn towards the person. jesse behaves like that, I also get irritated, hb reminds me no point getting irritated, just gv him the attn. It usu works.

The shipping charges ain't cheap.

Saw some nice stuff at MC but exp...

Hope u are feeling beta.
No shopping over the weekend?

The dvd for TDWP only just came out. Bot it on Sat.

jesse was fussing on sunday at 2am, kept crying and lookg for me.. I got a shock when he got up cos both of his cheeks hv these red spots... not on the skin but from beneath the skin. My doc gf said it was becos he got so angry (she actually asked me if he had constipation) hence the red spots (blood capillaries??) popped out.

Cool and windy day, jesse kept saying can fly kite...
I never go to Chinatown..... cos of the crowd.

Boys underwear at Mothercare, cotton thinner ones.. pretty good. $13 before discount for 5, don't know if u wl be interested.
good morning mummies!
boss-free until cny! hehe..
ash suddenly high fever on fri nite when she was staying over at my mum place. my dad sent her to mt a and got a suppository. sat fever went down liao but still got cough & running nose... hopefully she recover b4 our trip....

S$42 will be abt how much per pc?

ya, ordered liao, hopefully can receive by cny! hehe..

how is the price like for stammtisch?
still hv the 40% for buy 4 at MC?
bot some more winterwear for ash at coldwear, at my mum expense hehe.. wool thermal is so ex, $39.90 per set! only bot one vest, one set cotton and one wool, hope its enuf...

today still mc? bcoz you din claim your no. 1 spot. hehe
I have 9 pcs.

got to compare vpost charge vs comgateway charge.

Jan - I think so. I am tiring dealing with her.

Preggie - 10 students.
Good Morning Mommies.

Hi Preggie,
Yap, went to see doc again on Sat coz 4th day of LS liao and cant tahanDoc gave antibioticsfelt better on Sun. Ya ya, lost so much water man, think I lost about 2kg after this ordeal but coz it is water loss, sure gain back very fast

Hi Chris,
Hahaha, nice wei tua for CNY?

Hi Stylobb,
So much beta liao, thanks. Did went shop ard on Sat but went back early as the LS urge is back...hiaz
Good morning mummies.


How comgateway works?


Yes, i am on MC and will only back to work on Friday becos i am down with fever, flu, cough and sore throat. Today got the MC from the dentist, tomorrow will go back to my GP again to get MC. I need to go back to NDC to see doctor on Thursday so must well wait till friday then go to work.
Charlene also down with fever, flu and cough yesterday. Her fever gone this morning but flu and cough still there.
MC sales, the parkway branch only for those maternity buy 4 get 40% off. The rest of items are not entitled.
Morning Mommies.


My ankle is ok liao. Tks.

U poor thg, LS over the weekends. Toking abt weight, my KNS sister says I must lose 3 more kg b4 she considers me slim. TMD...


Ben said your wisdom tooth swell is very bad, u take care huh.

Charlene not well too? CY oso started to get running nose since yday.

I got sthg to ask u, will email you.


Din know MC's boy briefs are so cheap. I jus bot CY a 7 pack briefs from Robinsons at $19.90.


Yah, got the sandals liao.

Rbr e pair of shoes CY was wearing on Sat & you commented that his toes are touching e front liao? It was a size 9 that I bot in Dec. On Sat, size 9 sandals seems to fit him jus right so I ended up buying size 10. I wonder if his feet has grown so much since Dec or if I am really a failure when it comes to buying shoes for him?
hi hong/ preggie
she can name me some of her friends too.. but we just dun understand why she kept cryin while in sch etc.. this morning, she cried again but MIL manage to push her into the classroom. when MIL came back, she ask me if can stop ely from schoolin.. continue from K1. i told her a straight NO.. i mean if we stop now, let her continue in k1, it might be the same thing happenin again and ppl her age will have knowledge of all ABCs but not her... i dun noe wat my PILs are thinkin too
Sometime LS is needed to get rid of the bacteria in ur body but must keep urself hydrate. Take care.


Comparison of shipping charge between vpost and comgateway.

US$12.00 Singapore
US$ 3.50 per package
US$ 2.75 per kg

Volumetric charge = 4.5kg * 2.75 + 3.5 + 12 = USD$22.75 + $8.50 Conciege fee = USD$ 31.25(approx S$49.10)

S$12.99 base charge
S$8.99 per kg

Volumetric charge = 4.5kg * 8.99 + 12.99 = S$53.45

Comgateway still cheaper even if i need to pay 5% conciege fee.
Hi Chris,

Dun worry.. you still have 2 weeks. I'm sure she'll recover by then to enjoy the trip

Hi Trans,

Next time when you buy shoes, bring me la! hahaa... but i think our kids are having sudden growth spurt. Joey is also outgrowing the pair of shoes i bought in dec..

Hi StyloBB,

I also bought a kite for joey leh.. but it's still in "mint" condition... No time to take her to fly her kite... Then this KB says i cannot fly kite in HDB estate coz it may fly into pple's house...hmm....... I dunno whether it's true or not coz i've never flown a kite before!

Hi Ruffy,

Have you bought the skates?
i agree with u. No matter wat they still have to go thru it. Today, Janelle does not cry but it is still too fast to conclude. hahaha..

comgateway work the same as vpost but their delivery is faster. Take me 10 days to get my items. I think the delay is at Forever21. They really took 4 - 5 days to send out the items to portland.

The swelling is not as bad as last few days but got some bruise mark. Aiya...i told you this is worst than labour liao. I cant really eat well too. Regretted so much bo tai bo ji remove it for what.
Yes, charlene not well on saturday evening, start coughing and running nose n yesterday develop fever.
Had replied your mail. Can you go to another channel?
No... haven't had time to bring Ryan down to the shop.. also HB says it is a bit overbudget.. so still sourcing around... still have time as his b'day in Mar
Morning Mummies

Wah, both ur bosses are away??? Then u must be free...

Buy extra suppositories and keep at home. Hope she is beta now.... her temperature was v high???

Winterwear - if the weather is not that cold, layering also helps. I find thermal v prickly once I get indoors.... but for tods, beta ensure they are warm.

The 40% for 4 offer.. hmm... I didn't see it at the MS outlet leh..... 40% is tempting....

Prices - $29 for the pork knuckles (huge portion), $58 for the beef fondue. (for 2 persons). We couldn't finish the knuckles...but I ate up the beef with glee!!!
The restaurant does not hv much ambiance hor.

Patience, patience, patience loh.....
I find that I can't tend to the gals during mealtimes when we are out cos jesse wl be demanding my attn. I got to get his food and top up his spoon, etc. He even wanted to sit my lap which I said No! See lah, now chara is closer to my maid... while julien is, tkfully, ok with anymore.....
Last evening, we went to MS and maid and mil held onto julien while she walked. Maid says tire her out so that she can sleep deeply... haha..

Comgateway sounds like a good alternative to vpost... good, good, they hv competition now...

Sounds like u got hit badly this round with strong virus.... u back to work today? Hong is right, u need to keep hydrated and the LS is to purge the bacteria out..

Gosh jesse has this small patch near his forehead which my gf says is eczema!!! I don't know if his skin starts to be sensitive now....

Yeah, I thot the price is reasonable.. I bot from M&S but I find the material a bit thick. The MS ones are thinner and more comfy. They hv all white, or white/blue combi, I think may hv TTT designs.. but I didn't really look at TTT designs...

U bot shoes for CY???

I still owe u sth.. wl try to get it done these 1-2 days....

Does clarence wear sleepsuits at nite? MC at Suntec is having sale on these....

Yeah, I don't think u can fly at HDB area.... Sure to entangle.. go to West Coast or Marina South....

I think Ely's situation will improve, just needs to be 'hard-hearted' and let her go thru it.....
where is this restaurant you are talking about? The way u describe the beef fondue sounds so yummy.. maybe get HB to bring me there for V-day..he already asking where I want to go to eat
Aiyo, poor thing. Hope you & Charlene get well soon.

Hi Trans,
Yalah, LS over the weekendbut still can shop:p
You already very slim liao lah, which sister said that? For me, both my sisters slimmer than me.

Hi Hong,
Thanks. The LS has stopped liaofinally

Hi Stylobb,
Yap, kena stomach flu the 1st time in my life man and it is dreadful manseen doc twice
Finally, yday stopped liaoI drank a lot of water so still not so bad
Ha ha.. Jan so cute. She should have told Joel there and then... maybe Joel will want to go in. I also not sure why Joel didn't want to go in. At least Jan is able to tell you about her school and classmates. Joel didn't tell me anything, asked him what he learn or the teacher do he just kept quite. Was wondering whether did he learnt anything. If he continues this way, I might withdraw him from the school and look for another one not so expensive for him.

For Ely case, have you considered to send her to another school? Maybe she don't like the current one.

Joel seems to be okay now, haven't been coughing for past 2 days. Seems like the TCM is effective on him. However, I am still careful such that not to give him cold stuff for the time being.

Was on leave this morning to bring Joel to and fro school, after I sent him to school, I went to market and suddenly I feel so much liken an housewife... hee heee... Seems that Joel is getting used to school now, was telling me yesterday night that he wants to go school. Guess maybe he was off school for the past one week and he kind of missed it.

only a month leh. Let Joel get more used to the new routine. May be he can name all his classmate one day. Give u a big big shock. hahaha..
We asked Janelle else she dun really tell me much.

Yah lor, she asked me why Joel didnt want to come in. I told her i dun know, then she started to fuss, telling me she wanted to play with Joel.

I bluffed her i called aunty Jasmine to ask. She said OK. hahaha.. I pretend talking to u and hand her the phone she really thot u were on phone. She asked me how come no sound. kekeke...

Glad that Joel is better. See he miss school.

Roy look like bb ger to me. hahaha..
